Code of Conduct

Note: All FireSense participants must download, read and sign this document prior to engaging in any FireSense field campaign activities. Download Here >>

NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) embraces inclusion as one of its core values. SMD is dedicated to using a multi-pronged approach that brings systemic and lasting change in this area by fostering inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility across all elements of work through dedicated activities and sustained engagement.

FireSense leadership is committed to providing safe, welcoming, and productive environments in the field, the lab, and at meetings and conferences. Members of the FireSense mission team are expected to follow this code of conduct. The FireSense Code of Conduct "rejects discrimination and harassment by any means, based on factors such as ethnic or national origin, race, religion, citizenship, language, political or other opinion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, age, or economic class." This Code also includes information on expected behavior, unacceptable behavior, consequences, and how to report unacceptable behavior.

This code of conduct outlines the expected behavior for participating in the FireSense field campaign as well as some examples of unacceptable behavior. The purpose of this document is to ensure the project provides a safe, equitable, and inclusive environment. By signing this document, you agree to the following code of conduct and accept the expressed consequences for violating them.

Each team member is required to sign this document before participating in FireSense science activities (hereby termed “fieldwork”).

Expected Behavior

These expectations are designed to promote professionalism within the group to ensure a positive group experience and to facilitate the formation of a community dynamic where we respect and support each other. 

  • Be accepting of diverse viewpoints and allow all team members to express their opinions openly without judgment if viewpoints are not discriminatory. Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback. Scrutinize ideas not individuals.
  • Allow all team members to partake in decision making and do not exclude others from meetings.
  • Be honest and accountable. If you violate any aspects of the code of conduct or fail to meet expectations in some way, be open with the team members, admit fault, and strive to do better.
  • Avoid knowingly making false or misleading statement(s) (or engaging in activities) that could be or be viewed as offensive or defamatory to a team member, group, or organization.
  • Ask for help when you need it and respect those who ask for help. Recognize that people have different strengths and that some disabilities are invisible. 

Unexpected Behaviors

Misconduct that will result in consequences, includes:

  • Physical or verbal abuse, harassment, or assault;
  • Intimidation or bullying;
  • Coercion/Manipulation;
  • Threats (including but not limited to threats of violence, professional discreditation, unwarranted decreases in responsibilities, and public embarrassment.);
  • Sexual harassment;
  • Stalking;
  • Insulting or derogatory comments, trolling, and personal attacks.

Retaliation against a person or group reporting code of conduct violations.

Ask Once Policy

Team members should follow an “Ask Once” policy when it comes to consensual sexual advances or “asking someone out” during field activities. An “Ask Once” policy ensures that all team members can only “ask out” an individual once. Asking out includes flirting, expressing interest, and/or making advances towards an individual. If at any point that individual states that they are not interested, brushes off the advance, or does not reciprocate in a positive way, the team member must not continue to ask out the individual. If the team member continues to pursue the individual, it is considered harassment. 

Reporting: What to Do if You Have Experienced Inappropriate Behavior

Managers and team leaders, including engineering and scientific team leads, have a responsibility to create an open and supportive environment where team members feel comfortable raising and addressing concerns. This code of conduct is intended to help members of mission team take immediate and appropriate corrective steps to prevent conduct that is unwelcome and adversely affects the work environment before it can become severe or pervasive – regardless of whether the conduct violated the law or was intended to be harmful.

Each situation is unique. You are entitled to the following (not exhaustive):

  • Report to any of the reporting options listed below
  • Talk to anyone about your experience
  • Change your mind about talking to anyone about your experience at any time
  • Bring someone with you to provide support during reporting or any resulting discussions
  • To seek reasonable accommodations to ensure the success of your work
  • To seek medical assistance

Multiple reporting avenues are available to FireSense participants. Below is a list of individuals who you can privately disclose an incident you observed or experienced.

Anonymous Reporting It is important to understand that anonymous reporting is insufficient for actionable events but can be effective for letting someone know that their behavior is noticed and could lead to action if credible/verifiable information is brought forward.

Responses to reporting code of conduct violation(s)

Concerns and reports will be addressed promptly by FireSense and/or NASA HQ leadership. First, they will ensure that immediate safety concerns have been addressed. Secondly, they will recuse themselves if there are conflicts of interest that would bias their decisions. A meeting amongst relevant parties will be arranged as soon as it is practical where neither the alleged harasser nor target is present. Before or after the meeting, these parties will find more information about the incident, including but not limited to interviewing the alleged offender or interviewing witnesses. Investigating members will choose a response that best protects the FireSense team members from future harm. This may include:

  • Removal of responsibilities, privilege, or access during the field campaign
  • Temporary ban from field campaign team spaces
  • Permanent ban from field campaign team spaces
  • Reporting to the participants home institution leadership/supervisor

Adverse action against a person or group because of a report will not be tolerated and is subject to the consequences as outlined above.