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Funded Research

MsTMIP Phase 1: The North American Carbon Program Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project

Huntzinger, Deborah (Debbie): Northern Arizona University (Project Lead)
Michalak, Anna: Carnegie Institution for Science (Project Lead)
Jacobson, Andrew (Andy): Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) (Co-Investigator)
Post, Wilfred (Mac): University of Tennessee Knoxville (Co-Investigator)
Schaefer, Kevin: National Snow and Ice Data Center (Co-Investigator)
Fang, Yuanyuan (Elaine): Carnegie Institution for Science (Participant)
Fisher, Joshua: Chapman University (Participant)
Hayes, Daniel: University of Maine (Participant)
Huang, Maoyi: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Participant)
Lei, Huimin: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Participant)

Project Funding: 2010 - 2013

NRA: 2009 NASA: Terrestrial Ecology   

Funded by NASA, NOAA

The multi-scale synthesis and intercomparison project (MsTMIP) has an overall goal of providing feedback to the terrestrial biospheric modeling (TBM) community to improve the diagnosis and attribution of carbon fluxes at regional and global scales. This project builds upon current and past synthesis activities by developing an integrative framework that all TBMs can use as a tool to continually evaluate overall model performance against a consistent set of observational constraints. There are five main steps of this study: (1) recruit and develop a modeling cohort for participation in this study; (2) assemble high quality driver data sets to be used by participating modeling teams to ensure consistent and comparable model results; (3) develop a detailed model simulation protocol; (4) evaluate model performance against observations, inversions, and other model estimates through a set of quantitative performance measures and metrics based on inventory and flux tower-based observations; and (5) develop an infrastructure to support the model simulations, model comparison, and evaluation. By prescribing standard spin-up procedures, input data sets, and output parameter formats, the proposed intercomparison will quantify and diagnose any biases and uncertainties in TBM estimates of regional and global carbon budgets resulting from differences in model formulation and parameterization. This project is just beginning and we would like to involve a set of terrestrial models that represent the breadth of biospheric modeling activities in the community.


El Masri, B., Schwalm, C., Huntzinger, D. N., Mao, J., Shi, X., Peng, C., Fisher, J. B., Jain, A. K., Tian, H., Poulter, B., Michalak, A. M. 2019. Carbon and Water Use Efficiencies: A Comparative Analysis of Ten Terrestrial Ecosystem Models under Changing Climate. Scientific Reports. 9(1). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-50808-7

Huntzinger, D. N., Schwalm, C., Michalak, A. M., Schaefer, K., King, A. W., Wei, Y., Jacobson, A., Liu, S., Cook, R. B., Post, W. M., Berthier, G., Hayes, D., Huang, M., Ito, A., Lei, H., Lu, C., Mao, J., Peng, C. H., Peng, S., Poulter, B., Riccuito, D., Shi, X., Tian, H., Wang, W., Zeng, N., Zhao, F., Zhu, Q. 2013. The North American Carbon Program Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project - Part 1: Overview and experimental design. Geoscientific Model Development. 6(6), 2121-2133. DOI: 10.5194/gmd-6-2121-2013

Jung, M., Reichstein, M., Schwalm, C. R., Huntingford, C., Sitch, S., Ahlstrom, A., Arneth, A., Camps-Valls, G., Ciais, P., Friedlingstein, P., Gans, F., Ichii, K., Jain, A. K., Kato, E., Papale, D., Poulter, B., Raduly, B., Rodenbeck, C., Tramontana, G., Viovy, N., Wang, Y., Weber, U., Zaehle, S., Zeng, N. 2017. Compensatory water effects link yearly global land CO2 sink changes to temperature. Nature. 541(7638), 516-520. DOI: 10.1038/nature20780

Liu, Y., Piao, S., Makowski, D., Ciais, P., Gasser, T., Song, J., Wan, S., Penuelas, J., Janssens, I. A. 2022. Data-driven quantification of nitrogen enrichment impact on Northern Hemisphere plant biomass. Environmental Research Letters. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac7b38

Mekonnen, Z. A., Grant, R. F., Schwalm, C. 2016. Contrasting changes in gross primary productivity of different regions of North America as affected by warming in recent decades. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 218-219, 50-64. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.11.016

Mekonnen, Z. A., Grant, R. F., Schwalm, C. 2017. Carbon sources and sinks of North America as affected by major drought events during the past 30 years. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 244-245, 42-56. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.05.006

Mekonnen, Z. A., Grant, R. F., Schwalm, C. 2018. Modelling impacts of recent warming on seasonal carbon exchange in higher latitudes of North America. Arctic Science. 4(4), 471-484. DOI: 10.1139/as-2016-0009

Zhang, Y., Gentine, P., Luo, X., Lian, X., Liu, Y., Zhou, S., Michalak, A. M., Sun, W., Fisher, J. B., Piao, S., Keenan, T. F. 2022. Increasing sensitivity of dryland vegetation greenness to precipitation due to rising atmospheric CO2. Nature Communications. 13(1). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-32631-3

Zhou, S., Yu, B., Schwalm, C. R., Ciais, P., Zhang, Y., Fisher, J. B., Michalak, A. M., Wang, W., Poulter, B., Huntzinger, D. N., Niu, S., Mao, J., Jain, A., Ricciuto, D. M., Shi, X., Ito, A., Wei, Y., Huang, Y., Wang, G. 2017. Response of Water Use Efficiency to Global Environmental Change Based on Output From Terrestrial Biosphere Models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 31(11), 1639-1655. DOI: 10.1002/2017GB005733

Mao, J., Fu, W., Shi, X., Ricciuto, D. M., Fisher, J. B., Dickinson, R. E., Wei, Y., Shem, W., Piao, S., Wang, K., Schwalm, C. R., Tian, H., Mu, M., Arain, A., Ciais, P., Cook, R., Dai, Y., Hayes, D., Hoffman, F. M., Huang, M., Huang, S., Huntzinger, D. N., Ito, A., Jain, A., King, A. W., Lei, H., Lu, C., Michalak, A. M., Parazoo, N., Peng, C., Peng, S., Poulter, B., Schaefer, K., Jafarov, E., Thornton, P. E., Wang, W., Zeng, N., Zeng, Z., Zhao, F., Zhu, Q., Zhu, Z. 2015. Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends. Environmental Research Letters. 10(9), 094008. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/10/9/094008

Schwalm, C. R., Huntzinger, D. N., Fisher, J. B., Michalak, A. M., Bowman, K., Ciais, P., Cook, R., El-Masri, B., Hayes, D., Huang, M., Ito, A., Jain, A., King, A. W., Lei, H., Liu, J., Lu, C., Mao, J., Peng, S., Poulter, B., Ricciuto, D., Schaefer, K., Shi, X., Tao, B., Tian, H., Wang, W., Wei, Y., Yang, J., Zeng, N. 2015. Toward "optimal" integration of terrestrial biosphere models. Geophysical Research Letters. 42(11), 4418-4428. DOI: 10.1002/2015GL064002

Tian, H., Lu, C., Yang, J., Banger, K., Huntzinger, D. N., Schwalm, C. R., Michalak, A. M., Cook, R., Ciais, P., Hayes, D., Huang, M., Ito, A., Jain, A. K., Lei, H., Mao, J., Pan, S., Post, W. M., Peng, S., Poulter, B., Ren, W., Ricciuto, D., Schaefer, K., Shi, X., Tao, B., Wang, W., Wei, Y., Yang, Q., Zhang, B., Zeng, N. 2015. Global patterns and controls of soil organic carbon dynamics as simulated by multiple terrestrial biosphere models: Current status and future directions. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 29(6), 775-792. DOI: 10.1002/2014GB005021

Gourdji, S. M., Mueller, K. L., Yadav, V., Huntzinger, D. N., Andrews, A. E., Trudeau, M., Petron, G., Nehrkorn, T., Eluszkiewicz, J., Henderson, J., Wen, D., Lin, J., Fischer, M., Sweeney, C., Michalak, A. M. 2012. North American CO<sub>2</sub> exchange: inter-comparison of modeled estimates with results from a fine-scale atmospheric inversion. Biogeosciences. 9(1), 457-475. DOI: 10.5194/bg-9-457-2012

Santos, E., Poco, J., Wei, Y., Liu, S., Cook, B., Williams, D. N., Silva, C. T. 2013. UV-CDAT: Analyzing Climate Datasets from a User's Perspective. Computing in Science & Engineering. 15(1), 94-103. DOI: 10.1109/MCSE.2013.15

2015 NASA Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems Joint Science Workshop Poster(s)

  • The North American Carbon Program Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project: Environmental driver data   --   (Yaxing Wei, Shishi Liu, Deborah Nicole Huntzinger, Anna M Michalak, Nicolas Viovy, Wilfred M. Post, Christopher R Schwalm, Kevin M Schaefer, Andrew R Jacobson, Chaoqun Lu, Hanqin Tian, Daniel Ricciuto, Robert B. Cook, Jiafu Mao, Xiaoying Shi)   [abstract]

2011 NASA Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems Joint Science Workshop Poster(s)

  • Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP): 2. Environmental Driver Data   --   (Yaxing Wei, Robert B. Cook, Deborah Nicole Huntzinger, Wilfred M. Post, Kevin M Schaefer, Andy Jacobson, Anna M Michalak, Shishi Liu)   [abstract]
  • Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP): 1: Overview and Simulation Protocol   --   (Deborah N. Huntzinger, Kevin M. Schaefer, Robert B. Cook, Andy Jacobson, Anna M. Michalak, Wilfred M. Post, Schwalm R. Christopher, Yaxing Wei)   [abstract]
  • Ensemble Land Surface Modeling at JPL   --   (Joshua B. Fisher, Gary Block, Alexandre Guillaume, Graeme Stephens, Charles Miller, Jung-Eun Lee, Stephen Sitch, Philippe Ciais, Yingping Wang)   [abstract]   [poster]

2010 NASA Terrestrial Ecology Science Team Meeting Poster(s)

  • A Modeling and Synthesis Thematic Data Center for the North American Carbon Program   --   (Robert Cook, W. Mac Post, Peter Thornton, Deborah Huntzinger, Dan Ricciuto, Andrew Jacobson, Kevin Schaeffer, Kenneth Davis, Michele Thornton, Lisa Olsen, Barbara L. Jacson)   [abstract]   [poster]
  • The North American Carbon Program Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)   --   (Deborah N Huntzinger, Anna M Michalak, Kevn Schaefer, Wilfred M Post, Andrew Jacobson, Robert Cook)   [abstract]   [poster]

More details may be found in the following project profile(s):