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  2010 NASA Terrestrial Ecology Science Team Meeting  


Tuesday, April 30      [back to top]

8:30 AM
8:30 AM 
Introduction and Logistics    (Peter Griffith)   [presentation]
8:45 AM 
Terrestrial Ecology Program Overview    (Diane Wickland)   [presentation]
9:15 AM 
State of the Carbon Cycle (NACP and GCP): have components and their uncertainties changed over time?    (Anna Michalak)   [presentation]
9:45 AM 
IPCC WG II Progress and Findings: How has TE contributed and how could it contribute to the next round?    (Katharine Mach)   [presentation]
10:15 AM 
Next decadal survey: were lessons learned? Suggestions for the next round.    (David Schimel)   [presentation]
10:45 AM
11:00 AM
Poster Session 1-A -- [view posters]
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
1:00 PM 
New and existing airborne measurement capabilities for NASA Terrestrial Ecology    (Dar Roberts)   [presentation]
1:30 PM 
Satellite mission status for Terrestrial Ecology science (ongoing and future)    (Simon Hook)
2:00 PM 
Ecology Working Group Report    (Paul Siqueira)   [presentation]
2:15 PM 
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
Breakout Session I
Future directions in passive optical satellite remote sensing  Breakout Session Description and Discussion Forum
Chairs: Scott Goetz, Rob Green, Susan Ustin, Phil Townsend
Future Directions for NASA TE Non-Carbon Ecological Research  Breakout Session Description and Discussion Forum
Chair: Paul Siqueira
Towards better integration of NASA TE science into vulnerability assessments and climate adaptation  Breakout Session Description and Discussion Forum
Chairs: Olga Wilhelmi, Mary Hayden
TE modeling and data WGs joint session  Breakout Session Description and Discussion Forum
Chairs: Bob Cook, George Hurtt
4:30 PM
Poster Session 1-B -- [view posters]
5:30 PM

Wednesday, May 1      [back to top]

8:30 AM
8:30 AM 
Vulnerability, thresholds, tipping points: TE response to the USGCRP 2015 agenda    (Marcy Litvak)
9:00 AM 
Breakout I Reports & Discussion
9:30 AM
Breakout Session II
Future directions in active satellite remote sensing  Breakout Session Description and Discussion Forum
Chairs: Sassan Saatchi, Amy Neuenschwander
Next-generation modeling for high latitude systems  Breakout Session Description and Discussion Forum
Chairs: Daniel Hayes, Kevin Schaefer
Exploring NASA CMS and TE synergies  Breakout Session Description and Discussion Forum
Chairs: George Hurtt, Joshua Fisher, Nancy French, Sean Healey
11:00 AM
Poster Session 2-A -- [view posters]
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
1:00 PM 
Ecosystems in 2100: changing climate, shifting biomes, altered disturbances, land-use, and implications for carbon-climate-human feedbacks    (George Hurtt)   [presentation]
1:30 PM 
Q/A/discussion on latest selections: Did we get proposals for the data we were looking for?    (Diane Wickland)   [presentation]
2:00 PM
Speed Talks
2:00 PM 
Development of a High-Resolution Global Soil Depth Dataset    (Jon Pelletier)   [abstract]   [presentation]
2:05 PM 
Surface Weather Data with Uncertainty Quantification for Terrestrial Ecosystem Process Models    (Peter Thornton)   [abstract]   [presentation]
2:10 PM 
Using NASA Remote Sensing Data to Reduce Uncertainty of Land-Use Transitions in Global Carbon-Climate Models    (Louise Chini)   [abstract]   [presentation]
2:15 PM 
Ecological Spectral Information System (ESIS): Integration of Spectral Data with Measurements of Vegetation Functional Traits    (Philip Townsend)   [abstract]   [presentation]
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
3:00 PM 
Terrestrial Ecology research synthesis on Phenology/seasonality/climate interactions    (Andrew Elmore)   [presentation]
3:30 PM 
Satellite remote sensing of vegetation structure: Functional synthesis of InSAR and Lidar    (Robert Treuhaft, Maxim Neumann, Fabio Goncalves, Michael Palace)
4:00 PM 
Remote sensing of ecosystem function and vegetation physiology    (Philip Townsend)
4:30 PM
Poster Session 2-B -- [view posters]
5:30 PM

Thursday, May 2      [back to top]

8:30 AM
8:30 AM 
High latitude systems: Synthesis of what we know, and don't know, and need to know, pre-ABoVE    (Scott Goetz)   [presentation]
9:00 AM 
Opportunities and Challenges for Incorporating Humans into Ecological Understanding    (Elisabeth Larson)   [presentation]
9:30 AM 
Briefing and Q/A on ABoVE    (Diane Wickland, Eric Kasischke, Daniel Hayes)   [presentation]
10:00 AM
10:15 AM
10:15 AM 
Breakout II Reports & Discussion
10:45 AM 
How to write successful proposals Q&A    (Diane Wickland)   [presentation]
11:15 AM 
Wrap-up & Closing Discussion
12:00 PM

Questions or comments? Contact TE Meeting Support


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Curator: Carla Evans
NASA Official: Diane E. Wickland