with uploaded presentations
1:30 PM | | Poster Session I
-- Main & Lower Concourse
6: Influence of Satellite Observed Environmental Conditions on Recreational King Mackerel Catches. (Carrie Wall, Frank Muller-Karger, Mitchell A Roffer, Chuanmin Hu)
7: Application Of Infrared And Ocean Color Satellite Data In Pelagic Fisheries Assessment And Management In The Southeastern United States (Mitchell A Roffer, Mathew A Upton, Gregory J Gawlikowski, Daniel C Westhaver, Frank E Muller-Karger, Arthur J Mariano, Donald L Hammond)
8: Use of Oceanographic Data to Improve Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Management Decision Making (Barbara A Muhling, Mitchell Roffer, John T Lamkin, Frank E Mueller-Karger, William J Richards, Andrew Bakun)
15: Carbon cycle research in the coastal Gulf of Maine: ship observations, satellite data and circulation modeling (Joe Salisbury, Doug Vandemark, Chris Hunt, Janet Campbell, Amala Mahadevan, Bror Jonsson, Huijie Xue)
23: Using Remote Sensing-based Measures to Assess NRCS Program Impacts in Michigan (Nancy HF French, Daniel G. Brown, Richard B. Powell)
24: Assessment of Biomass Consumption Variability in Forest Fires Using Satellite Remote Sensing (Nancy HF French)
30: Teleconnection Between Large-Scale Oscillations and Northern High-Latitude Terrestrial Net Primary Production (Ke Zhang, John S Kimball, Kyle C McDonald, John J Cassano, Steve W Running)
34: Relating a Spectral Index from MODIS and Tower-Based Measurements to Ecosystem Light Use Efficiency for a Fluxnet-Canada Coniferous Forest (Elizabeth M Middleton, Yen-Ben Cheng, Thomas Hilker, Karl F Huemmrich, T Andrew Black, Praveena Krishnan, Nicholas C Coops)
38: Remote sensing of Southern Ocean air-sea CO2 fluxes (Peter Strutton, Burke Hales)
45: Investigating relationships between Landsat TM/ETM+ surface reflectance data and stand-specific forest inventory parameters using empirical regression and forest radiative transfer models. (Khaldoun Rishmawi, Nancy Thomas, Samuel N Goward)
46: Sample-based estimation of biennial forest disturbance rates for the conterminous United States (Robert E. Kennedy, Warren B. Cohen, Gretchen G. Moisen, Samuel N. Goward, Michael Wulder, Scott L. Powell, Jeffrey Masek, Chengquan Huang, Sean Healey)
47: Validation of Near-Annual Resolution Forest Change Maps Derived from Landsat Data (Warren B. Cohen, Maria Fiorella, Robert E. Kennedy, Zhiqiang Yang, Scott L. Powell, Melinda Moeur)
48: International Cooperation to Provide Consistent Landsat-based Estimates of Forest Carbon Dynamics in North America (Sean P. Healey, Gretchen G. Moisen, Alberto Sandoval Uribe, Michael A. Wulder, Samuel N. Goward, Warren B. Cohen, Jeffrey G. Masek, Robert E. Kennedy, Scott L. Powell, Chenquan Huang)
49: Two decades of forest disturbance and regrowth across the United States evaluated using the Landsat record for the North American Carbon Program (Samuel N. Goward, Chengquan Huang, Nancy Thomas, Jeffrey G. Masek, Warren B. Cohen, Gretchen G. Moisen, Scott L. Powell, Robert B. Kennedy, Sean P. Healey, Karen Schleeweis, Khaldoun Rishwami)
50: Detailed analysis of forest disturbance results derived from Landsat time series stacks (LTSS) (Nancy E. Thomas, Chengquan Huang, Samuel N. Goward, Scott L. Powell, Karen Schleeweis, Khaldoun Rishmawi, Robert E. Kennedy)
51: A First Look at Regional Patterns of Forest Disturbance Rates from the North American Forest Dynamics (NAFD) Project (Samuel N. Goward, Warren B. Cohen, Gretchen G. Moisen, Jeffrey G. Masek, Chengquan Huang, Robert B. Kennedy, Nancy Thomas, Karen G. Schleeweis, Scott L. Powell, Sean P. Healey, Khaldoun Rishwami)
52: Applications of North American Forest Dynamics technology within the Forest Inventory and Analysis program (Gretchen Moisen, Sean Healey, Mark Nelson, Randy Morin, John Shaw, Will McWilliams, Rachel Riemann, Brett Butler, Jock Blackard, Sam Goward, Warren Cohen, Jeff Masek)
54: Decoding the Landsat Record of Forest Disturbance History (Chengquan Huang, Samuel N. Goward, Jeffrey G. Masek, Zhiliang Zhu, Nancy Thomas, Karen Schleeweis, Mingshi Li, Hua Shi, Scott Powell)
55: Impacts of disturbance history on carbon fluxes from US forests: Application of satellite and inventory data to inform biogeochemical modeling (Christopher A. Williams, G. James Collatz, Jeffrey G. Masek)
56: Comparison of methods to model aboveground biomass and derive 20+ year aboveground biomass trajectories (Scott L Powell, Robert E Kennedy, Sean P Healey, Ken B Pierce, Warren B Cohen, Gretchen G Moisen, Janet L Ohmann)
64: The USA National Phenology Network: Towards an Integrative Assessment of Global Change Impacts at the National Scale (Jake F Weltzin, Mark Losleben)
74: MODIS Land Product Subsets (Suresh Kumar Santhana Vannan, Robert B Cook, Bruce E Wilson)
83: Short-term sediment dynamics in Tampa Bay estuary: observations from a coastal oceanographic tower and satellite remote sensing (Zhiqiang Chen, Chuanmin Hu, Frank Muller-Karger)
84: Decadal changes in SeaWiFS-derived water clarity and seagrass coverage in Tampa Bay, Florida (Zhiqiang Chen, Chuanmin Hu, Frank Muller-Karger)
90: Satellite chlorophyll and carbon sensitivity analysis of Southern Ocean ecosystem model (Michael R Hiscock, Patrick Schultz, Jorge L Sarmiento)
91: Seasonal phytoplankton variability within ocean biomes (Stephanie Henson, Patrick Schultz, Michael Hiscock, Jorge Sarmiento)
111: Transformation of Larch-Dominated Forests and Woodlands into Mixed Taiga - Permafrost simulations with HTSVS&rsquo soil model (Nicole Mölders, Elissa Levine)
112: CDOM during the Gulf of Mexico - East Coast Carbon (GOMECC) Cruise: Using Spectra for Remote Photochemical Estimates (Heather E. Reader, William L. Miller, Joe Salisbury, Jennifer St. Louis, Amanda Plagge)
117: Satellite Ocean-Color Remote Sensing in the Presence of Clouds (Robert J. Frouin, Pierre-Yves Deschamps, Lydwine Gross, Hiroshi Murakami, Lucile Duforêt)
118: A Stochastic Technique for Satellite Ocean-color Remote Sensing (Robert J. Frouin, Bruno Pelletier)
122: Retrieving New England Forest Structure from a Ground-Based Lidar (Echidna®) (Alan H. Strahler, Curtis E. Woodcock, Crystal B. Schaaf, Wenge Ni-Meister, Glenn Newnham, Darius Culvenor, David L. B. Jupp, Jenny Lovell, Xiaowen Li, Tian Yao, Feng Zhao, Xiaoyuan Yang, Qingling Zhang, Mitchell Schull, Miguel Roman, Shihyan Lee, Zhuosen Wang, Yanmin Shuai)
131: Mapping of Methane Emissions from Naturally Occurring Marine Seeps using Imaging Spectrometry (Dar Alexander Roberts, Eliza S Bradley, Leifer Ira, Cheung Ross, Dennison E Philip, Dylan Parenti)
132: Spectral and Structural Differences Between Coniferous and Broadleaf Forest derived from LIDAR and AVIRIS (Dar Alexander Roberts, Keely L Roth, Eliza S Bradley, Parker G Geoffrey, Dennison E Philip, Natour Bothaina)
139: Regulation of phytoplankton carbon to chlorophyll ratio by light, nutrients and temperature in the equatorial Pacific Ocean (Xiujun Wendy Wang, Raghu Murtugudde, Michael Behrenfeld)
140: Ocean Climate Coupling in the Tropical Pacific Ocean Over the Past 50 Years: Implications and Feedbacks (Xiujun Wendy Wang, Raghu Murtugudde, Antonio Busalacchi)
144: New Accurate Low-Cost Instrumentation for Obtaining Aerosol Optical Properties (UV to NIR) and Trace Gas Absorption Needed for Atmospheric Corrections (Jay R Herman, Nicholas A Krotkov, Alexander Cede)
146: Modeling the Global Atmospheric Carbon Cycle in Preparation for OCO (S. Randy Kawa, G. James Collatz, A. Scott Denning, Ravi Lokupitaya, Joseph A. Berry, Steven Pawson, Ian Baker, David J. Erickson, Elliott Campbell)
150: Improved estimates of carbon emissions from the 2004 Alaska wildfires (Eric S. Kasischke, Elizabeth Hoy, Merritt R. Turetsky, Nancy H.F. French, Bill de Groot, Evan S. Kane, Jennifer Harden)
151: Assessing the vulnerability of Alaskan black spruce forests to changes in climate and the fire regime (Eric S. Kasischke, Merritt R. Turetsky, Jill F. Johnstone, Laura Bourgeau-Chavez, A. David McGuire, Matthew Borr)
189: Phytoplankton spectral absorption in the Southern Ocean: preliminary results from SO-GASEX (Bruce Robert Hargreaves)
192: Derivation of Leaf Clumping Index Using MODIS/MISR Data with BRDF Models (Lihong Su, Conghe Song)
195: Leaf Area Index Earth System Data Records from Satellite-borne Sensors (Sangram Ganguly, Ranga Babu Myneni, Yuri Knyazikhin)
198: MODIS Terrestrial Primary Production, Evapotranspiration and Disturbance Index Data Sets (Maosheng Zhao, Qiaozhen Mu, David Mildrexler, Faith Ann Heinsch, Steven W. Running)
204: Application of MODIS data to Coastal Regions with Pamlico Sound, USA as an Example (Richard P Stumpf, Kimberly J.W. Hyde, Timothy T. Wynne, Robert A. Warner, Michelle C. Tomlinson, R. Wayne Litaker, William C. Holland, Patricia A. Tester)
207: GLAS-based Estimates of Biomass and Carbon in Siberia and Quebec (Ross F. Nelson)
210: Regional impacts of ocean color on El Nino (Whit G Anderson, Anand Gnanadesikan)
213: Lessons learned from &ldquoEffects of Land Use Change (LUC) on the Energy and Water Balance of the Semi-Arid Region of Inner Mongolia, China&rdquo (Burkhard Wilske, Nan Lu, Ranjeet John, Jiquan Chen)
216: Remote quantification of the micro-scale vegetation structural features influencing a rare forest antelope's habitat selection (Lyndon D. Estes, Adam G. Mwangi, Gregory S. Okin, Paul R. Reillo, Herman H. Shugart)
219: Climatic and structural controls on respiratory and photosynthetic carbon exchange processes at an encroaching savanna site. (Ann Thijs, Chun-Ta Lai, Marcy Litvak)
-- canceled [abstract]
222: Soil organic carbon and water content effects on remote crop residue cover estimation (Guy Serbin, Craig S. T. Daughtry, E. Raymond Hunt Jr., Gregory W. McCarty, Paul C. Doraiswamy)
225: Total Column Carbon Observing Network: CO2 Variability and Implications for Global Modeling (Gretchen Keppel-Aleks, Paul O. Wennberg, Geoffrey C. Toon)
228: Monitoring change in precipitation with change in land cover over Central America (Vani Starry Manoharan, Ronald Welch)
231: Modeling carbon emissions from multiple land use transitions in southern Amazonia (Douglas C Morton, Ruth S DeFries, Guido R van der Werf, James T Randerson, Louis Giglio, James Collatz, Prasad S Kasibhatla, Victor H Gutierrez)
234: Towards an Integrated System for Vegetation Fire Monitoring in the Amazon Basin (Wilfrid Schroeder)
237: Forecasting right whale distributions from satellite and oceanographic data using dynamical models (Andrew J Pershing, Nicholas R Record, Bruce C Monger, Charles A Mayo, Changsheng Chen, Daniel E Pendleton)
240: A New Algorithm for Calculating Productivity from Ocean Color Derived Chlorophyll-a (John Marra, John O'reilly, Kimberly Hyde)
243: Ensemble modeling of carbon and water fluxes over North America between 1982 and 2006 (Weile Wang, Andrew Michaelis, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Jennifer Dungan, Ramakrishna Nemani)
246: Irrigation requirement estimation using MODIS vegetation indices and inverse biophysical modeling; A Case Study for Oran, Algeria (Marc L.. Imhoff, Lahouari Bounoua, Shannon S. Franks)
249: Development of Carbon Data Products for the Coastal Ocean using SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua (Antonio Mannino, Mary Elizabeth Russ, Stanford B. Hooker)
252: The impact of selective logging on carbon storage and fluxes over Brazilian Amazon (Maoyi Huang, Gregory P. Asner, Michael Keller)
255: Filling the gap in the ocean color time series (Watson Gregg)
258: Evaluations of Sun Glitter Models Using MODIS Measurements (Hao Zhang, Menghua Wang)
264: Evaluating Arctic Tundra System Resilience to Grazing Disturbances: A Modeling Approach (Qin Yu, Howard Epstein)
267: Study of a Hurricane Katrina-Induced Phytoplankton Bloom Using Satellite Observations and Model Simulations (Xiaoming Liu, Menghua Wang, Wei Shi)
273: Preliminary Satellite-Derived Estimates of the Gas Transfer Velocity (Gary A Wick, Darren L Jackson)
276: Characterizing Forest Cover Change in the Congo Basin from 1990 to 2000: Results from the first basin-wide, wall-to-wall mapping effort (Erik J Lindquist, Matthew C Hansen)
282: Using Light Interception and in-Situ Surface Reflectance in Support of Moderate Resolution Remotely Sensed Phenology (Manish Verma, Mark Friedl, Andrew Richardson, Nathan Phillips)
285: Interactive Drivers of Land Cover and Land Use Change in the Upper Mississippi River Basin (Manoj Jha, Eugene S Takle, Eric Lu, Philip W Gassman, Catherine L Kling)
288: A Chlorophyll Algorithm for the U.S. East Coast for Application to Ocean Color Imagery (Timothy S. Moore, Janet W. Campbell, Mimi Szeto)
291: Upwelling radiance distribution measurements and modeling during the SORTIE field work (Kenneth J Voss, Howard R Gordon, Michael Twardowski)
292: Airborne In Situ CO2 Measurements Used in Validation of Remote Sensing Measurements (Stephanie A. Vay, Edward V. Browell, Yonghoon Choi, Fenton W. Harrison)
294: Mapping forest degradation by fire in eastern Amazon: implications for carbon emission (Ane A. C. Alencar)
-- canceled [abstract]
297: Comparing Tropical Vegetation Structure from Interferometric SAR at C-band, Field Measurements, and Lidar (Robert Treuhaft, Bruce Chapman, Fabio Gonçalves, Joao Roberto dos Santos, Luciano Dutra, Paulo Alencastro Graça, Jason Drake)
300: Effects of land use change on fire, vegetation and wildlife dynamics in arid grasslands of Southern Russia (Maxim Dubinin, Anna Lushchekina, Volker C Radeloff)
303: Global Land-Use Harmonization 1500-2300 (George Hurtt, Louise Parsons Chini, Steve Frolking, Kees Klein Goldewijk, Elke Stehfest, Detlef van Vuuren, Elena Shevliakova)
309: The Keeper and Breaker of the Global Carbon Cycle Since the Industrial Revolution (Lianhong Gu, Tony King, Mac Post)
310: Topography, Vegetation Structure, and Ice Studies Using NASAs LVIS Sensor: An Airborne, Wide-Swath, Full-Waveform, Imaging Lidar (Bryan Blair, Michelle Hofton, David Rabine)
312: Impact of utilization of MODIS derived land products in mesoscale model simulations (Jonathan G. Fairman, Jr., Valentine G. Anantharaj, Aaron J. Song, Udaysankar S. Nair, Yuling Wu)
315: Structural uncertainty arising from ensembles of carbon models (Jennifer L Dungan, Weile Wang, Andrew Michaelis, Ramakrishna Nemani)
318: Evaluation and Calibration of Vegetation Index Time Series Measurements for Multisensor ESDR/CDR (Alfredo R Huete, Kamel Didan, Zhangyan Jiang, Tomoaki Miura)
321: Comparison of dynamic vegetation model and satellite remote sensing derived terrestrial primary productivity (Justin Fisk, George Hurtt, Elena Shevliakova, Sergey Malyshev)
324: Analysis of Post-fire Woody Plant Regeneration in Chihuahuan Desert Grasslands using Landsat TM/ETM+ Data (Kelley O'Neal)
329: Red tide optical index: in situ optics and remote sensing models (Ivona Cetinic, Lee Karp-Boss, Emmanuel Boss, Burton H Lee)
332: Assessing the Phenological Suitability of Global Landsat Data Sets for Forest Change Analysis (Kuan Song, Chengquan Huang, John R. G. Townshend, Paul E Davis, Saurabh Schannan, Mathew Smith)
335: Using GLAS as a tool to detect relative changes in forest structure caused by the 2005 hurricane season. (Katelyn Anne Dolan, George Hurtt, Jeff Chambers, Ralph Dubayah, Jeff Masek)
338: Cooling Index derived from satellite data (1985-2007) in upwelling areas Case: Moroccan coastal upwelling (Benazzouz Aïssa, Demarcq Hervé, Orbi Abdellatif)
341: The opportunity costs of reducing carbon emissions in an Amazonian agro-industrial region: the Xingu River headwater (Claudia M Stickler, Daniel C Nepstad, Britaldo S Soares-Filho, Frank Merry, Wayne S Walker, Maria S Bowman, Josef Kellndorfer, Oriana T Almeida, Hermann O Rodrigues)
344: Using ARGO Profilers and Ocean Color Satellite Data to Trace the Congo River (Ajit Subramaniam, Yvonne Colebank)
347: Carbon transport by the Mississippi River (Carlos E. Del Castillo, Richard L. Miller)
350: AIRS Global Mid Tropospheric CO2 and CO: Sensitivity to Surface Sources and Transport (W. Wallace McMillan, M T Chahine, Edward T Olsen, Leonid Yurganov, Yuk L Yung, Keith Evans, Xun Jiang, James Randerson, Luke Chen, F W Irion, Thomas Pagano)
353: Application of NASA Climate Models and Missions to Agriculture Decision Support (Radley M Horton, Cynthia Rosenzweig)
356: Empirical modeling of carbon fluxes in the northern Great Plains grasslands (Li Zhang, Bruce Wylie, Lei Ji, Tagir Gilmanov, Larry Tieszen)
361: Radiometric Quality of VIIRS: Impact on Ocean Color Products (Gerhard Meister, Sean Bailey, Robert Barnes, Gene Eplee, Gene Carl Feldman, Charles McClain, Fred Patt, Wayne Robinson, Kevin Turpie, Jeremy Werdell)
367: An Algorithm for Oceanic Front Detection in Chlorophyll and Sea Surface Temperature Satellite Imagery (Igor M. Belkin, John E. O'reilly)
368: Satellite Climatology of Chlorophyll and Sea Surface Temperature Fronts in the Northeast U.S. Large Marine Ecosystem (Kimberly J W Hyde, John E O'reilly, Igor M Belkin)
6:00 PM | | Poster Session II & Refreshments
-- Main & Lower Concourse
1: Laser Sounding Instrument using Oxygen A-Band for Atmospheric Pressure Sensing (Mark A. Stephen, Jianping Mao, James B. Abshire, S. Randy Kawa)
2: Sensitivity Studies for a Space-based CO2 Laser Sounder (Jianping Mao, Stephan R. Kawa, James B. Abshire, Haris Riris)
3: Laser Sounder for Measuring Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations for the ASCENDS Mission - Progress (James B Abshire, Haris Riris, S. Randy Kawa, Jianping Mao, Graham R. Allan, Xiaoli Sun, Mark A. Stephen, Michael A. Krainak, Emily Wilson)
4: Laser Sounder for the ASCENDS Mission - Space Instrument Study (James B Abshire, Xiaoli Sun, Mark Stephen, Jeffrey Chen, Emily Wilson, Luis Ramos-Izquierdo, Haris Riris)
5: The United States Carbon Cycle Science Program: an interagency partnership (Emily T. Cloyd, Patricia A. Jellison, Paula S. Bontempi, Roger B. Hanson)
9: Vegetation Phenology and Enhanced Vegetation Index Products from Multiple Long Term Satellite Data Records (Kamel Didan, Alfredo Huete, van Leeuwen Willem, Kurt Thome, Miura Tomoaki, Mark Friedl, Xiaoyang Zhang, Calli Jenkerseon, Tom Maiersperger)
13: Improvements in Radiometric Data Processing for SORTIE (Scott McLean, Marlon Lewis, Giuseppe Zibordi, Yuqin Zong, Steven Brown, B. Carol Johnson, Keith Lykke, Mike Feinholz, Mark Yarborough, Stephanie Flora, Charles Trees, James Mueller, Dennis Clark, Susanne Craig, Andrew Barnard, Ron Zaneveld, Ken Voss)
14: Multi-channel, Hyperspectral Spectrograph System using a Volume Phase Holographic Transmissive Grating for In-Water Radiometry (Carol Johnson, Steve Brown, Dennis Clark, Mike Feinholz, Stephanie Flora, Mark Yarbrough)
21: A Global Agriculture Information System (Zhong Liu, William Teng, Steven Kempler, Hualan Rui)
22: Monitoring Global Droughts from Space (Zhong Liu, William Teng, Steven Kempler, Hualan Rui)
29: An Earth System Data Record for Land Surface Freeze/Thaw State: Quantifying Terrestrial Water Mobility Constraints to Global Ecosystem Processes (John S Kimball, Kyle C McDonald)
33: EO-1 Hyperion - Status update, lessons learned and future directions
(Stephen G. Ungar, Elizabeth M. Middleton, Lawrence Ong, Petya K. E. Campbell)
37: COCOA: CO Column Observations for ASCENDS (William B. Cook, James H. Crawford, Glenn S. Diskin, Larry L. Gordley, Thomas Kampe, Glen W. Sachse)
41: The Thermal Infrared Instrument on the HyspIRI Mission: a key measurement for Wildfire and Water Use Ecosystems Related Research (Simon John Hook, Michael Abrams, Martha Anderson, James Crowley, Mariana Eneva, Louis Giglio, Fred Kruse, Dimitar Ousounov, Anupma Prakash, Dale Quattrochi, Vince Realmuto, David Roy, Paul Silver, Robert Wright)
42: The HyspIRI Mission: Science and Measurements (Robert O. Green, Simon J. Hook, Science Working Group)
43: The Plant Physiology and Functional Type Mission Concept Component of the HyspIRI NRC Earth Sceince Decadal Survey Mission (Robert O. Green, Greg P. Asner, Stephen G. Ungar, Robert G. Knox)
44: Current Performance and Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Contributions of NASA's Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) (Robert O. Green)
53: A Strategy for Developing Earth Science Data Records of Global Forest Cover Change (John R Townshend, Chengquan Huang, Jeffrey G. Masek, Matthew C. Hansen, Ruth S. DeFries, Samuel N. Goward, Compton J. Tucker)
57: The Calibration and Validation Office (CVO) at NASA/GSFC: A Comprehensive Program for the Calibration and Validation of Oceanic Biogeochemical Satellite Data (M. E. Russ, D. B. Stroud, S. B. Hooker)
61: Airborne Demonstration of 1.57-micron Laser Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric CO2 Measurements (Edward V. Browell, Michael E. Dobbs, Jeremy Dobler, Susan Kooi, Yonghoon Choi, F. Wallace Harrison, Berrien Moore III)
62: Multi-Frequency CW Fiber Laser-Lidar Suite for the ASCENDS Mission (Michael Dobbs, Jeremy Dobler, Jay Overbeck, Berrien Moore, Edward Browell, Fenton Harrison, T.S. Zaccheo, H. E. Snell)
65: Systems Engineering Approach for An Integrated CO2 Observing Strategy: Benefits and Challenges (Stacey W Boland)
66: A Feasibility Assessment of Implementing the Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions Over Nights, Days, and Seasons (ASCENDS) Mission (Fenton W Harrison, Edward V Browell, Stacey W Boland, Gary D Spiers)
69: An Airborne 2 micron Laser Absorption Spectrometer for the Remote Measurement of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (Gary D Spiers, Robert T Menzies, Mark W Phillips)
70: Laser Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide: A Tutorial (Gary D Spiers, Robert T Menzies)
71: A Data Access and Comparison Tool for Biogeochemical Data from Diverse Sources (Jerry Y. Pan, Robert B. Cook, Suresh K. Santhana Vannan, Bruce E. Wilson, Ana Pinheiro, Glenn Rutledge, Steven Anthony, Dan Swank, Danny Brinegar, Jeff Privette, Bai Yang)
73: ORNL DAAC WebGIS: All in one GIS tool to Access, Visualize, Analyze, and Download Biogeochemical Data (Suresh Kumar Santhana Vannan, Robert B Cook, Tammy W Beaty)
76: Temporally smoothed and gap-filled MODIS Land Products for Carbon Modeling: Application of the FPAR Product (Joanne Michelle Nightingale, Jeffrey Morisette, Robert Wolfe, Bin Tan, Feng Gao, Greg Ederer, Jim Collatz, Dave Turner)
81: NASA's Global Change Master Directory: Discover and Access Earth Science Data Sets and Services (Alicia M. Aleman)
85: Mercury: A Distributed Metadata Management, Data Discovery and Access System (Bruce E Wilson, Giri Palanisamy, Ranjeet Devarakonda, James W Green)
89: Nasa contributions to the ecology of large mammals in central Yellowstone (Fred Watson, Robert Garrott, PJ White, Susan Alexander, Wendi Newman, Thor Anderson, Thomas Thein)
93: The Landsat Data Continuity Mission; Towards a 2011 Launch (James R. Irons, Jeffrey G. Masek, William R. Ochs)
109: NASAs Earth Science Technology Office: Developing New Technologies for Carbon Cycle and Ecosystem Measurements (Amy Walton, Philip Larkin)
110: News and Notes from the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC). (Thomas Krueger Maiersperger, Tom Sohre)
121: Use of UAVSAR for Vegetation Structure and Biomass Studies (Scott Hensley, Bruce Chapman, Marc Simard)
125: Utility of HyspIRI high-resolution thermal imaging for water resource management and carbon flux mapping (Martha C Anderson, William P. Kustas, Richard G. Allen)
129: The GLOBE Carbon Project: Integrating the science of carbon cycling and climate change into K-12 classrooms. (Scott Ollinger, Sarah Silverberg, Jana Albrectova, Mary Martin, Annette Schloss, Rita Freuder, Lara Gengarelly)
133: Introduction of the Land Measurements Portal (Enrique Montano, Chris Justice)
137: Submersible Hydro-optical Applications for Light-Limited Oceanograhic Work (John H Morrow, Stanford B Hooker, Randall Lind, Charles R Booth, James W Brown)
141: A General Framework and System Prototypes for the Self-Adaptive Earth Predictive Systems (SEPS) - Dynamically Coupling Sensor Web with Earth System Models (Liping Di, James Smith, David Lary, Genong Yu)
145: Toward Improved Data Availability: the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (Cynthia L Chandler, Robert C. Groman, M. Dicky Allison, David M. Glover, Peter H. Wiebe)
149: MODIS Land Reprocessing (Robert E Wolfe)
153: Measurement Capability, Heritage, and Technical Readiness of the Multi-beam Laser Altimeter for the DESDynI MIssion. (Bryan Blair, Jon Ranson, Barry Coyle)
157: Deformation, Ecosystem Structure, and Dynamics of Ice (DESDynI) Mission
(Andrea Donnellan, K. Jon Ranson, Marc Simard, Robert Treuhaft, Ralph Dubayah, H. Hank Shugart)
158: Applications of Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Modeling for Monitoring and Management of U.S. National Parks (Forrest Melton, Rama Nemani, Hiatt Sam, Hirofumi Hashimoto, Michaelis Andrew, Milesi Cristina, Wang Weile)
161: Analysis of NASA Earth Science Data through Giovanni: Demonstration of System Features and Sample Applications (Suhung Shen, Gregory Leptoukh, Stephen Berrick, Hualan Rui, Steve Kempler)
162: The Vegetation Three-dimensional Structure, Biomass and Disturbance Advanced Mission Concept Study (Jon Ranson, J. Bryan Blair, Sassan Saatchi, Robert G. Knox)
163: Learn Earth System Science Collaboratively (Stephen Prince, Haihong Yang)
164: MODIS for NACP: data access and distribution (Greg Ederer, Jeffrey T Morisettte, Robert Wolfe, Feng Gao, Bin Tan, Joanne Nightingale)
165: LC-ComPS: The Land Cover Change Community-based Processing and Analysis System (Jeffrey Masek, Paul Davis, Gary Jackson, John Townshend, Feng Gao, Chengquan Huang, Beth Weinstein, Ananth Rao, Saurabh Channan)
166: Soil Moisture Active and Passive (SMAP) Mission: An L-band combined radar-radiometer mission for measurement of surface soil moisture and freeze-thaw state (Kyle McDonald, John S. Kimball, Dara Entekhabi, Eni Njoku, Peggy O'Neill)
167: Using Google Earth to Expose the Data Products of the North American Carbon Program (Peter Griffith, Lisa Wilcox, Amy Morrell)
168: Earth Science Decadal Survey Mission Studies (Stephen Volz, Mary DiJoseph, Paul Brandinger)
169: The Decadal Survey Lidar Surface Topography (LIST) Mission: Global Vegetation Structure Mapping (David J. Harding, J. Bryan Blair, K. Jon Ranson, Robert G. knox)
171: NASA Goddard Earth Observing Data in Google Earth (Aijun Chen, Gregory Leptoukh, Steven Kempler, Christopher Lynnes)
172: GlobColour: a ten-year time series of global ocean colour products (Samantha Lavender, Odile Fanton d'Andon, Antoine Mangin, Simon Pinnock)
173: NPP Science Data Segment (Robert J. Schweiss)
174: Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events Mission (GEO-CAPE) (S. R. Kawa, S. Janz, R. T. Caffrey, K. E. Pickering, A. Mannino, E. M. Middleton, P. K. Bhartia, J. F. Gleason, J. Fishman, D. O. Neil)
175: ICESat-II: Exploring the Nature of the Earth's Changing Ice Cover (Waleed Abdalati, Jay Zwally, John Loiacono)
176: NPP VIIRS Land Product Evaluation and Algorithm Test Element (Edward J Masuoka, Robert E Wolfe, Alice R Isaacman, Carol Davidson, Gang Ye)
183: The Multiangle SpectroPolarimetric Imager (MSPI): A MISR successor and candidate for the Decadal Survey's Aerosol-Cloud-Ecosystem (ACE) mission (David Diner, Ralph Kahn, Mark Chopping, Yuri Knyazikhin)
339: El-Nino signal in the Arabian Sea Chlorophyll Concentration as Estimated from the SeaWiFS Observations (Rajeev Mudgal, Mihir Kumar Dash, Prem Chand Pandey)
383: ESTO-supported microwave technologies for NASA Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems science (Ed Kim, Larry Hilliard, Jeff Piepmeier, Terry Doiron)
384: SAM: Smart Assistant for Earth Science Data Mining (Rahul Ramachandran, Peter Fox, Chris Lynnes, Robert Wolf, U. S. Nair)
385: GLIDER: Mining and Analysis Tool based on Service Mash-ups (Sara Graves, Sundar Christopher, Rahul Ramachandran, Todd Berendes, Patrick Hogan)
386: The ACE/ACOB Mission (Mark Schoeberl, Charles McClain)
1:30 PM | | Poster Session III
-- Main & Lower Concourse
16: Long-term changes in the pelagic carbon cycle of the Gulf of Maine, as documented by GNATS (Gulf of Maine North Atlantic Time Series) (William M. Balch, Aiken R. George, David T. Drapeau, Bruce C. Bowler, Emily S. Booth)
17: Climate and hydrologic changes are expected to alter the timing and magnitude of land-to-ocean carbon transport in the Gulf of Maine (Thomas G Huntington, George R Aiken)
18: The Influence of Terrestrially-Derived Humic Substances on Dissolved Organic Matter in the Gulf of Maine (George R Aiken, William M Balch, Barnard Andrew, Thomas G Huntington, Collin Roesler, Huijie Xue)
19: Impact of Watershed Characteristics on Surface Water Transport of Terrestrial Matter into Coastal Waters and the Resulting Optical Variability: An example from the Penobscot River, Maine (Collin Roesler, George Aiken, Andrew Barnard, Thomas Huntington, Heidi Franklin, Cristina Orrico)
25: Using Satellite Data and Fully Coupled Regional Hydrologic Ecological and Atmospheric Models to Study Complex Coastal Environmental Processes (Zong-Liang Yang, Guo-Yue Niu, David Maidment, Paul Montagna, James McClelland, Hongjie Xie)
32: Variations in bio-physical and high spectral resolution reflectance properties associated with the light environment in a mature poplar stand (Lirodendron tulipifera L.) (Petya K. E. Campbell, Elizabeth M. Middleton, Lawrence A. Corp, Yen-Ben Cheng, Gefrey Parker)
35: The Carbon-Land Model Intercomparison Project: A Protocol and Metrics for Global Biosphere Models (Forrest M Hoffman, James T Randerson, Inez Fung, Peter Thornton, Jeff Lee, Gordon Bonan, Steve Running, David J Erickson, John Drake)
39: Disentangling the effects of tree size and light limitation on growth in the Amazon using LiDAR (Scott C Stark, Scott R. Saleska, Brian J. Enquist, Monica Takako Shimabukuro)
40: What controls the seasonality of photosynthesis across the Amazon basin? A cross-site analysis of eddy flux tower measurements from the BrasilFlux network (Natalia Restrepo-Coupe, Humberto da Rocha, Scott R. Saleska, Alessandro C. da Araujo, Laura S. Borma, Osvaldo M. R. Cabral, Plinio B. de Camargo, David R. Fitzjarrald, Michael L. Goulden, Lucy R. Hutyra, Bart Kruijt, Jair M. F. Maia, Yadvinder S. Malhi, Antonio O. Manzi, Antonio D. Nobre, Celso von Randow, Ricardo K. Sakai, Julio Tota, Steven C. Wofsy, Fabricio B. Zanchi, Scott D. Miller)
58: Snow, soil freeze/thaw, and the carbon cycle (Kevin M Schaefer, Tingjun Zhang, Lixin Lu, Ian Baker)
59: Spatial and Temporal Variability of Seasonal Snow Cover in North America (Tingjun Zhang, James McCreight, Kevin Schaefer, Lixin Lu, Andrew Etringer)
60: The Interactions Between SiBCASA-simulated Surface Fluxes, Carbon Pools, Biomass, and North American Climate Variability (Lixin Lu, Kevin Schaefer, Tingjun Zhang, Ian Baker, Scott Denning)
67: Primary Productivity patterns in the Arctic: The 10 year SeaWiFS record (Victoria J Hill, Dick Zimmerman, Patricia Matrai, Elise Olsen)
68: The Optical Properties of Florida Bay: Impacts for seagrass productivity (Meredith McPherson, Victoria Hill, Richard Zimmerman, Heidi Dierssen)
77: Tree Diversity - A Function of Gross Primary Production? (Joanne Michelle Nightingale, Weihong Fan, Nicholas Coops, Richard Waring)
80: The Need for a New Moderate Resolution Water Mask for Earth Science (Mark Carroll, John Townshend, Charlene DiMiceli, Robert Sohlberg, Praveen Noojipady)
82: Anthropogenic Biomes: Observing and Modeling Carbon in an Anthropogenic Biosphere (Erle C Ellis)
87: Connectivity in the Meso-American Barrier-Reef System inferred from 1998-2006 satellite ocean color observations (Inia Soto, Serge Andrefouet, Chuanmin Hu, Frank E Muller-Karger, Carrie Wall, Jinyu Sheng, Bruce G Hatcher)
88: MODIS ocean color reveals sand ridge morphology on the west Florida shelf (Chuanmin Hu)
97: Vegetation Phenology Assessment Using Satellite Radar Remote Sensing: Global Monitoring of Daily and Seasonal Changes in Canopy Structure and Water Status. (Kyle C. McDonald, John S. Kimball, Steve Frolking, Mark Fahnestock, Thomas Milliman)
98: An Inundated Wetlands Earth System Data Record: Global Monitoring of Wetland Extent and Dynamics (Kyle C. McDonald, Bruce Chapman, Laura Hess, Mahta Moghaddam, Elaine Matthews, John S. Kimball, Catherine Prigent)
101: Detection and study of blooms of Trichodesmium erythraeum and Noctiluca miliaris in NE Arabian Sea (S. G. Prabhu Matondkar, R. M. Dwivedi, J. I. Goes, H. R. Gomes, S. G. Parab, S. M. Pednekar)
102: Recent Trends in the Indian Ocean Storm Environment and the Exceptional 2007 Cyclone Seasons (John T. Fasullo, Joaquim I. Goes, Prasad G. Thoppil, Helga Gomes, Adnan Al-Azri, Sergio de Rada, Fei Chai, John Kindle, Richard Barber)
103: A Bio-Physical Ocean Model for the Indian Ocean/Arabian Sea: Implementation and Initial Evaluation (Sergio deRada, John Kindle, Stephanie Anderson, Joaquim I. Goes, Helga Do Rosario Gomes, Fei Chai, Adnan R. N. Al-Azri, John Fasullo)
104: Climate Change Impacts on Phytoplankton Biodiversity and Its Consequences for the Ecosystem of the Arabian Sea (Joaquim I. Goes, Helga do R. Gomes, Prasad G. Thoppil, Prabhu G. Matondkar, Adnan R. Al-Azri, John T. Fasullo, Sergio deRada, Fei Chai, John C Kindle, Richard T Barber)
105: Establishing the Baseline of Marine Resources of the Sultanate of Oman (Adnan Rashid Al-Azri, Khalid Abdulla Al-Hashmi, Joaquim Goes, Helga Gomes)
119: Submesoscale Anisotropic Marine Biological Variability near Bermuda: Ocean Color and SST (David M Glover, Scott C. Doney, Norman Nelson, Alise Wallis)
120: Satellite Estimation of Air-Sea Gas Transfer Velocity During GasEx-3 Using QuikSCAT and Jason-1 Microwave Radar Backscatter (David M. Glover, Nelson M. Frew, Michael J. Caruso)
126: New Data Products and Reporting Practices for HPLC Pigments (Laurie Van Heukelem, Stanford B Hooker, Crystal Thomas)
127: Components of a Quality Assurance Plan for Analytical Methods (Crystal Thomas, Laurie Van Heukelem, Stanford B Hooker)
134: Improved Description of Sunglint for Accurate Prediction of Remotely-Sensed Radiances (Matteo Ottaviani, Robert Spurr, Knut Stamnes, Wei Li, Wenying Su, Warren Wiscombe)
135: Simultaneous retrieval of aerosol and coastal ocean properties by optimal estimation (Knut Stamnes, Wei Li, Robert Spurr, Jakob J Stamnes)
147: Estimation of high-resolution surface radiation budget from MODIS data (Shunlin Liang, Wenhui Wang, Hye-yun Kim, Kaicun Wang, John Townshend, Si-Chee Tsay, Steve Running)
148: Estimation of incident Photosynthetically Active Radiation from MODIS, AVHRR and GOES data (Shunlin Liang, Kaicun Wang, Dongdong Wang, John Townshend, Si-Chee Tsay, Steve Running)
155: New Eyes in the Sky: Cloud-Free Tropical Forest Monitoring for REDD With ALOS/PALSAR (Josef Kellndorfer, Wayne Walker, Claudia Stickler, Katie Kirsch, Masanobu Shimada, Ake Rosenqvist, Daniel Nepstad, Paul LeFebvre)
156: The National Biomass and Carbon Dataset 2000:
A High Spatial Resolution Baseline to Reduce Uncertainty in Carbon Accounting and Flux Modeling (Josef Kellndorfer, Wayne Walker, Katie Kirsch, Greg Fiske, Jesse Bishop, Elizabeth LaPoint, Michael Hoppus, James Westfall)
170: MODIS-based mapping of cropping intensity, crop calendar, irrigation and paddy rice agriculture (Xiangming Xiao, Chandrashekhar M Biradar, Christina Czarnecki, Gopala Mulukutla, Michael Routhier, Justin Fisk, Berrien Moore)
177: SAR, InSAR and Lidar Studies for Measuring Vegetation Structure over the Harvard Forest (Paul Robert Siqueira, Razi Ahmed, Scott Hensley, Bruce Chapman, Kathleen Bergen)
178: A Survey of Temporal Decorrelation from Spaceborne Repeat-pass SIR-C and ALOS/PALSAR L-band InSAR Observatoins (Paul Robert Siqueira, Razi Ahmed, Bruce Chapman, Scott Hensley, Kathleen Bergen)
181: CO2 vertical profile data products from simultaneous retrievals of OCO and AIRS (Charles Miller, Fabiano Oyafuso, Yuk Yung, Le Kuai)
187: Nutrient budgets and carbon export in the subtropical North Atlantic gyre (Susanne Neuer, Peer Helmke, Andres Cianca)
188: The application of MODIS 250m data to monitor algal blooms in a southwestern US reservoir system (Philip Tarrant, Susanne Neuer)
190: Spatial variation in the biomass of Northern forests and its implication to terrestrial carbon sink (Xue Liu, Menas Kafatos)
193: Quantifying the carbon benefits of forest protection projects through modeling deforestation in East Kalimantan, Indonesia (Silvia Hristova Petrova, Harris Nancy, Sandra Brown, Fred Stolle)
196: Controls on the Lateral Flux of Dissolved Organic Carbon from the Coterminous U.S. (David Ellison Butman, Peter Raymond, Scott Goetz)
199: Relationship of MISR RPV parameters and MODIS BRDF shape indicators to surface vegetation patterns in an Australian tropical savanna (Michael J Hill, Clare Averill, Ziti Jiao, Crystal B Schaaf, John D Armston)
202: Interdisciplinary studies of CDOM in the global ocean (Norman B Nelson, David A Siegel, Chantal M Swan, Natasha McDonald)
205: Evidence of a Shift in Phytoplankton Biodiversity in the Arabian Sea - Climate Change or Natural Variability? (Helga do Rosario Gomes, Joaquim I Goes, Prabhu Matondkar, Sushma G. Parab, Adnan R. N. Al-Azri, Prasad G. Thoppil)
208: Surface concentration of particulate organic carbon in the ocean estimated from remote sensing reflectances (Malgorzata Stramska)
211: Global Irrigation Water Demand: Variability and Uncertainties Arising from Agricultural and Climate Data Sets (Dominik Wisser, Steve Frolking, Ellen Douglas, Balazs Fekete, Charles Vorosmarty, Andreas Schumann)
214: Hyperspectral Image Analysis Algorithms for Improved Invasive Species Decision Support Tools (Lori Mann Bruce, John E. Ball, Matthew Lee, Paul Evangelista, Tom Stohlgren, Jeffrey T. Morisette)
217: Eastern U.S. Continental Shelf Carbon Budget: Integrating Models, Data Assimilation, and Analysis (Eileen Hofmann, Jean-Noel Druon, Katja Fennel, Marjorie Friedrichs, Dale Haidvogel, Cindy Lee, Antonio Mannino, Charles McClain, Raymond Najjar, John O'reilly, David Pollard, Michael Previdi, Sybil Seitzinger, John Siewert, Sergio Signorini, John Wilkin)
220: Assimilation of Satellite-Based Soil Moisture into the USDA Global Crop Production Decision Support System (John D. Bolten, Wade T. Crow, Xiwu Zhan, Tom J. Jackson, Curt A. Reynolds)
223: Identification of the Hurricane Katrina Impacted Forest Region Using MODIS Measurements (Wanting Wang, John J Qu, Xianjun Hao, Yongqiang Liu)
226: Mechanistic prediction of coastal CO2 from satellite observations (Burke Hales, Ricardo Letelier, Pete Strutton, Chris Sabine, Dick Feely)
229: High Resolution Regional CO2 Flux Estimates with the WRF/STILT/VPRM Model and a Bayesian Inversion Framework (Janusz Eluszkiewicz, Thomas Nehrkorn, Daniel Matross, Steven Wofsy)
232: Estimating species richness, composition, and structure in Hawaiian dry forests (Stephanie Pau, Thomas W Gillespie)
235: Satellite Ocean Primary Production in the Chesapeake Bay Region (SeungHyun Son, Menghua Wang, Wei Shi)
238: Development of an Eddy-Permitting Ocean Carbon Cycle Model based on the Southern Ocean State Estimate (Taka Ito)
241: Tundra vegetation properties along a latitudinal gradient of the Yamal Region of Russia (Howard E Epstein, Donald A Walker, Patrick Kuss, Elina Kaarlejarvi)
244: Biological and Physical Controls on North Atlantic Carbon Sink Variability (Galen A McKinley, Val Bennington, David Ullman, Stephanie Dutkiewicz)
247: Impact of urban growth on surface climate: A case study in Oran, Algeria (Lahouari Bounoua, Jeff L. Masek, Christa P Lidars)
250: Angular variation of the model parameters of hyperspectral remote-sensing reflectance (ZhongPing Lee, Deric Gray, Bertrand Lubac, Alan Weidemann)
253: Land Use - Ecosystem - Climate Interactions in Monsoon Asia: Projecting LCLUC Impacts on Carbon, Water, and Climate in the First Half of 21st Century (Hanqin Tian, Robert Dickinson, Jerry Melillo, John Reilly, Hassan Virji)
256: Rapid Land-Use Changes in the Agricultural Frontier of Brazil: Linking Remote Sensing, Ecosystems Modeling and Socioeconomic Analysis (Gillian Laura Galford, John F Mustard, Jerry M Melillo, David Kicklighter, Carlos E. P. Cerri, J. Christopher Brown, Jude H Kastens, Wendy Jepson)
259: Spectral Indices to Monitor Nitrogen Driven Carbon Sequestration in Vegetation (Lawrence A. Corp, Elizabeth M. Middleton, Petya K.E. Campbell, Karl F. Huemmrich, Yen Ben Cheng, Craig S.T. Daughtry)
262: Impacts of land cover and vegetation heterogeneity on the spatial variability of surface soil moisture at the regional scale (Nan Lu, Ranjeet John, Burkhard Wilske, Jian Ni, Jiquan Chen)
265: Model-based Analyses of Nutrient and Carbon Cycling on the U.S. Eastern Continental Shelf (Tian Tian, Marjorie A.M. Friedrichs, Eileen E. Hofmann)
268: Patterns of Potential Temperature Risk During Intertidal Emergence in Different Tide Regimes (Katherine Allison Smith, David Wethey, Brian Helmuth)
270: Fuel Loading and Consumption Models for Assessing Carbon Release from Wildland Fires (Don McKenzie, Roger D Ottmar, David V Sandberg, Lara-Karena B Kellogg)
271: The Fire-Land-Atmosphere Modeling and Evaluation for Southeast Asia (FLAMES) Project (Darla K Munroe, Catherine A Calder, Tao Shi, Ningchuan Xiao)
274: Measuring Marsh Vegetation Structure Using Multi-angular Remote Sensing (Kevin R. Turpie)
277: Updated Assessment of Urban Impacts in the Great Lakes Region (Laura C Bowling, Keith A Cherkauer, Bryan C Pijanowski, Dev Niyogi)
280: Optical Complexity of Coastal and Offshore Oceanic Waters: Implications for Shipboard, Airborne and Satellite Retrievals (Alexander M Chekalyuk)
283: Landscape heterogeneity and plant species richness in the Southeastern US (Jennifer Kwasny Costanza, Todd Jobe, Aaron Moody)
286: Mean copepod concentration indicates relative abundance of North Atlantic right whales on seasonal and interannual timescales: options for operational forecasts of right whale occurrence (Daniel E. Pendleton, Andrew J. Pershing, Moira W. Brown, Charles A. Mayo, Robert D. Kenney, Nicholas R. Record, Timothy V.N. Cole)
289: Organic Matter Metabolism in a Coastal Ocean Ecosystem (Patricia Matrai, Michael Sieracki, Nicole Poulton, Carlton Rauschenberg)
295: Effects of land use change on inter-annual water fluxes in the semi arid Inner Mongolia (Ranjeet John, Nan Lu, Jiquan Chen, Jian Ni, Burkhard Wilske)
298: Remote Sensing Assessment of Kelp Forest Productivity (Richard C Zimmerman, Heidi M Dierssen, W Paul Bissett, Victoria J Hill)
301: Smithsonian Global Forest Carbon Research Initiative: Quantifying and explaining variation in carbon pools and fluxes in tropical and temperate forests (Helene C. Muller-Landau, Benjamin L. Turner, Markku Larjavaara, David King, Shirley X. Dong, Sarayudh Bunyavejchewin, Nur Supardi, Stephen P. Hubbell)
304: Using MODIS to assess seasonal flooding in an Amazonian white sand ecosystem (J. Marion Adeney)
306: Tree cover gross loss estimations in the boreal regions using MODIS time-series data sets (Peter Potapov, Matthew C Hansen, Stephen Stehman, Thomas R Loveland, Kyle Pittman)
307: Updates on Satellite Ocean Color Validation Activities at Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory using in-situ measurements (John R Morrison, Hui Feng, Heidi Sosik, Arnone Robert, Doug Vandemark, Paul Lyon)
313: Determining Objective Biophysical Provinces from Multiple Satellite Sensor Observations (Maria Teresa Kavanaugh, Ricardo Maria Letelier, Yvette Humberte Spitz)
316: High resolution soil moisture estimation in the Mississippi Delta via data assimilation using the NASA Land Information System (Valentine Anantharaj, Paul Houser, Luo Yan, Mostovoy Georgy, Peters-Lidard Christa, Li Bailing)
319: Mapping invasive species with a new, user-friendly iterative method. (Kenneth McGwire, Timothy Minor, Brad Shultz, Chris Kratt)
322: Radar Remote Sensing of Wetlands in Boreal Eurasia and North America for use in Methane Emission Modeling (Erika Podest, Kyle McDonald, Ted Bohn, Dennis Lettenmaier, Mahta Moghaddam, Jane Whitcomb)
325: Application of Lifetime Analyses in the Upper Ocean to the Interpretation of Satellite-Based, Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Signals (Maxim Gorbunov, Paul Falkowski)
330: Pathways of Arabian Sea coastal upwelled water in the northern Indian Ocean using Tracers in a numerical model (Vinu K Valsala, Shamil Maksyutov)
333: Pigment derived phytoplankton composition along the western Antarctic Peninsula (Wendy Kozlowski, Maria Vernet, Douglas Deutschman, Charles Trees)
336: Diagnosing Atmospheric Correction Performance for the Santa Barbara Channel: Do We Really Know Aerosol Optical Properties for Complex Coastal Environments? (Bill O'Hirok, Dave Siegel, Stephane Maritorena)
342: Satellite remote sensing retrievals of inherent optical properties within U.S. Middle Atlantic Bight (Xiaoju Pan, Antonio Mannino, Mary E Russ, Stanford B Hooker)
345: Probabilistic carbon flux upscaling in a complex northern forest ecoregion (K J Davis, P V Bolstad, R Anderson, K Cherrey, B D Cook, A R Desai, F A Heinsch, R Kolka, S W Running, N Z Saliendra, P Weishampel)
348: Validation of satellite primary productivity estimates using measurements of the oxygen isotope composition of dissolved O2. (Lauren Juranek, Paul Quay, David Munro, Cynthia Peacock)
351: Integrating Satellite and Model data for Event Monitoring in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (Eurico J D'Sa, Dong S Ko, Mitsuko Korobkin)
354: Improving Current Assessments and Future Predictions of Carbon Fluxes in the Southern Ocean as Mediated by the Dynamical Response of Ice-Ocean-Ecosystem Interactions to Climate Change (Sharon Stammerjohn, Chris Fritsen, Langdon Quetin, Robin Ross, Colm Sweeney, Maria Vernet)
357: Combining Above-Canopy Downward-Looking and Below-Canopy Upward Hemispherical-Scanning LIDAR for Improved Above-Ground Biomass Retrieval (Wenge Ni-Meister, Shihyan Lee, Alan Strahler, James Bryan Blair)
358: A dynamic soil layer model for assessing the effects of wildfire on high latitude terrestrial ecosystems (Shuhua S. Yi, A. David McGuire, Eric S. Kasischke)
369: Intertidal Biological - Climatological Studies : Results From Use of MODIS Data, in Situ Observations and Model Predictions (Venkat Lakshmi, Srinivas Chintalapati, Brian Helmuth, Christel Purvis, David Wethey, Sarah Woodin, Thomas J Hilbish)
370: Effect of elevated CO2 on net ecosystem carbon production: combined eddy covariance and chamber measurements on Florida scrub oak during a nine year study. (Thomas Powell, Bert Drake, David Johnson, Troy Seiler, Ross Hinkle)
371: Aboveground biomass stimulation is sustained over 11 years of CO2 enrichment, mediated by contrasting species responses. (Troy J Seiler, Jiahong Li, Paul Dijkstra, Has P Anderson, David P Johnson, Charles Ross Hinkle, Bert G Drake)
372: Effect of elevated CO2 on water-use efficiency of a scrub-oak ecosystem (Jiahong Li, Thomas L Powell, David P Johnson, Charles Ross Hinkle, Bert G Drake)
1:30 PM | | Poster Session IV
-- Main & Lower Concourse
10: Global Marine Carbon Burial Efficiencies: New estimates using remote sensing and globally interpolated data (Frank E Muller-Karger, Remy Luerssen, Chuanmin Hu, Cole Jonathan)
11: What drives upwelling patterns in the southeastern Caribbean Sea? Analysis of local an remote sensing data (Digna T Rueda Roa, Tal Ezer, Frank Muller-Karger)
12: The status of the Millennium Coral Reef Mapping (Frank E Muller-Karger, Serge Andrefouet, Christine Kranenburg, Damaris Torres-Pulliza)
20: Approaches for characterizing uncertainties in in situ water-leaving radiance for ocean color calibration and validation (Susanne Elizabeth Craig, Andrew Heath Barnard, Michael Twardowski, Scott McLean, Ken Voss, Chuck Trees, Marlon Lewis, J. Ronald Zaneveld)
26: Laser Remote Sensing of Canopy Habitat Heterogeneity as a Predictor of Bird Diversity and Abundance (Scott Goetz, Daniel Steinberg, Ralph Dubayah, Richard Holmes, Matthew Betts, Patrick Doran)
27: Spatial Predictive Modeling and Remote Sensing of Land Use Change in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (Scott Goetz, Claire Jantz, Nancy Bockstael, Charles Towe)
28: Ecosystem Responses to Recent Climate Change and Fire Disturbance at Northern High Latitudes (Scott Goetz, Michelle Mack, Kevin Gurney, James T Randerson)
31: Development of a hierarchical Bayesian model to describe and predict the spread of blister rust in whitebark pine throughout the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (Jaclyn A Hatala, Robert L Crabtree, Paul R Moorcroft)
36: A Detection Threshold Model for Multi-Scale Multi-Temporal Spectral Mixture Analysis (Christopher Small)
63: High productivity of benthic macroalgae, Colpomenia, on the Bahamas Banks and potential carbon export to the deep sea (Heidi M Dierssen, Lisa A Drake, Richard C Zimmerman, David J Burdige)
72: Modeling and Synthesis Support for the North American Carbon Program (Robert B. Cook, Peter E. Thornton, W. M. Post, Bruce E. Wilson, Latha M. Baskaran)
75: Process-Based Modeling System Supporting Carbon Management Decisions and Reporting in U.S. Agricultural Lands (Stephen M Ogle, Keith Paustian, Chris Potter, Richard T Conant, Steven Klooster, F Jay Breidt)
78: Biogeochemical Recharge-Discharge (Raghu Murtugudde, Xiujun Wang)
79: Physics to Fish: Allometric Scaling and the Mid-trophic Ladder (Raghu Murtugudde, Patrick Lehodey, Inna Senina, John Sibert, Laurent Bopp)
86: Secondary Diversity Examining changes in species composition in tropical dry forest succession in the Southern Yucatan, Mexico. (Rebecca Dickson)
92: Sensitivity of MODIS Retrievals of Chl, IOP and FLH to Coastal Water Characteristics and Atmospheric Correction Models (Sam Ahmed, Alex Gilerson, Jing Zhou, Barry Gross, Fred Moshary)
94: Water Mass Seasonal Variability in the Galápagos Archipelago (William V Sweet, John M Morrison, Daniel Kamykowski, Blake A Schaeffer, Stuart Banks, Antia McColluch)
95: Tropical Instability Wave interactions within the Galápagos Archipelago (William V Sweet, John M Morrison, Dan Kamykowski, Blake A Schaeffer, Stuart Banks)
96: Simulation of Ocean Circulation around the Galápagos Archipelago using a HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) (Yanyun Liu, Lian Xie, John M. Morrison)
99: Spatial and temporal variability in chlorophyll, primary production and export production in the Southern Ocean
(B. Greg Mitchell, Mati Kahru, Haili Wang, Ralph Keeling, Matt Charette, Cynthia Nevison)
100: Southern Ocean export flux and air-sea O2 exchange: A synthesis of atmospheric O2/N2 measurements, satellite data and direct observations (Cynthia D Nevison, Matthew A Charette, Mati Kahru, Ralph F Keeling, Kanchan Maiti, Brian Gregory Mitchell)
106: Retrieving in situ particulate absorption spectra in optically clear waters: An example from the Equatorial Pacific (Wayne Slade, Rois Langner, Emmanuel Boss, Collin Roesler, Michael Behrenfeld)
107: Satellite-detected chlorophyll fluorescence reveals physiology and photosynthetic pigments of global ocean phytoplankton (Michael Behrenfeld, Toby Westberry, Emmanuel Boss, Robert O'Malley, Jerry Wiggert, David Siegel, Bryan Franz, Chuck McClain, Gene Feldman, Giorgio Dall'Olmo, Allen Milligan, Scott Doney, Ivan Lima, Natalie Mahowald)
108: Direct contribution of phytoplankton-sized particles to optical backscattering in the open ocean (Giorgio Dall'Olmo, Toby Westberry, Michael Behrenfeld, Emmanuel Boss, Wayne Slade)
113: Weeding out the invaders: lessons learned from 5 years of hyperspectral weed detection in a highly altered estuary (Jonathan Asher Greenbreg, Erin Hestir, Shruti Khanna, Maria Santos, Susan Ustin)
114: NEON prototype airborne mission over Bodega to Tahoe Transect: Hyperspectral data to assess water stress of major ecosystems along an elevation gradient from coastal California to the summit of the Sierra Nevada. (Falk Matthias, Susan L Ustin, Quinn J Hart, Michael Gertz)
115: A Potential MODIS Real-Time Product: The Vegetation Canopy Water Content (Susan L Ustin, David Riano, Marco Trombetti)
116: Impact of Selective Logging on Phenology in Amazon Rain-Forests (Alexander Koltunov, Susan L Ustin)
123: Northern Annular Mode effects on the land surface phenologies of Northern Eurasia (Kirsten M de Beurs, Geoffrey M Henebry)
124: New approaches to the use of lacunarity analysis to characterize canopy spatial heterogeneity (Geoffrey M Henebry, Valeriy Kovalskyy)
128: Observations of Subcanopy Flow and the Carbon Budget in Two Amazon Rain Forest: Santarém and Manaus LBA-ECO Sites (Julio Tota Tota, David R. Fitzjarrald)
130: Canopy Nitrogen, Carbon Assimilation and Surface Reflectance features in U.S. Forest Ecosystems (Scott V Ollinger, David Y Hollinger, Mary E Martin, Andrew D Richardson, Steve E Frolking, Lucie C Plourde, Peter B Reich)
136: Decadal Analyses of Forest Disturbance Patterns and Rates from Moderate Resolution Satellite Data (Jeffrey Masek, Forrest Hall, Robert Wolfe, Chengquan Huang, Warren Cohen, Feng Gao, Jonathan Kutler)
138: Mapping Land Cover in Northern Eurasia Using a Hierarchical Land Cover Classification System (Damien Sulla-Menashe, Alessandro Baccini, Mark Friedl, Curtis Woodcock, Olga Krankina)
142: A Historical Reconstruction of Vegetation Change and a Carbon Budget for the Brazilian Cerrado Using Multiple Satellite Platforms and Historical Aerial Photography (Rob Braswell, Michael Keller, Stephen Hagen, Michael Palace, Laerte Ferreira, Mercedes Bustamante)
143: Scaling Forest Biometric Properties Derived from High Resolution Imagery to the Amazon Basin using Moderate Resolution Spectral Reflectance Data (Michael William Palace, Bobby Braswell, Stephen Hagen, Michael Keller)
152: Ecological Model Web: New answers from networks of existing models (Gary N Geller, Rama Nemani, Stefano Nativi)
154: Remote Sensing of Ecosystem Light Use Efficiency (Karl Fred Huemmrich, Lawrence Corp, Andrew Russ, Elizabeth M. Middleton, William Kustas, John Prueger, Yen-Ben Cheng)
159: Wildland fire threat to the Amur tiger: current levels and future scenarios under the influence of climate change (Tatiana V Loboda, Ivan A Csiszar)
160: Simulating the Effects of Fire on Forests in the Russian Far East: Integrating a Fire Danger Model and the FAREAST Forest Growth Model Across a Complex Landscape (Nancy J Sherman, Tatiana Loboda, Ivan Csiszar, Herman H Shugart, Guoqing Sun)
179: Assessment of Albedo Derived from MODIS (Miguel Roman, Crystal Schaaf, Alan Strahler, Charles Gatebe, Michael King, Jeff Morisette)
180: Canopy Vertical Structure from the MODIS BRDF Product (Zhuosen Wang, Crystal Schaaf, Yuri Knyazikhin, Mitchell Schull, Tian Yao, Feng Zhao, Ranga Myneni)
182: Using MISR to Map Woody Plant Canopy Crown Cover, Height, and Biomass (Mark Chopping, John Martonchik, Michael Bull, Gretchen Moisen, Barry Wilson, Albert Rango)
184: Estimation of Leaf Area Index (LAI) Through the Acquisition of Ground Truth Data in Yosemite National Park (Galli Basson, Bettina Schiffman, Anjanette Hawk, Dustin Ottman, Evan Lue, Forrest Melton, Ramakrishna Nemani, Cindy Schmidt, J. W. Skiles)
185: Sequential Data Assimilation of Canopy Attributes from Multispectral Bi-directional Reflectance (Adam Wolf, Joe Berry, Greg Asner)
186: Analyzing Gross Primary Production and Respiration of Terrestrial Ecosystems Using a Global Carbon Cycle Model That Includes Carbonyl Sulfide (Joe Berry, Ian Baker, Elliott Campbell, S. Randy Kawa, A. Scott Denning, Zhengxin Zhu, Stephen Montzka, Adam Wolf, Ulrike Seibt)
191: Development of the Shrub Submodel for the Community Land Model-Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (CLM-DGVM) (Xubin Zeng, Xiaodong Zeng, Mike Barlage, Koichi Sakaguchi, Zhuo Wang)
194: Effects of Urban and Non-Urban Land Cover on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Runoff to Chesapeake Bay (Allen D Roberts, Stephen D Prince)
197: Remote Sensing Analyses in Support of the Eastern US Continental Shelf Carbon Budget Study (Charles McClain, Sergio Signorini, Antonio Mannino, Jay O'reilly)
200: estimate of growing season, FAPAR at chlorophyll level and LUE at chlorophyll level using scaled-up MODIS daily data and flux tower data (Qingyuan Zhang, Elizabeth M. Middleton, Guillaume G. Drolet, Hank A. Margolis, Alan A. Barr)
201: Conserving adaptive variation: a new direction in conservation prioritization. (Henri A Thomassen, Wolfgang Buermann, Borja Mila, Susan E Cameron, Sassan Saatchi, Catherine H Graham, John Pollinger, Robert K Wayne, Thomas B Smith)
203: Ocean and Land Surface Studies Using CALIPSO Lidar Measurements (Yongxiang Hu, Mike Behrenfeld, Carl Weimer, Charles McClain, Jacques Pelon)
206: Modeling the Southern Ocean Carbon Cycle (Jefferson Keith Moore, Shanlin Wang, Aparna Krishnamurthy)
209: An Agent-Based Model to Study LCLU Change on Colonist Farms in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon (Stephen J. Walsh, Carlos F. Mena, Brian G. Frizzelle, George P. Malanson, Richard E. Bilsborrow)
212: Impact of Orbital Drift on NDVI Derived from AVHRR (Jyoteshwar R Nagol, Eric F Vermote, Stephen D Prince)
215: Gulf of Mexico Response to Hurricane Katrina (2005) (Michelle M Gierach, Subrahmanyam Bulusu)
218: Objective global ocean biogeographic provinces (Matthew Oliver, Andrew Irwin, Oscar Schofield, Paul Falkowski)
221: Predicting the Africanized Honey Bee Distribution Using Forage Species Maps and Satellite Phenology (Wayne E. Esaias, Joanne M. Nightingale, Robert M. Wolfe, Jaime E. Nickeson, Peter L. Ma, Catherine S Jarnevich, Thomas J Stohlgren)
224: Rapid large-scale hydrological and geomorphic response to deforestation in a large tropical fluvial system. (Michael T Coe, Edgardo M Latrubesse, Laerte G Ferreira, Eric A Davidson)
227: Satellite detection of seasonal and secular change of global ocean biome distributions (Andrew J Irwin, Matt J Oliver, Paul G Falkowski, Oscar ME Schofield)
230: Quantifying the Input of Aeolian Soluble Iron to the Ocean Using Integrated Approaches of In-situ Observations, Laboratory Experiments and Modeling (Lili Xia, Fei Song, Rafeal Rafael Jusino-Atresino, Christopher Thuman, Yuan Gao)
233: Integrating the Epic Model With Spatially Defined Land Use, Soil, Weather and Tillage Data (Paul C Doraiswamy, Hector J Causarano, Bakhyt Akhmedov, Craig S.T. Daughtry, Sushil Milak, Gregory W McCarty, Guy Serbin)
236: Tower Based Measurements of Bio-indicators for Light Use Efficiency Estimation (Yen-Ben Cheng, Elizabeth M Middltone, Thomas Hilker, Nicholas C Coops, T. Andrew Black, Praveena Krishnan)
239: Feeling the heat: the feeding behavior and growth of Nucella ostrina in response to temperature (Lauren A. Yamane, Sarah E. Gilman, Brian Helmuth)
242: Integrating Landscape-scale Forest Measurements with Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Models to Improve Carbon Management Decisions (Richard Birdsey, David Hollinger, John Bradford, Michael Ryan, Steven McNulty, Randall Kolka, Chris Potter, John Hom, Yude Pan, Kenneth Clark, Steven Klooster)
245: Variability in satellite algorithms for regional assessments of pCO2 (Steven E. Lohrenz, Wei-Jun Cai, Xiaogang Chen, Feizhou Chen, Merritt Tuel, Sumit Chakraborty)
248: Beyond Chlorophyll: Ocean color ESDRs and new products. (Stephane Maritorena, Dave A. Siegel, Tihomir Kostadinov)
251: Carbon Dioxide Drawdown During Southern Ocean GasEx: A Preliminary Assessment of the Role of Phytoplankton (Robert David Vaillancourt, John F Marra, Veronica Lance, Bruce Robert Hargreaves)
254: Numerical modeling of microclimatic changes associated with tropical forest fragmentation (Yuling Wu, Udaysankar S Nair, Lianhong Gu, Ron M Welch, Tom L Sever, Dan Irwin, Robert O Lawton, Dev Niyogi, Roger Pielke Sr.)
257: Opinions of Experts Drive Baseline Mapping of Noxious Weed Habitat in National Parks (Peter Ma, Jeffrey T. Morisette, Joel Silverman, Monique Rocca, Jeffrey E. Pedelty, Neal Most, Nate Benson, Kara Paintner, John L. Schnase)
260: Tree species mapping with spectral mixture analysis: Applications for moderate- and fine-scale spatial resolution imagery (Lucie C. Plourde, Jennifer H. Pontius, Scott V. Ollinger, Mary E. Martin, Richard A. Hallett)
261: Vulnerability of US National Parks to Land Use and Climate Change and Variability (Andrew Hansen, Steve Running, Cory Davis, Jessica Haas, David Theobald)
263: Modeling hydrological and biogeochemical fluxes from land to ocean through river systems: linkage of remote sensing, observations and models. (Charles Vorosmarty, Wilfred Wollheim, Balazs Fekete, Joseph Salisbury, James Syvitski, Sybil Seitzinger, Christopher Milly, Steven Greb, Michel Meybeck, Bruce Peterson, John Harrison, Emilio Mayorga, Albert Kettner)
266: Quantification of Spatial and Temporal Variability of North American Biospheric Carbon Flux Estimates (Deborah N. Huntzinger, Kim L. Mueller, Anna M. Michalak)
269: Temporal and spatial patterns in optical properties of CDOM on Florida&rsquos Gulf Coast: Shelf to Stream to Aquifer (Robyn Nicole Conmy, Paula G Coble)
272: The Marine Optical BuoY (MOBY) Radiometric Calibration and Uncertainty Budget for Ocean Color Satellite Sensor Vicarious Calibration (Steven W Brown, Michael E Feinholz, Stephanie J Flora, Mark A Yarbrough, Terrence Houlihan, Darryl Peters, Yong Sung Kim, James L Mueller, B Carol Johnson, Dennis K Clark)
275: Remineralization in the Mid-Atlantic Bight and the Gulf of Maine inferred from climatologies of dissolved oxygen and primary production (Raymond Gabriel Najjar, John Siewert, John O'reilly)
278: Forest Disturbances and Biomass Mapping in Northeastern Asia (Guoqing Sun, Anming Fu, Jeff Masek)
279: Identifying and estimating sources of change in the hydrology of Northern Eurasia (Alexander Shiklomanov, Richard Lammers, Natalia Agaltseva, Charles Vorosmarty, Domenik Wisser, Vladimir Georgievsky)
281: Use of satellite-derived CDOM Absorption to estimate ocean mixed layer depths (John Roland Moisan)
284: Spatial Variability in CDOM Concentrations in Coastal Regions: Influences of Rainfall and Watershed Characteristics (Paula G Coble, Barnali DIxon, Robyn N Conmy)
287: Midwest Agriculture Land Cover Change Implications to North American Carbon Balance 1982-2005 (Christopher Sean Neigh, Nuno Carvlhais, G. Jim Collatz, Compton Jim Tucker)
290: Timeseries of SeaWiFS retrieved CDOM absorption and estimates of CO2 photoproduction on the continental shelf of the Eastern United States (Rossana Del Vecchio, Ajit Subramaniam, Stephanie Schollaert Uz, Joaquim Ballabrera Poi, Christopher W Brown, Neil V Blough)
293: Land cover land use change effects on surface water quality: Integrated MODIS and SeaWiFS assessment of the Dnieper and Don River basins and their reservoirs (Anatoly A Gitelson, Geoffrey M Henebry)
296: Estimating North American CO2 Fluxes within a Geostatistical Inverse Modeling Framework: Preliminary Pseudo-data Results (Sharon Gourdji, Adam Hirsch, Kim Mueller, Deborah Huntzinger, Arlyn Andrews, Anna M Michalak)
299: Retrieval of the Leaf-Area Index and Foliage Profile of New England Forest Stands Using a Ground-Based Lidar Instrument (Echidna®) (Feng Zhao, Miguel Roman, Alan Strahler, Curtis Woodcock, Crystal Schaaf, Jicheng Liu, Glenn Newnham, David Jupp, Darius Culvenor, Jenny Lovell, Wenge Ni-Meister, Shihyan Lee, Xiaowen Li, Qingling Zhang, Zhuosen Wang, Yanmin Shuai)
302: Effects of Urbanization in Mid-Atlantic Coastal Basins on Estuarine Water Quality (Thomas R Fisher, Anatoly Gitelson, Gregory Radcliffe, Daniela Gurlin, Wesley J Moses)
305: Modeling and Mapping Land Management and Net Carbon Emissions: Decision Support for Biofuels and Carbon Management on U.S. Agricultural Lands (Tristram O. West)
308: Seasonality in Phytoplankton Blooms at the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory (Heidi M. Sosik, Steven J. Lentz, John L. Wilkin, Robert J. Olson)
311: A Rapid Prototyping Capability Experiment to Assess Terrestrial Carbon Pools in Southern United States (Surya S Durbha, Nicolas H Younan, Roger L King, Fengxiang Han, Zhiling Long, Jian Chen)
314: Remote sensing and in-situ optical measurements of resuspended sediments in coral reefs and seagrass beds (Gerardo Toro-Farmer, Dale A Kiefer, Burton H Jones)
317: Remote Sensing of Forest Ecosystem and Watershed Processes in the Eastern U.S. (Philip A Townsend, Brenden E McNeil, Kirsten M de Beurs, Suming Jin, Peter T Wolter, Jane R Foster, David P Helmers, Clayton C Kingdon)
320: Carbon Pathways through Tropical River Systems: From Small Streams to the Oceans (Lessons from the Amazon and Mekong) (Jeffrey E. Richey)
323: The Impact of a Shrinking Arctic Ice Cover on Marine Primary Production (Kevin Robert Arrigo, Gert L. van Dijken, Sudeshna Pabi)
326: Coordinated inverse and satellite-driven biological process model study of CO2 fluxes from 1957 to present (Stephen C Piper, Ralph F Keeling, Ramakrishna Nemani, Hirofumi Hashimoto)
328: Role of Glaciers and Snow Cover in Rivers Discharge and LCLU Changes over Central Asia and South Siberia (Vladimir Aizen, Elena Aizen, Arzhan Surazakov, Roland Geerken, Genadiy Nosenko, Stanislav Nikitin, Alexander Finaev, Valeriy Kuzmichenok)
331: Photosynthetic light-use efficiency of boreal forests derived from MODIS narrow-band reflectance data (Guillaume Drolet, Elizabeth M Middleton, Karl F Huemmrich, Forrest G Hall, Hank A. Margolis)
334: North America Terrestrial Carbon Budget: A Model Analysis of the Combined Effects of CO2, Nitrogen, Climate, Land Use Changes and Management (Atul K. Jain, Xiaojuan Yang)
337: Information requirements for accurate forward modeling of fire emissions on heterogeneous landscapes (Edward J. Hyer, Jeffrey S. Reid)
340: Estimating Oceanic Primary Productivity: an Evaluation of Ocean Color Algorithms and General Circulation Models (Vincent Sellitto Saba, Marjorie A.M Friedrichs, Mary-Elena Carr)
343: An Assessment of the Ocean Black Pixel Assumption for the MODIS SWIR Bands (Shi Wei, Menghua Wang)
346: High resolution Australian Subantarctic Net Community productivity estimates by in situ continuous dissolved O2/Ar measurements (Nicolas Cassar, Michael L. Bender, Peter J. DiFiore, Bruce A. Barnett, Bronte Tilbrook)
349: Lidars from Space for Earth Science (Carl Weimer, Tanya Ramond, Yongxiang Hu)
352: Soil Adjusted Vegetation Moisture Retrievals over Grasslands (Swarvanu Dasgupta, John J Qu)
355: Model-Data Assimilation for Quantifying Carbon Sources and Sinks (Shuguang Liu, Zhengpeng Li, Mingshi Chen, Thomas Loveland, Larry Tieszen)
359: Climate-induced change in Siberia: A focused view of fire and weather interactions in the Tuvan Republic. (Amber Jeanine Soja, David Westberg, Nadezda Tchebakova, Elena Parfenova, Anatoly Sukhinin, Paul Stackhouse, Galina Ivanova, Alexandr Shishikin, Vladislav Kanzai)
360: Wildfire, Ecosystems and Climate in Siberia: Developing Weather and Climate Data Sets For Use in Fire Weather and Bioclimatic Models (David Westberg, Amber Soja, Paul Stackhouse)
363: Circumpolar and regional analysis of the relationship between sea-ice variability, summer land-surface temperatures, Arctic tundra greenness and large-scale climate drivers (Uma Bhatt, Donald A. (Skip) Walker, Martha K. Raynolds, Josefino Comiso)
364: Application of space-based technologies and models to address land-cover/land-use change problems on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia: 2007 field studies along the bioclimate gradient (Donald A. (Skip) Walker, Howard E. Epstein, Elina Kaarlejärvi, J. Patrick Kuss, Mariina O. Leibman, George V. Matyshak, Nataliya G. Moskalenko, Vladimir E. Romanovsky)
365: Spatial patterns of land-surface temperature and NDVI, and their relation to vegetation distribution on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia (Martha K. Raynolds, Donald A. (Skip) Walker, Josefino C. Comiso)
366: Applications of space-based technologies to examine LCLUC on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia: Combining satellite imagery with traditional knowledge to study the effects of petroleum development on reindeer herding (Bruce C. Forbes, Florian Stammler, Anu Pajunen, Elina Kaarlejärvi, Timo Kumpula, Nina Meschtyb, Donald A. (Skip) Walker, Anatoli Gubarkov, Marina Leibman, Artem Khomutov)
373: Quantifying the Effects of Land Cover Change on Carbon Budgets in the Black Sea Region (Pontus Olofssen)
374: Ocean Acidification of the Greater Caribbean Region 1996-2006 (Dwight Gledhill)
375: Integrated Remote Sensing and Crop Yield Modeling: Reliability and Uncertainty Analysis (Xianzeng Niu)
376: NASA Geosciences Interoperability Office- Enabling the discovery, access, and use of NASA's Earth Science Research Results: Earth Science Gateway (John Evans)
377: An Analysis of the Distribution and Prevalence of Malaria Blood Parasites in the Olive Sunbird across West Afican Landscapes
(Wolfgang Buermann)
378: Estimating Biomass Burning Organic and Black Carbon Particulate Matter Emissions Using Fire Radiative Power
(Evan Elliott)
379: Determining Regional Carbon Emissions under Variable Fire Regimes in Central Siberia (Douglas J. McRae, Susan G. Conard, Galina A. Ivanova, Stephen P. Baker, Anatoli I. Sukhinin, Wei Min Hao, Tom M. Blake)
380: Contribution of Chlorophyll Fluorescence to the Reflectance Spectra in Coastal Waters and its Application to Retrieval Algorithms
(Sam Ahmed, Alexander Gilerson, Jing Zhou, Ioannis Ioannou, Soe Hlaing, Barry Gross, Fred Moshary)
381: Integration of GLAS Height Product and MODIS Observations for Biomass Mapping and Validation in Central Africa
(Alessandro Baccini, Scott J Goetz, Mindy Sun, Nadine Laporte)
Additional Posters not arriving until Thursday -- Back of Team Meeting Rooms
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Exacerbation of Flooding Responses in the Appalachian Mountains Due to Land Cover/Land Use Change: A Comparative Study (Keith N. Eshleman, Philip A. Townsend, Todd R. Lookingbill, David P. Helmers, Brenden E. McNeil, Joseph R. Ferrari, Brian C McCormick, Kirsten M DeBeurs)
Counting Wildlife from Space; The How, When, Where, and for Which species to use hyper-spatial resolution satellite imagery to count wildlife in wild places. (Scott Bergen, Eric W Sanderson)