http://cce.nasa.gov/meeting_2015/ |
- Room: Potomac Ballroom
- Presenters are in italics.
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Poster Session 1: Monday (Apr 20) 1:30 - 2:30 PM |
(Robert Miller, Dave Siegel, Craig Carlson, Phaedon Kyriakidis, Kevin Lafferty, B. Manjunath, Andrew Rassweiler, Daniel Reed)
1: 3-D Simulation of Boreal Forests: Structure and Dynamics in Complex Terrain (Ksenia Brazhnik, Hank Shugart)
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2: Climate-induced shifts of pelagic habitat revealed through seascape-based model intercomparison (Maria Kavanaugh, Ivan Lima, Scott Doney)
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3: Chlorophyll concentration estimates for coastal water using pixel-based atmospheric correction of Landsat images (Eric Kouba, Hongjie Xie)
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11: CRDS instrumentation applied at multiple-scales provides spatial or temporal resolution of ecosystem processes: Four example studies (Karrin Alstad, Olivia Salmon, Paul Shepson, Brian Stirm, Stefan Metzger, John Musinsky, Chad Hanson, Andres Schmidt, Whitney Moore, Kate Dennis, Jeff Carter, Chris Rella, Graham Legget)
13: U.S. Forest Disturbance History from 1986 to 2010 Observed from Landsat (Feng Zhao, Cheng Huang, Samuel Goward, Karen Schleeweis, Khaldoun Rishmawi, Jeff Masek, Jennifer Dungan, Warren Cohen, Zhiqiang Yang)
14: Satellite observations reveal decadal changes in Adelie penguin habitat suitability in the Southern Ocean (Megan Cimino, Heather Lynch, Matt Oliver)
15: Understanding the roles of multiple climate change drivers in altering phytoplankton habitats (Stephanie Dutkiewicz, Jeff Morris, Mick Follows, Jeff Scott, Oliver Jahn, Sonya Dyhrman, Ilana Berman-Frank)
16: Estimating the contribution from tree plantations to the US forest carbon sink (Matthew Fagan, Doug Morton, Bruce Cook, Jeff Masek, Feng Zhao, Cheng Huang, Hans Andersen, Ross Nelson)
17: National Marine Sanctuaries as Sentinel Sites for a Demonstration Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON): Remote Sensing of Dynamic Biogeographical Seascapes (Maria Kavanaugh, Scott Doney, Frank Muller-Karger, Francisco Chavez, Enrique Montes, Steve Gittings)
18: Building capacity for national carbon measurements and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in eastern African countries (Nadine Laporte, Johanne Pelletier, Ned Horning, Patrick Jantz, Scott Goetz)
27: The Influence of Vegetation Height Heterogeneity on Forest and Woodland Bird Species Richness across the United States (Qiongyu Huang, Anu Swatantran, Ralph Dubayah, Scott Goetz)
28: Subpixel mapping and change analyses of wetland inundation using time-series Landsat imagery: a case study in the East Coast of the U.S. (Huiran Jin, In-Young Yeo, Cheng Huang, Megan Lang)
29: Plant migrations role on future carbon balance from climate change in Northern North America (Steve Flanagan, George Hurtt, Justin Fisk, Ritvik Sahajpal)
30: eDaRT: the Ecosystem Disturbance and Recovery Tracking system prototype supporting ecosystem management in California (Alex Koltunov, Carlos Ramirez, Susan Ustin)
31: A canopy level investigation of specific leaf area spectral responses from sagebrush shrublands in Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Idaho, USA (Jessica Mitchell, Nancy Glenn, Hamid Dashti, Alejandro Flores, Lucas Spaete, Nayani Ilangakoon)
34: National Marine Sanctuaries as Sentinel Sites for a Demonstration Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) (Frank Muller-Karger, Scott Donahue, Steve Gittings, Mya Breitbart, Enrique Montes, Megan Hepner, Maria Kavanaugh)
43: Satellite Derived Seascapes Predict Occurrence of an Endangered Species in the Coastal Ocean (Matthew Breece, Dewayne Fox, Matt Oliver)
44: A short story on thermal anomalies and coral bleaching in the Florida Keys (Maria Vega-Rodriguez, Meaghan Johnson, Gabriel Quiles-Perez, C. Mark Eakin, Matthew McCarthy, Frank Muller-Karger)
45: A decision support system to monitor chimpanzee habitat health in Africa using Landsat satellite imagery, crowdsourcing and open standards (Lilian Pintea, Sam Jantz, Janet Nackoney, Matt Hansen)
46: Evaluating hypothetical reserves in Canada’s boreal forest using time-series AVHRR data (Ryan Powers, Nicholas Coops, Trisalyn Nelson, Mike Wulder)
47: Taiga-Tundra Ecotone Structure Studies (Jon Ranson, Guoqing Sun, Paul Montesano, Chris Neigh, Vyacheslav Kharuk)
48: Potential impact of climate change on the Intra-Americas Sea: A dynamic downscaling of the CMIP5 model projections (Yanyun Liu, Sang-Ki Lee, David Enfield, Barbara Muhling, John Lamkin, Mitch Roffer, Frank Muller-Karger)
49: Management And Conservation Of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus) And Other Highly Migratory Fish In The Gulf Of Mexico Under IPCC Climate Change Scenarios: A Study Using Regional Climate And Habitat Models (Mitch Roffer, John Lamkin, Barbara Muhling, Frank Muller-Karger, Sang-Ki Lee, Yanyun Liu)
50: Using SRTM and PALSAR data to Study the Geomorphology and Evolution of the Amazon Basin and the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (Jessica Rosenqvist, Kyle McDonald, Marzieh Azarderakhsh, Kenneth Campbell, Joel Cracraft, Ana Carnaval)
51: Observation of wetness and freeze/thaw state of the surface from air-craft and satellite observations made during The Carbon in the Arctic Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE) (Nicholas Steiner, Kyle McDonald, Dinardo Steve, Chip Miller)
52: Using Remote Sensing data to understand drivers of genetic and functional diversity in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil (Maria Strangas, Kyle McDonald, Thiago Silva, Ana Carnaval)
53: Using spectral reflectance signatures and chlorophyll fluorescence to investigate plant physiology and ecosystem functions (Jim Tang, Hualei Yang, Xi Yang)
55: Understanding water control on vegetation growth in Eurasia from GRACE-derived terrestrial water storage (Geruo A, Isabella Velicogna, John Kimball, Yongwook Kim)
56: Remote sensing maps of post-fire forest structure facilitate the modeling and mapping of Lewis's woodpecker nesting habitat (Jody Vogeler, Zhiqiang Yang, Warren Cohen)
71: An Evaluation of Environmental Effects on Forest Regeneration of the 1988 Yellowstone Fire (Feng Zhao, Ran Meng, Cheng Huang, Maosheng Zhao)
101: Canopy diversity in relation to carbon fluxes, water use and ecosystem resilience in North American forests. (Scott Ollinger, Jingfeng Xiao, Rossella Guerrieri, Lucie Lepine, Heidi Asbjornsen)
131: Remote Sensing of Vegetation and Aquatic Parameters for Modeling Coastal Marsh Response to Sea Level Rise (Kristin Byrd, Lisamarie Windham-Myers, Lisa Schile, Thomas Leeuw, Emmanuel Boss, Michael Vasey, Matthew Ferner)
232: Comparing ASTER and Landsat 7 ETM+ imagery to estimate daily evapotranspiration in Mediterranean environment (Carlo Montes, Wenjing Ma, Frederic Jacob)
233: Multi-site modeling of land surface-atmosphere exchanges at the extent of an agricultural Mediterranean region (Carlo Montes, Jean Lhomme, Frederic Jacob)
237: Next Generation UAV Based Spectral Systems for Environmental Monitoring (Petya Campbell, Phil Townsend, Dan Mandl, Clayton Kingdon, Vuong Ly, Robert Shlberg, Jyothy Nagol, Vincent Ambrosia, Stuart Frye, Lwrence Ong, Lawrence Corp, Pat Cappelaere, Felix Navarro)
4: Assessment of mangrove vulnerability to human activity in mangroves of Ecuador (Mac Simard, Nathan Thomas, Richard Lucas, Rinku Roy Chowdhurry)
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12: Upcoming Field Work to Characterize Permafrost Carbon Emissions in Alaska (Emily Wilson, Eugenie Euskirchen, Lesley Ott, Bryan Duncan, Lynn Carter, Houston Miller, Compton Tucker, Qing Liang, Yasin Elshorbany)
54: Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Salt Marshes in response to N loading (Jim Tang, Kevin Kroeger, Serena Moseman-Valtierra, Kate Morkeski, Joanna Carey)
72: Human Impacts to Coastal Ecosystems in Puerto Rico (HICE-PR): the Río Loco Watershed (southwest PR) (Juan Torres-Pérez, Maritza Barreto, Jorge Ortiz, Luis Santiago, Liane Guild, Shimelis Setegn, Roy Armstrong, Carlos Ramos-Scharrón)
73: Human Impacts to Coastal Ecosystems in Puerto Rico (HICE-PR): Rio Grande de Manatí Watershed (northwest PR) (Maritza Barreto, Juan Torres-Pérez, Jorge Ortiz, Luis Santiago, Liane Guild, Shimelis Setegn, Carlos Ramos-Scharron, Roy Armstrong)
74: Gridded daily surface weather for North America: development and uncertainty analysis of the Daymet dataset (Peter Thornton, Michele Thornton, Benjamin Mayer, Bob Cook, Ranjeet Devarakonda, Yaxing Wei, Suresh Santhana Vannan)
75: A new global soil and alluvial thickness dataset for terrestrial process studies (Patrick Broxton, Jon Pelletier, Michael Brunke, Pieter Hazenberg, Xubin Zeng, Peter Troch, Guo-Yue Niu, Gochis Dave, Williams Zachary)
77: Oil palm plantation land use is associated with elevated stream temperature and suspended sediment loads in Kalimantan, Indonesia (Kim Carlson, Lisa Curran, Alexandra Ponette-Gonzalez, Dessy Ratnasari, Pita Ruspita, Neli Lisnawati, Yadi Purwanto, Kate Brauman, Peter Raymond)
78: ABoVE water maps: 30m spatial resolution maps of water at decadal time step from 1990 - 2011 (Mark Carroll, Maggie Wooten, Charlene DiMiceli, Robert Sohlberg, John Townshend)
79: Satellite analysis of the role of wildfires in land-use/land-cover and surface-albedo changes and carbon emissions in Africa (Luke Ellison, Charles Ichoku, Charles Gatebe, Poudyal Rajesh)
80: Impacts of land cover and land use change on the nitrogen dynamics of the Chesapeake Bay over the past 100 years (Cathy Feng, Marjy Friedrichs, Hanqin Tian, Qichun Yang, Raymond Najjar)
81: Ecosystem modeling in the Great Basin, USA: derivation of remotely sensed vegetation parameters and parameterization of a shrub PFT. (Rupesh Shrestha, Nancy Glenn, Jessica Mitchell, Hamid Dashti, Alejandro Flores, Aihua Li, Lucas Spaete, Susan Ustin, Yi Qi)
82: Role of colored dissolved organic matter in the dynamics of the Earth System (Kim Grace, Anand Gnanadesikan)
83: NASA COAST and OCEANIA Airborne Missions in Support of Ecosystem and Water Quality Research in the Coastal Zone (Liane Guild, Stanford Hooker, Raphael Kudela, John Morrow, Philip Russell, Jeff Myers, Stephen Dunagan, Sherry Palacios, John Livingston, Kendra Negrey, Juan Torres-Pérez)
84: Assessment of the impacts of ocean acidification on phytoplankton from the Amazon River Plume using remote sensing data (Joaquim Goes, Helga Gomes, Kali McKee, Patricia Yager, Teresa Chen, Tegan Galina)
92: Understanding Biodiversity of the Phytoplankton in the Mid Atlantic Bight (Tiffany Moisan, Kay Rufty, John Moisan)
99: Influence of Fire Frequency on Carbon Consumption in Alaskan Black Spruce Forests (Liz Hoy, Tatiana Loboda, Merritt Turetsky, Kirsten Barrett, Eric Kasischke)
103: Legal and Policy Framework as it Pertains to Puerto Rico Coastal Vegetative Wetlands (Luis Villanueva-Cubero, Mei Yu)
104: Active and passive remote sensing of thresholds in arctic tundra vegetation structure and ecosystem function (Lee Vierling, Jan Eitel, Kevin Griffin, Natalie Boelman, Heather Greaves, Case Prager, Barry Logan, Libby Fortin, Ruthie Oliver, Troy Magney)
105: Linking carbon exchange between coastal wetland and shelf environments (Christopher Osburn, Thomas Bianchi, Eurico D'Sa, Dong Ko, Nick Ward, Zachary Tait, Ishan Joshi)
106: Bringing the Ocean into Finer Focus at the Land-Sea Interface through the NASA COAST, HyspIRI, and OCEANIA Suborbital Missions (Sherry Palacios, Liane Guild, Raphael Kudela, Stanford Hooker, John Morrow, Phil Russell, John Livingston, Kendra Negrey, Juan Torres-Pérez, Meloe Kacenelenbogen, Kirk Knobelspiesse)
107: Past, Present and Future Carbon Accumulation in Arctic and Boreal Peatlands Assessed by Linking Below Ground and Space-Borne Measurements with Peatland Models and GCMs (Dorothy Peteet, Jonathan Nichols, Chris Small, Jones Miriam)
108: Response of estuarine and coastal ecosystems to winter storms in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the U.S. (Ray Sambrotto, Sherwin Ladner, Sean McCarthy)
109: Utilizing Highly Portable Terrestrial Lidar to Improve Spatial and Temporal Resolution of Ecological Monitoring Efforts (Ian Paynter, Edward Saenz, Francesco Peri, Crystal Schaaf, Angela Erb, Bob Chen, Jennifer Bowen, Alan Strahler, Zhan Li, Jan van Aardt, Jasmine Muir, Lola Fatoyinbo, Bruce Cook, Miguel Román, David Clark, Deborah Clark, Leo Campos, William Miranda)
112: Linking Remote Sensing and Process-Based Models to Assess Land Use and Climate Change Impacts on Plant Invasion in Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands (Laura Bourgeau-Chavez, William Currie, Deborah Goldberg, David Hyndman, Kenneth Elgersma, Mary Miller, Michael Battaglia, Sarah Endres, Nancy French)
128: Tidal wetlands as sources and sinks of carbon in a changing world: Remote Sensing, Measurements & Modeling of Wetland-Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions (Maria Tzortziou, Elizabeth Canuel, Patrick Neale, Patrick Megonigal, Raleigh Hood, Wen Long, Kyle McDonald, Blake Clark, Amanda knobloch, Fang Cao, Andrew Peresta)
136: Local and remote drivers of surface inundation and flood risk in the Mekong and Ganges River Deltas (Zachary Tessler, Kat Jensen, Charles Vorosmarty, Kyle McDonald)
168: Arctic-COLORS - Coastal Land Ocean Interactions in the Arctic (Antonio Mannino, Carlos Del Castillo, Marjy Friedrichs, Peter Hernes, Paty Matrai, Joe Salisbury, Maria Tzortziou)
172: The carbon budget of tidal wetlands and estuaries of the contiguous United States: a synthesis approach (Raymond Najjar, Tom Bianchi, Jose Fuentes, Maria Herrmann, Wei-Jun Cai, Rusty Feagin, Michael Kemp, Kevin Kroeger, Maria Tzortziou, Simone Alin, Chuanmin Hu, Wiley Evans)
173: Net ecosystem production and organic carbon balance of U.S. east coast estuaries: A synthesis approach (Maria Herrmann, Raymond Najjar, Michael Kemp, Richard Alexander, Elizabeth Boyer, Wei-Jun Cai, Peter Griffith, Kevin Kroeger, S. McCallister, Richard Smith)
174: Long-term variations in the dissolved oxygen budget of an urbanized tidal river: The Upper Delaware Estuary (Daniel Tomaso, Raymond Najjar)
235: Automated optical sensing of the dynamics in vegetation fluorescence, reflectance and temperature, indicative of ecosystem function and carbon assimilation (Petya Campbell, Betsy Middleton, Fred Huemmrich, Lawrence Corp, Qingyuan Zhang, Sergio Bernardes, David Landis)
164: Applications of the NASA Carbon Management System: Engagement, Use, and Evaluation (Vanessa Escobar)
111: County-level Aboveground Biomass Estimation Implications of Allometric Equation Selection (Laura Duncanson, Kris Johnson, Wenli Huang, Ralph Dubayah)
129: Fusing Next-generation Active Remote Sensing Data for Improved Forest Height and Structure Mapping (Wenlu Qi, Ralph Dubayah)
130: Quantification of Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Losses in the Urban Region of Boston, Massachusetts with an Atmospheric Measurement Network and Modeling Framework (Kathryn McKain, Adrian Down, Steve Raciti, John Budney, Lucy Hutyra, Cody Floerchinger, Scott Herndon, Thomas Nehrkorn, Mark Zahniser, Robert Jackson, Nathan Phillips, Steve Wofsy)
132: Developing Policy-Relevant 'Blue Carbon' Protocols for Monitoring and Verification - Linking soil and satellite data to reduce uncertainty in coastal wetland carbon storage fluxes for national GHG inventories and market incentives (Lisamarie Windham-Myers, Brian Bergamaschi, Judith Drexler, Kristin Byrd, Matthew Ferner, Patrick Megonigal, Lisa Schile, Donald Weller, Kevin Kroeger, Stephen Crooks, James Morris, Ariana Sutton-Grier, John Callaway, Mac Simard, Isa Woo, John Takekawa, Rusty Feagin, Tiffany Troxler)
133: Ocean margins as an increasing sink for the atmospheric carbon dioxide (Wei-Jun Cai, Goulven Laruelle, Xinping Hu, Pierre Regnier)
134: G-LiHT: Multi-Sensor Airborne Image Data from Denali to the Yucatan (Bruce Cook, Lawrence Corp, Doug Morton, Joel McCorkel)
135: High-Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continuing Prototype Development and Deployment (George Hurtt, Richard Birdsey, Molly Brown, Phil DeCola, Katelyn Dolan, Ralph Dubayah, Vanessa Escobar, Andy Finley, Chang Huang, Kris Johnson, Jarlath O'Neil-Dunne, Maosheng Zhao)
147: Integrating Lidar Canopy Height and Landsat-based Forest Disturbance History with Ecosystem Demography Model for Carbon Change Estimation, A Case in Charles County, Maryland (Maosheng Zhao, Chengquan Huang, George Hurtt, Cheng Dubayah, Justin Fisk, Anu Swatantran, Wenli Huang, Hao Tang)
148: Spatial quantification of blue carbon at landscape and continental scales (Rusty Feagin, R Kulawardhana, Audra Hinson, Sorin Popescu, Thomas Bianchi, Kevin Yeager, Raymond Najjar, Kevin Kroeger, Lisa Windham-Myers)
149: A New High-Resolution On-Road CO2 Emissions Inventory for the United States, 1980 - 2012 (Conor Gately, Lucy Hutyra, Ian Sue Wing)
150: Sensitivity of simulated global ocean carbon flux estimates to forcing
by reanalysis products (Watson Gregg, Cecile Rousseaux)
151: Continental-Scale Carbon Budget Impacts of Forest Disturbances by Fires, Insects, and Harvests in the US: Mean, Variability, Uncertainty, and Trend (Huan Gu, Chris Williams, Jim Collatz, Jeff Masek, Bardan Ghimire, Gretchen Moisen)
152: Terrestrial Ecosystem, Carbon Cycle, Landuse Landcover Change, Biodiversity (TECLUB) Measurement Requirements for the Next Decade (Forrest Hall, Scott Goetz)
153: The New Forest Carbon Accounting Framework of the US and NASA Carbon Cycle Science: Identifying Concomitant Knowledge Gaps and Research Opportunities (Sean Healey, Chris Woodall, Grant Domke, John Coulston, Brian Walters, James Smith, Andy Gray)
154: Next-generation forest change mapping across the United States: the Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS) (Sean Healey, Warren Cohen, Evan Brooks, Noel Gorelick, Mathew Gregory, Alexander Hernandez, Cheng Huang, Joe Hughes, Robert Kennedy, Tom Loveland, Kevin Megown, Gretchen Moisen, Todd Schroeder, Brian Schwind, Steve Stehman, James Vogelmann, Curtis Woodcock, Limin Yang, Zhe Zhu, Zhiqiang Yang)
155: Developing an Ecoregion-level Imputation Model From LiDAR-derived Biomass Maps (Andy Hudak, Patrick Fekety, Mike Falkowski, Robert Kennedy, Alistair Smith)
156: Integrating LIDAR and Forest Inventories to Fill the Trees Outside Forests Data Gap (Kris Johnson, Richard Birdsey, Jason Cole, Anu Swatantran, Jarlath O'Neil-Dunne, Ralph Dubayah, Andrew Lister)
167: Surface CO2 flux estimation and validation for 2010 and 2011 from CMS-Flux (Junjie Liu, Kevin Bowman, Michelle Gierach, Jim Collatz, Meemong Lee, Kevin Gurney, John Miller, Dimitris Menemenlis, Nicolas Bousserez)
169: Satellite-Derived Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter within Estuarine and Continental Shelf Waters Along the Northeastern U.S. Coast (Antonio Mannino, Michael Novak, Peter Hernes, Kim Hyde, Sergio Signorini)
170: Dissolved organic carbon fluxes and stocks in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (Sergio Signorini, Antonio Mannino, John Wilkin, Marjy Friedrichs, Raymond Najjar)
171: Synergistic impacts of population growth, urbanization, and climate change on watersheds and coastal ecology of the northeastern United States (Raymond Najjar, Marjy Friedrichs, Eileen Hofmann, Kim Hyde, Antonio Mannino, Hanqin Tian, John Wilkin, Sergio Signorini)
175: Mapping Stand Ages of Primary Forests in Northern Hemisphere Using Remote Sensing Data (Gong Zhang, Weile Wang, Ensheng Weng, Sangram Ganguly, Sassan Saatchi, Rama Nemani)
176: Agricultural Green Revolution as a driver of increasing atmospheric CO2 seasonal amplitude (Ning Zeng, Fang Zhao, Jim Collatz, Eugenia Kalnay, Ross Salawitch, Tris West, Guanter Luiz, Ghassem Asrar)
177: Mangrove Canopy height and biomass estimates from TanDEM-X and WorldView Stereo photogrammetry (Lola Fatoyinbo, SeungKuk Lee, David Lagomasino, Mac Simard, Carl Trettin, Matt Hansen, John Poulsen)
179: Large-area inventory of boreal forest carbon stocks in interior Alaska using G-LiHT data and forest inventory plots (Doug Morton, Bruce Cook, Hans Andersen, Robert Pattison, Ross Nelson, Andy Finley, Chad Babcock, Lawrence Corp, Matthew Fagan, Laura Duncanson)
207: Contemporary and projected lateral carbon fluxes from North America to Oceans: A process-based modeling study (Hanqin Tian, Qichun Yang, Wei Ren, Chaoqun Lu, Bowen Zhang, Shufen Pan, Bo Tao, Steve Lohrenz, Wei-Jun Cai, Ruoying He, Marjy Friedrichs, Raymond Najjar)
Poster Session 2: Monday (Apr 20) 4:30 - 5:30 PM |
100: Spectral Reflectance Features Related to Foliar Nitrogen in Forests and their Implications for Broad-Scale Nitrogen Mapping (Scott Ollinger, Lucie Lepine, Andrew Ouimette, Mary Martin)
110: Observations and Simulations of the Alaskan CO2 Cycle (Nick Parazoo, Chip Miller, John Worden, Colm Sweeney, Anna Karion, Christian Frankenberg, Kevin Bowman, Charlie Koven, Eugenie Euskirchen, Sander Veraverbeke)
178: Development of the EcoSAR P-band single pass InSAR sensor and results from the 2014 flight campaign (Lola Fatoyinbo, Rafael Rincon, Batu Osmanoglu, Jon Ranson, Guoqing Sun, Martin Perrine, Manohar Deshpande, SeungKuk Lee)
195: Using optics to investigate global marine phytoplankton composition (Ali Chase, Emmanuel Boss)
196: Remote Sensing for Robust Estimates of Crop Residue Cover and Soil Tillage Intensity (Craig Daughtry, Peter Beeson, Sushil Milak, Ray Hunt, Ali Sadeghi, Mark Tomer, Doug Karlen)
197: A user perspective on VIIRS Land Vegetation Products (Jennifer Dungan, Forrest Melton, John Shupe, Sangram Ganguly)
198: Characterizing the effects of temporal upscaling on remote sensing-based estimates of evapotranspiration at field scales (Joseph Alfieri, Martha Anderson, William Kustas)
199: HyspIRI, HyTES and ECOSTRESS (Simon Hook, William Johnson, Pierre Guellivic)
200: Sensitivity of Multi-Source SAR Backscatter to Changes of Forest Aboveground Biomass (Wenli Huang, Guoqing Sun, Wenjian Ni, Zhiyu Zhang, Ralph Dubayah)
201: Using MODIS-Derived Vegetation Indices to Infer Ecosystem Productivity (Fred Huemmrich, David Landis, John Gamon, Betsy Middleton)
202: Improving spatial and temporal resolution of fire activity through a comprehensive treatment of satellite fire detection efficiency and diurnal cycles (Edward Hyer, Cynthia Curtis, Jay Hoffman, David Peterson, Elaine Prins, Jeffrey Reid, Christopher Schmidt)
203: Scanning L-band Active Passive (SLAP)--a New Airborne Sensor for Soil Moisture/Frozen Soil (Ed Kim)
204: An acquisition strategy for the proposed NISAR mission to retrieve 3-D
forest structure (Marco Lavalle, Paul Rosen, Scott Hensley)
205: Evaluation of the VIIRS daily BRDF, NBAR, and Albedo product as compared to the MODIS V006 daily BRDF, NBAR, and Albedo product and in situ measurements (Yan Liu, Zhuosen Wang, Qingsong Sun, Crystal Schaaf, Miguel Román, Angela Erb)
206: Estimating Aboveground Biomass of North American Forests Using a Three-Phased Sampling Approach Based on Ground Plots, Airborne Lidar, and the GLAS Satellite Sensor (Hank Margolis, Ross Nelson, Paul Montesano, Guoqing Sun, André Beaudoin, Hans Andersen, Mike Wulder, Bruce Cook, Lawrence Corp, Ben de Jong, Fernando Paz)
224: Using Archival Repeat-Pass L-band InSAR data for Region-wide Mapping of Forest Stand Height (Yang Lei, Paul Siqueira)
225: UMass Airborne and Tower-based Assets for Remote Sensing Monitoring and Measurement of Vegetation Structure and Hydrological Cycles (Paul Siqueira, Tom Hartley, Gerard Carregal, Thomas Millette, Mark Vanscoy)
226: Is There Ecological Information in Optical Polarization Data? (Vern Vanderbilt, Craig Daughtry, Robert Dahlgren)
227: Arctic methane: a view from satellites. (Leonid Yurganov, Ira Leifer, Shawn Xiong, Gennady Chepurin)
228: Retrievals of chlorophyll fAPAR/LAI for GPP modeling (Qingyuan Zhang, Tian Yao, Yujie Wang, Alex Lyapustin)
229: PACE: a comprehensive earth science and climate mission (Emmanuel Boss, Lorraine Remer, PACE Team)
231: Evaluating vegetation albedo for a clumped, multi-level canopy radiative transfer scheme and impacts on simulated primary productivity and GISS GCM climate (Carlo Montes, Nancy Kiang, Wenze Yang, Wenge Ni-Meister, Crystal Schaaf, Tian Yao, Zhuosen Wang, Igor Aleinov, Qingsong Sun, Jeffrey Jonas, Feng Zhao)
234: EO-1 Hyperion spectral time series for remote sensing of vegetation function and carbon flux dynamics (Petya Campbell, Betsy Middleton, Fred Huemmrich, Sergio Bernardes, Qingyuan Zhang, Lawrence Ong)
241: Characterizing the phytoplankton soup: Pump and plumbing effects on the particle assemblage in underway uncontaminated seawater systems (Nicole Poulton, Wayne Slade, Ivona Cetinic)
258: Hyperspectral Data as a Tool for Assessment of Temporal Changes in Norway Spruce Forest Conditions in a Historically Heavily Polluted Mountainous Region of Czech Republic Affected by Long-Term Acidic Deposition (Jana Albrechtova, Zuzana Lhotakova, Jan Misurec, Veronica Kopackova, Petya Campbell, Magda Edwards-Jonášová, Lucie Kupková, Lucie Červená, Markéta Potůčková, Pavel Cudlín)
5: Accelerated Deforestation in the Humid Tropics from the 1990s to the 2000s (Do-Hyung Kim, Joseph Sexton, John Townshend)
-- live demo |
6: Combining Decision Rules with Spatial Data to Assess Climate Mitigation Options for Indonesia’s Peat Land Carbon Stocks (Earl Saxon, Stuart Sheppard)
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19: Introduced annual grass increases regional fire activity across the arid western USA (1980–2009) (Jennifer Balch, Bethany Bradley, Carla D'Antonio, Jose Gomez-Dans)
20: A multifaceted approach to understanding dynamic urban processes: satellites, surveys, and censuses (Deborah Balk, Bryan Jones, Zhen Liu, Mark Montgomery, Son Nghiem, Martion Pesaresi)
21: Effects of increasing dissolved CO2 and mineral dust deposition on dinoflagellate growth in the northern Arabian Sea ecosystem (Ali Bausch, Fulvio Boatta, Peter Morton, Robert Anderson, Kali McKee, Helga Gomes, Joaquim Goés)
22: LCLUC Synthesis: Forested Land Cover and Land Use Change in the Far East of Northern Eurasia and Siberia Under the Combined Drivers of Climate and Socio-Economic Transformation (Kathleen Bergen, Tatiana Loboda, Joshua Newell, Jacquelyn Shuman, Dan Brown, Hank Shugart)
23: Ecophysiological implications of projected changes in climate in the 21st century: variability in vegetation water use efficiency and productivity in a CMIP5 multimodel ensemble (Sergio Bernardes, Betsy Middleton, Petya Campbell, Fred Huemmrich, Qingyuan Zhang, Lawrence Corp, David Landis)
24: Prototyping global industrial forest mapping, a Landsat spatio-temporal approach (Luigi Boschetti, Lian-Zhi Huo, Alistair Smith, Andy Hudak, Robert Keefe)
25: Impact of Urbanization on the Continental US Surface Climate (Lahouari Bounoua, Ping Zhang, Kurt Thome)
26: Lightning Ignited Fires over the Western United States (John Abatzoglou, Bethany Bradley, Emily Fusco, Jennifer Balch)
35: Mapping Global Impervious Cover from Landsat Data (Eric Brown de Colstoun, Cheng Huang, Bin Tan, Panshi Wang, Tilton James, Phillips Jacqueline, Robert Wolfe, Sarah Smith)
36: Global urban extent from Landsat uising multi-level object-based texture features (Panshi Wang, Cheng Huang, James Tilton, Bin Tan, Eric Brown de Colstoun)
37: LCLUC Synthesis: Ecosystem-Society Interactions on a Changing Mongolian Plateau (Jiquan Chen, Ranjeet John, Dan Brown, Changliang Shao, Ginger Allington, Qianlai Zhuang, Jingfeng Xiao, Yichun Xie, Ge Sun, Peille Fan, Jiaguo Qi)
38: Using NASA Remote Sensing Data to Reduce Uncertainty of Land-use Transitions in Global Carbon-Climate Models (Louise Chini, Justin Fisk, Matt Hansen, George Hurtt, Peter Potapov)
39: Filling a critical gap in Indonesia’s national carbon monitoring, reporting, and verification capabilities for supporting REDD+ activities: Incorporating, quantifying and locating fire emissions from within tropical peat-swamp forests (Mark Cochrane, Bambang Saharjo, Erianto Putra, Robert Yokelson, Andrew Vayda, Kevin Ryan, Christopher Barber)
40: Deforestation offsets water balance changes due to climate variability in the Xingu River in eastern Amazonia (Prajjwal Panday, Michael Coe, Marcia Macedo, Paul Lefebvre, Andrea Castanho)
41: Understanding the controls of the greening of terrestrial vegetation of northern Eurasia. (Pawlok Dass, Michael Rawlins, Youngwook Kim, John Kimball)
42: Understanding the past to predict the future: sea level rise, wetland migration and impacts to the habitat of a critically endangered frog (Danny Davila, Mei Yu)
57: Basin scale changes in carbon export in the subarctic Pacific Ocean linked to El Nińo events (Joaquim Goes, Helga Gomes, Giulietta Fargion, Jan-Erik Tesdal)
58: Rapid Land-Cover Changes in the Arctic due to Oil and Gas Infrastructure and Climate Comparison of the geoecological conditions, permafrost hazards, and infrastructure spread in the Bovanenkovo Gas Field, Russia and the Prudhoe Bay Oilfield, Alaska (Skip Walker, Howard Epstein, Martha Raynolds, Timo Kumpula, Yuri Shur, Mikhail Kanevskiy, Marina Leibman, Artem Khomutov, Ken Ambrosius, Marcel Buchhorn, Bruce Forbes, Gary Kofinas, George Matyshak, Vladimir Romanovsky, Lisa Wirth)
59: Urban landscape and environment change during the economic transition in Mongolian Plateau: A comparative study of Hohhot and Ulaanbaator, 1990-2010 (Peilei Fan, Jiquan Chen, Ranjeet John)
60: The integrated Ecosystem Demography (iED) model: Linking ecological and socio-economic models for improved integrated assessments of climate mitigation (Justin Fisk, George Hurtt, Yannick le Page, Pralit Patel)
61: Multi-Sensor Analysis of Global Daytime and Nighttime Urban Heat Islands (Steve Frolking, Jingfeng Xiao, Annemarie Schneider, Tom Milliman, Leah Cheek, Mark Friedl)
62: Quantifying human influence on fire ignitions across the western U.S. (Emily Fusco, John Abatzoglou, Jennifer Balch, Bethany Bradley)
63: Addressing User Demands: Enhancing NOAA Coral Reef Watch’s Satellite Decision Support System for Coral Reef Managers (Erick Geiger, C. Mark Eakin, Gang Liu, Jacqueline De La Cour, Scott Heron, William Skirving, Alan Strong)
64: Fire regimes and forest loss in the fragmented tropical forests of West Africa (Francis Dwomoh, Mike Wimberly)
65: Change in our MIDST: Toward Detection and Analysis of Urban Dynamics in CONUS (Geoff Henebry, Kirsten de Beurs, Cole Krehbiel, Lan Nguyen, Braden Owsley, Xiaoyang Zhang, Baojuan Zheng)
66: Human influences on land use, vegetation and emissions: carbon flux, ecosystem response, and human health along an urban to rural gradient in Baltimore (John Hom, Nick Saliendra, Matthew Patterson, Rodrigo Vargas, Kenneth Clark, Lewis Ziska, Leonard Bielory)
67: Detection of Human-Induced Land Degradation in a Semi-arid Rangeland (Hasan Jackson, Steve Prince)
68: An integrated, observation-based system to monitor aboveground forest carbon dynamics in Washington, Oregon, and California (Robert Kennedy, Matthew Gregory, Janet Ohmann, Heather Roberts, Neeti Neeti, David Miller, Zhiqiang Yang, Warren Cohen, Van Kane, Jonathan Kane, Scott Powell)
69: Impact of Forest Harvest Regimes on the Tradeoff between Roundwood Production and Carbon Sequestration (Pui-Yu Ling, Caren Dymond, Weimin Xi)
70: Agricultural expansion reduces net radiation and water recycling in Amazonia (Divino Silvério, Paulo Brando, Marcia Macedo, Pieter Beck, Michael Coe)
85: The effects of anthropogenic degradation of rangelands on carbon sequestration in the southwestern drylands of U.S.A. (Praveen Noojipady, Steve Prince, Khaldoun Rishmawi)
86: Assessing vulnerability and responses of forest edges to drought in the Brazilian Amazon (Izaya Numata, Mark Cochrane, Jeppe Kjaergaard, Kul Khand, Sonaira Silva)
87: Impacts of extreme hydrological events on Amazon floodplain hydrology and inundation dynamics (Prajjwal Panday, Michael Coe, Paul Lefebvre, Marcia Macedo, Leandro Castello)
88: Quantification of Drought-Induced Tree Mortality in Texas: Fine scale to Regional Estimates (Amanda Schwantes, Jennifer Swenson, Daniel Johnson, Jean-Christophe Domec, Robert Jackson)
89: Mapping primary forest loss in peninsular Malaysia (Varada Shevade, Tatiana Loboda, Svetlana Turubanova, Peter Potapov)
91: Annual carbon emissions from deforestation in the Amazon basin between 2000 and 2010 (Xiao-Peng Song, Cheng Huang, Sassan Saatchi, Matt Hansen, John Townshend)
93: Impacts of floods and droughts on aquatic macrophytes, forests, and fisheries of central Amazonian river floodplains (Leandro Castello, Marcia Macedo, John Melack, Michael Coe, Laura Hess, Peter Bayley, Bernardo Flores)
94: The Effect of Land Use Change on Nitrogen Load into the Buzzards Bay, MA Watershed (Shanna Williamson, Jennie Rheuban, David Glover, Joseph Costa, Scott Doney)
95: Using Atmospheric Column Measurements to Estimate the Impact of Climate Variables on CO2 Uptake by the Biosphere (Debra Wunch, Paul Wennberg, William Simpson, Geoffrey Toon, Nick Parazoo, Arlyn Andrews, Dylan Jones, Coleen Roehl, Kimberly Strong, Ray Nassar)
96: Exploring the interactions between carbon cycling, land use and climate change within mixed agricultural, forested, suburban, and urban landscapes (Jingfeng Xiao, Changsheng Li, Alix Contosta, Ruth Varner, Scott Ollinger, Junmei Tang, Jia Deng)
97: Changes in biophysical climate regulation services from converting native grassland to bioenergy production in the US Midwest (Xuesong Zhang, Kaiguang Zhao, Michael Abraha, Ilya Gelfand, Roberto Izaurralde, Allison Thomson, Steve Hamilton, Jiquan Chen, G. Philip Robertson, Min Xu, Xin-Zhong Liang)
118: Mapping Density with Intensity: Spatial Disaggregation of Gridded Population Density using Stable Night Light Brightness (Christopher Small, Christopher Elvidge, Gregory Yetman, Kimberly Baugh, Kytt MacManus)
208: Large-scale land transformations and their impacts on terrestrial primary production and carbon storage in South Asia/India; 1880-2010 (Hanqin Tian, Kamaljit Banger, Bo Tao, Jia Yang, Shufen Pan, Wei Ren)
Poster Session 3: Tuesday (Apr 21) 4:35 - 5:35 PM |
76: Interannual variability in water and biogeochemical inputs to a coastal Bornean peatland (Alexandra Ponette-González, Lisa Curran, Kim Carlson, Alice Pittman, Bethel Steele, Dwi Astiani, Dessy Ratnasari, Mugiman)
90: Local and regional shifts in phytoplankton abundance and community structure along the western Antarctic Peninsula (Maria Kavanaugh, David Glover, Hugh Ducklow, Oscar Schofield, Scott Doney)
102: Linking carbon and water cycling to nitrogen for forests across North America: From the leaf to the ecosystem (Rossella Guerrieri, Lucie Lepine, Heidi Asbjornsen, Jingfeng Xiao, Scott Ollinger)
113: Vulnerability of North American Boreal Peatlands to Interactions between Climate, Hydrology, and Wildland Fires (Laura Bourgeau-Chavez, Eric Kasischke, Merritt Turetsky, William de Groot, Liza Jenkins, Sarah Endres, Michael Billmire, Brian Brian)
114: LP DAAC Product Lifecycle Plan In Action (S Doman Bennett Bennett, David Meyer)
115: Assessment of Agricultural Crop Conditions Using NASA UAVSAR Datasets (Aaron Davitt, Kyle McDonald, Marzi Azarderakhsh, Vanessa Escobar, Johnathan Winter)
116: Quantifying spatial and temporal patterns of forest disturbance over a quarter century and across three distinct regions of the US (Katelyn Dolan, George Hurtt, Chang Huang, Jeff Masek, Justin Fisk, Ralph Dubayah)
117: Remote sensing constraints on South America fire traits by Bayesian fusion of atmospheric and surface data (A. Anthony Bloom, John Worden, Zhe Jiang, Helen Worden, Thomas Kurosu, Christian Frankenberg, Dave Schimel)
119: Spectral Stability of Human-Modified Landscapes (Christopher Small, Cristina Milesi)
120: A Continuous Infrastructure Index for Mapping Human Settlements (Christopher Small, Son Nghiem)
121: Mapping post-disturbance stand age distribution in the Siberian larch forest based on a novel method (Dong Chen, Tatiana Loboda, Alexander Krylov, Peter Potapov)
122: Mapping Aboveground Biomass in the Western US with the Multiangle Imaging Spectro-Radiometer (Mark Chopping, Zhuosen Wang, Michael Bull, Rochy Duchesne)
123: A New NACP Data Set: Woody Vegetation Characteristics of 1,039 Sites across the North Slope, Alaska (Rochy Duchesne, Mark Chopping, Ken Tape)
124: Leaf Area Index and Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation Thematic Climate Data Record from AVHRR (Martin Claverie, Eric Vermote, Chris Justice)
125: ORNL DAAC – NASA EOSDIS Data Center for Terrestrial Ecology Data (Suresh Santhana Vannan, Yaxing Wei, Bob Cook, Tammy Beaty, ORNL Team)
126: Application of Airborne Remote Sensing to Define Terrestrial Ecosystem Form & Function (Lawrence Corp, Bruce Cook, Betsy Middleton)
137: Tropical Terrestrial Tipping Point (Ian Baker, Katherine Haynes, Scott Denning, Don Dazlich, David Randall, Anna Harper)
138: The Gulf Coast Intensive: Progress towards high-fidelity, regional-scale inverse estimates of the North American terrestrial carbon budget. (Ken Davis, Martha Butler, Jim Collatz, Aijun Deng, Liza Diaz-Isaac, Thomas Lauvaux, Tasha Miles, Caroline Normile, Stephen Ogle, Scott Richardson, Andrew Schuh, Tris West, Chris Williams)
139: Atmospheric Carbon and Transport – America: An Earth Venture mission dedicated to improving the accuracy, precision and resolution of atmospheric inverse estimates of CO2 and CH4 sources and sinks (Ken Davis, David Baker, John Barrick, Joe Berry, Kevin Bowman, Edward Browell, Lori Bruhwiler, Gao Chen, Yonghoon Choi, Jim Collatz, Bob Cook, Sean Crowell, Scott Denning, Jeremy Dobler, Andy Jacobson, Anna Karion, Klaus Keller, Thomas Lauvaux, Bing Lin, Matthew McGill, Byron Meadows, Anna Michalak, Tasha Miles, John Miller, Berrien Moore III, Amin Nehrir, Lesley Ott, Michael Obland, Chris O'Dell, Steven Pawson, Gabrielle Petron, Scott Richardson, Andrew Schuh, Colm Sweeney, Pieter Tans, Yaxing Wei, Melissa Yang, Fuqing Zhang)
140: Remote Sensing Assessment of the Nile Basin Vegetation Cover Dynamic (Kamel Didan, Armando Barreto, Muluneh Yitayew)
141: Sunlight mediated seasonality in canopy structure and photosynthetic activity of Amazonian rainforests (Jian Bi, Yuri Knyazikhin, Sungho Choi, Taejin Park, Jonathan Barichivich, Philippe Ciais, Rong Fu, Sangram Ganguly, Forrest Hall, Thomas Hilker, Alfredo Huete, Matt Jones, John Kimball, Alex Lyapustin, Matti Mőttus, Rama Nemani, Shilong Piao, Ben Poulter, Scott Saleska, Sassan Saatchi, Liang Xu, Liming Zhou, Ranga Myneni)
142: Mapping paddy rice in northeastern Asia based on Landsat 8 and Google Earth Engine (Jinwei Dong, Xiangming Xiao, Michael Menarguez, Geli Zhang, Yuanwei Qin)
143: Continuous wavelet analysis for spectroscopic determination of sub-surface moisture and water-table height in northern peatland ecosystems (Mike Falkowski, Asim Banskota, Evan Kane, Alistair Smith, Laura Bourgeau-Chavez, Nancy French)
144: NEON: the ground network for the next generation of carbon cycle and ecosystems missions (Andy Fox, Tom Kampe)
145: Evaluating the Effects of Heat Temperature Stress on Coral’s Fluorescence and Reflectance Signature using Point-Specific Hyperspectral Remote Sensing (Andrea Gomez, Kyle McDonald, Ana Carnaval, Cheryl Woodley, Sylvia Galloway)
146: Chlorophyll fluorescence lifetimes in the ocean and phytoplankton physiology inferred from space (Maxim Gorbunov, Hanzhi Lin, Fedor Kuzminov, Paul Falkowski)
158: Modeling tree species diversity in NC Piedmont forests based on forest structure (Chris Hakkenberg, Conghe Song)
159: Mapping and monitoring cropland burning in Russia: a multi-sensor approach. (Joanne Hall, Tatiana Loboda, Gregory McCarty)
160: Partitioning savanna tree and grass leaf area index (LAI) from MODIS aggregates in Sub-Saharan Africa (Milkah Kahiu, Niall Hanan)
161: Estimation of high-resolution land surface net shortwave radiation from AVIRIS data: Algorithm development and preliminary results (Tao He, Shunlin Liang)
162: Forest Canopy Height Estimation from Calipso Lidar Measurement (Xiaomei Lu, Yong Hu)
163: Exploring the Geomorphology of the Amazon’s Planalto with Imaging Radar:
Understanding the Origins of the Modern Amazon Basin. (Rehnuma Islam, Kyle McDonald, Marzi Azarderakhsh, Ana Carnaval, Kenneth Campbell, Joel Cracraft)
166: Advancing Methods for Estimating Cropland Area (LeeAnn King, Matt Hansen, Peter Potapov, Alexander Krylov, Xiao-Peng Song, Steve Stehman, Bernard Adusei)
180: Amazon forest dynamics from multi-temporal airborne lidar data (Doug Morton, Veronika Leitold, Bruce Cook, Maiza dos Santos, Maria Hunter, Hyeungu Choi, Marcos Longo, Michael Keller)
181: Deriving Land Cover Fractional Maps with Unmixing Algorithm (Uttam Kumar, Cristina Milesi, S Raja, Rama Nemani, Sangram Ganguly)
183: Long-term multi-sensor record of fire disturbances in High Northern Latitudes (Tatiana Loboda, Nancy French, Liza Jenkins, Mary Ellen Miller, Laura Bourgeau-Chavez)
184: Toward modeling vegetation boundaries and fragmentation in the African Miombo ecoregion (Lauren Lowman, Ana Barros)
185: Drought impacts on forest biomass mortality from fires and insects across the western United States during recent decades (Logan Berner, Bev Law)
186: Using three decades of Landsat data to characterize changes and vulnerability of temperate and boreal forest phenology to climate change (Eli Melaas, Damien Sulla-Menashe, Josh Gray, Curtis Woodcock, Mark Friedl)
187: Unpacking the cross-scale niche: a multi-grain modeling framework to evaluate scale-dependence in species-environment relationships (Katherine Mertes, Walter Jetz)
188: The Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE) Measurements of Seasonal to Interannual Variability in Alaskan CO2 and CH4 Fluxes (Chip Miller)
189: Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) Mission: Observations of Root Zone Soil Moisture and their Impact on Improving NEE Estimates in North America (Mahta Moghaddam, Elaine Chapin, Wade Crow, Richard Cuenca, Dara Entekhabi, Scott Hensley, Yunling Lou, Paul Moorcroft, Rolf Reichle, Sassan Saatchi, Paul Shepson)
190: Calibrating Spaceborne Estimates of Tree Cover in the Taiga-Tundra Ecotone (Paul Montesano, Chris Neigh, Joe Sexton, Min Feng, Mark Chopping, Saurabh Channan, Ross Nelson, John Townshend, Jon Ranson)
191: Linking remote sensing and climate data for an agriculture index insurance program in Ethiopia (Chris Neigh, Molly Brown, Dan Osgood, Jessica McCarty, Bristol Mann, Greg Husak, Martha Anderson, Christopher Hain, Helen Greatrex)
192: DigitalGlobe High Resolution Data Access for LCLUC Scientists (Chris Neigh, Jaime Nickeson, Dan Slayback, Shannon Franks, Karen Yuan, Compton Tucker)
193: The Land Product Validation (LPV) sub-group of the CEOS Working Group on Calibration and Validation (WGCV) (Miguel Román, Jaime Nickeson, Gabriela Schaepman-Strub)
194: Estimating the Impacts of Recent Severe Amazonia Droughts on Forest Carbon Dynamics and Fluxes from Assimilating Satellite Observations in NCAR CESM with Ensemble Kalman Filter (Junjie Liu, Sassan Saatchi, Yifan Yu, Kevin Bowman, Meemong Lee)
209: A Common Discontinuous Forest Canopy Model for Optical, Lidar and Radar Remote Sensing: Radar Model Development and Evaluation (Wenge Ni-Meister, Jing Yuan, Guoqing Sun, Yong Wang, Jon Ranson)
210: Assessment and Ranking of the Agents Influencing Woody Plant Expansion in Arizona (Kelley O'Neal, Tatiana Loboda, John Rogan)
211: Recent developments in ODIAC fossil fuel CO2 emission dataset (Tom Oda, Shamil Maksyutov, Robert Andres, Chris Elvidge)
212: Characterization and scaling of vegetation structure in Amazonia and Cerrado regions using remotely sensed imagery (Michael Palace, Rob Braswell, Steve Hagen, Laerte Ferreria, Mercedes Bustamante, Michael Keller, Sabrina Miranda, Julia Shimbo, Christina Herrick, Franklin Sullivan)
213: Drought-induced vegetation change and fire in Amazonian forests: past, present, and future (Michael Palace, Steve Frolking, Crystal McMichael, Rob Braswell1, Dar Roberts, Mark Bush, Doug Morton, Michael Keller, Heidi Asbjornsen, Luiz Aragao, Laerte Ferreria, Matt Vadenboncoeur, Mark Ducey, Steve Hagen, Tom Milliman, Christina Herrick)
214: Monitoring Forest Change By Means Of Multibaseline L-Band SAR Remote Ssensing: The Traunstein Test Case (Matteo Pardini, Maria Tello Alonso, Florian Kugler, Astor Torano Caicoya, Victor Cazcarra Bes, Irena Hajnsek, Konstantinos Papathanassiou)
215: Lidar remote sensing of vegetation canopy structure and biophysical parameters at multiple scales (Sorin Popescu, Ryan Sheridan, Kaiguang Zhao, Nian-Wei Ku, Jason Vogel, Georgianne Moore, Rusty Feagin, Ranjani Kulawardhana)
216: Forest cover maps of China in 2010 from multiple approaches and data sources: PALSAR, Landsat, MODIS, FRA, and NFI (Yuanwei QIN, Xiangming Xiao, Jinwei Dong, Geli Zhang, Masanobu Shimada, Jiyuan Liu, Chungan Li, Weili Kou, Berrien Moore III)
217: Assessment of Model Estimates of Land-Atmosphere CO2 Exchange Across Northern Eurasia (Michael Rawlins, Dave McGuire, John Kimball, Pawlok Dass, David Lawrence, Eleanor Burke, Xiangdong Chen, Christine Delire, Charles Koven, Andrew MacDougall, Sushi Peng, Anette Rinke, Kazuyuki Saito, Wenxin Zhang, Ramdane Alkama, Theodore Bohn, Philippe Ciais, Bertrand Decharme, Isabelle Gouttevin, Tomohiro Hajima, Duoying Ji, Gerhard Krinner, Dennis Lettenmaier, Paul Miller, John Moore, Ben Smith, Tetsuo Sueyoshi)
218: Measuring post-disturbance forest regrowth in North and South Carolina using 28-years of Landsat data. (Khaldoun Rishmawi, Jeff Masek, Feng Zhao, Chris Neigh, Cheng Huang)
219: Development of a Data-Assimilation Framework for Integrating 25 Years of Surface and Airborne Observations to Assess Patterns of Net CO2 Exchange from Arctic Ecosystems (Bill Munger, Steve Wofsy, Roisin Commane, Jakob Lindaas, John Henderson, Colm Sweeney, Kristina Luus)
220: An Assessment of Ocean Color Model Estimates of Net Primary Productivity (NPP) in the Arctic Ocean (Younjoo Lee, Paty Matrai, Marjy Friedrichs, Vince Saba)
221: Realizing the full potential of Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) Products (Kevin Schaefer, Albert Chen, Lin Liu, Andrew Parsekian, Elchin Jafarov, Santosh Panda, Howard Zebker)
222: Impact of fine-scale species change on the energy budget in an Earth System Model (Jacquelyn Shuman, Peter Lawrence, Gordon Bonan, Hank Shugart)
223: Modeling of Polarimetric SAR and InSAR for Forest Structure Estimation (Paul Siqueira, Dustin Lagoy)
230: Climate-vegetation classification: Linear Manifold Clustering as a means objectively to identify physical bifurcations, climate change, and GCM climate biases (Nancy Kiang, Robert Haralick, Art Diky, Xing Su, Benjamin Cook)
236: The South Central and Eastern European Regional Information Network (SCERIN) (Petya Campbell, Jana Albrechtova, Ioan Abrudan)
239: Characterization of variability and uncertainty in leaf biophysical traits using spectral data (Alexey Shiklomanov, Michael Dietze, Shawn Serbin)
240: Establishing biomass-spectra relationships at Ivotuk, Alaska using LASSO regression (Sara Bratsch, Howard Epstein, Heather Landes)
242: Modeling the size-frequency distribution of forest disturbances (Danxia Song, Cheng Huang, Joe Sexton, John Townshend)
243: Forest Monitoring in Indonesia: Using an extensive LiDAR data set to map forest carbon stock and logging impacts (Steve Hagen, Franklin Sullivan, Sassan Saatchi, Timothy Pearson, Michael Palace, Rob Braswell, Sandra Brown, William Salas, Matthew Hanson)
244: Estimating forest structure in tropical forested sites using lidar point cloud data (Franklin Sullivan, Michael Palace, Michael Keller, Ekena Pinage, Maiza Nara dos Santos)
245: The Biosphere Activities within The Helmholtz Association Alliance: Remote Sensing & Earth System Dynamics (Marivi Tello, Matteo Pardini, Michael Heym, Rico Fischer, Peter Bieber, Andreas Huth, Kostas Papathanassiou, Irena Hajnsek)
246: Tropical-Forest Profiles and Biomass from TanDEM-X, Single-Baseline Interferometric SAR: InSAR Performance at Higher Frequencies and Bandwidths (Robert Treuhaft, Fabio Goncalves, Michael Keller, Joăo Santos, Maxim Neumann, Michael Palace)
247: Environmental and biodiversity representativeness of global protected area network (Mao-Ning Tuanmu, Walter Jetz)
248: Forest cover and aboveground carbon loss in natural and managed tropical forests in 2000-2012 (Sasha Tyukavina, Alessandro Baccini, Matt Hansen, Peter Potapov, Steve Stehman, Skee Houghton, Alexander Krylov, Svetlana Turubanova, Scott Goetz)
249: Monitoring Surface Water Changes across North American Arctic-Boreal Regions and Associated Impacts on Regional Carbon Fluxes (Jennifer Watts, John Kimball, Jinyang Du)
250: The North American Carbon Program Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project: Environmental driver data (Yaxing Wei, Shishi Liu, Deborah Huntzinger, Anna Michalak, Nicolas Viovy, Mac Post, Christopher Schwalm, Kevin Schaefer, Andy Jacobson, Chaoqun Lu, Hanqin Tian, Dan Ricciuto, Bob Cook, Jiafu Mao, Xiaoying Shi)
259: Applying the Global Macroscope for Ecological Forecasting of Vector-Borne Disease Outbreaks (Mike Wimberly, Ting-Wu Chuang, Geoffrey Henebry, Michael Hildreth, John Kimball, Yi Liu, Alemayehu Midekisa, Gabriel Senay)
260: Estimate of Tropical Fire Emissions using Aura TES and GOSAT data. (John Worden, A. Anthony Bloom, Helen Worden, Kevin Bowman, Dave Schimel)
261: The Role of Snow Cover and Soil Freeze/Thaw Cycles Affecting Boreal-Arctic Soil Carbon Dynamics (Yonghong Yi, John Kimball, Michael Rawlins, Mahta Moghaddam, Eugenie Euskirchen)
262: Discerning the fragmentation dynamics between tropical forest and wetland in the context of reforestation, urban sprawl, and policy change (Qiong Gao, Mei Yu)
263: Ecohydrological dynamics of tropical watersheds in response to land use and climate changes (Qiong Gao, Mei Yu)
264: Development of S-NPP VIIRS surface type products (Rui Zhang, Cheng Huang, Kuan Song, Mark Friedl, Damien Sulla-Menashe, Xiwu Zhan)
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