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133 as of 3-JUL-2024
Abraham, Andrew Northern Arizona University  he/him 
Angel, Yoseline NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - UMD College Park  she/her 
Barenblitt, Abigail NASA  she/her 
Bell, Tom Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution  he/him 
Biswas, Sumalika University of California, Los Angeles  she/her 
Blair, Mary American Museum of Natural History  she/her 
Blevins, Brock NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET)  he/him 
Blumenthal, Kinsey East Carolina University   
Bohrer, Gil Ohio State University  he/him 
Bolten, John NASA   
Brandt, Jodi Boise State University  she/her 
Brunk, Kristin Cornell Lab of Ornithology  she/her 
Burnett, Jessica NASA   
Campbell, Anthony UMBC/NASA  he/him 
Cavender-Bares, Jeannine University of Minnesota   
Cawse-Nicholson, Kerry NASA/JPL  she/her 
Chaity, Manisha Das Rochester Institute of Technology  she/her 
Cherrington, Emil University of Alabama in Huntsville  he/him 
Chirayath, Ved University of Miami  he/him 
Cooke, Lillie NASA  she/her 
Delgado Arias, Sabrina SSAI-NASA GSFC   
Deppe, Jill National Audubon Society  she/her 
Dobrowski, Solomon University of Montana   
Donahue, Megan University of Hawaii  she/her 
Doughty, Christopher NAU   
DuVivier, Alice NCAR  she/her 
Eakin, Mark Corals and Climate  he/him 
Ellis Soto, Diego Yale University  he/him 
Elmore, Andrew University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science  he/him 
Estes, Maury UAH/NASA Ecological Forecasting  he/him 
Estes, Lyndon Clark University   
Fatoyinbo, Lola NASA GSFC  she/her 
Foroutan, Hosein Virginia Tech  he/him 
Frye, Henry University of Connecticut  he/him 
Gaillard, Camille Northern Arizona University   
Gallagher, Katherine Stony Brook University/Lynch Lab  she/her 
Geiger, Erick UMD / NOAA Coral Reef Watch   
Geller, Gary JPL   
Gholizadeh, Hamed Oklahoma State University  he/him 
Gibbs, James SUNY-ESF / Galapagos Conservancy  he/him 
Gleason, Art University of Miami   
Gold, Katie Cornell University  she/her 
Grady, John Washington University in St. Louis   
Guild, Liane NASA Ames Research Center  she/her 
Gutierrez, Victor Temple University   
Guzmán Q., J. Antonio University of Minnesota  he/him 
Hansen, Andrew Montana State University  he/him 
He, Ruoying NC State Univ/ Fathom Science   
Henebry, Geoff Michigan State University   
Herman, Rachael Stony Brook University  she/her 
Hestir, Erin University of California Merced  she/her 
Hopkins, Laurel Oregon State University  she/her 
Horton, Kyle Colorado State University  he/him 
Huang, Qiongyu Smithsonian Institution  he/him 
Inman, Rya Dept. of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland  she/her 
Jablonski, Andrew University of Virginia  he/him 
Jantz, Patrick Northern Arizona University  he/him 
Jones, Sarah The Nature Conservancy  she/her 
Jones, Robert The Nature Conservancy   
Kajaria, Swaty University of Georgia  she/her 
Kalmus, Peter NASA JPL / Caltech   
Keany, Jenna Northern Arizona University  she/her 
Keys, Patrick Dept. of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University  he/him 
Keyser, Spencer University of Wisconsin-Madiosn  he/him 
Keyser, Spencer University of Wisconsin-Madison  he/him 
Khan, Maudood NASA Earth Science Division/Booz Allen Hamilton   
Killion, Alex Yale University   
Koltz, Amanda NASA HQ  she/her 
Kravitz, Jeremy NASA Ames Research Center  he/him 
KUMAR, DHEERESH University of Delhi  he/him 
KUMAR, DHEERESH University of Delhi  he/him 
KUMAR, DHEERESH University of Delhi  he/him 
Lagomasino, David East Carolina University  he/him 
Lewison, Rebecca SDSU  she/her 
Linscott, Jennifer University of South Carolina  she/her 
Liu, Gang NOAA Coral Reef Watch  he/him 
Lorenzoni, Laura NASA   
Luikart, Gordon University of Montana, Flathead Lake Biological Station   
Lynch, Heather Stony Brook University  she/her 
MacKay, Jonathan TNC   
Margolis, Hank NASA Headquarters  he/him 
Martin, Erin NASA contractor  she/her 
Mehta, Amita NASA-UMBC   
Merow, Cory University of Connecticut   
Moreno, Shalimar East Carolina University  she/her 
Morton, Dana Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution  she/her 
Mueter, Franz University of Alaska Fairbanks  he/him 
Muller-Karger, Frank University of South Florida   
Naudet, Joshua Flathead Lake Biological Station  he/him 
Olah, Ashley University of Wisconsin - Madison  she/her 
Oliver, Matthew University of Delaware   
Ordway, Elsa UCLA  she/her 
Otis, Dan University of South Florida  he/him 
Pavlick, Ryan Jet Propulsion Laboratory   
Payton, Amanda East Carolina University  she/her 
Pidgeon, Anna UW-Madison  she/her 
Pijanowski, Bryan Purdue University  he/him 
Pinti, Jerome University of Delaware  he/him 
Podest, Erika JPL  she/her 
Purkis, Sam University of Miami, RSMAS  he/him 
Radeloff, Volker University of Wisconsin-Madison   
Roehrdanz, Patrick Conservation International  he/him 
Rogers, Laura NASA Langley  she/her 
Rogova, Natalia University of Wisconsin–Madison  she/her 
Romero Galvan, Fernando Cornell University  he/him 
Salas, Leo Point Blue Conservation Science   
Sanderson, Eric Wildlife Conservation Society  he/him 
Sassor, Rob Metropolitan Group  he/him 
Schmidt, Cindy BAERI/NASA  she/her 
Schollaert Uz, Stephanie NASA GSFC   
Schwaller, Mathew Stony Brook University   
Selkirk, Rennie NASA ESD   
Shokirov, Shukhrat University of Maryland  he/him 
Song, Lei Clark University  she/her 
Sousa, Celio NASA Goddard Space Flight Center  he/him 
Stoner, David Utah State University   
Stovall, Atticus University of Maryland / NASA Goddard Space Flight Center  he/him 
Swenson, Nathan University of Notre Dame   
Tarano, Ana University of Miami  she/her 
Torres-Perez, Juan NASA  he/him 
Turner, Woody NASA HQ  he/him 
van Aardt, Jan Rochester Institute of Technology   
Voirol, Grant University of Delaware  he/him 
Wang, Panshi terraPulse, Inc   
Wei, Chenyang The State University of New York at Buffalo  he/him 
Wiernicki, Caroline University of Delaware  she/her 
Wilson, Adam University at Buffalo  he/him 
Wood, Danielle Massachusetts Institute of Technology  she/her 
Woodin, Sarah University of South Carolina Columbia  she/her 
Xiong, Lin East Carolina University  he/him 
Xu, Jin Conservation Biology Institute, National Zoological Park, Smithsonian Institution  she/her 
Zmina, Stephanie University of Delaware  she/her 
Zuckerberg, Benjamin University of Wisconsin Madison