Mentor Match-up for Lunch

On Tuesday of the TE Science Team Meeting, Mentors and Early Career scientists will have the opportunity to meet and have lunch together. You must register for the meeting and indicate that you are interested in the registration form. The mentoring lunch is an opportunity for early career (in school or < 5 years out from Ph.D.) scientists to have an informal lunch with a later career (~15 years or more post-Ph.D.) scientist. Unfortunately, we can’t provide lunches for you, so everyone is responsible for buying their own meal.

If you are an early career scientist and interested, provide the following in the registration form:
  • Former institutions
  • Subjects you are interested in and/or other items you are interested in learning about.
If you are a later career scientist and interested in being a Mentor, provide the following in the registration form:
  • Scientific specialty
The meeting planning committee will endeavor to pair people based on interest or experience.