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Applied Sciences Program
In pursuing the answers to fundamental science questions about the Earth system, many results are achieved that can be of near-term practical benefit to society.  The Applied Sciences Program’s role is to extend the benefits of scientific results to inform decision making within the larger society.  Relevant science results include:
  • Observations and data products from research satellites
  • Predictive capabilities from models of the Earth system and its components
  • Outcomes from investments in mission-enabling technology
  • Advances in high-performance computing and data systems
The Applied Sciences Program extends the usefulness of these results by working in partnership with entities that have operational decision-making responsibility at the regional to national scale.  Funding opportunities are provided for partnerships between these organizations and NASA researchers through the annual ROSES (Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences) announcements.  The program currently includes activities in 7 applications of national priority:

+ Agriculture
+ Air Quality
+ Natural Disasters
+ Ecological Forecasting
+ Public Health
+ Water Resources

+ Weather

More information on those applications of particular relevance for the Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Focus Area can be found in the following sections.  See the NASA Applied Sciences Program website for more information.