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Funded Research

Satellite Driven Studies of Climate Mediated Changes in Antarctic Food-Webs

Oliver, Matthew (Matt): University of Delaware (Project Lead)

Project Funding: 2009 - 2015

NRA: 2008 NASA: Biodiversity   

Funded by NASA

The main objective of this proposal is to develop and validate satellite-driven species distribution and abundance models for the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). This objective will be achieved by integrating the results of two component efforts. The first encompasses a "top-down" historical time series analysis of existing space-based and in- situ measurements of WAP phytoplankton, krill and penguin distribution and abundance data from the Palmer Long-Term Ecological Research Station (PAL LTER). The second is represented by a "bottom-up" field program focused on spatially predicting the foraging locations of the Adélie penguin. This field effort links space-based platforms, AUV's and animal-borne sensors. The results of this work will, 1) quantify the ability of satellite data streams to capture and describe the climate driven ecological changes in the WAP and, 2) predict how Adélie penguin foraging locations and their associated biodiversity will change if warming trends continue.


Cimino, M. A., Fraser, W. R., Irwin, A. J., Oliver, M. J. 2012. Satellite data identify decadal trends in the quality ofPygoscelispenguin chick-rearing habitat. Global Change Biology. 19(1), 136-148. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12016

Cimino, M. A., Lynch, H. J., Saba, V. S., Oliver, M. J. 2016. Projected asymmetric response of Adelie penguins to Antarctic climate change. Scientific Reports. 6(1). DOI: 10.1038/srep28785

Cimino, M. A., Moline, M. A., Fraser, W. R., Patterson-Fraser, D. L., Oliver, M. J. 2016. Climate-driven sympatry may not lead to foraging competition between congeneric top-predators. Scientific Reports. 6(1). DOI: 10.1038/srep18820

Cimino, M., Fraser, W., Patterson-Fraser, D., Saba, V., Oliver, M. 2014. Large-scale climate and local weather drive interannual variability in Adelie penguin chick fledging mass. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 513, 253-268. DOI: 10.3354/meps10928

Kohut, J., Bernard, K., Fraser, W., Oliver, M. J., Statscewich, H., Winsor, P., Miles, T. 2014. Studying the Impacts of Local Oceanographic Processes on Adelie Penguin Foraging Ecology. Marine Technology Society Journal. 48(5), 25-34. DOI: 10.4031/mtsj.48.5.10

Oliver, M. J., Irwin, A., Moline, M. A., Fraser, W., Patterson, D., Schofield, O., Kohut, J. 2013. Adelie Penguin Foraging Location Predicted by Tidal Regime Switching. PLoS ONE. 8(1), e55163. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0055163

Oliver, M., Moline, M., Robbins, I., Fraser, W., Patterson, D., Schofield, O. 2012. Letting Penguins Lead: Dynamic Modeling of Penguin Locations Guides Autonomous Robotic Sampling. Oceanography. 25(3), 120-121. DOI: 10.5670/oceanog.2012.84

Schofield, O., Ducklow, H. W., Martinson, D. G., Meredith, M. P., Moline, M. A., Fraser, W. R. 2010. How Do Polar Marine Ecosystems Respond to Rapid Climate Change? Science. 328(5985), 1520-1523. DOI: 10.1126/science.1185779

2015 NASA Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems Joint Science Workshop Poster(s)

  • Satellite observations reveal decadal changes in Adelie penguin habitat suitability in the Southern Ocean   --   (Megan Cimino, Heather Lynch, Matthew Oliver)   [abstract]

2011 NASA Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems Joint Science Workshop Poster(s)

  • Predicting Marine Habitat Structure for Antarctic Penguins from Space-based Platforms   --   (Megan Cimino, Matthew Oliver, William Fraser, Andrew Irwin, Doug Miller)   [abstract]
  • Tidal Influence on Adélie Penguin Foraging Locations   --   (Matthew Oliver, Andrew Irwin, William Fraser, Oscar Schofield, Mark Moline)   [abstract]
  • Satellite-Derived Coastal Ocean and Estuarine Salinity in the Mid-Atlantic   --   (Erick F Geiger, Matthew D Grossi, Arthur C Trembanis, Josh T Kohut, Matthew J Oliver)   [abstract]

More details may be found in the following project profile(s):