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Funded Research
The research activities in the Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Focus Area (funding from 2015+) are listed below in alphabetical order by the Principal Investigator's last name. See previously funded (prior to 2015).
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Project LeadsProject TitleStart
Griffith, Peter
Miller, Charles (Chip)
ABoVE Airborne Campaign Management & Data Products  -- AAC Management 2016 
Abrahamson, Jenna (Future Investigator)
North Carolina State University
Gray, Josh
North Carolina State University
Quantifying the Ephemeral: Integrating Satellite Observations with Physical Models to Map Daily Inundation and Capture Short-Term Methane Emissions  -- Abrahamson (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Abshire, James (Jim)
NASA GSFC & University of Maryland
Lin, Bing
NASA Langley Research Center
Extending the 2017 ASCENDS Airborne Campaign into the Arctic in support of ABoVE  -- Abshire (2017) 2017 
Ackleson, Steven
Naval Research Laboratory
Assessing Simulated HyspIRI Imagery for Detecting and Quantifying Coral Reef Coverage and Water Quality Using Spectral Inversion and Deconvolution Methods  -- Ackleson (HYSPIRI 2014) 2015 
Ackleson, Steven
Naval Research Laboratory
Twardowski, Michael
Florida Atlantic University
PACE Applications to Case II Waters: Quantifying the Uncertainty in Inherent Optical and Water Constituent Properties and the Impact On Remotely Sensed Ocean Color  -- Ackleson (PACEST 2013) 2015 
Adler, Peter
Utah State University
Impacts of invasive alien species on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning  -- Adler (BIODIV 2021) 2022 
Albert, Loren
Oregon State University
Quantifying leaf-to-landscape predictors of tropical forest drought vulnerability through ISS observation-model integration  -- Albert (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Albertson, John
Cornell University
Connecting Urbanization to Patterns of Heat and Precipitation Risk: Linking Mechanistic Understanding to Quantification by Remote Sensing  -- Albertson (IDS 2019) 2020 
Ali, Adem
College of Charleston
Enhanced Spectral Optimization Tools for monitoring the development and dynamics of Harmful Algal Blooms and coral bleaching  -- Ali (EPSCoR 2020) 2020 
Allen, James
University of Hawaii
Retrieval of Phytoplankton Size Distribution from Satellite Imagery  -- Allen (NESSF 2015) 2015 
Andela, Niels
Tropical Savannas in Transition: Tracking Global Savanna-Fire Interactions With ICESat-2  -- Andela (ICESAT2 2019) 2020 
Anderson, Clarissa
University of California San Diego
Merging Satellite and Numerical Model Data in The California Current to Create Continous Imagery and Forecasts of Harmful Algal Blooms  -- Anderson (ECO4CAST 2012) 2013 
Anderson, Martha
Characterizing Field-Scale Water Use, Phenology and Productivity in Agricultural Landscapes Using Multi-Sensor Data Fusion  -- Anderson (LCLUC 2017) 2017 
Andrews, Arlyn
NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
Regional Inverse Modeling in North and South America for the NASA Carbon Monitoring System  -- Andrews (CMS 2014) 2014 
Andrews, Arlyn
NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
Regional Inverse Modeling in North and South America for the NASA Carbon Monitoring System--Follow-on  -- Andrews (CMS 2016) 2017 
Andrews, Caitin
Univ. of Maine
The Acadian Forest and Climate Change: Analyzing Shifting Species Distributions and Effects to the Carbon Balance   -- Andrews (NESSF 2013) 2013 
Armston, John
University of Maryland
Savanna-Bio: Biomass estimation with new spaceborne missions for MRV in Dry Forests and Savannas  -- Armston (CMS 2020) 2021 
Armston, John
University of Maryland
Improved mapping and monitoring of vertical canopy profile metrics from GEDI for quantifying ecosystem dynamics  -- Armston (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Armstrong, Roy
University of Puerto Rico
Remote Sensing of Sargassum Accumulation and Impacts on Tropical Marine Ecosystems: A Multi-Scale Approach  -- Armstrong (MUREP OCEAN 2020) 2021 
Armstrong, Amanda
Vulnerability of the Taiga-Tundra Ecotone: Predicting the Magnitude, Variability, and Rate of Change at the Intersection of Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems  -- Armstrong (TE 2018) 2019 
Arrigo, Kevin
Stanford University
Detecting Harmful Algal Blooms in the Pacific Sector of the Arctic Ocean  -- Arrigo (RSWQ 2022) 2022 
Arteaga, Lionel
Advancing satellite-constrained modeled air-sea CO2 fluxes with a focus on the strength of the Southern Ocean carbon sink  -- Arteaga (CMS 2022) 2023 
Asrar, Ghassem
Pacific NW National Lab
Carbon Monitoring of Agricultural Lands: Developing a Globally Consistent Estimate of Carbon Stocks and Fluxes  -- Asrar-West (CMS 2013) 2013 
Baccini, Alessandro (Ale)
Boston University
Time-Series Measurements of Biomass Change from InSAR (TanDEM-X), MODIS, and LiDAR Observations  -- Baccini (CMS 2015) 2016 
Bailey, Helen
University of Maryland
WhaleWatch: A tool using satellite telemetry and remote sensing environmental data to provide near real-time predictions of whale occurrence in the California Current System to reduce anthropogenic impacts  -- Bailey (BIOCLIM 2010) 2011 
Baker, David
CIRA/Colorado State University
A Global High-Resolution Atmospheric Data Assimilation System for Carbon Flux Monitoring and Verification  -- Baker (CMS 2014) 2014 
Bakian-Dogaheh, Kazem
University of Southern California
Microwave Behavior of Organic Soil for Remote Sensing of Permafrost  -- Bakian Dogaheh (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Balch, William (Barney)
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Combining Satellite-, AUV-, and Ship-Based Measurements From the Multi-Decadal Time Series 'GNATS' to Model the Carbon Cycle in the Gulf of Maine  -- Balch (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Balch, William (Barney)
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
GNATS: An Experimental Observatory Documenting the Gulf of Maine Carbon Cycle  -- Balch (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Balch, William (Barney)
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Use of Suomi NPP for deriving science data records of ocean particulate inorganic carbon concentration: algorithm improvements, product validation and achieving continuity with the EOS product  -- Balch (SNPP 2013) 2014 
Balch, Jennifer
University of Colorado, Boulder
Understanding Climate and Land Use Drivers of Invasive-Grass Fueled Fires Across the Western U.S.  -- Balch (TE 2013) 2014 
Balch, William (Barney)
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Science Data Analysis: Integrating the MODIS PIC product into the climate data record  -- Balch (TERAQ 2013) 2014 
Balch, William (Barney)
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Maintenance and refinement of the MODIS algorithm for particulate inorganic carbon  -- Balch (TERAQEA 2013) 2014 
Baldocchi, Dennis
University of California, Berkeley
Connecting AmeriFlux to the Globe, Extending the Partnership with the Global Flux Network, FLUXNET  -- Baldocchi (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Baldocchi, Dennis
University of California, Berkeley
How Much Water is Evaporated Across California?: An Assessment Using a MesoNetwork of Eddy Covariance Sites, a Biophysical Model Forced with Satellite Remote Sensing and ECOSTRESS Data  -- Baldocchi (ECOSTRESS 18) 2019 
Ballantyne, Ashley (Ash)
University of Montana
Global Respiration Comparison (ResCom): evaluation of satellite constrained top-down and bottom-up respiration estimates and their relationship with model simulations  -- Ballantyne (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Ballard, Grant
Point Blue Conservation Science
Opening the Black Box - Integrating Wintering Ecology into the Management of the Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area  -- Ballard (SLSCVC 2018) 2018 
Bandaru, Varaprasad (Prasad)
Improving, Evaluating, and Extending Satellite-Based High Resolution Cropland Carbon Monitoring System  -- Bandaru (CMS 2020) 2021 
Bandaru, Varaprasad (Prasad)
Agricultural Land Use Change in Central and Northeast Thailand: Effects on Biomass Emissions, Soil Quality, and Rural Livelihoods  -- Bandaru (LCLUC 2016) 2017 
Barnard, Andrew
WET Labs
Hyperspectral radiometric device for accurate measurements of water leaving radiance from autonomous platforms for satellite vicarious calibrations  -- Barnard (OBB 2014) 2014 
Barnes, Mallory
Indiana University
Better data, better decisions: new approaches for robust and credible carbon monitoring and accounting in Eastern US forests  -- Barnes (CMS 2022) 2023 
Barnes, Brian
University of South Florida
Spectral Matching Inversion Algorithms for PACE Application in Optically Shallow Waters: An Assessment Using HICO and PRISM Data  -- Barnes (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Barreto, Brittany (Future Investigator)
University of California, Merced
Hestir, Erin
University of California Merced
Wildfire Effects on Water Quality in California Water Supply Reservoirs  -- Barreto (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Barreto, Maritza
University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras
Human Impacts to Coastal Ecosystems in Puerto Rico (HICE-PR): A remote sensing, hydrologic, ecologic and socio-economic assessment with management implications  -- Barreto (IDS 2012) 2014 
Barry, Brent (Future Investigator)
University of Idaho, Moscow
Vierling, Kerri
University of Idaho, Moscow
Advancing Bat Conservation and Management in the Western US Through GEDI-Derived Forest Structure  -- Barry (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Baskaran, Latha
Analyzing the Land-Use Change Impacts of Oil and Gas Exploration Related Infrastructure Changes on Arctic Communities  -- Baskaran (LCLUC 2021) 2021 
Basu, Sourish
NASA GSFC GMAO / University of Maryland
Improving Terrestrial Biosphere Carbon Fluxes with a Dual Tracer Flux Estimation System Assimilating Satellite Retrievals of CO‚2 and In Situ Measurements of 14C in CO‚2  -- Basu (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Bausch, Alexandra (Ali)
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Assessing the Causes for the Rise in Abundance and Seasonal Productivity of the Green Mixotrophic Dinoflagellate Noctiluca in the Arabian Sea Ecosystem     -- Bausch (NESSF 2013) 2013 
Beard, Thomas (Doug)
Identifying Gaps and Needs for Improving Large-Scale Biodiversity Modeling Through Lessons Learned from Climate Models  -- Beard (BIODIV 2015) 2016 
Becker-Reshef, Inbal
Food, Price and Conflict: Earth Observations-based Agricultural Production forecasting to assess potential impacts on grain markets and civil unrest  -- Becker-Reshef (LCLUC 2011) 2012 
Beckler, Jordon
Florida Atlantic University
Improving the coastal carbon budget: is sediment-derived CDOM a significant portion of CDOM in coastal areas?  -- Beckler (MUREP OCEAN 2020) 2021 
Behrenfeld, Michael
Oregon State University
Characterizing the Phytoplankton Component of Oceanic Particle Assemblages  -- Behrenfeld (NOPP 2009) 2010 
Behrenfeld, Michael
Oregon State University
First steps - Linking remotely-detectable optical signals, photic layer plankton properties, and export flux  -- Behrenfeld (OBB 2016) 2017 
Behrenfeld, Michael
Oregon State University
Separating Phytoplankton and Migrating Animal Elements of Day-Night Differences in Particulate Backscattering  -- Behrenfeld (OBB 2020) 2021 
Behrenfeld, Michael
Oregon State University
Merging Active and Passive Ocean Observations to Advance Understanding of Climate Impacts on Global Carbon Stocks and Phytoplankton Physiology  -- Behrenfeld (TASNPP 2017) 2018 
Behrenfeld, Michael
Oregon State University
Advanced understanding of global phytoplankton stocks and physiology through improved ocean color retrievals leveraging a multi-platform approach  -- Behrenfeld (TASNPP 2020) 2021 
Behrenfeld, Michael
Oregon State University
Advanced understanding of global phytoplankton stocks and physiology through improved ocean color retrievals leveraging a multi-platform approach  -- Behrenfeld (TASNPP 2021) 2021 
Behrenfeld, Michael
Oregon State University
Global ocean phytoplankton carbon and physiology with MODIS-Aqua  -- Behrenfeld (TERAQEA 2013) 2014 
Bekaert, David
Integrating High-Resolution InSAR Vertical Land Motion into the Coastal Planning Decision Making Process   -- Bekaert (NIP 2020) 2021 
Bell, Thomas (Tom)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Assessing spatial biodiversity dynamics in kelp forest ecosystems using spaceborne remote sensing  -- Bell (BIODIV 2020) 2021 
Bell, Thomas (Tom)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Kelp Condition in the Santa Barbara Channel  -- Bell (NESSF 2012) 2012 
Bell, Thomas (Tom)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Vulnerability of Giant Kelp Populations to Climate Change  -- Bell (OBB 2020) 2021 
Bender, Michael
Princeton University
Net Community Production and Carbon Export in the Southern Ocean: Measurements and Scaling  -- Bender (OBB 2012) 2013 
Bennartz, Ralf
Vanderbilt University
Enhancing OCO-2's Observational Capabilities Under Partly and Fully Cloudy Conditions  -- Bennartz (OCO2ST 2014) 2015 
Benway, Heather
Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry Program/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Ocean Carbon Biogeochemistry Project Office  -- Benway (OBB 2015) 2016 
Benway, Heather
Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry Program/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Advancing Research on Marine Ecosystems and Biogeochemical Cycles: The Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) Project Office  -- Benway (OBB 2020) 2021 
Bergen, Kathleen
University of Michigan
Regional Synthesis: LCLUC over Changing Socio-Economic Eras in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc  -- Bergen (LCLUC 2010) 2012 
Berner, Logan
Northern Arizona University
Integrating Satellite and Surface Observations to Assess Drought Impacts on Forest Carbon and Water Cycling Across the Western United States   -- Berner (NESSF 2014) 2014 
Berner, Logan
Northern Arizona University
Mapping plant biomass distribution and change across the rapidly warming Arctic tundra biome  -- Berner (NIP 2020) 2021 
Bertram, Timothy (Tim)
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Marine Organics and their Atmospheric Impacts  -- Bertram (IDS 2022) 2023 
Bianchi, Daniele
University of California, Los Angeles
Fish from Space: Predicting Mid-Trophic Levels Biogeography via Remote Sensing and In-Situ Acoustic Data Fusion  -- Bianchi (OBB 2020) 2021 
Bidle, Kay
Role of virus infection in North Atlantic bloom succession: RAPID Response Proposal in coordination with North Atlantic Aerosol and Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES)  -- Bidle (RRNES 2015) 2015 
Bishop, Daniel
Columbia University
Attributing the causes of a century of wetting in the eastern United States using observations, models, and tree rings  -- Bishop (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Blair, Mary
American Museum of Natural History
Advancing tools to support and test an integrated biodiversity monitoring system for Colombias Protected Areas  -- Blair (ECO4CAST 2020) 2021 
Blair, Mary
American Museum of Natural History
Expanding Wallace Biodiversity Modeling Software to Support National Biodiversity Change Indicator Calculations for GEO BON Assessment and Reporting  -- Blair (GEO 2016) 2018 
Bloom, Alexis (Anthony)
Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology
Characterizing and quantifying lagged processes regulating the tropical land carbon sink responses to climatic variability and atmospheric CO2.  -- Bloom (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Bloom, Alexis (Anthony)
Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology
Using CO2, CH4 and land-surface constraints to resolve sign and magnitude of northern high latitude carbon-climate feedbacks  -- Bloom (TE 2021) 2022 
Boelman, Natalie
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia Univ.
Animals on the move: Remotely based determination of key drivers influencing movements and habitat selection of highly mobile fauna throughout the ABoVE study domain  -- Boelman (TE 2014) 2015 
Boelman, Natalie
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia Univ.
Quantifying socioecological consequences of changing snow and icescapes: A data-model fusion approach  -- Boelman (TE 2018) 2019 
Boelman, Natalie
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia Univ.
The future of the Forest-Tundra Ecotone: A synthesis that adds interactions among snow, vegetation, and wildlife to the equation  -- Boelman (TE 2021) 2022 
Boesch, Hartmut
University of Leicester
Algorithm Improvements, Validation Approaches and Model Testing  -- Boesch (OCO2ST 2014) 2015 
Bohrer, Gil
Ohio State University
Ecological forecasting tools for movement-track management at the Yukon-to-Yellowstone migration corridor  -- Bohrer (ECO4CAST 2020) 2021 
Borak, Jordan
University of Maryland
Enhanced Roughness Length Estimates from ICESat-2 Vegetation Products  -- Borak (ICESat-2 2019) 2020 
Boschetti, Luigi
University of Idaho
Prototyping global industrial forest mapping, a Landsat spatio-temporal approach  -- Boschetti (LCLUC 2012) 2014 
Boss, Emmanuel
University of Maine
Linking hyper-spectral particulate IOPs to biogeochemistry and ocean color remote sensing; Analysis and expansion of the Tara dataset.  -- Boss (OBB 2012) 2013 
Boss, Emmanuel
University of Maine
Linking Particle Size to Optical Properties, Biology and Biogeochemistry in Contrasting Environments  -- Boss (OBB 2020) 2021 
Boss, Emmanuel
University of Maine
Radiative Products for the PACE Era  -- Boss (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Boss, Emmanuel
University of Maine
A global database of high horizontal resolution IOPs for validation of remotely sensed ocean color  -- Boss (PACEST 2013) 2015 
Boss, Emmanuel
University of Maine
Rapid Response: Adding bio-optical sensors to a Southern Ocean Float-based Observing System linking ocean color to carbon science in the Southern Ocean.  -- Boss (RRNES 2013) 2014 
Boss, Emmanuel
University of Maine
Bounoua, Lahouari
Combining satellite data and models to assess the impacts of urbanization on the continental United States surface climate.  -- Bounoua (IDS 2011) 2013 
Bourdin, Guillaume (Future Investigator)
University of Maine
Boss, Emmanuel
University of Maine
Ecological and physiological characteristic of the Island Mass Effect  -- Bourdin (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura
Michigan Technological University
Quantifying How Global Change and Land Use Legacies Affect Ecosystem Processes at the Land Water Interface Across the Great Lakes Basin  -- Bourgeau-Chavez (IDS 2016) 2017 
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura
Michigan Technological University
Planning and Collection of Data on Boreal Wildfire Effects: Studies of broad-scale 2014 Wildfires in NWT, Canada  -- Bourgeau-Chavez (RRNES 2015) 2015 
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura
Michigan Technological University
Assessing and Downscaling SMAP data for Organic Soil Fuel Moisture Estimation in Boreal-Arctic Ecosystems  -- Bourgeau-Chavez (SMAP 2015) 2016 
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura
Michigan Technological University
Understanding the Vulnerability and Resiliency of Boreal-Taiga Ecosystems to Wildfire in a Changing Climate: A study of the 2014 Northwest Territories Wildfires  -- Bourgeau-Chavez (TE 2014) 2015 
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura
Michigan Technological University
Understanding the Interactions between Wildfire Disturbance, Landscape Hydrology and Post-Fire Recovery in Boreal-Taiga Ecosystems  -- Bourgeau-Chavez (TE 2018) 2019 
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura
Michigan Technological University
Integrating remote sensing and modeling to better understand the vulnerability of boreal-taiga ecosystems to wildfire  -- Bourgeau-Chavez (TE 2021) 2022 
Bowman, Kevin
Continuation of the CMS-Flux Pilot Project  -- Bowman (CMS 2014) 2014 
Bowman, Kevin
A decadal carbon reanalysis from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux (CMS-Flux) project  -- Bowman (CMS 2016) 2017 
Bowman, Kevin
NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux (CMS-Flux) in support of the Global Stocktake  -- Bowman (CMS 2022) 2023 
Bowman, Kevin
Tropical Controls on the Atmospheric Growth Rate and Implications for Carbon-Climate Feedbacks  -- Bowman (IDS 2016) 2017 
Brando, Paulo
Yale University
Interactions, feedbacks and carbon consequences of Amazon forest edges incorporating ecosystem structure and thermal dynamics  -- Brando (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Brandt, Jodi
Boise State University
Integrating remote sensing and ecological forecasting into decision support for beaver rewilding  -- Brandt (ECO4CAST 2020) 2021 
Brauman, Kate
University of Minnesota
Earth Observations to Value Ecosystem Services: A Series of Workshops  -- Brauman (ECO4CAST 2016) 2017 
Braun, Camrin
Woods Hole Oceanograhic Institution
Investigating the Influence of Mesoscale Physical/Biological Interactions on Large Pelagic Predators: a Synergistic Analysis of Shark Behavior and Satellite Observations  -- Braun (NESSF 2016) 2016 
Braun, Katherine (Katie) (Future Investigator)
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Andresen, Christian
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Characterizing Permafrost Thaw and Carbon Cycling Impacts with Multi-Scale Remote Sensing  -- Braun-K (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Brinkman, Todd
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Biophysical Characteristics and Mechanisms of Environmental Disturbances Influencing Human Access to Ecosystem Services in Boreal Alaska  -- Brinkman (TE 2014) 2015 
Brody, S
Examining Physical Drivers of Phytoplankton Bloom Phenology in Subpolar Regions  -- Brody (NESSF 2012) 2012 
Brooks, Nina
University of Connecticut
A Remote Sensing Analysis of Heat Stress, LCLUC, and Women's Health in Sub Saharan Africa  -- Brooks (LCLUC 2021) 2021 
Brooks, Alexander (Alex)
Colorado State University
Using Landsat Imagery to Assess Riparian Wetland Condition in the Southern Rockies  -- Brooks (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Brown, Daniel (Dan)
University of Michigan
Large-Scale Land Transactions as Drivers of Land-Cover Change in Sub-Saharan Africa  -- Brown (LCLUC 2013) 2015 
Bruening, Jamis (Future Investigator)
University of Maryland
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
Characterizing Forest Regrowth Biomass Accumulation in Northeastern US Forests Using Model-Data Fusion  -- Bruening (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Buesseler, Ken
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Elucidating Spatial and Temporal Variability in the Export and Attenuation of Ocean Primary Production using Thorium-234  -- Buesseler (OBB 2016) 2017 
Bunn, David
Colorado State University
Biodiversity, connectivity, and ecological forecasting: applying NASA earth observation data to conservation management in the Greater Kruger National Park region, South Africa  -- Bunn (ECO4CAST 2020) 2021 
Burnett, Michael (Future Investigator)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Anderegg, Leander
University of California, Santa Barbara
Satellite-Based Mapping of Freshwater Resilience and Conservation Potential on 270 Remote Pacific Islands  -- Burnett (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Burns, John
University of Hawaii
Quantifying vulnerability to sea level rise across multiple coastal typologies  -- Burns (MUREP OCEAN 2020) 2021 
Bushinsky, Seth
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Quantifying the role of mode and intermediate waters in Southern Ocean carbon fluxes through the use of profiling floats, satellite observations, and a state estimate  -- Bushinsky (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Butman, David
University of Washington
Crossing the divide: Inundation drives hotspots of carbon flux  -- Butman (TE 2018) 2019 
Butman, David
University of Washington
Do changing terrestrial-aquatic interfaces in Arctic-boreal landscapes control the form, processing, and fluxes of carbon?  -- Butman (TE 2021) 2022 
Byrd, Kristin
Forecasting Coastal Habitat Distributions through Fusion of Earth Observations, Process Models and Citizen Science: A Climate Change Adaptation Tool for the NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System  -- Byrd (ECO4CAST 2012) 2014 
Byrne, Brendan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Constraining carbon fluxes in northern regions by combining constraints from multiple atmospheric CO2 observing systems  -- Byrne (NPP 2018) 2018 
Byrnes, Jarrett
University of Massachusetts, Boston
Using Citizen Science to Understand Thirty Years of Change in Global Kelp Cover by Expanding the Zooniverse to NASA Satellite Imagery  -- Byrnes (CSESP 2016) 2017 
Byrnes, Jarrett
University of Massachusetts, Boston
Using Hyperspectral Imagery to Assess the Effects of Warming on New England Kelp Forests  -- Byrnes (MUREP OCEAN 2020) 2021 
Calvin, Wendy
University of Nevada
Energy and Mineral Resources: Surface Composition Mapping that Identifies Resources and the Changes and Impacts Associated with Their Development  -- Calvin (HYSPIRI 2010) 2012 
Campbell, J. Elliott
University of California, Merced
Scaling from Flux Towers to Ecosystem Models: Regional Constraints on Carbon Cycle Processes from Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide  -- Campbell (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Campbell, Petya
Prototyping MuSLI canopy Chlorophyll Content for Assessment of Vegetation Function and Productivity  -- Campbell (LCLUC 2017) 2017 
Campbell, Michael (Mickey)
University of Utah
Piñon-Juniper Biomass Over Space and Time   -- Campbell (NIP 2020) 2021 
Carchipulla-Morales, David (Future Investigator)
Wake Forest University
Lowman, Lauren
Wake Forest University
Climate Regulators: Evaluating the Effect of Epiphyte Abundance on Spatial Patterns of Evapotranspiration in Tropical Montane Cloud Forests  -- Carchipulla-Morales (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Carlson, Ben
University of Connecticut
Using remote sensing and animal tracking to assess patterns and causes of environmental niche variation from individuals to species  -- Carlson (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Carlson, Craig
University of California-Santa Barbara
Evaluating the Controls of Dissolved Organic Matter Accumulation, its Availability to Bacterioplankton, its Subsequent Diagenetic Alteration and Contribution to Export Flux  -- Carlson (OBB 2016) 2017 
Carlson, Paul
Fish & Wildlife Research Institute
Remote Sensing Algorithms for Water Quality and Primary Production in Apalachee Bay, Florida  -- Carlson (RSWQ 2016) 2017 
Carmon, Nimrod
Early Estimation of Fire-Risk in the Eastern Mediterranean and Socioeconomic Informed Communications of Actionable Strategies  -- Carmon (LCLUC 2021) 2021 
Carnaval, Ana
City College of New York
A multidisciplinary framework for biodiversity prediction in the Brazilian Atlantic forest hotspot  -- Carnaval (NSF 2013) 2013 
Carroll (2007) Global Mapping of Surface Water using MODIS and SRTM at 250m Spatial Resolution  -- Carroll (2007) 2014 
Carroll, Dustin
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, San José State University
Closing the Carbon Cycle Loop: Quantifying Land-to-Sea Carbon Fluxes   -- Carroll (CMS 2022) 2023 
Carroll, Mark
Determining the Extent and Dynamics of Surface Water for the ABoVE Field Campaign  -- Carroll (TE 2012) 2013 
Carter, Neil
University of Michigan
The landscape of fitness: fusing GPS measurements with GEDI and ECOSTRESS data products to map responses of migratory animals to vegetation canopy structure and water stress  -- Carter (BIODIV 2020) 2021 
Carter, Neil
University of Michigan
Using NASA Resources to Better Inform Wildlife Conservation in the Anthropocene: Spatially Predicting Impacts of Anthropogenic Nightlight and Noise on Wildlife Habitat Integrity Across the Contiguous United States  -- Carter (ECO4CAST 2016) 2017 
Casana, Jesse
Dartmouth College
Exploring Archaeological Landscapes Using Satellite, Aerial, and Drone-Acquired Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) Imagery  -- Casana (IDS 2019) 2020 
Cassar, Nicolas
Duke University
Derivation of Global Net Community Production and Assessment of Regulation Factors Using In-Situ Measurements and Remotely Sensed Properties  -- Cassar (NESSF 2013) 2013 
Castello, Leandro
Virginia Tech
Impacts of floods and droughts on aquatic macrophytes, forests, and fisheries of central Amazonian river floodplains  -- Castello (IDS 2012) 2014 
Catlett, Dylan
Linking Ocean Optical Properties with Marine Microbial Diversity Assessed by Next- Generation Sequencing  -- Catlett (NESSF 2016) 2016 
Cattau, Megan
University of Colorado
Ecological Stability and Disturbance - Recovery Dynamics in Southern Rockies forests: Upscaling from the tree- to the Landsat-level  -- Cattau (NIP 2017) 2018 
Cavaleri, Molly
Michigan Tech Research Institute
Effects of Warming on Tropical Forest Carbon Cycling: Investigating Temperature Regulation of Key Tropical Tree and Soil Processes  -- Cavaleri (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Cavanaugh, Kyle
Using HyspIRI to Identify Benthic Composition and Bleaching in Shallow Coral Reef Ecosystems  -- Cavanaugh (HYSPIRI 2014) 2015 
Cavender-Bares, Jeannine
University of Minnesota
Mapping changes in forest diversity and disease in North American temperate forests  -- Cavender-Bares (BIODIV 2020) 2020 
Cavender-Bares, Jeannine
University of Minnesota
Plant community assembly and trait evolution in the South African Greater Cape Floristic Region  -- Cavender-Bares (BIODIV 2021) 2022 
Cavender-Bares, Jeannine
University of Minnesota
Linking remotely sensed optical diversity to genetic, phylogenetic and functional diversity to predict ecosystem processes  -- Cavender-Bares (NSF 2013) 2013 
Cawse-Nicholson, Kerry
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Intrinsic dimensionality and data fusion to monitor Cape biodiversity  -- Cawse-Nicholson (BIODIV 2021) 2022 
Cawse-Nicholson, Kerry
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Evaluating a CONUS-Wide disALEXI Evapotranspiration Product  -- Cawse-Nicholson (ECOSTRESS 18) 2019 
Cetinic, Ivona
Multi-Sensor, Ecosystem-based Approaches for Estimation of Particulate Organic Carbon  -- Cetinic (OBB 2012) 2013 
Chadwick, Katherine (Dana)
Remote Sensing of Landscape-Scale Variability in a Tropical Ecosystem  -- Chadwick (NESSF 2014) 2014 
Chamberlain, Caden (Future Investigator)
University Of Washington
Kane, Van
University of Washington
When can Wildfires Improve Forest Resilience to Future Fire and Drought? A Study Using Spaceborne Data  -- Chamberlain (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Chambers, Lin
Chang, Tony
Conservation Science Partners
Physical Disturbance Model Integration with Bioclimatic Envelope Modeling for Conservation Management under Climate Change  -- Chang (NESSF 2014) 2014 
Chase, Alison (Ali)
University of Maine
An Algorithm for the Detection of Phytoplankton Functional Types Using Hyperspectral Remote-sensing Reflectance  -- Chase (NESSF 2014) 2014 
Chatterjee, Abhishek
Synthesis, Reconciliation and Assessment of CMS Prototype Products  -- Chatterjee (CMS 2018) 2019 
Chatterjee, Abhishek
CMS-Urban: A CMS Prototype Framework to Deliver Urban Sectoral Emission Estimates Using Space- and Activity-Based Data   -- Chatterjee (CMS 2023) 2024 
Chatterjee, Abhishek
GEOS-5 Forecasting and Modeling in Support of ABoVE airborne research  -- Chatterjee (TE 2016) 2016 
Chavez, Francisco
The CeNCOOS MBON: Integrating remote sensing, in situ data and models to understand central California ecosystem responses to environmental change  -- Chavez (NOPP 2019) 2019 
Chen, Jiquan
Michigan State University
Socioecological Carbon Production in Managed Agricultural-Forest Landscapes  -- Chen (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Chen, Shuli (Future Investigator)
University of Arizona
Saleska, Scott
University of Arizona
The other side of drought: Why do some Amazon forests “green-up” during droughts while others do not? Integrating Multi-satellite remote sensing with field observations to reveal the mechanistic controls on tropical evergreen forest photosynthesis  -- Chen (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Chen, Fei
Improved understanding and prediction of extreme precipitation in multiple urban systems  -- Chen (IDS 2019) 2020 
Chen, Jiquan
Michigan State University
LCLUC Synthesis: Ecosystem-Society Interactions on a Changing Mongolian Plateau  -- Chen (LCLUC 2012) 2014 
Chen, Jiquan
Michigan State University
Interdependent dynamics of food, energy and water in Kazakhstan and Mongolia: Connecting LULCC to the transitional socioecological systems  -- Chen (LCLUC 2018) 2019 
Chen, Min
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Quantifying socioeconomic impacts of changing Arctic ecosystems using ABoVE datasets in an integrated Human-Earth system modeling and data assimilation framework  -- Chen (TE 2018) 2019 
Chin, Toshio (Mike)
Synoptic mapping of multidecadal MODIS/VIIRS retrievals to resolve sub-mesoscale ocean surface features with improved locational accuracy  -- Chin (TASNPP 2020) 2021 
Chini, Louise
University of Maryland
Using NASA Remote Sensing Data to Reduce Uncertainty of Land-Use Transitions in Global Carbon-Climate Models  -- Chini (TE 2012) 2013 
Chirayath, Ved
University of Miami
NeMO-Net - The Neural Multi-Modal Observation & Training Network for Global Coral Reef Assessment  -- Chirayath (AIST 2016) 2016 
Chirayath, Ved
University of Miami
MarineVERSE – The Marine Biodiversity and Scaling Project  -- Chirayath (BIODIV 2020) 2021 
Chirayath, Ved
University of Miami
Informing Coral Reef Resilience-Based Management through Prediction of Individual Coral Organismal Growth, Recruitment, And Mortality (PICOGRAM)  -- Chirayath (ECO4CAST 2020) 2021 
Chopping, Mark
Montclair State University
Changes in Shrub Abundance in Arctic Tundra from the Satellite High Resolution Record for the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment and Impacts on Albedo  -- Chopping (TE 2014) 2015 
Chowdhary, Jacek
NASA GISS / Columbia University
PACE UV Retrieval of Ocean and Atmosphere Data-Products (PACE UV ROAD): CDM, BrC and BC Polarimetry  -- Chowdhary (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Chowdhary, Jacek
NASA GISS / Columbia University
Atmospheric Correction for Retrieval of Ocean Spectra from Space (ACROSS)  -- Chowdhary (PACEST 2013) 2015 
Churnside, James
Lidar data mining in support of EXPORTS  -- Churnside (OBB 2015) 2016 
Clare, John
Univ. of Wisconsin
Leaves, Landscapes, and Lambda: Using Remote Sensing to Improve Predictions and Mechanistic Understanding of Spatiotemporal Wildlife Population Dynamics  -- Clare (NESSF 2016) 2016 
Clark, Matthew (Matt)
Sonoma State University
BioSoundSCape: Connecting acoustics and remote sensing to study habitat-animal diversity across environmental gradients  -- Clark (BIODIV 2021) 2022 
Clark, Matthew (Matt)
Sonoma State University
From Soundscapes to Landscapes: Monitoring Animal Biodiversity from Space Using Citizen Scientists  -- Clark (CSESP 2016) 2017 
Clark, Matthew (Matt)
Sonoma State University
Spectral and temporal discrimination of vegetation cover across California with simulated HyspIRI imagery  -- Clark (HYSPIRI 2011) 2012 
Cobourn, Kelly
VA Tech
Water Institutions and Agricultural Land-Use Change across the Western U.S.  -- Cobourn (LCLUC 2011) 2013 
Cochrane, Mark
University of Maryland
Filling a Critical Gap in Indonesia's National Carbon Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Capabilities for Supporting REDD+ Activities: Incorporating, Quantifying and Locating Fire Emissions from Within Tropical Peat-swamp Forests  -- Cochrane (CMS 2013) 2013 
Cochrane, Mark
University of Maryland
Continuation and expansion to a national-scale of the filling a critical gap in Indonesia's national carbon monitoring, reporting, and verification capabilities for supporting REDD+ activities: Incorporating, quantifying and locating fire emissions from within tropical peat-swamp forests project  -- Cochrane (CMS 2015) 2016 
Cochrane, Mark
University of Maryland
Effectiveness and monitoring of large-scale carbon-loss mitigation activities in Indonesia’s peatlands  -- Cochrane (CMS 2018) 2019 
Cochrane (LCLUC 2018) Land-use transitions in Indonesian peatlands  -- Cochrane (LCLUC 2018) 2019 
Coe, Michael
Climate and land use change at the Amazonian agro-frontier: Historical and future effects on the surface energy balance  -- Coe (TE 2011) 2012 
Coffield, Shane
Improving large fire prediction with implications for decision-making and public health  -- Coffield (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Cohen, Warren
USDA Forest Service
An Historically Consistent and Broadly Applicable MRV System Based on Lidar Sampling and Landsat Time-series (Tested in the US, and applied to the US NGHGI reporting system)  -- Cohen (CMS 2013) 2013 
Coles, Victoria
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Predicting, Validating, and Understanding Zooplankton Distributions from Space in an Eddy Rich Ocean  -- Coles (IDS 2016) 2017 
Collatz, George (Jim)
NASA GSFC - retired
Improving and extending CMS land surface carbon flux products including estimates of uncertainties in fluxes and biomass  -- Collatz (CMS 2013) 2013 
Comer, Douglas
Cultural Site Research and Management, Inc.
Multisensor Analyses of Pacific Island Migration and Societal Development  -- Comer (IDS 2019) 2020 
Connette, Grant
Smithsonian Institution
Can Improved Stakeholder Representation Prevent Human-Caused Mangrove Loss in the Mesoamerican Reef Ecoregion?  -- Connette (LCLUC 2022) 2022 
Cook, Bruce
Improving Forest Biomass Mapping Accuracy with Optical-LiDAR Data and Hierarchical Bayesian Spatial Models  -- Cook (CMS 2011) 2012 
Cook, Bruce
Remote Sensing as a Bridge to Operational Forest Carbon Monitoring in Interior Alaska  -- Cook (CMS 2015) 2016 
Cook, Bruce
NASA-USFS Partnership to Advance Operational Forest Carbon Monitoring in Interior Alaska  -- Cook (CMS 2018) 2019 
Cook, Bruce
Fingerprinting Three Decades of Changes in Interior Alaska (1982-2014) Using Field Measurements, Stereo Air Photos, and G-LiHT Data  -- Cook (TE 2014) 2015 
Cooley, Sarah
University of Oregon
Leveraging New Satellite Technologies to Constrain Feedbacks between Surface Water, Permafrost and Carbon Emissions in the Arctic  -- Cooley (NIP 2020) 2021 
Coronado, Patrick
EOS Direct Broadcast System Integration and Data/Product S/W  -- Coronado (2006) 2006 
Cortese, Luca (Future Investigator)
Boston University
Fagherazzi, Sergio
Boston University
Coupling NASA UAVSAR, Air-SWOT and AVIRIS-NG Imagery with Numerical Modeling to Quantify Sediment Fluxes in Deteriorating Salt Marshes  -- Cortese (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Cracraft, Joel
Assembly and Evolution of the Amazonian Biota and its Environment: an Integrated Approach  -- Cracraft (NSF 2012) 2012 
Craig, Susanne
Machine Learning Approaches for Predicting Phytoplankton Community Composition from Ocean Color  -- Craig (OBB 2020) 2021 
Craig, Susanne
Derivation of Inherent Optical Properties from Satellite Top of Atmosphere Measurements in Optically Complex Waters  -- Craig (PACEST 2013) 2015 
Crowell, Sean
LumenUs Scientific, LLC
Improved Parameterization of Carbon Cycle Models Across Scales Using OCO-2 Measurements of XCO2 and SIF  -- Crowell (OCO2ST 2014) 2015 
Cruz-Rivera, Edwin
Morgan State University
Climate Change and the Effects of Golden Tides on Caribbean Coastal Sustainability – Multiscale Predictions for an Emerging Biocomplex Problem  -- Cruz-Rivera (MUREP OCEAN 2020) 2021 
Cuba, Nicholas (Nick)
Auburn University at Montgomery
Evaluating the drivers of international migration from the Northern Triangle of Central America and its implications for land systems in the region  -- Cuba (LCLUC 2019) 2021 
Culhane, Emmett (Future Investigator)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Braun, Camrin
Woods Hole Oceanograhic Institution
Integrating ships and satellites to understand the global biogeography and biophysical coupling of surface and deep ocean ecosystems  -- Culhane (FINESST 2021) 2022 
Curtis, Caroline
University of Massachusetts
Using Time Series of Remotely Sensed Imagery to Understand Invasive Pine Dispersal   -- Curtis (NESSF 2015) 2015 
Cusworth, Daniel
Carbon Mapper
Infusing CH4 and CO2 Point Source Emissions Data into Stakeholder Frameworks to Enable Mitigation and Uncover New Insights  -- Cusworth (CMS 2022) 2023 
Czapla-Myers, Jeffrey
University of Arizona
Support for the calibration and validation of Suomi NPP VIIRS  -- Czapla-Myers (SNPP 2013) 2013 
Czapla-Myers, Jeffrey
University of Arizona
Validation of Aqua and Terra surface reflectance products using the Radiometric Calibration Test Site (RadCaTS)  -- Czapla-Myers (TERAQEA 2013) 2013 
D'Sa, Eurico
Louisiana State University
Characterizing two decades of environmental and climate impacts on a river-dominated coastal ecosystem using ocean color biogeochemical indicators  -- D'Sa (TASNPP 2020) 2021 
D'Sa, Eurico
Louisiana State University
Characterizing two decades of environmental and climate impacts on a river-dominated coastal ecosystem using ocean color biogeochemical indicators  -- D'Sa (TASNPP 2021) 2021 
Dadap, Nathan
Stanford University
Predicting Fire Risk and Estimating Carbon Emissions in Tropical Peatlands using SMAP Soil Moisture  -- Dadap (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Dai, Jie
Arizona State University
Mapping and Modeling the Invasion of Mikania Micrantha in Chitwan Community Forests, Nepal: A Coupled Human and Natural Systems Approach  -- Dai (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Daily, Gretchen
Stanford University
Using Earth Observations and Ecosystem Modeling to Improve the Sustainability of Agribusiness and Extractive Industries in Working Landscapes  -- Daily (ECO4CAST 2016) 2017 
Daily, Gretchen
Stanford University
Improving Linkages Between Earth Observations and Ecosystem Service Models with Essential Biodiversity Variables  -- Daily (GEO 2016) 2018 
Danner, Eric
NOAA Fisheries
From the watershed to the ocean: Using NASA data and models to understand and predict variations in central California salmon  -- Danner (IDS 2009) 2011 
Davidson, Eric
UMCES Appalacian Lab
Integrated Belowground Greenhouse Gas Flux Measurements and Modeling  -- Davidson (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Davis, Kenneth (Ken)
The Pennsylvania State University
Quantification of the Regional Impact of Terrestrial Processes on the Carbon Cycle Using Atmospheric Inversions  -- Davis (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Davis, Kenneth (Ken)
The Pennsylvania State University
Preparing the global CMS Flux system for application to carbon flux inventories via regional-scale, observation-based evaluations  -- Davis (CMS 2020) 2021 
Davis, Kenneth (Ken)
The Pennsylvania State University
Toward Reconciliation of Decadal North American Top-Down Flux Estimates from Nested CMS-Flux and Continental-Scale Carbon Flux Inventories  -- Davis (CMS 2023) 2024 
Davis, Kenneth (Ken)
The Pennsylvania State University
Atmospheric Carbon and Transport-America (ACT-America)  -- Davis (EVS-2 2013) 2015 
Davis, Kathyrn (Future Investigator)
University of Wyoming
Murphy, Melanie
University of Wyoming
Does Ecosystem Engineering by Beaver Increase Distribution, Abundance and Connectivity of Biodiversity in the Greater Yellowstone Area?  -- Davis (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Davis, Curtiss
Oregon State University
Impacts of Population Growth on the San Francisco Bay and Delta Ecosystem  -- Davis (IDS 2012) 2014 
Davis, Kenneth (Ken)
The Pennsylvania State University
Regional Atmospheric Inversions to determine Land-Atmosphere Carbon fluxes in the SouthEastern Forests of the United States  -- Davis-1 (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Davis, Kenneth (Ken)
The Pennsylvania State University
Application of column-CO2 measurements to urban, regional and continental atmospheric inversions  -- Davis-2 (CARBON 2010) 2012 
de Beurs, Kirsten
University of Oklahoma
Land Use Patterns and Political Instability as Predictors for the Re-emergence of Malaria in the Caucasus.  -- de Beurs (LCLUC 2016) 2017 
de Beurs (LCLUC 2018) Rapid Urbanization, Changing Croplands and Increasing Population Health Vulnerabilities in the China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor  -- de Beurs (LCLUC 2018) 2019 
de Bremond, Ariane
Global Land Programme/Univ of Maryland
The Global Land Rush: A Socio-Environmental Synthesis  -- de Bremond (LCLUC 2015) 2016 
DeFelice, Nicholas
Icahn School Of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Developing Spatial Real-Time Forecasts of Mosquito-Borne Diseases  -- DeFelice (ECOSTRESS 18) 2019 
DeFries, Ruth
Columbia University
Tropical Deciduous Forests of South Asia: Monitoring Degradation and Assessing Impacts of Urbanization  -- DeFries (LCLUC 2015) 2016 
Del Castillo, Carlos
On the Export of Dissolved Organic Carbon by Large Rivers: Assessing the Effect of Climate Variability  -- Del Castillo (OBB 2012) 2013 
Del Castillo, Carlos
Hybrid-spectral Alternative for Remote Profiling of Optical Observations for NASA Satellites (HARPOONS) - Wave Glider SV3  -- Del Castillo (OBB 2014) 2014 
Denning, Scott
Colorado State University
The Tropical Terrestrial Tipping Point: Drought Stress and Resilience in Moist Tropical Forests  -- Denning (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Denning, Scott
Colorado State University
Inverse Modeling of Carbon fluxes by Assimilation of XCO2 and Fluorescence from OCO-2  -- Denning (OCO2ST 2014) 2015 
Dennison, Philip (Phil)
University of Utah
Improved Trace Gas Plume Detection using Indian and US AVIRIS-NG Data  -- Dennison (AVRSNG 2016) 2017 
Deppe, Jill
National Audubon Society
Full annual cycle conservation of migratory birds in the Western Hemisphere: Mapping tools for assessing and improving the conservation value of protected area networks in critical landscapes  -- Deppe (ECO4CAST 2020) 2021 
DeVries, Tim
University of California, Santa Barbara
Quantifying ocean primary production and carbon export by combining satellite and oceanographic tracer observations in a global inverse model  -- DeVries (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Di, Liping
Understanding Changes in Agricultural Land Use and Land Cover in the Breadbasket Area of the Ganges Basin 2000-2015: A Socioeconomic-Ecological Analysis  -- Di (LCLUC 2015) 2016 
Di Vittorio, Courtney
Wake Forest University
Quantification of Historic and Future Changes in Atlantic Coastal Marshes and Implications for Global Modeling  -- Di Vittorio (OBB 2020) 2021 
Diao, Chunyuan
University of Illinois
Scalable Crop Phenological Retrieval through Integration of Remote Sensing and Crop Modeling   -- Diao (NIP 2020) 2021 
Diaz, Ben (Future Investigator)
Bidle, Kay
Impact of Aerosolized Viruses on Warm and Ice Cloud Processes  -- Diaz (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Didan, Kamel
The University of Arizona
Vegetation Indices from the Suomi NPP VIIRS Sensor: Extending the EOS-MODIS VI Science Algorithm and Experience  -- Didan (SNPP 2013) 2013 
Didan, Kamel
The University of Arizona
Maintaining the Terra and Aqua MODIS Vegetation Index Product Record  -- Didan (TERAQEA 2013) 2013 
Dierssen, Heidi
University of Connecticut
Hyperspectral remote sensing of coral reefs: Assessing the potential for spectral discrimination of coral symbiont diversity  -- Dierssen (HYSPIRI 2014)  
Dierssen, Heidi
University of Connecticut
Quantifying linkages between sea ice, phytoplankton community composition, and air-sea carbon fluxes west of the Antarctic Peninsula through field, airborne and satellite measurements  -- Dierssen (IDS 2019) 2020 
Dierssen, Heidi
University of Connecticut
Airborne imaging spectroscopy of benthic and floating vegetation in relation to carbon export  -- Dierssen (OBB 2012) 2013 
Dierssen, Heidi
University of Connecticut
Advancing Remote Sensing of Microplastics on the Surface Ocean  -- Dierssen (OBB 2020) 2021 
Dierssen, Heidi
University of Connecticut
PACE Science Team and Team Leader: Differentiating Whitecaps and Targets with Non-Negligible Infrared Reflectance  -- Dierssen (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Dierssen, Heidi
University of Connecticut
Atmospheric Correction over Bright Water Targets with Non-negligible Radiances in the Near Infrared  -- Dierssen (PACEST 2013) 2015 
Dietze, Michael
Boston University
A prototype data assimilation system for the terrestrial carbon cycle to support Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification  -- Dietze (CMS 2016) 2017 
Dietze, Michael
Boston University
Multisensor data assimilation to support terrestrial carbon cycle and disturbance Monitoring, Reporting, Verification, and Forecasting  -- Dietze (CMS 2020) 2021 
DiMiceli, Charlene
University of Maryland
Modeling Edge Influence on Forest Structure  -- DiMiceli (SLSCVC 2018) 2018 
Dobrowski, Solomon
University of Montana
Integrating Earth Observations, Ecohydrologic, and Plant Hydraulic Models for Forecasting Recruitment Failure in Semi-Arid Forests: Decision Support for Adaptive Forest Management  -- Dobrowski (SLSCVC 2018) 2018 
Dohan, Kathleen
Earth and Space Research
East Meets West: Dynamic Biogeography of the Subarctic North Pacific  -- Dohan (IDS 2016) 2017 
Donahue, Megan
University of Hawaii
Forecasting Coral Disease Outbreaks Across the Tropical Pacific Ocean Using Satellite-Derived Data  -- Donahue (ECO4CAST 2016) 2017 
Doney, Scott
University of Virginia
Climate-Driven Impacts on the Marine Ecology, Biogeochemistry, and Carbon Cycle of the West Antarctic Peninsula  -- Doney (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Doney, Scott
University of Virginia
North Atlantic Aerosol and Marine Ecosystem Study (NAAMES)  -- Doney (NAAMES 2015) 2015 
Doney, Scott
University of Virginia
Multi-scale Satellite Analysis of the Biophysical Dynamics Governing Ocean Phytoplankton Community Structure  -- Doney (TERAQEA 2013) 2014 
Dong, Jinwei
University of Oklahoma
Mapping industrial forest plantations in tropical monsoon Asia through integration of Landsat and PALSAR imagery  -- Dong (LCLUC 2012) 2014 
Doughty, Christopher (Chris)
Northern Arizona University
Merging ECOSTRESS with Field Data in the Highest Uncertainty Water Use Efficiency Regions in the World  -- Doughty (ECOSTRESS 18) 2019 
Doughty, Christopher (Chris)
Northern Arizona University
Using GEDI to improve biomass estimates and understand recent biomass change in the tallest, highest biomass forests in the world.  -- Doughty (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Doughty, Christopher (Chris)
Northern Arizona University
Adding Space-Based Vegetation Structure Measurements to a Global Ecosystem Model to Simulate Tropical Forest Animal Communities and Their Role in Ecosystem Function  -- Doughty (SLSCVC 2018) 2018 
Drewry, Darren
Ohio State University
Airborne Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Characterize Arctic Boreal Zone Phenology and Productivity  -- Drewry (TE 2016) 2016 
Dronova, Iryna
University of California Berkeley
Using Remotely Sensed Phenology to Monitor Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Wetlands  -- Dronova (NIP 2017) 2018 
Drouin, Brian
Oxygen A-band Spectroscopy  -- Drouin (OCO2ST 2014) 2015 
Du, Jinyang
University of Montana
High Resolution Mapping of Surface Soil Freeze Thaw Status and Active Layer Thickness for Improving the Understanding of Permafrost Dynamics and Vulnerability  -- Du (TE 2021) 2022 
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
High Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: A CMS Phase 2 Study  -- Dubayah (CMS 2011) 2012 
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
Development of a Prototype MRV System to Support Carbon Ecomarket Infrastructure in Sonoma County  -- Dubayah (CMS 2013) 2013 
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
Pantropical structure and biomass mapping using the fusion of GEDI and TanDEM-X data  -- Dubayah (CMS 2018) 2019 
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
Pantropical structure and biomass mapping using the fusion of GEDI and TanDEM-X data - Phase II: expansion to new regions and estimating change   -- Dubayah (CMS 2022) 2023 
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) Lidar  -- Dubayah (EV 2012) 2014 
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
Exploring the Potential of Single Photon Lidar for Ecosystem Structure Derivation  -- Dubayah (TE 2011) 2012 
Dubey, Manvendra (Dubey)
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Off-the-shelf Commercial Compact Solar FTS for CO2 and CH4 Observations for MRV  -- Dubey (CMS 2013) 2013 
Duncanson, Laura
University of Maryland
Harmonizing Biomass Maps With Policy Needs: Development of National Prototypes for the Global Stocktake   -- Duncanson (CMS 2022) 2023 
Duncanson, Laura
University of Maryland
Mapping Global Forest Carbon Hotspots with GEDI using Improved Allometric Models  -- Duncanson (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Duncanson, Laura
University of Maryland
Mapping boreal forest biomass density for the ABoVE domain circa 2020 with ICESat-2  -- Duncanson (TE 2018) 2019 
Duncanson, Laura
University of Maryland
Mapping boreal forest biomass recovery rates across gradients of vegetation structure and environmental change  -- Duncanson (TE 2021) 2022 
Duren, Riley
Carbon Mapper/U. Arizona
Understanding user needs for carbon monitoring information  -- Duren (2013) 2013 
Duren, Riley
Carbon Mapper/U. Arizona
Megacities Carbon Project: Assessing the Impact of Policy and Management Decisions on the Los Angeles Urban Dome of CO2 and CH4  -- Duren (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Duren, Riley
Carbon Mapper/U. Arizona
Prototype methane monitoring system for California  -- Duren (CMS 2015) 2016 
Duren, Riley
Carbon Mapper/U. Arizona
Multi-tiered Carbon Monitoring System  -- Duren (CMS 2018) 2019 
Dutkiewicz, Stephanie
Signatures of the Multiple Scales of Motion in Shaping Marine Phytoplankton Biogeography  -- Dutkiewicz (IDS 2016) 2017 
Dutkiewicz, Stephanie
Assessing Ecosystem Vulnerability to Climate Change through Optics, Imagery and Models  -- Dutkiewicz (OBB 2015) 2016 
DuVivier, Alice
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Hot spots in the ice: revealing the importance of polynyas for sustaining present and future Antarctic marine ecosystems  -- DuVivier (ECO4CAST 2020) 2021 
Dwomoh, Francis
University of Oklahoma
Vulnerability of Protected Areas to Human Encroachment, Climate Change and Fire in the Fragmented Tropical Forests of West Africa  -- Dwomoh (NESSF 2014) 2014 
Eegholm, Nathalie (Future Investigator)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Siegel, David (Dave)
UC Santa Barbara
Multi-Scale Demographic Modeling of an Emergent Macrophyte in the Santa Barbara Channel Informed by Remote Sensing  -- Eegholm (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Eissenstat, David
The Pennsylvania State University
Linking Topographic Variation in Belowground C Processes with Hydrological Processes to Improve Earth System Models  -- Eissenstat (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Eitel, Jan
University of Idaho
LiDAR, passive spectral, and ecophysiological approaches to link Forest Tundra Ecotone structure and function  -- Eitel (TE 2014) 2015 
Ellicott, Evan
UMD/ Dept. of Geography
S-NPP/VIIRS Active Fire Algorithm and Data Record Development and Refinement  -- Ellicott (SNPP 2013)) 2013 
Ellis Soto, Diego (Future Investigator)
Yale University
Jetz, Walter
Yale University
Using detailed human activity and remote sensing data to assess wildlife responses to altered human behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic  -- Ellis-Soto (FINESST 2021) 2022 
Elmore, Andrew
UMCES Appalachian Laboratory
Managing Forests for Sustainable Harvest and Wildlife Habitat Using Earth Observations and Modeling of Forest Structure and Landscape Connectivity  -- Elmore (ECO4CAST 2016) 2017 
Elmore, Andrew
UMCES Appalachian Laboratory
Assessing the Influence of Local Phenology on the Response of Forest Productivity to Changes in Growing Season Length  -- Elmore (TE 2011) 2012 
Elvidge, Christopher (Chris)
Colorado School of Mines
Global monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) system for carbon emissions from natural gas flaring  -- Elvidge (CMS 2015) 2016 
Emberson, Robert
Universities Space Research Association, Columbia   -- Emberson (NIP 2020) 2021 
Engels, Mary
Univ. of Idaho
Mapping Soils Through the Trees: a Small Low Island Case Study  -- Engels (NESSF 2016) 2016 
Epstein, Howard (Howie)
University of Virginia
Ecosystem Functional Diversity of the Circumpolar Arctic Tundra  -- Epstein (GEO 2016) 2018 
Erickson, Zachary
Resolving the Marine Chlorophyll Fluorescence Signal through Hyperspectral Radiometry   -- Erikson (NIP 2020) 2021 
Erker, Edward
University of Wisconsin
Linkage of Remote Sensing, Field Spectroscopy and Modeling to Characterize Ecosystem Function in Relation to the Heat Island and Carbon Budget of an Urban Area  -- Erker (NESSF 2015) 2015 
Escobar, Vanessa
Applications of the NASA Carbon Monitoring System: Engagement, Use, and Evaluation  -- Escobar (CMS 2013) 2013 
Escobar, Vanessa
Masek, Jeffrey (Jeff)
CMS Applications: Stakeholder Engagement and Analysis of CMS Data Products in Decision Making and Policy Frameworks  -- Escobar (CMS 2015) 2016 
Estapa, Margaret
University of Maine
Linking Satellite Observations of the Biological Pump to Autonomous, Float-Based Measurements of Twilight Zone Carbon Flux  -- Estapa (NIP 2013) 2014 
Estapa, Margaret
University of Maine
Linking sinking particle chemistry and biology with changes in the magnitude and efficiency of carbon export into the deep ocean 16-OBB16_2-0016  -- Estapa (OBB 2016) 2017 
Eugene (NESSF 2016) Contribution of Model Aqueous Aerosol Formation from 2-Oxocarboxylic Acids to Earth’s Radiation Balance  -- Eugene (NESSF 2016) 2016 
Falkowski, Michael (Mike)
NASA Headquarters
Fuel Consumption and Carbon Cycling in Northern Peatland Ecosystems: Understanding Vulnerability to Burning, Fuel Consumption, and Emissions via Remote Sensing of Fuel Moisture and Fire Radiative Energy  -- Falkowski (TE 2011) 2012 
Famiglietti, Caroline (Future Investigator)
Stanford University
Konings, Alexandra
Stanford University
Quantifying and Mitigating the Role of Parametric Uncertainty in Forecasts of the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle  -- Famiglietti (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Fan, Peilei
Michigan State University
Urbanization and Sustainability Under Global Change and Transitional Economies: Synthesis from Southeast, East and North Asia (SENA)  -- Fan (LCLUC 2013) 2015 
Fan (LCLUC 2018) Divergent local responses to globalization: Urbanization, land transition, and environmental changes in Southeast Asia  -- Fan (LCLUC 2018) 2019 
Fang, Jianing (Future Investigator)
Columbia University
Gentine, Pierre
Columbia University
Hybrid-Machine Learning Model for the Discovery of Unknown Functional Relationships in the Terrestrial Water and Carbon Cycles  -- Fang (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Farhad, Md. Mehedi (Future Investigator)
Mississippi State University
Kurum, Mehmet
Mississippi State University
Recycling the Radio Spectrum: Enhancing NASA’s Earth Observing Systems Products over Forested Terrain by Direct Measurement of Vegetation Optical Depth  -- Farhad (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Farhadi, Leila
George Washington University
Coupled Estimation of Evapotranspiration and Recharge from Remotely Sensed Land Surface Moisture and Temperature  -- Farhadi (NIP 2017) 2018 
Farina, Mary (Future Investigator)
Montana State University
Watts, Jennifer
Woodwell Climate Research Center
A multi-scale analysis to address uncertainty in bottom-up estimates of carbon exchange in Alaska  -- Farina (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Farrand, William (Bill)
Space Science Institute
Using AVIRIS-NG Data to Assess the Role of Mining Activities in Affecting Water Quality in Gujarat and Rajasthan, India  -- Farrand (AVRSNG 2016) 2017 
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola)
Understanding the global 3D signature of tree biodiversity  -- Fatoyinbo (BIODIV 2020) 2020 
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola)
Total Carbon Estimation in African Mangroves and Coastal Wetlands in Preparation for REDD and Blue Carbon Credits  -- Fatoyinbo (CMS 2014) 2014 
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola)
Future Mission Fusion for High Biomass Forest Carbon Accounting  -- Fatoyinbo (CMS 2015) 2016 
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola)
Estimating Total Ecosystem Carbon in Blue Carbon and Tropical Peatland Ecosystems  -- Fatoyinbo (CMS 2016) 2017 
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola)
Using ICESat 2 Data for Coastal Ecosystem Structure  -- Fatoyinbo (ICESat-2 2019) 2020 
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola)
Hurricane Irma - Rapid Response (HI-RRes) with NASA G-LiHT  -- Fatoyinbo (RRNES 2017) 2017 
Feagin, Rusty
Texas A&M University
Short-Term Vulnerabilities and Long-Term Shifts in Tidal Wetland Productivity: A Big-Data, Remote-Sensing Approach  -- Feagin (OBB 2020) 2021 
Feen, Melanie
University of Rhode Island
Net community production across scales: From autonomous profiling to ocean color remote sensing  -- Feen (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Feller, Ilka (Candy)
Smithsonian Institution
Sensitivity of Coastal Zone Ecosystems to Climate Change  -- Feller (BIOCLIM 2010) 2011 
Feng, Sha
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Regional Inverse Modeling in North and South America for the NASA Carbon Monitoring System - Follow-On  -- Feng (CMS 2020) 2021 
Ferraz, Antonio
Functional diversity-biomass relationships across continents and intactness gradients  -- Ferraz (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Fichot, Cedric
Boston University
The export of terrigenous DOC from boreal terrestrial ecosystems to the Arctic Ocean and its vulnerability to environmental change  -- Fichot (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Fichot, Cedric
Boston University
A Quantitative Assessment and Correction Scheme for the Effects of CDOM Photobleaching on the Remote Sensing of Water Quality  -- Fichot (RSWQ 2016) 2017 
Finzi, Adrien
Boston University
Modeling the Effects of Warming & Elevated CO2 on Decomposition in a Northern Minnesota Black Spruce Peatland  -- Finzi (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Fisher, Joshua
Chapman University
Improvements to ECOSTRESS Data for Science and Applications  -- Fisher (ECOSTRESS 18) 2019 
Fisher, Joshua
Chapman University
A Model-Data Integration Framework (MoDIF) for ABoVE Phase I research: simulation, scaling and benchmarking for key indicators of Arctic-boreal ecosystem dynamics  -- Fisher (TE 2014) 2015 
Fitzpatrick, Matthew (Matt)
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Integrating remote sensing and biodiversity observations to map and monitor plant taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional beta-diversity in the Greater Cape Floristic Region  -- Fitzpatrick (BIODIV 2021) 2022 
Fleischman, Forrest
Texas A&M
Impacts of Afforestation on Sustainable Livelihoods in Rural Communities in India  -- Fleischman (LCLUC 2015) 2016 
Follows, Michael (Mick)
Interpreting ecological variability using remotely observed optical properties and ocean models.  -- Follows (OBB 2012) 2013 
Foroutan, Hosein
Virginia Tech
Multiscale Investigation of Microbial Biodiversity in Trans-Atlantic Dust Plumes  -- Foroutan (IDS 2019) 2020 
Foster, Robert
US Naval Research Laboratory
Assessment of the Effects of Marine Debris on Ocean Color Signals  -- Foster (OBB 2020) 2020 
Fox, Jefferson
East-West Center
Forest, agricultural, and urban transitions in Mainland Southeast Asia: Synthesizing knowledge and developing theory  -- Fox (LCLUC 2012) 2014 
Fox, Jefferson
East-West Center
Thirty years of community forestry: Mapping forest dynamics in the Middle Hills of Nepal  -- Fox (LCLUC 2013) 2015 
Fox, Jefferson
East-West Center
The Agrarian Transition in Mainland Southeast Asia: Changes in Rice Farming 1995 to 2018  -- Fox (LCLUC 2016) 2017 
Fox, James
Oregon State University
Global Assessment of Climate Driven Trends in Marine Primary Productivity  -- Fox (OBB 2020) 2021 
Frankenberg, Christian
Evaluating Crop Productivity Using Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measured From Ground and Space  -- Frankenberg (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Frankenberg, Christian
Bridging the gap between carbon cycle models and remote sensing observations  -- Frankenberg (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Frankenberg, Christian
Exploiting Diurnal Cycles to Evaluate Vegetation Responses to Heat and Drought Stress  -- Frankenberg (ECOSTRESS 18) 2019 
Frankenberg, Christian
Ecophysiological and physical mechanisms linking solar-induced fluorescence and vegetation reflectance to boreal forest productivity  -- Frankenberg (TE 2018) 2019 
Franz, Bryan
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Integration of GCOM-C/SGLI into NASA's Multi-Mission Ocean Color Time-Series  -- Franz (ESUSPI 2014) 2015 
Franz, Bryan
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Extension of the MODIS Ocean Color Time-Series to S-NPP/VIIRS: Marine Remote Sensing Reflectance and Derived Products  -- Franz (SNPP 2013) 2014 
Franz, Bryan
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Maintaining the Quality and Continuity of Marine Remote Sensing Reflectance and Derived Ocean Color Products from VIIRS  -- Franz (SNPPS 2021) 2021 
Franz, Bryan
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Maintaining the Quality and Continuity of Marine Remote Sensing Reflectance and Derived Ocean Color Products from VIIRS  -- Franz (SNPPSP 2020) 2021 
Franz, Bryan
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Advancing the Quality and Continuity of Marine Remote Sensing Reflectance and Derived Ocean Color Products from MODIS to VIIRS  -- Franz (TASNPP 2017) 2018 
Franz, Bryan
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Ocean Discipline Team Leader  -- Franz (TASNPP 2020) 2021 
Franz, Bryan
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Ocean Discipline Team Leader  -- Franz (TASNPP 2021) 2021 
Franz, Bryan
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Maintenance and Quality Assessment of Remote Sensing Reflectance, Chlorophyll, and Diffuse Attenuation Products to Support MODIS Ocean Color Science  -- Franz (TERAQEA 2013) 2014 
Freilich, Mara
Brown University
Precipitation extremes and land-sea biogeochemical connections in the California Current System, ESD  -- Freilich (EPSCoR 2024) 2024 
French, Nancy
Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
Uncertainty and Scaling of Wildland Fire Emissions: Integrating Variability in Fuel Properties for Biomass Burning Carbon Emissions Inventory   -- French (CMS 2023) 2024 
French, Nancy
Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
Wetland status, change, and seasonal inundation dynamics for assessing the vulnerability of waterfowl habitat within the ABoVE study domain  -- French (TE 2018) 2019 
French, Nancy
Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
Informing wetland policy and management for waterfowl habitat and other ecosystem services using multi-frequency synthetic aperture radar  -- French (TE 2021) 2022 
Friedl, Mark
Boston University
4-D Modeling of the Regional Carbon Cycle in and Around Urban Environments: An Interdisciplinary Study to Advance Observational and Modeling Foundations  -- Friedl (IDS 2011) 2012 
Friedl, Mark
Boston University
Multisource Imaging of Seasonal Dynamics in Land Surface Phenology: A Fusion Approach Using Landsat and Sentinel-2  -- Friedl (LCLUC 2014) 2015 
Friedl, Mark
Boston University
An Operational Multisource Land Surface Phenology Product from Landsat and Sentinel 2  -- Friedl (LCLUC 2017) 2017 
Friedl, Mark
Boston University
Using Three Decades of Landsat Data to Characterize Changes and Vulnerability of Temperate and Boreal Forest Phenology to Climate Change  -- Friedl (TE 2013) 2014 
Friedl, Mark
Boston University
Final Maintenance and Refinement of the MODIS Land Cover Product  -- Friedl (TERAQEA 2013) 2014 
Friedrichs, Marjorie (Marjy)
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Hofmann, Eileen
Old Dominion University
Impacts of Changing Climate and Land Use on Carbon Cycling and Budgets of the Coastal Ocean Margin: Observations, Analysis, and Modeling  -- Friedrichs (IDS 2009) 2011 
Fritz, Sherilyn
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Mapping Linkages Between Geophysical and Biological Diversity Across Space and Time in the Andes, Amazon, and Chocó of Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia  -- Fritz (BIODIV 2015) 2016 
Frolking, Steve
University of New Hampshire
Incorporating a new urban dataset from SeaWinds into a multi-sensor analysis of global daytime and nighttime urban heat islands  -- Frolking (TERAQ 2013) 2013 
Frost, Gerald (JJ)
Alaska Biological Research, Inc.--Environmental Research & Services
Biophysical drivers and socio-ecological impacts of environmental change in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region, western Alaska  -- Frost (TE 2014) 2015 
Frost, Gerald (JJ)
Alaska Biological Research, Inc.--Environmental Research & Services
Towards a Warmer, Less Frozen Future Arctic: Synthesis of Drivers, Ecosystem Responses, and Elder Observations along Bioclimatic Gradients in Western Alaska  -- Frost (TE 2021) 2022 
Frouin, Robert
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
Algorithm Development in Support of SGLI and GOCI Ocean-Color Missions  -- Frouin (ESUSPI 2010) 2011 
Frouin, Robert
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
Algorithm Development (Photosynhetically Available Radiation, Atmospheric Correction) in Support of the SABIA-Mar Ocean-Color Mission  -- Frouin (ESUSPI 2018) 2019 
Frouin, Robert
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
Bayesian Methodology for Atmospheric Correction of PACE Ocean-Color Imagery  -- Frouin (PACEST 2013) 2015 
Frouin, Robert
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
Improving the Satellite Retrieval of Water Quality Properties under Complex Atmospheric and Aquatic conditions  -- Frouin (RSWQ 2022) 2022 
Frouin, Robert
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
Development of a Science Quality Ocean Surface PAR Product from NPP VIIRS Data  -- Frouin (SNPP 2013) 2014 
Frouin, Robert
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
Retrieval of Marine Reflectance from MISR Data  -- Frouin (TERAQ 2013) 2014 
Frouin, Robert
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
Improvements to the MODIS Standard Ocean PAR Product  -- Frouin (TERAQEA 2013) 2014 
Frouin, Robert
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
Estimating the Fraction of Photosynthetically Available Radiation Absorbed by Live Phytoplankton from MODIS and VIIRS Data  -- Froulin (TASNPP 2017) 2018 
Frye, Henry (Future Investigator)
University of Conneticut
Silander, John
University of Connecticut
Evaluation of hyperspectral techniques for quantifying taxonomic and functional diversity in coastal and shrubland ecosystems  -- Frye (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Fung, Inez
University of California, Berkeley
Towards a 4D CO2 Reanalysis with a Carbon-Weather Data Assimilation System  -- Fung (OCO2ST 2014) 2015 
Galford, Gillian
University of Vermont
Environmental and socioeconomic outcomes of the new African Green Revolution  -- Galford (LCLUC 2011) 2013 
Galford, Gillian
University of Vermont
Socioeconomic and Environmental Dynamics of Land-Cover and Land-Use Change in the Cerrado Frontier  -- Galford (LCLUC 2022) 2022 
Romero Galvan, Fernando (Future Investigator)
Cornell University
Gold, Kaitlin (Katie)
Cornell University
Detecting Plant Disease at Scale with NASA Imaging Spectroscopy  -- Galvan (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Gamon, John
University of Nebraska
Evaluating growing season length and productivity across the ABoVE Domain using novel satellite indices and a ground sensor network  -- Gamon (TE 2014) 2015 
Ganguly, Sangram
Rhombus Power Inc.
Reducing Uncertainties in Satellite-Derived Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimates Using a High Resolution Forest Cover Map  -- Ganguly (CMS 2014) 2014 
Gao, Bo-Cai
Naval Research Laboratory
Use of AVIRISng Data Collected from the Airborne Campaign in India for the Study of Inland Lake, River, and Coastal Waters  -- Gao (AVRSNG 2016) 2017 
Gao, Bo-Cai
Naval Research Laboratory
Characterization and Atmospheric Corrections to the AVIRIS-Classic and AVIRISng Data to Support the HyspIRI Preparatory Airborne Activities  -- Gao (HYSPIRI 2011) 2012 
Gao, Bo-Cai
Naval Research Laboratory
Hyperspectral and Multispectral Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for Supporting the NASA PACE Mission  -- GAO (PACEST 2013) 2015 
Gao, Bo-Cai
Naval Research Laboratory
Development and enhancement of hyperspectral and multi-spectral atmospheric correction algorithms for remote sensing of water quality  -- Gao (RSWQ 2016) 2017 
Garcia, Catherine
University of California
Global Distributional Patterns of Phytoplankton Communities and Their Elemental Stoichiometry Using MODIS Satellite Data  -- Garcia (NESSF 2015) 2015 
Gaube, Peter
University of Washington
Developing a Mechanistic Understanding of the Influence of (Sub)Mesoscale Features on the Distribution and Behavior of Pelagic Predators  -- Gaube (NIP 2017) 2018 
Gaube, Peter
University of Washington
Going Beyond Chlorophyll-A: Developing Phytoplankton Community Composition Algorithms from Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Reflectances  -- Gaube (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Gerstner, Beth (Future Investigator)
Michigan State University
Zarnetske, Phoebe
Michigan State University
Using geodiversity and community ecology to improve species conservation assessments in biodiversity hotspots  -- Gerstner (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Gholizadeh, Hamed
Oklahoma State University
Leveraging Multiscale Airborne and Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy to Monitor Grassland Plant Diversity Under Different Management Practices   -- Gholizadeh (NIP 2020) 2021 
Gibbs, James
State University of New York
A decision-making activity to guide archipelago-wide rewilding of Galapagos giant tortoises  -- Gibbs (ECO4CAST 2020) 2021 
Gierach, Michelle
A Land to Sea Paradigm: Impact of Spatially and Temporally Varying Nutrient and Freshwater Fluxes on Coastal Carbon Dynamics in the northern Gulf of Mexico  -- Gierach (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Gierach, Michelle
Variation in phytoplankton composition associated with ENSO diversity in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean  -- Gierach (OBB 2012) 2013 
Gierach, Michelle
Impact of Spatially and Temporally Varying Thermal Stress on Reef Functional Diversity  -- Gierach (OBB 2020) 2021 
Giglio, Louis
NASA GSFC/University of Maryland
Development of a Suomi NPP VIIRS Global Burned Area Earth System Data Record  -- Giglio (SNPP 2013) 2013 
Giglio, Louis
NASA GSFC/University of Maryland
Development of a Suomi-NPP VIIRS Global Burned Area Earth System Data Record  -- Giglio (TASNPP 2017) 2018 
Giglio, Louis
NASA GSFC/University of Maryland
MODIS Global Active Fire and Burned Area Product Maintenance and Validation  -- Giglio (TERAQEA 2013) 2013 
Gilerson, Alexander
Development of a methodology for the retrieval of charactersitics of water constituents from satellite polarimetric observations  -- Gilerson (OBB 2012) 2013 
Gilerson, Alexander
Retrieval of Characteristics of Water Constituents from near Surface and Satellite Polarimetric Observations  -- Gilerson (OBB 2015) 2016 
Gilerson, Alexander
Retrieval of Water Parameters from Hyperspectral and Polarimetric Imaging  -- Gilerson (OBB 2020) 2021 
Gleason, Kelly
Portland State University
Forest Fire Effects on Snow Albedo: Improving Remote Sensing of Snow in Burned  -- Gleason (NIP 2017) 2018 
Glenn, Nancy
Boise State University
Scalable vegetation structure for ecosystem modeling in the western US  -- Glenn (TE 2013) 2014 
Goés, Joaquim
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Bio-Optical Monitoring and Evaluation System (BIOMES) for improving satellite estimates of Ocean Net Primary Production for Carbon Cycling and Climate Change studies  -- Goes (CMS 2018) 2019 
Goés, Joaquim
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Decision and Information System for the Coastal Waters of Oman (DISCO)- An Integrative Tool for Managing Coastal Resources Under Changing Climate  -- Goes (ECO4CAST 2016) 2017 
Goés, Joaquim
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
A Time Series of Sea Surface Nitrate and Nitrate Based New Production in the Global Oceans  -- Goes (MEASURES 2012) 2013 
Goetz, Scott
Northern Arizona University
Enabling and advancing biodiversity science and applications using GEDI 3D canopy structure information  -- Goetz (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Goetz, Scott
Northern Arizona University
Mapping and modeling attributes of an arctic-boreal biome shift: Resource management implications within the ABoVE domain  -- Goetz (TE 2014) 2015 
Goetz, Scott
Northern Arizona University
Mapping and modeling attributes of an arctic-boreal biome shift: Phase-2 applications within the ABoVE domain  -- Goetz (TE 2018) 2019 
Goetz, Scott
Northern Arizona University
Mapping and modeling attributes of an Arctic - boreal biome shift: Phase-3 applications within the ABoVE domain  -- Goetz (TE 2021) 2022 
Gold, Kaitlin (Katie)
Cornell University
Soilborne plant pathogen dispersal and assessment: Building a remote sensing-based global surveillance system for plant disease  -- Gold (IDS 2019) 2020 
Good, Stephen
Oregon State University
Coupling ecosystem structure to habitat microclimate through GEDI derived canopy water storage estimates  -- Good (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Goodwell, Allison
University of Colorado
Leveraging Information Theory and Flux Tower Footprints Towards Improved Satellite-Based Evapotranspiration Estimates   -- Goodwell (NIP 2020) 2021 
Gorbunov, Maxim
Rutgers University
Measuring Chlorophyll Fluorescence Lifetimes in the Global Ocean to Interpret Satellite-Based Solar Induced Fluorescence Yields  -- Gorbunov (OBB 2015) 2016 
Goulden, Michael (Mike)
University Of California, Irvine
Shifting Patterns of Boreal Forest Succession and Browning Over the Last 30 Years  -- Goulden (TE 2014) 2015 
Grace, Kathryn
University of Utah
Examining the links between agriculture and human health in a context of climate change: A case study of three West African countries - Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali  -- Grace (LCLUC 2011) 2012 
Graham, Catherine
Stony Brook Unversity
Combining remote-sensing and biological data to predict the consequences of climate change on hummingbird diversity  -- Graham (BIOCLIM 2010) 2011 
Graham, Kelly
Florida State University
Arctic CO2 in a changing climate: constraints on fluxes and transport from remote sensing, in situ measurements, and modeling  -- Graham (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Graven, Heather
Imperial College London
Quantifying fossil and biospheric CO2 fluxes in California using ground-based and satellite observations  -- Graven (CMS 2013) 2013 
Gray, Patrick (Future Investigator)
University of Maine
Johnston, David
Duke University
Monitoring hurricane impacts and understanding coastal ecosystem resilience using deep learning and a tip-and-cue approach to integrate satellites and drones  -- Gray (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Gray (LCLUC 2018) Sowtime: Climate Adaptive Agriculture in the Eastern Gangetic Plains  -- Gray (LCLUC 2018) 2019 
Greaves, Heather
Institute of Arctic Biology
Multisensor Fusion for Mapping of Low-Stature Arctic Vegetation Communities and Woody Biomass  -- Greaves (NESSF 2015) 2015 
Greenberg, Jonathan
University of Nevada
Reducing Uncertainties in Estimating California's Forest Carbon Stocks  -- Greenberg (CMS 2014) 2014 
Greenberg, Jonathan
University of Nevada
Three dimensional change detection of aboveground biomass  -- Greenberg (CMS 2016) 2017 
Gregg, Watson
Combining Data Assimilation with an Algorithm to Improve the Consistency of VIIRS Chlorophyll: Toward a Multidecadal, Multisensor Global Record  -- Gregg (SNPP 2013) 2014 
Gregg, Watson
Combining Data Assimilation with an Algorithm to Improve the Consistency of SeaWiFS, MODIS and VIIRS Chlorophyll: Continuing a Multidecadal, Multisensor Global Record  -- Gregg (TASNPP 2017) 2017 
Gregg, Watson
Radiative Coupling in the Ocean using MODIS-Aqua Ocean Radiance Data  -- Gregg (TERAQ 2009) 2012 
Griffin, Robert
University of Alabama
Climate-Influenced Nutrient Flows and Threats to the Biodiversity of the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System  -- Griffin (SLSCVC 2018) 2018 
Grunert, Brice
Cleveland State University
CDOM Variability and Its Influence on Phytoplankton Distribution in a Sub-Arctic Basin  -- Grunert (NESSF 2015) 2015 
Grunert, Brice
Cleveland State University
Connecting Hyperspectral Reflectance with Colored Dissolved Organic Matter Cycling: Lake Superior as a Model System   -- Grunert (NIP 2020) 2021 
Guan, Kaiyu
University of Illinois
Improving the monitoring capability of carbon budget for the US Corn Belt - integrating multi-source satellite data with improved land surface modeling and atmospheric inversion  -- Guan (CMS 2016) 2017 
Guan, Kaiyu
University of Illinois
Continued Development Towards Robust Monitoring of Cropland Carbon Budget Under Management Interventions in the US Heartland: Integrating Satellite Observations, Bottom-Up and Top-Down Modeling  -- Guan (CMS 2023) 2024 
Guild, Liane
Cyanobacteria and Surface aquatic vegetation of the Cape freshwater systems (CyanoSCape): A Hyperspectral Data Campaign and Analysis  -- Guild (BIODIV 2021) 2022 
Guild, Liane
High-Quality Optical Observations (H-Q2O): Improving Atmospheric Correction and Remote Sensing of Water Quality in the Coastal Zone  -- Guild (TSWQ 2012) 2015 
Gupta, Pawan
Characterizing nearly two decades of biomass burning over the Indian Sub-Continent using Satellite, Surface and Model Simulations  -- Gupta (TASNPP 2017) 2018 
Gurney, Kevin
Northern Arizona University
Extending Top-Down, Bottom-Up Synthesis Research Through an Improved Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions Data Product and the Latest #14CO2 Measurement in the United States  -- Gurney (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Gutierrez-Velez, Victor
Temple University
Integration of Earth Observations for Decision Making on Biodiversity Management and Conservation in Colombia: Consolidation of the Colombian Biodiversity Observation Network  -- Gutierrez (GEO 2016) 2018 
Hagen, Stephen (Steve)
Applied Geosolutions
Operational multi-sensor design for national scale forest carbon monitoring to support REDD+ MRV systems  -- Hagen (CMS 2013) 2013 
Hain, Christopher
The impact of urban expansion on peri-urban agriculture, hydrometerology, food security and human health  -- Hain (IDS 2019) 2020 
Hakkenberg, Christopher (Chris)
Northern Arizona University
Understanding the Impact of Land Cover/Land Use Change on Plant Diversity: Scaling from Plots to Landscapes Using Multi-sensor Remote Sensing  -- Hakkenberg (NESSF 2014) 2014 
Hall, Joanne
University of Maryland
Enhancing Accuracy and Reliability of Crop-Residue Burning Emissions for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories in a Climate-Smart Framework  -- Hall (CMS 2023) 2024 
Hall, Kimberly (Kim)
The Nature Conservancy
Integrating Earth Observations with Improved Topoclimate and Connectivity Tools to Inform Climate-Smart Conservation  -- Hall (ECO4CAST 2016) 2017 
Hanan, Niall
New Mexico State University
Bistability and Feedbacks in Tropical Woodlands and Savannas: Carbon Cycle Implications of Changing Climate and Management  -- Hanan (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Hanan, Niall
New Mexico State University
Improving Estimates of Vegetation Structure and Biomass in Global Savannas and Drylands with ICESat-2  -- Hanan (ICESat-2 2019) 2019 
Hanan, Niall
New Mexico State University
Partitioning savanna tree and grass LAI and fPAR from MODIS and VIIRS aggregates: methods, validation and applications.  -- Hanan (TE 2012) 2013 
Hanbury-Brown, Adam (Future Investigator)
University of California
Kueppers, Lara
Improving global vegetation demographic models with a novel remote sensing approach for analyzing post-fire vegetation dynamics  -- Hanbury-Brown (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Hancock, Steven
University of Maryland
Using GEDI data to improve understanding of the role of vegetation structure in snow processes  -- Hancock (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Hannun, Reem
NASA Ames Research Center
Linking Forest Biomass and Carbon Exchange Using LiDAR-Derived Forest Structure and Airborne Flux Observations  -- Hannun (CMS 2020) 2021 
Hansen, Andrew (Andy)
Montana State University
Using NASA resources to inform climate and land use adaptation: Ecological forecasting, vulnerability assessment, and evaluation of management options across two USDI Landscape Conservation Cooperatives  -- Hansen (BIOCLIM 2010) 2011 
Hansen, Andrew (Andy)
Montana State University
Informing UN-Assisted National Biodiversity Strategy Action Plans with Earth Observations: Application to Forest Integrity and Connectivity  -- Hansen (ECO4CAST 2016) 2017 
Hansen, Andrew (Andy)
Montana State University
Downscaling IPCC Land Use Scenarios for Global Change Adaptation Planning in Mountainous Environments  -- Hansen (LCLUC 2013) 2015 
Hansen, Matthew (Matt)
University of Maryland
Integrating Landsat 7, 8 and Sentinel 2 Data in Improving Crop Type Identification and Area Estimation  -- Hansen (LCLUC 2014) 2015 
Hansen, Matthew (Matt)
University of Maryland
A cobra in the forest? Quantifying the impact of perverse incentives from Indonesia's deforestation moratorium, 2011 to 2016  -- Hansen (LCLUC 2016 2017 
Hansen, Andrew (Andy)
Montana State University
Maintaining Life on Land (SDG 15) Under Scenarios of Land Use and Climate Change in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru  -- Hansen (SLSCVC 2018) 2018 
Hararuk, Oleksandra (Sasha)
University of Central Florida
Evaluating Net Primary Productivity Simulated by CMIP6 Models Against Observational Data Products and Propagating the Effects of Model-Data Mismatches to Simulated Net Carbon Uptake   -- Hararuk (NIP 2020) 2021 
Harringmeyer, Joshua (Future Investigator)
Boston University
Fichot, Cedric
Boston University
Quantifying the fate of dissolved organic carbon from stable and degrading marshes in the Mississippi River Delta using airborne imaging spectroscopy and export modeling  -- Harrington (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Haverkamp, Paul
UC Davis
Modeling of Environmental Variables and Land-Use/Land-Cover Change Influence on Declining Hawaiian Coral Reef Health Since 2000 Using HyspIRI-Like Images  -- Haverkamp (HYSPIRI 2014) 2015 
Hayes, Daniel
University of Maine
Supporting Stakeholder Data Requirements for Decision-Making in Managed Forests: A Landscape Model-Data Framework for High Resolution Carbon Accounting and Uncertainty Estimation  -- Hayes (CMS 2020) 2021 
Hayes, Daniel
University of Maine
Phase 2 Prototype Development of a Scalable MRV Framework that Integrates Inventory Data, Remote Sensing, and Landscape Modeling to Support Stakeholder Decision-Making for Carbon in Managed Forests  -- Hayes (CMS 2023) 2024 
Hayes, Daniel
University of Maine
The FORest Carbon Estimation (FORCE) Project: Mapping GEDI-derived forest structure metrics in the U.S. and Canada with plot-based inventory and multimodal remote sensing data in a hierarchical spatial modeling framework.  -- Hayes (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
He, Ruoying
North Carolina State University & Fathom Science
Predicting the Long-Distance Dispersal of Ichthyoplankton in the Intra-Americas Sea: A Data-Assimilative Decision Support Tool for Effective Living Marine Resource Management  -- He (ECO4CAST 2020) 2021 
He, Jing (Future Investigator)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Mahadevan, Amala
Predicting Source Depth and Primary Productivity in Coastal Upwelling Regions  -- He (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Healey, Sean
USDA Forest Service
Piloting a GEDI-based Forest Carbon Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Tool  -- Healey (CMS 2016) 2017 
Healey, Sean
USDA Forest Service
Formal estimation of forest carbon change: a multitemporal extension of GEDIs estimators leveraging fusion with image time series  -- Healey (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Healey, Sean
USDA Forest Service
Sensor Fusion Using Daily Planet Imagery Allows Rapid Deforestation Monitoring in Madagascar  -- Healey (LCLUC 2020) 2020 
Hebblewhite, Mark
University of Montana
Global population dynamics and climate change: comparing species-level impacts on two contrasting large mammals  -- Hebblewhite (BIOCLIM 2010) 2011 
Hecker, Chris
Universiteit Twente
Investigating Dynamic Thermal Processes to Optimize Geothermal Hotspot Detection  -- Hecker (ECOSTRESS 18) 2019 
Heglund, Patricia
Effects of extreme climate events on avian demographics: the role of refugia in mitigating climate change  -- Heglund (BIOCLIM 2010) 2011 
Heilmayr, Robert
University of California, Santa Barbara
Mapping property values to understand land-use change in South America  -- Heilmayr (LCLUC 2019) 2021 
Hemming-Schroeder, Nicole (Future Investigator)
University of California, Irvine
Randerson, James (Jim)
University Of California, Irvine
Modeling dead wood from satellite data to benchmark and improve Earth system models in their representation of wood decay  -- Hemming-Schroeder (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Henebry, Geoffrey (Geoff)
Michigan State University
Storms, Forms, and Complexity of the Urban Canopy: How Land Use, Settlement Patterns, and the Shapes of Cities Influence Severe Weather  -- Henebry (IDS 2011) 2012 
Henebry, Geoffrey (Geoff)
Michigan State University
How Environmental Change in Central Asian Highlands Impacts High Elevation Communities  -- Henebry (LCLUC 2013) 2015 
Henebry, Geoffrey (Geoff)
Michigan State University
Atmospheric Teleconnections and Anthropogenic Telecouplings Drive Land Change in Central Asian Highlands: How Environmental Changes, Migration, and Remittances Threaten Montane Agropastoralist Livelihoods and Community Viability  -- Henebry (LCLUC 2018) 2019 
Henebry, Geoffrey (Geoff)
Michigan State University
Institutional Forcings on Agricultural Landscapes in Post-Socialist Europe: Diachronic Hotspot Analysis of CAP Influences on Agricultural Land Use in Romania 2002-2024  -- Henebry (LCLUC 2022) 2022 
Henebry, Geoffrey (Geoff)
Michigan State University
Change in our MIDST: Detection and Analysis of Land Surface Dynamics in North and South America Using Multiple Sensor Datastreams  -- Henebry (TERAQ 2013) 2014 
Hensley, Scott
Analysis and Interpretation of UAVSAR Tomographic Data in the Arctic Boreal Region  -- Hensley (TE 2018) 2019 
Herman, Rachael (Future Investigator)
Stony Brook University
Lynch, Heather
Stony Brook University
Sea ice dynamics as driving mechanism for range expansion and colony establishment in gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua)  -- Herman (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Hernes, Peter
University of California-Davis
Impacts of estuarine processes on delivery of Arctic riverine materials to the near coastal environment: Implications for water quality and biogeochemical  -- Hernes (RSWQ 2016) 2018 
Hess, Laura
Earth Research Institute, University of California
Land and resource use on the Amazon floodplain under evolving management systems and environmental change: Fish, forests, cattle, and settlements  -- Hess (LCLUC 2010) 2012 
Hestir, Erin
University of California Merced
From Arboreal to Benthic Communities: the ABCs of Land to Ocean Biodiversity Observations  -- Hestir (BIODIV 2015) 2016 
Hestir, Erin
University of California Merced
Wildfire Impacts on Watershed Transport of Carbon to Coasts  -- Hestir (MUREP OCEAN 2020) 2021 
Hille Ris Lambers, Janneke
Univ. of Washington
Snow, Montane Wildflowers, and Citizen Scientists  -- Hille Ris Lambers (ECO4CAST 2012) 2013 
Ho, David
University of Hawaii
Seasonal Variability in Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Fluxes in a Mangrove Ecosystem  -- Ho (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Hochberg, Eric
Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences
Coral Reef Condition Across the Hawaiian Archipelago and Relationship to Environmental Forcing  -- Hochberg (HYSPIRI 2014) 2015 
Holben, Brent
CO2 Prototype Measurements using AERONET  -- Holben (2014) 2014 
Holmes, Elizabeth
NOAA National Marine Fisheries Services
Forecasting Changes in Habitat Use by Bowhead Whales in Response to Arctic Climate Change  -- Holmes (BIOCLIM 2010) 2011 
Holmquist, James
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Data-Model Integration for Monitoring and Forecasting Coastal Wetland Carbon Exchanges: Serving Local to National Greenhouse Gas Inventories  -- Holmquist (CMS 2018) 2019 
Yu, Hongbin
Understanding airborne fertilization of oceanic ecosystems from analysis of MODIS, VIIRS and CALIOP observations.  -- Hongbin (TASNPP 2017) 2018 
Hook, Simon
Fire Recovery in the Urban-Wildland Interface  -- Hook (2014) 2014 
Hopkins, Laurel (Future Investigator)
Oregon State University
Hutchinson, Rebecca
Oregon State University
Developing Habitat Summaries with Deep Learning-Based Methods for Advancing Wildlife Conservation  -- Hopkins (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Horton, Kyle
Colorado State University
Understanding urban centers as ecological traps for avian migrants  -- Horton (BIODIV 2020) 2020 
Horton, Kyle
Colorado State University
Aeroecology, An Emerging Ecological Frontier for Addressing Modern Conservation Challenges   -- Horton (NIP 2020) 2021 
Hostetler, Chris
NASA Langley Research Center
Advanced Ocean Retrievals Using Lidar and Polarimeter Measurements  -- Hostetler (OBB 2012) 2013 
Hostetler, Chris
NASA Langley Research Center
Advancing Airborne and Spaceborne Lidar for Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Applications  -- Hostetler (OBB 2015) 2016 
Hrycik, Allison
University of Vermont
Testing effects of winter severity on phytoplankton production using remote sensing, high-frequency monitoring, and field experiments  -- Hrycik (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Hu, Chuanmin
University of South Florida
Forecasts of Pelagic Sargassum Blooms and Transports in the Intra-Americas Sea and Tropical Atlantic: Improving a Prototype Decision-Making Tool  -- Hu (ECO4CAST 2016) 2017 
Hu, Chuanmin
University of South Florida
Thermal Stress in South Florida Estuaries: A Multi-Sensor Assessment  -- Hu (ECOSTRESS 18) 2019 
Hu, Yongxiang (Yong)
NASA Langley Research Center
Using lidar and passive remote-sensing measurements to study the feedback between springtime Arctic snow, ice algae and clouds, and to help interpreting circular polarization measurements of other planets  -- Hu (IDS 2022) 2023 
Hu, Xie
University of Houston
Four-Dimensional Landslide Quantification in the Western U.S. Using Remote Sensing Big Data   -- Hu (NIP 2020) 2021 
Hu, Chuanmin
University of South Florida
Distribution and abundance of pelagic Sargassum and their linkage with environmental changes in the Intra-Americas Sea and Tropical Atlantic: An interdisciplinary assessment  -- Hu (OBB 2015) 2016 
Hu (OBB 2020) Remote Sensing of Marine Debris: Potentials and Limitations  -- Hu (OBB 2020) 2021 
Hu, Chuanmin
University of South Florida
Deciphering Sargassum Physics, Biology, and Physiology through PACE Measurements: Implications to Ocean Ecology, Biogeochemistry, and Management Decision Support  -- Hu (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Hu, Chuanmin
University of South Florida
Refine and improve Suomi NPP chlorophyll a and other ocean color data products using a novel algorithm concept  -- Hu (SNPP 2013) 2015 
Hu, Lei
Toward disentangling causes for the substantial increase of CO2 seasonal amplitude in the Arctic  -- Hu (TE 2018) 2019 
Hu, Chuanmin
University of South Florida
Maximize MODIS potentials for near real-time ocean applications through developing and refining novel algorithms and products  -- Hu-1 (TERAQ 2013) 2014 
Hu, Chuanmin
University of South Florida
Establish a multi-sensor climate data record of ocean chlorophyll-a concentrations using a novel algorithm concept  -- Hu-2 (TERAQ 2013) 2014 
Huang, Chengquan (Cheng)
University of Maryland
Role of Forest Disturbance and Regrowth in the US Carbon Budget  -- Huang (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Huang, Chengquan (Cheng)
University of Maryland
Assessment of North American Industrial Forests: Disturbances, Biomass Extraction, and Growth Vigor  -- Huang (LCLUC 2012) 2014 
Huang, Qiongyu
Smithsonian Institution
Untangling the Interactions Between Rural Outmigration, Grassland Degradation, and Sustainable Land Use in Mongolia  -- Huang (LCLUC 2021) 2021 
Huang, Kangning
Yale University
Modeling the water requirement for urban heat island mitigation with multi-sensor and multi-temporal remote sensing data.  -- Huang (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Huang, Qiongyu
Smithsonian Institution
The Power of GEDI: Investigate the Efficacy of Spaceborne Lidar to Model Biodiversity and Characterize Habitat Heterogeneity at the Continental and Global Scales  -- Huang (NIP 2020) 2021 
Hudak, Andrew (Andy)
USDA Forest Service
Prototyping A Methodology To Develop Regional-Scale Forest Aboveground Biomass Carbon Maps Predicted From Landsat Time Series, Trained From Field and Lidar Data Collections, And Independently Validated With FIA Data  -- Hudak (CMS 2014) 2014 
Hudak, Andrew (Andy)
USDA Forest Service
A bottom-up, stakeholder-driven CMS for regional biomass carbon dynamics: Phase II  -- Hudak (CMS 2018) 2019 
Hudak, Andrew (Andy)
USDA Forest Service
A Phase 3 CMS that disaggregates forest biomass estimates in response to stakeholder needs: Seeing the forest for the trees   -- Hudak (CMS 2022) 2023 
Huemmrich, Karl (Fred)
Terrestrial Ecology Products from PACE  -- Huemmrich (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Huemmrich, Karl (Fred)
Causes and Consequences of Arctic Greening: The Importance of Plant Functional Types  -- Huemmrich (TE 2016) 2016 
Huemmrich, Karl (Fred)
Clarifying linkages between canopy solar induced fluorescence (SIF) and physiological function for high latitude vegetation  -- Huemmrich (TE 2018) 2019 
Huemmrich, Karl (Fred)
Defining a MODIS Light Use Efficiency Product  -- Huemmrich (TERAQ 2013) 2013 
Huesca Martinez, Margarita
University of Twente
Biodiversity assessment along a moisture gradient in tropical deciduous forests in India using AVIRIS-NG data  -- Huesca (AVRSNG 2016) 2017 
Huffer, Beth
Lingua Logica
AMP: An Automated Metadata Pipeline  -- Huffer (AIST 2018) 2019 
Hulley, Glynn
A High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Land Surface Temperature (LST) Product for Urban Environments  -- Hulley (LCLUC 2017) 2017 
Hunter, Elizabeth
Virginia Tech
The Interplay Between Land User Decisions and Landcover Change in Coastal Ecosystems and Working Lands Under Sea Level Rise in the Mid-Atlantic U.S.  -- Hunter (LCLUC 2022) 2022 
Huntzinger, Deborah (Debbie)
Northern Arizona University
MsTMIP Phase II: Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project  -- Huntzinger (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Hurtt, George
University of Maryland
High-Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continuing Prototype Development and Deployment  -- Hurtt (CMS 2014) 2014 
Hurtt, George
University of Maryland
High-Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment to Regional and National Scales  -- Hurtt (CMS 2016) 2017 
Hurtt, George
University of Maryland
High-Resolution Forest Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment to National and Global Scales and Science Team Lead  -- Hurtt (CMS 2020) 2021 
Hurtt, George
University of Maryland
High-Resolution Forest Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment and Science Team Lead  -- Hurtt (CMS 2023) 2024 
Hutyra, Lucy
Boston University
Quantifying Carbon Signatures Across Urban-To-Rural Gradients: Advancing the Capacity for Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Through Observations, Models, and Remote Sensing  -- Hutyra (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Ibrahim, Amir
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Joint MISR/MODIS ocean color atmospheric correction with Bayesian inference  -- Ibrahim (TASNPP 2020) 2021 
Ibrahim, Amir
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Joint MISR/MODIS ocean color atmospheric correction with Bayesian inference  -- Ibrahim (TASNPP 2021) 2021 
Iken, Katrin
Initiating an Arctic Marine Biodiversity Observing Network (AMBON)  -- Iken (NOPP 2014)  
Iken, Katrin
A sustainable, integrated AMBON in the Chukchi Sea  -- Iken (NOPP 2019) 2019 
Ilangakoon, Ginikanda
Boise State University
Evaluation of Spatial Trends in Biomass and LAI in Heterogeneous Tree-Shrub Ecotones  -- Ilangakoon (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Ives, Anthony
University of Wisconsin
Valid time-series analyses of satellite data to obtain statistical inference about spatiotemporal trends at global scales  -- Ives (AIST 2018) 2020 
Ives, Anthony
University of Wisconsin
The role of Taxonomic, Functional, Genetic, and Landscape Diversity in Food Web Responses to a Changing Environment  -- Ives (NSF 2012) 2012 
Iwahana, Go
International Arctic Research Center
Quantification of thermokarst and carbon release in ice-rich permafrost regions  -- Iwahana (TE 2016) 2016 
Izaurralde, Roberto (Cesar)
University of Maryland
Cropland Carbon Monitoring System (CCMS): A satellite-based system to estimate carbon fluxes on U.S. Croplands  -- Izaurralde (CMS 2015) 2016 
Jablonski, Andrew (Future Investigator)
University of Virginia
Yang, Xi
University of Virginia
The influence of functional trait assemblages on drought-induced mortality of trees during the 2012-2016 California drought  -- Jablonski (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Jacob, Daniel
Harvard University
High-Resolution Constraints on North American and Global Methane Sources Using Satellites  -- Jacob (CMS 2014) 2014 
Jacob, Daniel
Harvard University
Improved understanding of methane emissions and trends in North America and globally through a unified top-down and bottom-up approach exploiting GOSAT and TROPOMI satellite data  -- Jacob (CMS 2016) 2017 
Jacob, Daniel
Harvard University
Continued development and application of a prototype system for exploiting satellite data to improve knowledge of methane emission fluxes with focus on North America  -- Jacob (CMS 2020) 2021 
Jacob, Daniel
Harvard University
Continued Development and Application of a Prototype System for Exploiting Satellite Data to Improve Knowledge of Methane Emissions on Urban to Global Scales  -- Jacob (CMS 2023) 2024 
Jain, Atul
University of Illinois
Land Cover and Land Use Changes and Their Effects on Carbon Dynamics in South and South East Asia: A Synthesis Study  -- Jain (LCLUC 2012) 2014 
Jain, Meha
Univ of Michigan
The Future of Food Security in India: Can Farmers Adapt to Environmental Change?  -- Jain (LCLUC 2015) 2016 
Jain, Meha
Univ of Michigan
Policy, Market, and Climate Change Impacts on Maize Production in Mexico  -- Jain (LCLUC 2019) 2021 
Jantz, Patrick
Northern Arizona University
Strengthening Natural Resource Management with New Protected Area Connectivity Tools  -- Jantz (ECO4CAST 2020) 2021 
Jantz, Patrick
Northern Arizona University
Quantifying Forest Vertical Structure Using Spaceborne Lidar: A GEO BON Essential Biodiversity Variable Application in Colombia  -- Jantz (GEO 2016) 2018 
Jasinski, Michael
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Shallow Water Bathymetry Products and Analysis for Near-Shore Coastal and Inland Waters  -- Jasinski (TASNPP 2020) 2021 
Jenerette, George
University of California, Riverside
Assessing Relationships Between Urban Land Cover, Surface Temperature, and Transpiration Along a Coastal to Desert Climate Gradient  -- Jenerette (HYSPIRI 2011) 2012 
Jenouvrier, Stephanie
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Antarctic marine predators in a dynamic climate  -- Jenouvrier (IDS 2019) 2020 
Jensen, David
Integrating Remote Sensing Datasets for Species Discrimination, Biomass Estimation, and Monitoring Environmental Change in Louisiana’s Coastal Wetlands  -- Jensen (NESSF 2016) 2016 
Jeong, Seongeun
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
2020 California Carbon Dioxide Budget in a Changing Environment  -- Jeong (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Jetz, Walter
Yale University
Software Workflows and Tools for Integrating Remote Sensing and Organismal Occurrence Data Streams to Assess and Monitor Biodiversity Change  -- Jetz (AIST 2016) 2017 
Jetz, Walter
Yale University
An Analytic Center for Biodiversity and Remote Sensing Data Integration  -- Jetz (AIST 2018) 2019 
Jetz, Walter
Yale University
Integrating global species distributions, remote-sensing information and climate station data to assess recent biodiversity response to climate change  -- Jetz (BIOCLIM 2010) 2011 
Jetz, Walter
Yale University
Activities to Advance, Build, and Deliver Remote-Sensing Supported Species Distribution and Species Abundance EBVs  -- Jetz (GEO 2016) 2018 
Jiao, Tong
Clark University
Vegetation Decline and Recovery from the Millennium Drought in Australia: Novel Quantitative Analysis with Multi-Sensor and Higher Resolution Data  -- Jiao (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Jin, Zhenong
University of Minnesota
Evaluating land use change and livelihood responses to large investments for high-value agriculture: managing risks in the era of the Green Morocco Plan  -- Jin (LCLUC 2019) 2021 
Jin, Yufang
University of California, Davis
Multi-Source Wildland Urban Interface Characterization Enhanced with Machine Learning: Dynamics and Hazard Assessment  -- Jin (LCLUC 2020) 2020 
John, Christian (Future Investigator)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Post, Eric
University of California
High-resolution landscape phenology and implications for ungulate movement and migration  -- John (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Johnson, McKenzie
University of Illinois
Land Cover Change, Conflict, and Peacebuilding in Colombia  -- Johnson (LCLUC 2021) 2021 
Johnson, Jennifer
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Developing a Multi-Scale Representation of Photosynthesis for Earth System Analysis and Prediction   -- Johnson (NIP 2020) 2020 
Jones, Robert
The Nature Conservancy
Earth Observations for Climate-Ready Aquaculture Management and Siting to Improve Food Security and Ocean Health in Palau, a Small Island Developing State  -- Jones (SLSCVC 2018) 2018 
Jonsson, Bror
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Lagrangian Particle Tracking as a Unifying Framework to Study Variability of Acidification in Coastal Waters  -- Jonsson (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Juang, Caroline (Future Investigator)
Columbia University
Williams, Park
Columbia University
Building resilience to wildfires in the western United States: Predictive modeling in a coupled climate and human system  -- Juang (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Juhn, Daniel
Conservation International Organization
Utilizing Earth Observation Data and Products to Map Ecosystem Extent and Further the Development of a Condition Account to Support the Conservation Province of West Papua, Indonesia  -- Juhn (GEO 2016) 2017 
Julian, Jason
Texas State University
Land Management Impacts on Water Quality in New Zealand across Political Boundaries  -- Julian (LCLUC 2011) 2013 
Justice, Christopher (Chris)
University of Maryland
Sentinel-3 Science Products: A US Contribution  -- Justice (ESUSPI 2010) 2011 
Justice, Christopher (Chris)
University of Maryland
Terra-Aqua-SNPP Land Discipline Lead  -- Justice (TASNPP 2017) 2018 
Kalashnikova, Olga
Evaluation of UV atmospheric correction in the presence of absorbing aerosols, and quantification of enhancements provided by multiangle, polarimetric and oxygen A-band observations  -- Kalashnikova (PACEST 2013) 2015 
Kalb, Virginia
NASA's Black Marble Standard Product Suite: Algorithm Refinement Efforts  -- Kalb (TASNPP 2017) 2017 
Kalmus, Peter
Identifying Coral Refugia from Observationally Weighted Climate Model Ensembles  -- Kalmus (SLSCVC 2018) 2018 
Kampe, Thomas (Tom)
National Ecological Observatory Network Inc.
Synergistic High-Resolution Airborne Measurements of Ecosystem Structure and Process at NEON Sites in California  -- Kampe (HYSPIRI 2011)  
Kavanaugh, Maria
Oregon State University
Marine Biodiversity Observing Network in the Northern California Current: Understanding patterns and drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning from plankton to seascapes  -- Kavanaugh (NOPP 2019) 2019 
Kavanaugh, Maria
Oregon State University
Dynamic Seascapes to Support a Biogeographic Framework for a Global Marine Biodiversity Observing Network  -- Kavenaugh (GEO 2016) 2018 
Kawa, Stephan (Randy)
Airborne Eddy Flux Measurements for Validation/Evaluation of High-Resolution MRV Systems  -- Kawa (CMS 2015) 2016 
Keany, Jenna (Future Investigator)
Northern Arizona University
Doughty, Christopher (Chris)
Northern Arizona University
Investigating African Forest Elephant Impacts on Forest Structure and Carbon Balance Using Multiscale Lidar Techniques  -- Keany (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Keeling, Ralph
UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Measurements and Modeling of CO2 Concentration and Isotopes to Improve Process-Level Understanding of Arctic and Boreal Carbon Cycling  -- Keeling (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Keeling, Ralph
UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Detection, Quantification, and Analysis of Changes in Boreal and Arctic Ecosystems Using Measurements and Models of CO2 and Its Isotopes  -- Keeling (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Keenan, Trevor
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Global photosynthesis, CO2, and carbon-climate feedbacks  -- Keenan (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Keenan, Trevor
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Merging Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches to Partition Carbon and Water Fluxes between the Atmosphere and Biosphere  -- Keenan (IDS 2016) 2017 
Keller, Michael
USDA Forest Service
A data assimilation approach to quantify uncertainty for estimates of biomass stocks and changes in Amazon forests  -- Keller (CMS 2013) 2013 
Keller, Michael
USDA Forest Service
Aboveground Carbon Stock Changes in Dynamic Tropical Forests  -- Keller (CMS 2023) 2024 
Keller, Michael
USDA Forest Service
Potential carbon uptake by tropical forests: Integrating GEDI-derived forest structure with ED2, a process-based ecosystem model  -- Keller (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Keller, Michael
USDA Forest Service
Quantifying Agricultural Expansion and Tropical Forest Degradation in the Brazilian Arc of Deforestation: A Multi-Sensor, Multi-Scale Approach  -- Keller (LCLUC 2020) 2020 
Kelling, Steven
Cornell University
Avian Abundance Estimation Across the Pacific Flyway for Full Life-cycle Conservation Planning  -- Kelling (ECO4CAST 2012) 2013 
Kellndorfer, Josef
Earth Big Data, LLC
Time Series Fusion of Optical and Radar Imagery for Improved Monitoring of Activity Data, and Uncertainty Analysis of Emission Factors for Estimation of Forest Carbon Flux  -- Kellndorfer (CMS 2013) 2013 
Kellner, Jim
Brown University
Machine-learning algorithms for Level 4 GEDI aboveground biomass density  -- Kellner (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Kelly, Thomas
University of Alaska
Enhancing Ocean color remote sensing tools to better constrain fisheries forecasting models in a critical subarctic system  -- Kelly (MUREP OCEAN 2020) 2021 
Kennedy, Robert
Oregon State University
Tools to bridge the gap between static CMS maps, models, and stakeholders  -- Kennedy (CMS 2015) 2016 
Kennedy, Robert
Oregon State University
Developing a framework to quantify uncertainty and harmonize diverse earth observation estimates of forest carbon  -- Kennedy (CMS 2020) 2021 
Keppel-Aleks, Gretchen
University of Michigan
Developing a Mechanistic Understanding of Variability in the Atmospheric CO2 Growth Rate Owing to Interannual Climate Oscillations  -- Keppel-Aleks (IDS 2016) 2016 
Keppel-Aleks, Gretchen
University of Michigan
Constraining atmospheric transport influence on OCO-2 data for improved inference of Southern Hemisphere carbon fluxes  -- Keppel-Aleks (OCO2ST 2014) 2015 
Keys, Patrick
Colorado State University
Cross-Scale Impacts of SDG 15 Achievement: Household Decisions, Ecosystem Change, and Atmospheric Water Recycling  -- Keys (SLSCVC 2018) 2018 
Keyser, Spencer (Future Investigator)
University of Wisconsin-Madiosn
Zuckerberg, Ben
University of Wisconsin
Dynamic Biodiversity: Leveraging Community Science and Earth Observations to Uncover Seasonal Shifts in Functional Diversity  -- Keyser (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Kibler, Christopher (Future Investigator)
University Of California, Santa Barbara
Roberts, Dar
UC Santa Barbara
Drought Sensitivity of Evapotranspiration and Carbon Uptake in Riparian Woodlands  -- Kibler (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Kiefer, Dale
TunaScape: Coupling Ocean Circulation to the Tuna Fishery of the Eastern Pacific Ocean  -- Kiefer (IDS 2016) 2017 
Killion, Alexander (Future Investigator)
Boise State University
Carter, Neil
University of Michigan
Utilizing NASA's GEDI Mission to Characterize Habitat Structure for Wildlife Research  -- Killion (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Kim, Seungbum (Sab)
Dynamic inundation mapping for boreal regions using SMAP, UAVSAR, and Radarsat2  -- Kim (SMAP 2015) 2016 
Kimball, John
University of Montana
Satellite data driven model assessment of landscape variability and environmental controls on the Arctic-Boreal carbon budget  -- Kimball (TE 2014) 2015 
Kimball, John
University of Montana
Improving Understanding and Prediction of Permafrost Active Layer Processes Using a Coupled Radar Inversion and Soil Process Model Framework.  -- Kimball (TE 2018) 2019 
Kindel, Bruce
University of Colorado
The quantification and analyses of AVIRIS-India aerosol atmospheric correction  -- Kindel (AVRSNG 2016) 2017 
King, John
North Carolina State University
Improved Observation of Effects of Hydrology and Micro-Topography on Belowground C Cycling and Net Ecosystem Exchange in Natural and Managed Forested Wetlands in the Southeast U.S. to Improve Ecosystem Models  -- King (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Klosterman, Stephen (Steve)
Harvard University
Improving predictions of terrestrial carbon, water, and energy cycling using novel plant phenology observation and modeling  -- Klosterman (NESSF 2013) 2013 
Knobelspiesse, Kirk
Joint MISR/MODIS ocean color atmospheric correction with a new algorithm that utilizes reflected sun glint  -- Knobelspiesse (TASNPP 2017) 2018 
Konings, Alexandra
Stanford University
Using Model-Data Fusion to Determine Plant Hydraulic Traits and Transpiration  -- Konings (NIP 2017) 2018 
Kort, Eric
University of Michigan
Quantifying global megacity CO2 emissions  -- Kort (OCO2ST 2014) 2014 
Kostadinov, Tihomir
California State University San Marcos
Carbon-based phytoplankton size classes using multi-platform ocean color observations and Earth System Models: inter-annual variability and trend power analysis  -- Kostadinov (TASNPP 2017) 2018 
Kostka, Joel
Georgia Institute of Technology
Toward a Predictive Understanding of the Response of Below-Ground Microbial Carbon Turnover to Climate Change Drivers in a Boreal Peatland.  -- Kostka (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Krapu, Christopher
Duke University
Mapping Spatio-Temporal Variability of Prairie Wetlands  -- Krapu (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Krause, Keith
Battelle Memorial Institute
Assessing NASA GEDI Waveforms for Characterization of Ecosystem Structure Including Structural Variability, Similarity/Dissimilarity, and Diversity  -- Krause (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Kremers, Kelseyann
Notre Dame
Is Arctic Greening Consistent with the Temperature Sensitivity of Coupled Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles?  -- Kremers (NESSF 2015) 2015 
Kroeger, Kevin
An Alkalinity and Inorganic Blue Carbon Monitoring System: Crediting Wetland-to-Ocean Lateral Fluxes in Carbon Markets and Inventories   -- Kroeger (CMS 2022) 2023 
Krotkov, Nickolay
Hyperspectral Algorithms for PACE OCI Water Leaving Reflectances and UV Penetration Depths  -- Krotkov (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Kudela, Raphael
University of California, Santa Cruz
Using HyspIRI at the Land/Sea Interface to Identify Phytoplankton Functional Types  -- Kudela (HYSPIRI 2011) 2012 
Kudela, Raphael
University of California, Santa Cruz
Harmful Algal Bloom Response to the 2016 ENSO Event in the California Current  -- Kudela (RRNES 2015) 2016 
Kuhn, Catherine
McKinsey and Co
When atmospheric correction matters: Improving retrievals of inland water properties from remote sensing and field data  -- Kuhn (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Kumar, Saruav
Exploring the Nexus between LCLUC, Socio-Economic Factors, and Water for a Vulnerable Arid US-Mexico Transboundary Region  -- Kumar (LCLUC 2022) 2022 
Kushnir, Yochanan
Columbia University
Vulnerability of the U.S. Atlantic Coast to hazards associated with extreme winter storms  -- Kushnir (IDS 2012) 2014 
Laidre, Kristin
University of Washington
Climate change, sea ice loss, and polar bears in Greenland  -- Laidre (BIOCLIM 2010) 2011 
Laidre, Kristin
University of Washington
Fjord systems, marine mammals, and subsistence hunting in East Greenland  -- Laidre (IDS 2019) 2020 
Lamb, Brian
Tidal wetland inundation and vegetation phenology from space - A novel approach for characterizing ecological health and carbon exchanges in coastal wetlands  -- Lamb (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Lan, Xin (Lindsay)
Process-Level Investigation of Revised Global Methane Budget Based on In Situ and Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Composition and the Land Surface  -- Lan (IDS 2016) 2017 
Laney, Samuel (Sam)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Riverine Carbon Contributions to Alaskan Arctic Coastal Margins  -- Laney (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Laney, Samuel (Sam)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Advancing Remote Sensing Insight into Coastal Sea Ice Ecosystems  -- Laney (IDS 2019) 2019 
Lang, Megan
Towards Near Daily Monitoring of Inundated Areas Over North America Through Multi-Source Fusion of Optical and Radar Data  -- Lang (LCLUC 2014) 2015 
Lara, Mark
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
ABoVE-Ground Characterization of Plant Species Succession in Retrogressive Thaw Slumps Using Imaging Spectroscopy  -- Lara (TE 2021) 2022 
Larsen, Isaac
University of Massachusetts
Quantifying the Magnitude of Agriculturally-Induced Soil Erosion by Integrating Satellite Observations, Airborne Lidar, and Laboratory Data  -- Larsen (NIP 2017) 2018 
Laureano-Rosario, Abdiel
University of South Florida
Evaluating Water Quality and Tropical Vector-Borne Disease Risk by Satellite Remote Sensing  -- Laureano-Rosario (NESSF 2015) 2015 
Lauvaux, Thomas
Quantification of the sensitivity of NASA CMS Flux inversions to uncertainty in atmospheric transport  -- Lauvaux (CMS 2013) 2013 
Lavalle, Marco
Extracting Structural and Temporal Parameters of Forests from Repeat-Pass Pol-InSAR Data  -- Lavalle (TE 2012) 2013 
Law, Beverly (Bev)
Oregon State University (OSU)
Carbon Cycle Dynamics Within Oregon's Urban-Suburban-Forested-Agricultural Landscapes  -- Law (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Lee, Christine
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Evaluation of ECOSTRESS Surface Temperature over Inland Waters for Aquatic Ecosystem Applications  -- Lee (ECOSTRESS 18) 2019 
Lee, Zhongping (Ping)
University of Massachusetts Boston
Evaluation and Application of the AVIRIS Data for the Study of Coral Reefs  -- Lee (HYSPIRI 2014) 2015 
Lee, Craig
University of Washington
Autonomous Investigation of Export Pathways from Hours to Seasons  -- Lee (OBB 2016) 2017 
Lee, Zhongping (Ping)
University of Massachusetts Boston
Development of datasets and algorithms for hyperspectral IOP products from the PACE ocean color measurements  -- Lee (PACEST 2013) 2015 
Lee, Zhongping (Ping)
University of Massachusetts Boston
Development of new solar radiation and primary production products from MODIS ocean-color measurements  -- Lee (TERAQEA 2013) 2014 
Lehmann, Johannes
Cornell University
Soil Organic Carbon Interactions with Organic Matter Additions: Mechanisms and Models  -- Lehmann (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Leifer, Ira
Bubbleology Research International
Hyperspectral imaging spectroscopic investigation of California natural and anthropogenic fossil methane emissions in the short-wave and thermal infrared  -- Leifer (HYSPIRI 2011) 2012 
Leimgruber, Peter
Smithsonian Institution
Complex Forest Landscapes and Sociopolitical Drivers of Deforestation - The Interplay of Land-use Policies, Armed Conflict, and Human Displacement in Myanmar  -- Leimgruber (LCLUC 2015) 2016 
Leisz, Stephen
Colorado State University
Increased accessibility, landscape changes, rural transformations, and urbanization: Impacts of the east-west economic corridor from Da Nang, Vietnam, to Khon Kaen, Thailand  -- Leisz (LCLUC 2011) 2013 
Lekki, John
NASA Glenn Research Center
Remote Sensing Research for Harmful Algal Blooms in Inland Waters  -- Lekki (RSWQ 2016) 2017 
Lettenmaier, Dennis
University of Washington
Atmospheric rivers and changing flood risk in the Pacific Coast region of the Western U.S.  -- Lettenmaier (IDS 2012) 2014 
Levitan, Nathaniel
City College of New York
Improving retrievals of plant canopy variables from remote sensing data  -- Levitan (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Lewis, Kate
Stanford Univ.
Improved Algorithms for Measuring Phytoplankton Biomass and Productivity in the Changing Arctic Ocean  -- Lewis (NESSF 2016) 2016 
Lewison, Rebecca
San Diego State University
EcoCatch: Improving Ecological and Economic Sustainability of Marine Fisheries Using Remotely-Sensed Oceanographic Data  -- Lewison (ECO4CAST 2012) 2013 
Lewison, Rebecca
San Diego State University
Climate-Ready and Resilient Fisheries: Using Satellite Data to Conserve and Manage Life in the Ocean and Support Sustainable Fisheries  -- Lewison (SLSCVC 2018) 2018 
Li, Yun
University of Delaware
Spatio-temporal Assessment of Air-Sea CO2 Flux by Integrating Satellite Observations and Neural Network Models  -- Li (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Li, Rong (Future Investigator)
University of Virginia
Yang, Xi
University of Virginia
Diurnal and Day-to-Day Variations of Vegetation Photosynthesis from Novel Remote Sensing Measurements  -- Li (FINESST 2021) 2022 
Liang, Mengyu (Amber) (Future Investigator)
University of Maryland College Park
Duncanson, Laura
University of Maryland
Monitoring Aboveground Biomass Recovery in Forest Restoration Areas Using GEDI and Optical Data Fusion  -- Liang (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Liang, Shunlin
University of Maryland
Characterizing surface energy budget of different surface types under varying climatic conditions from AVIRIS and MASTER data  -- Liang (HYSPIRI 2011) 2013 
Lin, John
University of Utah
Predicting CO2 Emissions Associated With Urban Development in the Western U.S.  -- Lin (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Lin, John
University of Utah
Towards a Complex Terrain Carbon Monitoring System (CMS-Mountains): Development and Testing in the Western U.S.  -- Lin (CMS 2015) 2016 
Lin, John
University of Utah
Carbon Monitoring System in Mountains (CMS-Mountains): Leveraging Satellite-based Solar-Induced Fluorescence to Understand Forest Drought and Mortality in the Western U.S.  -- Lin (CMS 2018) 2019 
Lin, John
University of Utah
Towards a Carbon Monitoring System for Urban Carbon Emissions (CMS-Cities) in Support of Emissions Reporting and Assessment  -- Lin (CMS 2022) 2023 
Lin, Tong (Future Investigator)
Graduate Center of City University of New York
Tzortziou, Maria
CCNY City University of New York / Columbia University LDEO
Integration of Multi-Disciplinary, Multi-Sensor Datasets Toward Enhanced Ocean Color Retrievals and Atmospheric Correction in a Highly Urbanized and Vulnerable Estuarine Ecosystem  -- Lin (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Lind, Brianna (Bri)
NASA Land Processes DAAC
Quantifying Ecosystem Effects of Termite Mounds Using Moderate and High Resolution Satellite Imagery  -- Lind (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Linscott, Jennifer (Future Investigator)
University of South Carolina
Senner, Nathan
University of South Carolina
Multi-Source Detection and Monitoring of Ephemeral Shorebird Habitats in an Agricultural Prairie System  -- Linscott (FINESST 2021) 2022 
Liu, Junjie
Estimating the Impacts of Recent Severe Amazonia Droughts on Forest Carbon Dynamics and Fluxes From Assimilating Satellite Observations in NCAR CESM With Ensemble Kalman Filter  -- Liu (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Liu, Junjie
Contrasting carbon-climate interactions from interannual to long-term carbon-climate feedbacks across tropical continents  -- Liu (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Liu, Junjie
Towards a Multi-Scale Near Real-Time Carbon Monitoring System for Vegetation Fires (CMS-Fire)  -- Liu (CMS 2023) 2024 
Liu, Yanlan
The Ohio State University
Characterizing Arctic-Boreal Vegetation Resilience under Climate Change and Disturbances  -- Liu (TE 2021) 2022 
Loboda, Tatiana
University of Maryland
Social drivers of land cover change around African transboundary Peace Parks  -- Loboda (LCLUC 2011) 2012 
Loboda, Tatiana
University of Maryland
Understanding the Role of Land Cover/Land Use Nexus in Malaria Transmission Under Changing Socio-Economic Climate in Myanmar  -- Loboda (LCLUC 2015) 2016 
Loboda, Tatiana
University of Maryland
Long-Term Multi-Sensor Record of Fire Disturbances in High Northern Latitudes  -- Loboda (TE 2012) 2013 
Loboda, Tatiana
University of Maryland
Quantifying long-term impacts of single and repeated wildfire burning in North American tundra on organic soil carbon stocks and ecosystem functioning  -- Loboda (TE 2014) 2015 
Loboda, Tatiana
University of Maryland
Assessing impact of climate-driven increase in wildfire emissions on air quality and health of urban and indigenous populations in Alaska  -- Loboda (TE 2018) 2019 
Lohrenz, Steven (Steve)
University of Massachusetts
An Integrated Terrestrial-Coastal Ocean Observation and Modeling Framework for Carbon Management Decision Support  -- Lohrenz (CMS 2014) 2014 
Lomas, Michael
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Response of Phytoplankton Community Composition and Biomass to Climate: Development of Optical and Pigment Fingerprint Libraries to evaluate Phytoplankton Functional Type (PFT) estimates from Satellite Products  -- Lomas (OBB 2015) 2016 
Low, Russanne (Rusty)
Mosquito Mappers  -- Low (CSESP 2016) 2017 
Lozier, M.
Duke Univ.
Non-local Physical Controls on Subtropical Marine Productivity  -- Lozier (OBB 2012) 2013 
Lu, Xinchen (Future Investigator)
University of California, Berkeley
Keenan, Trevor
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Using ECOSTRESS Water Use Efficiency to Quantify Vegetation Vulnerability to Water Stress  -- Lu (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Ludwig, Sarah (Ludda) (Future Investigator)
Commane, Róisín
Columbia University
Hierarchical scaling of carbon fluxes from terrestrial-aquatic interfaces in the Arctic  -- Ludwig (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Luikart, Gordon
University of Montana
Projecting Effects of Climate Change on Pacific Rim Rivers and Salmon: Integrating Remote Sensing, Landscape Genomics, and Demography to Inform Conservation  -- Luikart (ECO4CAST 2012) 2013 
Luikart, Gordon
University of Montana
Projecting the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species Using Remote Sensing, Genetics, and Climate Modeling  -- Luikart (SLSCVC 2018) 2018 
Luo, Meng (Future Investigator)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Chen, Min
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Quantifying the Impacts of Forest Biomass and Productivity Change on Future Land Cover and Land Use Change Projections  -- Luo (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Lutz, David
Dartmouth College
Interactive Effects of Catchment and Climate Change on Water Quality in Forested North Temperate Lakes: Historic Trends and Future Predictions  -- Lutz (IDS 2016) 2017 
Lutz, David
Dartmouth College
Rapid Change from Alluvial Mining and Development in Madre de Dios, Peru: A Multi-Sensor Fusion Approach to Quantify Terrestrial and Aquatic Impacts and Test Policy Effectiveness  -- Lutz (LCLUC 2020) 2020 
Lutz, David
Dartmouth College
Dynamic Modeling of Ecosystem Processes and Services in North American Boreal Forests within the ABOVE Study Region   -- Lutz (TE 2018) 2019 
Lyapustin, Alexei (Alex)
VIIRS Surface Reflectance and Aerosol EDR Assessment and Cal-Val Support  -- Lyapustin (NPP 2010) 2011 
Lyapustin, Alexei (Alex)
MAIAC Processing of OCI Over Land: High Resolution Aerosol Retrievals and Atmospheric Correction  -- Lyapustin (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Lyapustin, Alexei (Alex)
Advancing MODIS-VIIRS Climate Data Records with Algorithm MAIAC  -- Lyapustin (TASNPP 2017) 2017 
Lyapustin, Alexei (Alex)
A Comprehensive Operational and Science Evaluation of Algorithm MAIAC for the MODIS Land Processing  -- Lyapustin (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Lyapustin, Alexei (Alex)
Advancing MODIS Climate Data Records with Algorithm MAIAC  -- Lyapustin (TERAQEA 2013) 2013 
Lynch, Heather
Stony Brook University
Identifying population tipping points through imagery super-resolution  -- Lynch (BIODIV 2020) 2020 
Lynch, Heather
Stony Brook University
Bayesian data-model synthesis for biological conservation and management in Antarctica  -- Lynch (ECO4CAST 2012) 2014 
Mack, Michelle
Northern Arizona University
Increasing fire severity and the loss of legacy carbon from forest and tundra ecosystems of northwestern North America  -- Mack (TE 2014) 2015 
Magliocca, Nicholas (Nick)
University of Alabama
Making the Hidden Visible: Accelerated Land-Use Change and Degradation Caused by Narco-Trafficking In and Around Central America’s Protected Areas  -- Magliocca (LCLUC 2020) 2020 
Maguire, Andrew (Andy) (Future Investigator)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Eitel, Jan
University of Idaho
Toward an improved understanding of the mechanisms driving solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence across the structurally complex forest-tundra ecotone  -- Maguire (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Maguire, Andrew (Andy)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Seasonal response of carbon uptake to direct and diffuse light regimes across the evergreen needleleaf forest biome  -- Maguire (NPP 2020) 2021 
Mahadevan, Amala
Modeling studies for EXPORTS in a dynamic ocean environment  -- Mahadevan (OBB 2015) 2016 
Malone, Sparkle
Yale University
Optimizing Fire Regimes In Fire Dependent Ecotypes  -- Malone (NIP 2017) 2018 
Maniyar, Chintan (Future Investigator)
University of Georgia, Athens
Mishra, Deepak
University of Georgia
Detection, Driver-Response Analysis, and Forecasting of Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms in Inland Waters Under a Changing Climate  -- Maniyar (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Mannino, Antonio
Development, Production and Distribution of GOCI Data Products in Preparation for the GEO-CAPE Ocean Color Mission  -- Mannino (ESUSPI 2012) 2013 
Mannino, Antonio
Land-Ocean Interactions in the Arctic: An Integrative Field Campaign to Assess the Impacts of Natural and Anthropogenic Changes to Coastal Ocean Biology, Biogeochemistry and Biodiversity  -- Mannino (OBB 2013) 2013 
Mannino, Antonio
Support of NASA MODIS and VIIRS Ocean Science Teams and Research with Quality-Assured HPLC Pigment Analysis  -- Mannino (TASNPP 2017) 2017 
Mannino, Antonio
Support of NASA Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Research with Quality-Assured HPLC Pigment Analysis  -- Mannino (TERAQEA 2013) 2014 
Marchetti, Adrian
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Quantifying the carbon export potential of the marine microbial community: coupling of biogenic rates and fluxes with genomics at the ocean surface  -- Marchetti (OBB 2016) 2017 
Marinov, Irina
University of Pennsylvania
Seasonal, Interannual and Interdecadal Variability in Global Phytoplankton Community Size Structure Derived From Ocean Color Remote Sensing and IPCC-Class Ecosystem Models  -- Marinov (OBB 2012) 2013 
Maritorena, Stephane
How useful will the PACE UV bands be for IOP retrievals and atmospheric correction?  -- Maritorena (PACEST 2012) 2015 
Maritorena, Stephane
How Useful Will the PACE UV Bands be for IOP Retrievals and Atmospheric Correction?  -- Maritorena (PACEST 2013) 2015 
Maritorena, Stephane
From UV to Fluorescence, a Semi-analytical Ocean Color Model for MODIS and Beyond.  -- Maritorena (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Marselis, Suzanne
University of Maryland
Characterizing Tropical Ecotones with GEDI: A Case-Study in Gabon Using Data from the AfriSAR Experiment  -- Marselis (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Martina, jason
Texas State University, San Marcos
Integrating Systems Models and Remote Sensing to Explore Aquatic Ecosystem Vulnerability to Global Change in Lake Huron  -- Martina (MUREP OCEAN 2020) 2021 
Martinez Wilhelmus, Monica
Brown University
Ecosystem Engineers: The Role of Diel Vertical Migrators in Redistributing Marine Biogeochemical Properties  -- Martinez Wilhelmus (OBB 2020) 2021 
Martiny, Adam
University of California
Linking genomic and remote sensing observations to quantify the physiological nutrient stress dynamics in ocean ecosystems  -- Martiny (MUREP OCEAN 2020) 2021 
Matrai, Patricia (Paty)
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Science
Net Primary Productivity Algorithm Round Robin for the Arctic Ocean  -- Matrai (OBB 2012) 2013 
Matrai, Patricia (Paty)
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Science
Primary production changes across the Subarctic Atlantic: The physical and ecological roles of surface advection  -- Matrai (OBB 2015) 2016 
Matthews, Elaine
What is the role of natural wetlands, lakes and reservoirs in the contemporary global methane cycle? Integrating new approaches to source characterization, observation-anchored models, and CarbonTracker-CH4 assessments.  -- Matthews (IDS 2016) 2016 
Mattson, David
USGS Colorado Plateau Research Station
Spatial responses to climate across trophic levels: monitoring and modeling plants, prey, and predators in the Intermountain Western United States  -- Mattson (BIOCLIM 2010) 2011 
Maximenko, Nikolai
University of Hawaii
Physical and Biological Processes Maintaining a Unique Floating Ecosystem of the North Pacific Garbage Patch  -- Maximenko (IDS 2016) 2017 
McCarty, Jessica
NASA Ames Research Center
The role of environmental, socioeconomic, institutional, and land-cover/land-use change factors to explain the pattern and causal drivers of anthropogenic fires in post-Soviet Eastern Europe  -- McCarty (LCLUC 2011) 2012 
McCarty, Jessica
NASA Ames Research Center
Land-cover/land-use change in southern Vietnam through the lenses of conflict, religion, and politics, 1980s to present  -- McCarty (LCLUC 2016) 2018 
McClish, Shannon (Future Investigator)
University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Bushinsky, Seth
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Characterizing the Impact of Seasonal Sea Ice on Phytoplankton Blooms and Net Community Production with Integrated Satellite and Biogeochemical Profiling Float Observations  -- McClish (FINESST 2020) 2021 
McDermott, Timothy (Tim)
Montana State University
Environmental Distribution and Evolutionary History of Non-Methanogen Methane Synthesis  -- McDermott (EXO 2020) 2021 
McGillicuddy, Dennis
Mechanisms controlling mesoscale/submesoscale hotspots in net community production/export, with simulation-based studies on how to sample them  -- McGillicuddy (OBB 2015) 2016 
Mcgregor, Ian (Future Investigator)
North Carolina State University
Gray, Josh
North Carolina State University
Toward near real-time monitoring of forest disturbance in Myanmar using multi-source imagery  -- McGregor (FINESST 2019) 2020 
McMahon, Conor (Future Investigator)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Roberts, Dar
UC Santa Barbara
, Impacts of Drought, Water Limitation, and Climate Change on Riparian Woodland Ecosystems in Drylands  -- McHahon (FINESST 2022) 2023 
McKain, Kathryn
NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
Arctic Carbon Atmospheric Profiles (ArcticCAP)  -- McKain (TE 2016) 2016 
McKinley, Galen
Columbia University / Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Ocean carbon sink variability: Internal vs. forced mechanisms  -- McKinley (CARBON 2020) 2021 
McKinley, Galen
Columbia University / Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Mechanisms of Variability in Global Ocean Biology and Carbon Sinks: Observations and CMIP5 Models  -- McKinley (OBB 2012) 2013 
McKinley, Galen
Columbia University / Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Connecting phytoplankton cell size to variability in the ocean carbon sink  -- McKinley (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
McLean, Kevin
Yale Univ.
Use of Airborne LiDAR to Model Three-Dimensional Habitat Use by Neotropical Primates  -- McLean (NESSF 2013) 2013 
Meerdink, Susan
University of California
Discriminating California Plant Species and Evaluating Temperature Relations Across Seasons Within Drought Impacted Ecosystems  -- Meerdink (NESSF 2015) 2015 
Meister, Gerhard
Integration of Sentinel-3/OLCI Data into the Suite of NASA Operational Ocean Color Products  -- Meister (ESUSPI 2012) 2013 
Melack, John
University of California
Methane Fluxes from Tropical Aquatic Systems: Integration of Measurements, Hydrological and Biogeochemical Models and Remote Sensing  -- Melack (IDS 2016) 2017 
Menden-Deuer, Susanne
University of Rhode Island
Quantifying plankton predation rates, and effects on primary production, phytoplankton community composition, size spectra and potential for export  -- Menden-Deuer (OBB 2016) 2017 
Menden-Deuer, Susanne
University of Rhode Island
North Atlantic Plankton Population Dynamics: Quantifying the Predictive Values of Temperatures, Light and Hyperspectral Ocean Color Data  -- Menden-Deuer (RRNES 2014) 2015 
Menemenlis, Dimitris
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Using the ECCO-Darwin data-assimilative global-ocean biogeochemistry model to quantify the drivers and uncertainty of ocean carbon sources and sinks  -- Menemenlis (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Meng, Lin (Future Investigator)
Vanderbilt University
Zhou, Yuyu
Iowa State University
Disentangling the effects of nighttime lights and temperature on urban phenology using remote sensing data  -- Meng (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Merow, Cory
University of Connecticut
TraitsCape: Understanding the role of microrefugia in buffering fynbos from global change  -- Merow (BIODIV 2021) 2022 
Mertes, Katherine
Yale University
Using Multi-Platform Remote Sensing Data to Predict Vertebrate Species Distributions Across Spatial Scales  -- Mertes (NESSF 2013) 2013 
Messie, Monique
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Utilizing Remote Sensing, Models and In Situ Data to Elucidate Ecosystem Hotspots in a Moving Ocean  -- Messie (IDS 2016) 2017 
Meyer, David
Meyer, Kerry
Cloud Products from the PACE Ocean Color Imager  -- Meyer (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Meyer, Franz
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Characterizing methane emission response to the past 60 years of permafrost thaw in thermokarst lakes  -- Meyer (TE 2014) 2015 
Michalak, Anna
Carnegie Institution for Science
Extension of Data Assimilation and Mapping Projects to Ingest Data from OCO-2  -- Michalak (OCO2ST 2014) 2015 
Michalak, Anna
Carnegie Institution for Science
Quantifying climate sensitivities of photosynthesis and respiration in Arctic and boreal ecosystems from top-down observational constraints  -- Michalak (TE 2021) 2022 
Miller, Charles (Chip)
CARVE (Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment) Airborne Observations of Carbon Dynamics in the Vulnerable Arctic-Boreal Ecosystems of Northwestern Canada - CARVE-CAN  -- Miller (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Miller, John
NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
Disaggregating Amazon Basin fire fluxes using remote sensing of atmospheric carbon monoxide and burned area  -- Miller (CMS 2015) 2016 
Miller, Charles (Chip)
Permafrost Vulnerability in a Seasonally Sea Ice-free Arctic  -- Miller (IDS 2012) 2014 
Miller, Charles (Chip)
Impacts of Changing Sea-Ice Regimes on Arctic Ocean Biology  -- Miller (IDS 2019) 2020 
Miller, Ron
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Linking Soil to Sea: EMIT Soil Minerals, Ocean Primary Productivity and CO2  -- Miller (IDS 2022) 2023 
Miller, David
University of California Berkeley
Using imaging spectroscopy to quantify vegetation condition in urban landscapes during a multi-year drought in California  -- Miller (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Throckmorton, Heather
Demonstrating an Effective Marine Biodiversity Observation Network in the Santa Barbara Channel  -- Miller (NOPP 2014) 2014 
Miller, Robert
University of California Santa Barbara
Southern California Bight Marine Biodiversity Observation Network  -- Miller (NOPP 2019) 2019 
Miller, Richard
East Carolina University
On the export of dissolved organic carbon by large rivers: assessing the effect of climate variability - 2  -- Miller (OBB 2012) 2013 
Miller, John
NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
Validation of OCO2 column CO2 over Tropical South America via inverse modelling of in situ measurements  -- Miller (OCO2ST 2014) 2015 
Miller, Charles (Chip)
Quantifying CO2 and CH4 Fluxes from Vulnerable Arctic-Boreal Ecosystems Across Spatial and Temporal Scales  -- Miller (TE 2014) 2015 
Miller, Charles (Chip)
Imaging Arctic Methane Plumes  -- Miller (TE 2016) 2016 
Miller, Charles (Chip)
Characterizing Microtopographic Hot-spots and Landscape-scale Methane Emissions Across the ABoVE Domain  -- Miller (TE 2018) 2019 
Miller, Charles (Chip)
Enhanced Methane Emissions in Transitional Permafrost Environments: An ABoVE Phase 3 Synthesis Investigation  -- Miller (TE 2021) 2022 
Miller, Scot
Johns Hopkins University
A synthesis and reconciliation of greenhouse gas flux estimates across the ABoVE domain  -- Miller-S (TE 2021) 2022 
Millet, Dylan
University of Minnesota
Closing the Methane Budget for the US Corn Belt and Upper Midwest  -- Millet (IDS 2016) 2017 
Mishra, Deepak
University of Georgia
A Tidal and Species Based MODIS GPP Product for Estimating Marsh Blue Carbon Across the Southeastern United States  -- Mishra (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Mitchell, Catherine
Bigelow Laboratory For Ocean Sciences
Remote sensing methods to characterize, quantify and monitor carbon in a continental shelf sea  -- Mitchell (CMS 2018) 2019 
Mitchell, Catherine
Bigelow Laboratory For Ocean Sciences
Ocean color remote sensing of zooplankton: detecting swarms of Calanus in the western North Atlantic  -- Mitchell (NIP 2020) 2021 
Mitchell, Brian (Greg)
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Scoping for Interdisciplinary Coordinated Experiment of the Southern Ocean Carbon Cycle (ICESOCC)  -- Mitchell (OBB 2013) 2014 
Mitchell, Brian (Greg)
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Improved Satellite Ocean Color Retrievals of Ocean Inherent Optical Properties and Biogeochemical Properties Utilizing the Capabilities of PACE  -- Mitchell (PACEST 2013) 2015 
Mitchell, Catherine
Bigelow Laboratory For Ocean Sciences
Continued Support and Maintenance of the Oceanic Particulate Inorganic Carbon Product  -- Mitchell (SNPPS 2021) 2021 
Mitchell, Catherine
Bigelow Laboratory For Ocean Sciences
Continued Support and Maintenance of the Oceanic Particulate Inorganic Carbon Product  -- Mitchell (SNPPSP 2020) 2021 
Moghaddam, Mahta
University of Southern California
Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) Earth Ventures-1 Mission  -- Moghaddam (2010) 2010 
Moghaddam, Mahta
University of Southern California
Regional Mapping of Soil Conditions in Northern Alaska Permafrost Landscapes Using AirMOSS and Land Model Data Assimilation, and Associated Impacts on Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes  -- Moghaddam (IDS 2012) 2014 
Moisan, John
NASA Evolutionary Programming Analytic Center (NEPAC) for Climate Data Records, Science Products and Models  -- Moisan (AIST 2018) 2019 
Montes, Enrique
University of South Florida
Laying the Foundations of the Pole-to-Pole Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) of the Americas  -- Montes (GEO 2016) 2017 
Moorcroft, Paul
Harvard University
Constraining Terrestrial Biosphere Model Predictions of Current and Future Carbon Fluxes with GEDI Waveform Lidar Measurements of Above-Ground Ecosystem Structure  -- Moorcroft (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Moorcroft, Paul
Harvard University
Linking Terrestrial Biosphere Models with Imaging Spectrometry Measurements of Ecosystem Composition, Structure, and Function  -- Moorcroft (HYSPIRI 2011) 2012 
Moore, Tim
Florida Atlantic University
Supporting the generation of ocean color data products for ESA: the Climate Change Initiative (CCI) and the Global Lakes Sentinel Services (GLaSS) projects  -- Moore (ESUSPI 2014) 2015 
Moore, Tim
Florida Atlantic University
Using remote sensing and field investigations of suspended sediments to determine the role of resuspension events on nutrient dynamics and phytoplankton responses in western Lake Erie  -- Moore (OBB 2015) 2016 
Moore, David (Dave)
University of Arizona
Improving mechanistic representation of Arctic carbon dynamics using data assimilation  -- Moore (TE 2018) 2019 
Morin, Paul
University of Minnesota - Polar Geospatial Center
High resolution commercial satellite imagery for ABoVE  -- Morin (2015) 2015 
Morisette, Jeffrey (Jeff)
US Forest Service
Advanced Phenological Information System  -- Morisette (AIST 2016) 2017 
Morisette, Jeffrey (Jeff)
US Forest Service
Using the USGS "Resource for Advanced Modeling" to connect climate drivers to biological responses  -- Morisette (BIOCLIM 2010) 2011 
Morrison, Bailey
University of California, Merced
The Velocity of Tree Cover in California  -- Morrison (NESSF 2015) 2015 
Morton, Douglas (Doug)
A Joint USFS-NASA Pilot Project to Estimate Forest Carbon Stocks in Interior Alaska by Integrating Field, Airborne and Satellite Data  -- Morton (CMS 2013) 2013 
Morton, Douglas (Doug)
Long-Term Carbon Consequences of Amazon Forest Degradation  -- Morton (CMS 2014) 2014 
Morton, Douglas (Doug)
Tropical Savannas in Transition: Tracking Global Savanna-Fire Interactions With ICESat-2  -- Morton (ICESAT-2 2019) 2020 
Morton, Douglas (Doug)
Dynamics of Amazon Forest Disturbance and Recovery from Multi-temporal Airborne LiDAR  -- Morton (TE 2011) 2012 
Moses, Wes
Naval Research Laboratory
Remote Sensing of Environmental Change in Arctic Coastal Aquatic Ecosystems  -- Moses (OBB 2020) 2021 
Moskal, L. Monika (Monika)
University of Washington
Teal Carbon – Stakeholder-driven Monitoring of Forested Wetland Carbon  -- Moskal (CMS 2018) 2019 
Moskal, L. Monika (Monika)
University of Washington
Teal Carbon – Phase 2: Scaling Wetland Carbon Accounting and Uncertainty Estimation to Meet Stakeholder Policy and Decision-Making Needs  -- Moskal (CMS 2022) 2023 
Mountrakis, Giorgos
Management of social-ecological grazing systems in the Altai Mountain transboundary zone  -- Mountrakis (LCLUC 2013) 2015 
Muccio, Daniel (Future Investigator)
University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Keppel-Aleks, Gretchen
University of Michigan
Climate and Ecosystem Impacts on High Latitude Carbon Fluxes  -- Muccio (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Mukherjee, Lipi
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Development of a consummate semi-analytical model for polarized ocean reflectance  -- Mukhejee (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Muller-Karger, Frank
University of South Florida
National Marine Sanctuaries as Sentinel Sites for a Demonstration Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON)  -- Muller-Karger (NOPP 2014) 2014 
Muller-Karger, Frank
University of South Florida
Implementing a Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) in South Florida to Advance Ecosystem-Based Management  -- Muller-Karger (NOPP 2019) 2019 
Muller-Karger, Frank
University of South Florida
Scientific Applications and MODIS to VIIRS Continuity of Biogeographic Seascape Pelagic Habitat Classifications  -- Muller-Karger (TASNPP 2020) 2022 
Muller-Karger, Frank
University of South Florida
Scientific Applications and MODIS to VIIRS Continuity of Biogeographic Seascape Pelagic Habitat Classifications  -- Muller-Karger (TASNPP 2021) 2021 
Muller-Karger, Frank
University of South Florida
Products to address specific targets of U.N. Sustainable Development Goal 14: Charting the course to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development  -- Muller-Karger (TWSC 2016) 2016 
Munger, J. (Bill)
Harvard University
Multi-scale data assimilation and model comparison for ABoVE to identify processes controlling CO2 and CH4 exchange and influencing seasonal transitions in Arctic tundra ecosystems  -- Munger (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Munger, J. (Bill)
Harvard University
Development of a Data-Assimilation Framework for Integrating 25 Years of Surface and Airborne observations to assess patterns of net CO2 Exchange from Arctic Ecosystems  -- Munger (TE 2012) 2013 
Muñoz Brenes, Carlos
Conservation International
Impacts of Global Markets and National Policies on Forest Carbon Trajectories and Social Outcomes in the Guiana Shield Ecoregion   -- Munoz Brenes (LCLUC 2019) 2021 
Muñoz Royo, Carlos
Atdepth MRV, LLC
A Scalable, Data-Informed, GPU-Based Modeling and Monitoring System to Quantify Nature-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal in the Ocean  -- Muñoz Royo (CMS 2023) 2024 
Munteanu, Catalina
University of Madison-Wisconsin
Long-Term Forest Dynamics in Mountain Regions Accounting for Topography, Land Use History and Management Regimes to Identify High Conservation-Value Ecosystem  -- Munteanu (NESSF 2014) 2014 
Murray, Lee
University of Rochester
Isotopic Constraints in the NASA GISS Global Chemistry Climate Model to Evaluate the Oceanic and Freshwater Contributions to the Atmospheric Methane Budget  -- Murray (IDS 2016) 2017 
Murtha, Timothy
University of Florida
The Ancient Maya Landscape: Households, Settlement, and Ecology of the Lowlands  -- Murtha (IDS 2019) 2020 
Myers, Elise (Future Investigator)
Columbia University
Juhl, Andrew
Columbia University
Modeling Fecal Indicator Bacteria Persistence in Turbid Rivers Using Satellite Data  -- Myers (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Myint, Soe
Arizona State University
Changing Landscapes, Urban Heat Island and the Effects on City Water Conservation Policy  -- Myint (ECOSTRESS 18) 2019 
Myint, Soe
Arizona State University
Understanding Impacts of Desert Urbanization on Climate and Surrounding Environments to Foster Sustainable Cities Using Remote Sensing and Numerical Modeling  -- Myint (IDS 2011) 2012 
Myneni, Ranga
Boston University
Global LAI-FPAR Earth System Data Records from Suomi VIIRS to Extend the EOS MODIS Time Series  -- Myneni (SNPP 2013) 2013 
Myneni, Ranga
Boston University
Maintenance and Evaluation of Collection 6 Terra and Aqua Modis LAI/FPAR Products  -- Myneni (TERAQEA 2013) 2013 
Najjar, Raymond (Ray)
Pennsylvania State University
The Carbon Budget of Tidal Wetlands and Estuaries of the Contiguous United States: A Synthesis Approach (WETCARB = Wetland-Estuary Transports and CARbon Budgets)  -- Najjar (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Najjar, Raymond (Ray)
Pennsylvania State University
Response of Carbon Cycling to Climatic and Anthropogenic Perturbations in Two North American Subtropical Estuaries  -- Najjar (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Najjar, Raymond (Ray)
Pennsylvania State University
Synergistic impacts of population growth, urbanization, and climate change on watersheds and coastal ecology of the northeastern United States  -- Najjar (IDS 2012) 2014 
Narayanan, Anjali (Future Investigator)
University of California, San Diego
Stramski, Dariusz
Examining Responses of Phytoplankton Community Composition to Climate-Related Changes in the Arctic Ocean Using Multiyear Observations from Multiple Satellite Missions   -- Narayanan (FINESST 2021) 2021 
Natali, Susan (Sue)
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Winter respiration in the Arctic: Constraining current and future estimates of CO2 emissions during the non-growing season (Augmented Jul 2019)  -- Natali (TE 2014) 2015 
Nehrkorn, Thomas
AER, Inc
Prototype Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System for the Regional Scale: The Boston-DC Corridor  -- Nehrkorn (CMS 2013) 2013 
Nehrkorn, Thomas
AER, Inc
Prototype regional carbon monitoring systems for urban regions  -- Nehrkorn (CMS 2015) 2016 
Neigh, Christopher (Chris)
Automated Protocols for Generating Very High-Resolution Commercial Validation Products with NASA HEC Resources  -- Neigh (AIST 2016) 2017 
Neigh, Christopher (Chris)
Disturbance, Growth, and Recovery of Boreal Forests Spanning the Satellite Era: 3D Structure, Site Index, and Ecosystem Carbon Flux with Changing Climate  -- Neigh (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Neigh, Christopher (Chris)
Linking Remote Sensing Data and Energy Balance Models for a Scalable Agriculture Insurance System for sub-Saharan Africa  -- Neigh (IDS 2012) 2014 
Neigh, Christopher (Chris)
The Impact of Investment on Irrigated Rice, Dryland Agriculture and Afforestation in Senegal Using SAR and Optical Time-Series Imagery in Data Fusion Approaches  -- Neigh (LCLUC 2020) 2020 
Nelson, Norman (Norm)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Ocean color observations on CLIVAR: Inherent optical properties and community structure on trans-ocean sections.  -- Nelson (RRNES 2013) 2014 
Nelson, Norman (Norm)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Bermuda Bio-Optics Project: Continuation of Time-series and Retrospective Data Analysis  -- Nelson (TERAQEA 2013) 2014 
Neuenschwander, Amy
University of Texas
Estimating Boreal-Wide Forest Biomass Density With ICESat-2  -- Neuenschwander (ICESAT-2 2019) 2020 
Neuhausler, Rosanna (Future Investigator)
University of California
Larsen, Laurel
University of California
Spatiotemporal Investigation of Reef Resilience in the Pacific Ocean in the 2014 - 2017 Bleaching Event and its Significance For Pacific Fisheries  -- Neuhausier (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Nevison, Cynthia (Cindy)
University of Colorado/INSTAAR
Understanding the Present and Future Carbon Sink in the Southern Ocean Using Atmospheric Gas Observations, Remote Sensing and Models  -- Nevison (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Nevison, Cynthia (Cindy)
University of Colorado/INSTAAR
Understanding export production in high-latitude oceans using atmospheric gas observations, remote sensing and models  -- Nevison (OBB 2015) 2016 
Nghiem, Son
Mega Urban Changes and Impacts in the Decade of the 2000s  -- Nghiem (IDS 2011) 2013 
Ni-Meister, Wenge
Hunter College of The City University of New York
A Geometric Optical Radiative Transfer (GORT) Approach to Quantify Impacts of Ecosystem Structure on Land Carbon Stocks and Fluxes Using GEDI Full Waveforms in a Demographic Dynamic Vegetation Model  -- Ni-Meister (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Hanan, Niall
New Mexico State University
Patterns and drivers of tree height and biomass in water limited ecosystems  -- Niall (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Nicolsky, Dmitry
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Augmentation of the USArray sites with temperature profilers  -- Nicolsky (2016) 2016 
Nolte, Christoph
Boston University
Comparing the effectiveness of conservation strategies in the Colombian Andes biodiversity hotspot  -- Nolte (LCLUC 2019) 2021 
Nowicki, Michael
University of California, Santa Barbara
Improving satellite-based estimates of net primary productivity by assimilating oceanographic data  -- Nowicki (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Numata, Izaya
South Dakota State University
Assessing vulnerability and responses of forest edges to drought in Amazonia  -- Numata (TE 2013) 2014 
O'Connell, Jessica
Colorado State University
A Tide-Robust High-Resolution Blue Carbon Product for Fragmented Coastal Marshes  -- O'Connell (CMS 2023) 2024 
O'Dell, Christopher (Chris)
Colorado State University
Tackling Aerosol-Induced CO2 Uncertainties Through the Synergistic Use of MODIS and OCO-2 Observations  -- O'Dell (OCO2ST 2014) 2015 
Oda, Tomohiro (Tom)
A Fine-Scale Global Fossil Fuel and Biomass Burning Emissions Dataset Using Suomi-NPP/VIIRS Satellite Data  -- Oda (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Oda, Tomohiro (Tom)
ODIAC - Global High-Resolution CO2 Emission Inventory in Support of Climate Science, Monitoring, and Mitigation Benchmarking  -- Oda (CMS 2023) 2024 
Odermatt, Daniel
Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
Hyperspectral Retrieval of Stratification in Aquatic System (HyperStrata)  -- Odermatt (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Oechel, Walter (Walt)
San Diego State University
Temporal and Spatial Patterns of and Controls on Arctic CO2 and CH4 fluxes in the ABoVE Domain  -- Oechel (TE 2014) 2016 
Oh, Youmi
Purdue University
High Affinity Methanotrophs are an Important Overlooked Methane Sink in the Pan-Arctic Methane Budget  -- Oh (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Okin, Greg
UCLA Geography
Harnessing NASA Satellite Remote Sensing in Support of Large-Scale Conservation Management on BLM Lands  -- Okin (ECO4CAST 2016) 2017 
Oliveira, Pedro
South Dakota State University
Integrating airborne LiDAR, Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 data to map Brazilian Amazon Tropical Moist Forest Biome (BATMFB) canopy height  -- Oliveira (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Oliver, Matthew (Matt)
University of Delaware
Satellite Driven Studies of Climate Mediated Changes in Antarctic Food-Webs  -- Oliver (BIODIV 2008) 2009 
Oliver, Matthew (Matt)
University of Delaware
The size, trophic and spatial-temporal scaling of environmental selection in pelagic species  -- Oliver (BIODIV 2020) 2020 
Oliver, Matthew (Matt)
University of Delaware
A Satellite-Based Mobile Warning System to Reduce Atlantic Sturgeon Interactions in Delaware Waters  -- Oliver (ECO4CAST 2016) 2017 
Ollinger, Scott
University of New Hampshire
Exploring Relationships Among Water Use Efficiency, Canopy Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling across North American Ecosystems to Improve Land Surface Models  -- Ollinger (TE 2011) 2012 
Olofsson, Pontus
Tracking carbon emissions and removals by time series analysis of the land surface: prototype application in tropical MRV systems compliant with IPCC Tier 3  -- Olofsson (CMS 2015) 2016 
Olofsson, Pontus
Comprehensive analysis of thirty years of land change in Georgia: patterns, carbon dynamics and drivers  -- Olofsson (LCLUC 2016) 2017 
Olson, John
Desert Research Institute
System for Mapping And Predicting Species Of Concern (SMAP-SOC)  -- Olson (ECO4CAST 2012) 2013 
Omar, Ali
NASA Langley Research Center
Maximizing the Societal Benefits of PACE Atmospheric Data by Actively Linking the Mission to its Applications: Application for Science Team Membership  -- Omar (PACEST 2013) 2015 
Ordway, Elsa
Disentangling Land-Use Change in Central Africa to Understand the Role of Local and Indigenous Communities in Forest Restoration and Conservation  -- Ordway (LCLUC 2022) 2022 
Ordway, Elsa
A Scoping Study for the NASA Tropical Terrestrial Ecology Campaign  -- Ordway (TE 2022) 2023 
Osburn, Christopher (Chris)
North Carolina State University
Linking Carbon Exchange Between Coastal Wetland and Shelf Environments: A Case Study in the Barataria Bay, Northern Gulf of Mexico  -- Osburn (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Otis, Daniel
University Of South Florida
Examining the Relation Between Biodiversity and Surface Temperature Regimes in Localized Coastal Upwelling Zones Using ECOSTRESS  -- Otis (ECOSTRESS 18) 2019 
Ott, Lesley
GEOS-Carb II: Delivering Carbon Flux and Concentration Products Based on the GEOS Modeling System  -- Ott (CMS 2014) 2014 
Ott, Lesley
GEOS-Carb III: Delivering mature carbon flux and concentration datasets in support of NASA's Carbon Monitoring System  -- Ott (CMS 2016) 2017 
Ott, Lesley
GEOS-Carb IV: Delivering low-latency carbon flux and concentration datasets in support of NASA's Carbon Monitoring System  -- Ott (CMS 2020) 2021 
Ott, Lesley
Integrating Remote Sensing Observations with NASA's GEOS-5 Modeling Framework in Support of Retrospective Analyses and Seasonal Prediction of Biosphere-Atmosphere CO2 Flux  -- Ott (IDS 2016) 2017 
Ott, Lesley
GEOS Modeling and Assimilation Products in Support of the OCO-2 Mission  -- Ott (OCO2ST 2014) 2015 
Ottaviani, Matteo
Terra Research Inc
Remote Sensing of the Ocean Surface Refractive Index and Oil Spill Detection for the PACE Mission  -- Ottaviani (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Pahlevan, Nima
Arctic aQUatic Ecosystem Monitoring Using Moderate-ResoLution Ocean Color Products (AQUELO)  -- Pahlevan (NIP 2015) 2016 
Pahlevan, Nima
A Hyperspectral Retrieval Scheme for Surface Biology and Geology Designated Observables in Optically Complex Waters  -- Pahlevan (OBB 2020) 2021 
Pahlevan, Nima
Maximizing Utility of PACE in Coastal and Major Freshwater Ecosystems: Advancing Science for Societal Benefits   -- Pahlevan (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Pahlevan, Nima
Improving NASA's atmospheric correction using historic aerosol/ocean color data   -- Pahlevan (RSWQ 2016) 2019 
Pahlevan, Nima
Algorithm Developments for Synergistic Use of Water Quality Products from Multispectral and Hyperspectral Satellite Observations  -- Pahlevan (RSWQ 2021) 2022 
Painter, Thomas
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Spatial Dynamics of Grain Size, Radiative Forcing by Impurities, and Spectral Albedo from AVIRIS-NG Data in the Indian Himalaya  -- Painter (AVRSNG 2016) 2016 
Palace, Michael
University of New Hampshire
Drought-induced vegetation change and fire in Amazonian forests: past, present, and future  -- Palace (IDS 2012) 2014 
Palace, Michael
University of New Hampshire
Smoke on the Water: Lake-based calibration of Amazonian fire histories  -- Palace (IDS 2019) 2020 
Palm, Eric
University of Montana
From Animal Movement to Ecosystem Services: Scaling-up to Ecosystem-Scale Spatially-Explicit Demographic Models for Caribou  -- Palm (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Parazoo, Nicholas (Nick)
Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Soil Moisture Observations to Characterize Terrestrial Vegetation Photosynthesis and Biosphere Carbon Uptake in North America  -- Parazoo (IDS 2016) 2016 
Park, Taejin
NASA Ames Research Center / BAERI
Monitoring and forecasting large-scale patterns of forest structure and carbon dynamics using field, remote sensing, and process-based models  -- Park (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Pavlick, Ryan
NASA Headquarters
BioCube: Integrating remote sensing and in-situ dimensions of biodiversity to understand plant and animal community composition and dynamics at large scales  -- Pavlick (BIODIV 2020) 2020 
Peabody, Ryan
The Blackstone Group
High primary productivity in the absence of Ekman upwelling: A new paradigm for nutrient supply in the intergyre North Atlantic  -- Peabody (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Peacock, Melissa (Misty)
Northwest Indian College
Extending the California Harmful Algae Risk Mapping (C-HARM) domoic acid model to the Pacific Northwest  -- Peacock (MUREP OCEAN 2020) 2021 
Peery, Zach
University of Wisconsin
Enhancing biodiversity conservation and ecosystem resilience in dry forest ecosystems  -- Peery (ECO4CAST 2020) 2021 
Pelletier, Jon
University of Arizona
Development of a High-Resolution Global Soil Depth Dataset  -- Pelletier (TE 2012) 2013 
Penta, Bradley
Naval Research Laboratory
Adaptive Ecosystem Climatology (AEC)  -- Penta (ECO4CAST 2012) 2013 
Peteet, Dorothy
Wet Carbon Monitoring and Accounting System for Urban Coastlines   -- Peteet (CMS 2022) 2023 
Pidgeon, Anna
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Modeling Endangered Species' Forest Habitats, And Updating Forest Land Use Plans in Argentina In Support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals  -- Pidgeon (SLSCVC 2018) 2018 
Pijanowski, Bryan
Purdue University
Multi-sensor biodiversity framework developed from bioacoustic and space-based sensor platforms  -- Pijanowski (BIODIV 2020) 2020 
Pintea, Lilian
The Jane Goodall Institute
Monitoring and Forecasting Chimpanzee Habitat Health in Africa to Inform Conservation Actions, Strategies and Measure Success  -- Pintea (ECO4CAST 2012) 2013 
Platnick, Steven
Retrieval Studies In Support of Cloud Property Products from the PACE Ocean Color Imager  -- Platnick (OCO2ST 2013) 2015 
Platnick, Steven
Retrieval Studies In Support of Cloud Property Products from the PACE Ocean Color Imager  -- Platnick (PACEST 2013) 2015 
Podest, Erika
A Sustainable Forest Management and Information System (SFMIS) Tool  -- Podest (SLSCVC 2018) 2018 
Pontius, Robert (Gil)
Clark University
Irrigation as Climate-Change Adaptation in the Cerrado Biome of Brazil Evaluated with New Quantitative Methods, Socio-Economic Analysis, and Scenario Models  -- Pontius (LCLUC 2022) 2022 
Popescu, Sorin
Texas A&M University
Icesat-2 Science Team: Lidar Photons and Machine Learning for Deriving Vegetation Biophysical Parameters  -- Popescu (ICESat-2 2019) 2020 
Popescu, Sorin
Texas A&M University
Using LiDAR to develop a climate-driven model of the disintegration and decay of trees killed during a severe drought  -- Popescu (RRNES 2013) 2014 
Potapov (LCLUC 2018) Shifting cultivation at a crossroad: drivers and outcomes of recent land-use changes in Laos PDR  -- Potapov (LCLUC 2018) 2019 
Poulos, Helen
Wesleyan University
Evaluating the Potential of ECOSTRESS for Predicting Wildfire Effects on Plant Community Structure and Water Relations in an Arizona Sky Island Pine-Oak Forest  -- Poulos (ECOSTRESS 18) 2019 
Poulter, Benjamin (Ben)
Continuation of CMS Applications Efforts: Stakeholder Engagement and Socioeconomic Studies on the Value of CMS Data Products for User Organizations  -- Poulter (CMS 2018) 2019 
Poulter, Benjamin (Ben)
Blue Carbon Prototype Products for Mangrove Methane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes (BLUEFLUX)  -- Poulter (CMS 2020) 2021 
Prugh, Laura
University Of Washington
Linking seasonal snow processes to wildlife population dynamics  -- Prugh (IDS 2019) 2020 
Prugh, Laura
University Of Washington
Assessing Alpine Ecosystem Vulnerability to Environmental Change Using Dall Sheep as an Iconic Indicator Species  -- Prugh (TE 2014) 2015 
Qi, Junyu
University of Maryland
Integrating Field Experiments, Remote Sensing, and Process-based Modeling Toward Improved Understanding and Quantification of Watershed Scale Carbon  -- Qi (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Qi, Junyu
University of Maryland
An Aquatic Ecosystem Carbon Monitoring System (AECMS) for Quantifying Carbon Fluxes, Sources and Sinks of Inland Waters: Development and Verification in the Upper Mississippi River Basin  -- Qi (CMS 2018) 2019 
Qi, Jiaguo
Michigan State University
Quantifying Human and Climate Impacts on Wetland Ecosystems in the Lower Mekong River Basin  -- Qi (IDS 2016) 2017 
Qi, Jiaguo
Michigan State University
Assessing the impacts of dams on the dynamic interactions among distant wetlands, land use, and rural communities in the Lower Mekong River Basin  -- QI (LCLUC 2016) 2017 
Queally, Natalie (Future Investigator)
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
Detecting disturbance legacy effects in functional trait phenology using imaging spectroscopy data from the SHIFT campaign  -- Queally (FINESST 2021) 2022 
Radakovic, Darko (Future Investigator)
Montclair State University
Chopping, Mark
Montclair State University
Tall Shrub Expansion as a Driver of Rapid Permafrost Loss in Thermokarst Lakes  -- Radakovic (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Radeloff, Volker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Multiple spatial scales, long-term trends, and synchrony of the dynamic habitat indices and bird populations  -- Radeloff (BIODIV 2020) 2020 
Radeloff, Volker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Land use change, protected areas, and biodiversity in the Caucasus and Ural Mountains  -- Radeloff (LCLUC 2008) 2009 
Radeloff, Volker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Land use change in the Caucasus Mountains due to ethnic differences, national policies, and armed conflicts  -- Radeloff (LCLUC 2013) 2015 
Radeloff, Volker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Long-term land degradation in the Caucasus  -- Radeloff (LCLUC 2016) 2017 
Radeloff, Volker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Monitoring Abandoned Agriculture, Fallow Fields, and Grasslands with Landsat and Sentinel-2  -- Radeloff (LCLUC 2017) 2017 
Radeloff, Volker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Global Hotspots of the Wildland-Urban Interface  -- Radeloff (LCLUC 2020) 2020 
Radeloff, Volker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Dynamic Habitat Indices from Terra, Aqua, Suomi NPP and JPSS data for biodiversity science and conservation  -- Radeloff (TASNPP 2020) 2021 
Radeloff, Volker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Developing and testing the Dynamic Habitat Index from Terra and Aqua MODIS data for biodiversity and conservation science  -- Radeloff (TERAQ 2013) 2014 
Ramirez Reyes, Carlos
USDA Forest Service
Monitoring Deforestation to Evaluate Mexico's Payments for Ecosystem Services and Assess Land Use Change Effects on Jaguar Habitat  -- Ramirez-Reyes (NESSF 2012) 2013 
Randerson, James (Jim)
University Of California, Irvine
Optimizing the Global Fire Emissions Database for carbon monitoring  -- Randerson (CMS 2016) 2017 
Ranson, Kenneth (Jon)
A High-Resolution Circumpolar Delineation of the Forest-Tundra Ecotone With Implications for Carbon Balance  -- Ranson (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Ranson, Kenneth (Jon)
Multisensor Airborne and Ground Studies of Siberian Arctic Forests  -- Ranson (TE 2011) 2012 
Rao, Krishna
Stanford University
High Resolution Vegetation Water Content and Tree Mortality Estimation using Synthetic Aperture Radar  -- Rao (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Rappaport, Danielle
University of Maryland
Combining Lidar and Acoustic Remote Sensing to Characterize the Carbon, Habitat and Biodiversity Consequences of Amazon Forest Degradation  -- Rappaport (NESSF 2016) 2016 
Rawlins, Michael
University of Massachusetts
Merging Satellite Data and Models to Investigate Soil Freeze-Thaw Dynamics Influencing Terrestrial Water and Carbon Exports from the Western Arctic  -- Rawlins (RSWQ 2017) 2019 
Raymond, Peter
Yale University
Magnitude and Controls on the Lateral Transport of Carbon via Streams and Rivers  -- Raymond (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Record, Sydne
University of Maine
Scaling forest diversity across space and time in a non-equilibrial world  -- Record (BIODIV 2020) 2021 
Reed, Sasha
Adaptation and Response In Drylands (ARID) Experiment  -- Reed (TE 2022) 2023 
Reiter, Matthew
Point Reyes Bird Observatory
Integrating Remote-Sensing and Ecological Forecasting into Decision-Support for Wetland Wildlife Management and Ecosystem Services in the Central Valley of California: Optimizing Across Multiple Benefits  -- Reiter (ECO4CAST 2016) 2017 
Remer, Lorraine
Atmospheric nourishment of global ocean ecosystems on a changing planet  -- Remer (IDS 2022) 2023 
Remer, Lorraine
Unified Algorithm for Aerosol Characterization from OCI on PACE  -- Remer (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Remer, Lorraine
Aerosol absorption retrievals from base-line OCI observations: Risk reduction for atmospheric correction of the PACE mission  -- Remer (PACEST 2013) 2014 
Remer, Lorraine
Understanding airborne fertilization of oceanic ecosystems from analysis of MODIS, VIIRS and CALIOP observations.  -- Remer (TASNPP 2017) 2017 
Rhea, Allison
Colorado State University
Using Landsat Imagery to Monitor the Effects of Landscape Recovery on Nutrient Export in Fire-affected Watersheds  -- Rhea (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Richardson, Curtis (Neal)
Duke University
Phenolic Compounds and Black Carbon Feedback Controls on Peat Decomposition and Carbon Accumulation in Southeastern Peatlands under Regimes of Seasonal Drought, Drainage and Frequent Fire: A New Model for Management of Carbon Sequestration  -- Richardson (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Robbins, Lisa
University of Southern Florida
Air-Sea CO2 Flux and Carbon Budget Synthesis and Modeling in the Entire Gulf of Mexico  -- Robbins (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Rodgers, Keith
Princeton University
Synthesis of New Sea Surface pCO2 Data Products: Evaluation, Comparison, and Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle  -- Rodgers (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Rodgers, Keith
Princeton University
Evaluating Spatiotemporal Scales and Underlying Mechanisms for Emergence of Anthropogenic Trends in the Solubility and Biological Ocean Carbon Pumps  -- Rodgers (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Roesler, Collin
Bowdoin College
Phytoplankton community structure, carbon stock, carbon export and carbon flux: What role do diatoms play in the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans?  -- Roesler (OBB 2016) 2017 
Roesler, Collin
Bowdoin College
Quantifying uncertainties in phytoplankton absorption coefficients for accurate validation of the PACE ocean color sensor: moving towards satellite retrieved phytoplankton functional types (PFTs)  -- Roesler (PACEST 2013) 2014 
Roffer, Mitchell (Mitch)
Roffer's Ocean Fishing Forecasting Service
Management and conservation of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) and other highly migratory fish in the Gulf of Mexico under IPCC climate change scenarios: A study using regional climate and habitat models.  -- Roffer (BIOCLIM 2010) 2011 
Rogers, Brendan
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Understanding the Causes and Implications of Enhanced Seasonal CO2 Exchange in Boreal and Arctic Ecosystems  -- Rogers (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Rogers, Brendan
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Developing a spatially-explicit understanding of fire-climate forcings and their management implications across the ABoVE domain  -- Rogers (TE 2014) 2015 
Rogova, Natalia (Future Investigator)
SILVIS Lab , University of Wisconsin-Madison
Radeloff, Volker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Agricultural Abandonment Across the Eurasian Steppe: Effect on Fires, Vegetation Succession and Habitat Quality for Rare Waterfowl Species  -- Rogova (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Roman (2014) Improving Global-Scale Earth Observation Data and Products to Halt Illegal, Unregulated, and Unreported Fishing  -- Roman (2014) 2014 
Román, Miguel
CARMA: A New Reference Standard for NASA Multi-Angle Remote Sensing  -- Roman (NIP 2013) 2014 
Rousseaux, Cecile
Integrating lateral carbon fluxes into CMS ocean carbon estimates  -- Rousseaux (CMS 2022) 2023 
Rousseaux, Cecile
Observation-System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) and seasonal forecasts to support EXPORTS  -- Rousseaux (OBB 2015) 2016 
Rousseaux, Cecile
Phytoplankton composition algorithms for PACE  -- Rousseaux (OCO2ST 2013) 2015 
Rousseaux, Cecile
Phytoplankton Algorithms and Data Assimilation: Preparing a Pre-launch Path to Exploit PACE Spectral Data  -- Rousseaux (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Rousseaux, Cecile
Phytoplankton composition algorithms for PACE  -- Rousseaux (PACEST 2013) 2015 
Roy, David
Michigan State University
Prototyping a Landsat-8 Sentinel-2 Global Burned Area Product  -- Roy (LCLUC 2014) 2016 
Roy, David
Michigan State University
Africa Burned Area Product Generation, Quality Assessment and Validation - Demonstrating a Multi-Source Land Imaging (MuSLI) Landsat-8 Sentinel-2 Capability  -- Roy (LCLUC 2017) 2017 
Roy, David
Michigan State University
Where are the Missing Burned Areas? Global Hotspots of Burned Area - A Multiresolution Analysis  -- Roy (LCLUC 2020) 2020 
Runkle, Benjamin (Ben)
University of Arkansas, Dept of Biological & Agricultural Engineering
A national quantification of methane emissions from rice cultivation in the U.S.: integrating multi-source satellite data and process-based modeling  -- Runkle (CMS 2020) 2021 
Running, Steven
University of Montana
Providing Continuity for the MODIS Land Gross Primary Production, Net Primary Production and Evapotranspiration Datasets  -- Running (TERAQEA 2013) 2013 
Saatchi, Sassan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Impacts of Droughts on Carbon Stocks and Fluxes of Amazonian Forest Ecosystems  -- Saatchi (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Saatchi, Sassan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Annual GHG Inventory and MRV System for the US Forestlands  -- Saatchi (CMS 2015) 2016 
Saatchi, Sassan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Bottom-up Spatial Estimates of Carbon Pools and Fluxes of Terrestrial Ecosystems Attributed to Land Use and Environmental Effects  -- Saatchi (CMS 2020) 2021 
Saatchi, Sassan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Quantifying Variations of Tropical Forest Structure and Biomass along Altitudinal Gradient  -- Saatchi (TE 2011) 2012 
Sabine, Chris
High-Resolution Coastal Ocean and Atmosphere PCO2 Time-Series Measurements  -- Sabine (2006) 2006 
Sacco, Alexander (Future Investigator)
University of Central Florida
Mansfield, Katherine
University of Central Florida
Floating Migratory Platforms in Marine Environments  -- Sacco (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Salas, William
Applied GeoSolutions
Operational Algorithms and Products for Near Real Time Maps of Rice Extent and Rice Crop Growth Stage Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing  -- Salas (LCLUC 2014) 2016 
Salehi, Hadi
Louisiana Tech University
Towards mitigating human-induced changes on coastal communities employing advanced data analytics (SMDESD)  -- Salehi (EPSCoR 2024) 2024 
Saleska, Scott
University of Arizona
Testing Satellite-based Scaling of Tropical Forest Photosynthesis with a New Network of Cameras and Fluorescence Spectrometers in Amazonia  -- Saleska (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Salisbury, Joe
Direct Estimates of Biogeochemical Fluxes Using Satellite Derived Fields and Lagrangian Trajectories  -- Salisbury (OBB 2020) 2021 
Sanderson, Eric
Wildlife Conservation Society
Act Green: A near-real time integrated mapping and reporting system for re-wilding efforts: applying, extending and enhancing an application for tigers (Panthera tigris) to lions (Panthera leo), jaguars (Panthera onca), and American bison (Bison bison)  -- Sanderson (ECO4CAST 2020) 2021 
Sanderson, Eric
Wildlife Conservation Society
A Near-Real Time Integrated Mapping and Reporting System for Critical Biodiversity Sites Under Sustainable Development Goal 15: The Tiger as Model  -- Sanderson (SLSCVC 2018) 2018 
Sarmiento, Jorge
Princeton University
The Role of Mesoscale Eddies in Cross-Frontal Transport and Subduction of Nutrients and Carbon in the Southern Ocean  -- Sarmiento (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Sarmiento, Jorge
Princeton University
Determination of the Relationship Between Primary Production and Net Community Production in the Southern Ocean Through the Use Profiling Floats, Satellite Data, and Ecosystem Models  -- Sarmiento (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Satterfield, Lauren (Future Investigator)
University of Washington
Wirsing, Aaron
University of Washington
Fighting Fire with Four Hooves: Effects of Carnivore-Herbivore Interactions on Fuel Characteristics and Fire Severity  -- Satterfield (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Sayers, Michael (Mike)
Michigan Tech Research Institute
New Carbon Monitoring Products for Global Freshwater Lakes using Satellite Remote Sensing Time Series Data  -- Sayers (CMS 2016) 2017 
Schaaf, Crystal
University of Massachusetts Boston
Algorithm Refinement for the MODIS Bidirectional Reflectance/Albedo Product  -- Schaaf (2004) 2004 
Schaaf, Crystal
University of Massachusetts Boston
MODIS Albedo, Nadir Reflectance and Reflectance Anisotropy for Environmental Modeling and Monitoring  -- Schaaf (EOS 2006) 2011 
Schaaf, Crystal
University of Massachusetts Boston
Circumpolar Albedo of Northern Lands from Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2  -- Schaaf (LCLUC 2017) 2017 
Schaaf, Crystal
University of Massachusetts Boston
Suomi NPP VIIRS BRDF/Albedo/NBAR Products to Extend the Long Term Consistent MODIS Standard Data Record  -- Schaaf (SNPP 2013) 2013 
Schaaf, Crystal
University of Massachusetts Boston
Science Quality Suomi-NPP VIIRS BRDF, Albedo, and NBAR Global Data Analysis Products  -- Schaaf (TASNPP 2017) 2017 
Schaaf, Crystal
University of Massachusetts Boston
Albedo, Nadir Reflectance, and Reflectance Anisotropy for the MODIS Era  -- Schaaf (TERAQEA 2013) 2013 
Schaaf, Crystal
University of Massachusetts Boston
Maintenance of the MODIS Albedo, NBAR, and BRDF Products  -- Schaaf (TERAQEA 2017) 2018 
Schaefer, Kevin
National Snow and Ice Data Center
PBS project: A Permafrost Benchmark System to evaluate permafrost models  -- Schaefer (CMAC 2014) 2015 
Schaefer, Kevin
National Snow and Ice Data Center
YKD project--Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta: The Impact of Fire on Active Layer Thickness  -- Schaefer (RRNES 2015) 2016 
Schaefer, Kevin
National Snow and Ice Data Center
Remotely-Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) Product Derived from InSAR Data Over North American Arctic Regions  -- Schaefer (TE 2012) 2013 
Schaefer, Kevin
National Snow and Ice Data Center
The Airborne InSAR and PolSAR Permafrost Dynamics Observatory  -- Schaefer (TE 2016) 2016 
Schaffer-Smith, Danica
Duke Univ.
Spatiotemporal Variability of Inland Waterbodies along the Pacific Flyway Using 30+ Years of Landsat  -- Schaffer-Smith (NESSF 2013) 2013 
Schimel, David (Dave)
Scoping Study for Biodiversity Airborne Campaigns  -- Schimel (BIODIV 2015) 2016 
Schimel, David (Dave)
Functional diversity and the response of tropical forests to climate change  -- Schimel (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Schimel, David (Dave)
Operations and data products for carbon-climate feedbacks using OCO-2  -- Schimel (OCO2ST 2014) 2015 
Schroeder, Wilfrid
University of Maryland
S-NPP/VIIRS Active Fire Product Suite: Bridging EOS and JPSS  -- Schroeder (TASNPP 2017) 2017 
Schuerger, Andrew
University of Florida
A Transoceanic Aerobiology Biodiversity Study (TABS) to Characterize Microorganisms in Asian and African Dust Plumes Reaching North America  -- Schuerger (BIODIV 2015) 2016 
Schuh, Andrew
Colorado State University
Integrating Field Measurements and Models to Evaluate Solar Induced Fluorescence as a Predictor of Dryland Crop Productivity  -- Schuh (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Schuh, Andrew
Colorado State University
Using a Novel Multiscale Modeling Framework to Characterize Brazil’s Carbon Cycle   -- Schuh (CMS 2022) 2023 
Schwalm, Christopher
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Using Observations to Assess the Sensitivity of Land-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange to Climate Variability  -- Schwalm (TE 2011) 2012 
Schweiger, Anna
Montana State University
Remote sensing of biodiversity across trophic levels  -- Schweiger (EMIT 2023) 2024 
Seablom, Michael
NASA Headquarters
An Advanced Learning Framework for High Dimensional Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data  -- Seablom (AIST 2011) 2012 
Sedano, Fernando
University of Maryland
Forest degradation driven by charcoal production: characterization, quantification and forecasting to improve carbon monitoring systems in southern Africa  -- Sedano (CMS 2016) 2017 
Seibt, Ulrike (Ulli)
COSIF: Combining Carbonyl Sulfide and Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to scale the carbon cycle of tropical rainforests from leaf to landscape  -- Seibt (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Seidel, Valerie
The Balmoral Group, LLC
Using Earth Observations to Inform the Valuation of Ecosystem Services that Support Coastal Resiliency  -- Seidel (ECO4CAST 2016) 2017 
Serbin, Shawn
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Assimilation of imaging spectroscopy data to improve the representation of vegetation dynamics in ecosystem models  -- Serbin (2014) 2014 
Serbin, Shawn
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Assimilation of imaging spectroscopy data to improve the representation of vegetation dynamics in ecosystem models  -- Serbin (TE 2013) 2014 
Seto, Karen
Yale University
Synthesis of LCLUC studies on Urbanization: State of the Art, Gaps in Knowledge, and New Directions for Remote Sensing Science  -- Seto (LCLUC 2013) 2015 
Seto, Karen
Yale University
Urban Growth, Land-Use Change, and Growing Vulnerability in the Greater Himalaya Mountain Range Across India, Nepal, and Bhutan  -- Seto (LCLUC 2015) 2016 
Shepherd, James
University of Georgia
Toward Conceptualization and Predictability: A Multi-scalar Analysis of Urban-Influenced Hydrometeorological Processes  -- Shepherd (IDS 2019) 2020 
Shiklomanov, Alexey
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Assessing the Impact of Urban Land Conversion on Local and Regional Surface Climate and Its Socioeconomic Consequences in Western North Africa  -- Shiklomanov (LCLUC 2021) 2021 
Shiklomanov, Alexander (Alex)
University of New Hampshire
Tracking Successional Dynamics of Foliar Traits Using Remote Sensing  -- Shiklomanov (NESSF 2016) 2016 
Shiklomanov, Alexey
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Functional Ecology in the SBG Era: An Assessment of the State of Plant Trait Retrieval from Imaging Spectroscopy   -- Shiklomanov (NIP 2020) 2021 
Shuchman, Robert (Bob)
Michigan Technological University
Developing a PACE Hyperspectral Bio-Optical Algorithm Framework for Detection of Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms  -- Shuchman (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Shuman, Ian (Future Investigator)
Stony Brook University
Serbin, Shawn
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Integrating Field Observations and Multi-scale Remote Sensing to Understand the Environmental and Biological Controls of Tall Shrub Distribution in Arctic Tundra  -- Shuman (FINESST 2021) 2022 
Siegel, David (Dave)
UC Santa Barbara
Controls on Open Ocean Productivity and Export eXperiment (COOPEX)  -- Siegel (OBB 2012) 2013 
Siegel, David (Dave)
UC Santa Barbara
Data Mining Global Ocean Ecosystem & Carbon Cycling Observations for EXPORTS Planning & Synthesis  -- Siegel (OBB 2015) 2016 
Siegel, David (Dave)
UC Santa Barbara
Synthesizing Optically- and Carbon Export-Relevant Particle Size Distributions for the EXPORTS Field Campaign  -- Siegel (OBB 2016) 2017 
Siegel, David (Dave)
UC Santa Barbara
Development of Robust Spectral Derivative Algorithms for Phytoplankton Pigment Concentrations on Local to Global Scales  -- Siegel (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Siegel, David (Dave)
UC Santa Barbara
Plumes and Blooms: A Multi-Decadal Coastal Bio-Optical Time-series and Retrospective Data Analysis  -- Siegel (TERAQEA 2013) 2014 
Silander, John
University of Connecticut
Spectral and Spatial Scaling in Biodiversity Remote Sensing: Research Conducive to BioSCape Science and Implementation Activities  -- Silander (BIODIV 2021) 2022 
Silva, Carlos Alberto
University of Florida, Gainesville
CMS4D: A multi-scale data-fusion prototype system for the next generation of carbon dynamics monitoring from space: a case study in the Brazilian Cerrado – fire and fuel in a biodiversity hotspot  -- Silva (CMS 2022) 2023 
Simard, Marc (Mac)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Quantifying Lateral Export of Carbon Across the World's Major River Deltas  -- Simard (CMS 2023) 2024 
Simard, Marc (Mac)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Delta-X: Enabling Deltas to Thrive in a Century of Rising Seas  -- Simard (EVS-3 2017) 2018 
Simard, Marc (Mac)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Global Hotspots of Change in Mangrove Forests  -- Simard (LCLUC 2020) 2020 
Simard, Marc (Mac)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Estimating Canopy Height using Repeat-Pass Polarimetric Interferometric (PolinSAR) Data from UAVSAR  -- Simard (TE 2013) 2014 
Siqueira, Paul
University of Massachusetts
NISAR Ecosystems and Permafrost Science in the ABoVE Domain  -- Siqueira (NSDT 2015) 2016 
Siqueira, Paul
University of Massachusetts
Modeling and Evaluation of Polarimetric SAR and InSAR for Forest Structure Estimation  -- Siqueira (TE 2012) 2013 
Skakun, Sergii
University of Maryland
Crop Yield Assessment and Mapping by a Combined use of Landsat-8, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 Images  -- Skakun (LCLUC 2017) 2017 
Skakun, Sergii
University of Maryland
High-Impact Hot Spots of Land Cover Land Use Change: Ukraine and Neighboring Countries  -- Skakun (LCLUC 2020) 2020 
Skole, David
Michigan State University
Monitoring and Mapping the Area, Extent and Shifting Geographies of Industrial Forests in the Tropics  -- Skole (LCLUC 2012) 2014 
Skole, David
Michigan State University
New Transitions in Smallholder Agricultural Systems that Promote Increased Tree Cover Outside of Forests  -- Skole (LCLUC 2018) 2019 
Skole, David
Michigan State University
Hotspot Detection for Monitoring New Trends in Carbon Sequestration in Systems of Trees Outside of Forests (TOF)  -- Skole (LCLUC 2020) 2019 
Slayback, Dan
Climatic and socioeconomic drivers of land-cover and land-use change in tropical Andean alpine wetlands  -- Slayback (LCLUC 2013) 2015 
Small, Christopher
Columbia University
Multi-Source Imaging of Infrastructure and Urban Growth Using Landsat, Sentinel and SRTM  -- Small (LCLUC 2014) 2015 
Smith, Thomas (Tom)
University of California, Los Angeles
Understanding Seed Dispersers Movements and Their Consequences Across Rainforest Gradients of Structural and Phenological Diversity  -- Smith (BIODIV 2020) 2020 
Smith, William (Bill)
University Of Arizona
Leveraging Field Experiments, Satellite Data and Models to Improve Understanding of the Role of Semi-Arid Ecosystems in the Global Carbon Cycle  -- Smith (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Smith, Laurence
Brown University
Sensitivity of Arctic-Boreal surface water to permafrost state  -- Smith (TE 2016) 2016 
Sokolik, Irina
Georgia Institute of Technology
Multiscale synthesis of land cover and land use, climatic and societal changes in drylands of Central Asia  -- Sokolik (LCLUC 2012) 2014 
Song, Conghe
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Impacts of Land-Use/Land-Cover and Climate Changes on the Gross and Net Primary Productivity in the Southeastern USA  -- Song (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Song, Lei (Future Investigator)
Clark University
Estes, Lyndon
Clark University
Combining Spatially-explicit Simulation of Animal Movement and Earth Observation to Reconcile Agriculture and Wildlife Conservation  -- Song (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Song, Xiaopeng
University of Maryland
Soybean Expansion in South America: Quantifying Historical Land-Use Change, Modeling Socioeconomic Drivers and Projecting Future Trajectories  -- Song (LCLUC 2019) 2021 
Song, Xiaopeng
University of Maryland
Energy LCLUC Hotspot: Characterizing the Dynamics of Energy Land Use and Assessing Environmental Impacts in the Permian Basin  -- Song (LCLUC 2022) 2022 
Song, Xiaopeng
University of Maryland
An integrated Assessment of Deforestation on Terrestrial Carbon Storage and Value of Ecosystem Services  -- Song (NESSF 2012) 2012 
Sonnett, Virginie (Future Investigator)
University of Rhode Island
Mouw, Colleen
University of Rhode Island
Linking hyperspectral optical properties with morphology and taxonomy for improved phytoplankton composition discrimination  -- Sonnet (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Sosik, Heidi
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Seasonal anomalies as proxies for phytoplankton community response to climate trends on a temperate continental shelf  -- Sosik (OBB 2012) 2013 
Sosik, Heidi
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Seasonal to Interannual Variability in Phytoplankton Biomass and Diversity on the New England Shelf: In Situ Time Series for Validation and Exploration of Remote Sensing Algorithms - Augmentation for flow cytobot  -- Sosik (TERAQ 2009) 2009 
Sousa, Daniel (Dan)
San Diego State University
Mapping and Monitoring Coastal Wastewater Pollution using Empirical Line Method-based Atmospheric Correction and Manifold Learning-based Data Fusion  -- Sousa (RSWQ 2022) 2022 
Sparks, Aaron
University Idaho
Understanding the socioeconomic drivers of agricultural land abandonment and associated fire risk in Greece  -- Sparks (LCLUC 2019) 2021 
Stamnes, Knut
Stevens Institute of Technology
Retrieval of Coastal and Inland Water Inherent Optical Properties based on Scientific Machine Learning Methods and Comprehensive Radiative Transfer Simulations  -- Stamnes (OBB 2020) 2021 
Stamnes, Snorre
The PACE-MAPP Algorithm: Coupled Aerosol and Ocean Products from Combined Polarimeter and OCI SWIR Measurements  -- Stamnes (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Stanimirova, Radost
Boston University
Dynamics of Global Rangelands: Modeling Vulnerabilities and Monitoring Impacts from Humans and Climate Change  -- Stanimirova (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Stavros, Natasha (Erica)
Ball Aerospace
Biodiversity across Scales: Mapping taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity with eDNA, Field Surveys, and Remote Sensing Data  -- Stavros (BIODIV 2021) 2022 
Stehman, Stephen (Steve)
State University of New York
Developing Statistically Rigorous Sampling Design and Analysis Methods to Reduce and Quantify Uncertainties Associated with Carbon Monitoring Systems  -- Stehman (CMS 2013) 2013 
Steinberg, Deborah (Debbie)
William & Mary - VIMS
Zooplankton-Mediated Export Pathways: Quantifying Fecal Pellet Export and Active Transport by Diel and Ontogenetic Vertical Migration in the North Pacific and Atlantic Oceans  -- Steinberg (OBB 2016) 2017 
Stephens, Connor (Future Investigator)
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Radeloff, Volker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Trends in, Drivers of, and Connections Between Wildfire Weather, Burned Area, and Browning Within the Circumboreal Region  -- Stephens (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Stokes, Eleanor (Kellie)
A Multi-Faceted, Pan-Mediterranean Assessment of Urban Land Change for the Evaluation of Interconnected Climate Risks  -- Stokes (LCLUC 2021) 2021 
Storey, Emanuel
San Diego State University
Uncoupling fire and drought impacts on chaparral  -- Storey (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Stovall, Atticus
BioREaCH: Biodiversity-Remote sensing for Estuarine and Coastal Habitat research  -- Stovall (BIODIV 2021) 2022 
Stow, Douglas (Doug)
San Diego State University
The Urban Transition in Ghana and Its Relation to Land Cover and Land Use Change Through Analysis of Multi-scale and Multi-temporal Satellite Image Data  -- Stow (IDS 2011) 2012 
Stramski, Dariusz
Next Generation Algorithms Based on PACE Capabilities to Obtain Inherent Optical Properties of Seawater Associated with Phytoplankton, Nonalgal Particles, and Colored Dissolved Organic Matter  -- Stramski (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Stramski, Dariusz
Quantifying the spectral absorption coefficients of phytoplankton and non-phytoplankton components of seawater from in situ and remote-sensing measurements  -- Stramski (PACEST 2013) 2015 
Stramski, Dariusz
Refinement, Evaluation, and Application of an Improved POC Ocean Color Product for Continuity of Climate Data Records  -- Stramski (TASNPP 2017) 2018 
Striegl, Rob
Vulnerability of inland waters and the aquatic carbon cycle to changing permafrost and climate across boreal northwestern North America  -- Striegl (TE 2014) 2015 
Stubbins, Aron
Northeastern University
Remote sensing of river carbon fluxes to the ocean  -- Stubbins (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Subburayalu, Sakthi Kumaran
Ohio State University
Using AVIRIS Imagery to Map Spatial Variability of Soil Carbon Across Diverse Agricultural Management Systems  -- Subburayalu (AVRSNG 2016) 2017 
Subramaniam, Ajit
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Multisensor Observation of Drivers of Phytoplankton Community Structure and Productivity in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean  -- Subramaniam (OBB 2020) 2021 
Subramaniam, Ajit
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Phytoplankton and Natural Hydrocarbon Seeps  -- Subramaniam (RRNES 2015) 2016 
Sullivan, James (Jim)
Florida Atlantic University
Improving IOP measurement uncertainties for PACE ocean color remote sensing applications.  -- Sullivan (PACEST 2013) 2014 
Sun, Xiaoli
Comparing ABoVE/ASCENDS airborne lidar measurements of XCO2 to those from atmospheric models & satellites  -- Sun (2020) 2020 
Sun, Ying
Cornell University
A High-Resolution Carbon Monitoring System for East Africa: Unifying Top-Down Atmospheric Inversion and Bottom-Up Next-Generation Vegetation-Soil Models and Observations  -- Sun (CMS 2020) 2021 
Sundquist, Shelby (Future Investigator)
Northern Arizona University
Goetz, Scott
Northern Arizona University
Characterizing immediate and mid-term climate effects on boreal forest dynamics to model long-term forest dynamics and management outcomes  -- Sundquist (FINESST 2021) 2022 
Swanson, Christine (Future Investigator)
University of Florida
Bohlman, Stephanie
University of Florida
Effects of dams on riparian vegetation in the Amazon: cumulative impacts and linkages to hydrology  -- Swanson (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Swenson, Jennifer
William & Mary
Generative Models to Forecast Community Reorganization with Climate Change  -- Swenson (AIST 2016) 2017 
Swenson, Jennifer
William & Mary
The bridge from canopy condition to continental scale biodiversity forecasts, including the rare species of greatest conservation concern  -- Swenson (AIST 2018) 2019 
Swenson, Nathan (Nate)
University of Notre Dame
Transcriptomics From Space: Linking Remote Sensing to Tree Gene Expression in a Diverse Set of Species Through the Growing Season and in Response to Water Deficit (ROSES-2020)  -- Swenson (BIODIV 2020) 2021 
Sziklay, Jamie
University of Hawaii
Predictive Models of Coral Disease in the Hawaiian Archipelago   -- Sziklay (NESSF 2015) 2015 
Tabatabaeenejad, Alireza
The Aerospace Corporation
Estimation of Belowground Biomass and Permafrost Active Layer Properties Using Radar and Lidar Measurements  -- Tabatabaeenejad (TE 2016) 2016 
Tadesse, Tsegaye
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Seasonal Prediction of Hydro-Climatic Extremes in the Greater Horn of Africa under Evolving Climate Conditions to Support Adaptation Strategies  -- Tadesse (IDS 2012) 2014 
Tang, Hao
National University of Singapore
Enhanced calibration and validation of GEDI footprint-level products by refining footprint geolocation accuracy over North America  -- Tang (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Tang, Hao
National University of Singapore
Integrating Space-Borne Lidar Observations to Characterize Vegetation Structure Dynamics Across Tropical Forests  -- Tang (NIP 2017) 2018 
Tape, Kenneth (Ken)
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Characterizing a widespread disturbance regime in the ABoVE domain: Beaver engineering  -- Tape (TE 2021) 2022 
Tavares-Reager, Joana (Future Investigator)
University of California
Mackay, Katherine
University of California
Quantifying Global and Regional Impacts of Ship Emissions on Marine Phytoplankton using MERRA-2 and other NASA Products  -- Tavares-Reager (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Tedesche, Molly
US Army Engineer Research & Development Center
Climate-Driven Extent Changes in Perennial Snowfields in the Central Brooks Range, Alaska: Utilizing Satellite Data to Investigate Impacts on Caribou and Inform Native Alaskan Subsistence Users  -- Tedesche (NESSF 2016) 2016 
Tellman, Elizabeth
University of Arizona
Understanding Flood Risk in Human Altered Landscapes from Cities to Farms: Inferences from Satellites and Machine Learning   -- Tellman (NIP 2020) 2021 
Thomas, Valerie
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Regionally Specific Drivers of Land-Use Transitions and Future Scenarios: A Synthesis Considering the Land Management Influence in the Southeastern US  -- Thomas (LCLUC 2015) 2016 
Thompson, David
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Improving Atmospheric Correction across the Indian Subcontinent  -- Thompson (CSESP 2016) 2016 
Thornton, Michele
Daymet Version 4  -- Thornton (2020) 2020 
Thornton, Peter
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Surface Weather Data with Uncertainty Quantification for Terrestrial Ecosystem Process Models  -- Thornton (TE 2012) 2013 
Tonelli, Ben (Future Investigator)
University of California, Los Angeles
Tingley, Morgan
University of California, Los Angeles
Linking emerging threats to wildlife and human health to climate change effects on boreal forest ecosystems  -- Tonelli (FINESST 2021) 2022 
Torres-Pérez, Juan
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute
Coral Bleaching Assessment Through Remote Sensing and Integrated Citizen Science (CoralBASICS)  -- Torres-Perez (CSESP 2016) 2017 
Torres-Pérez, Juan
Bay Area Environmental Research Institute
Watersheds, Water Quality, and Coastal Communities in Puerto Rico (Water2Coasts): An interdisciplinary island landscape to coastal ocean assessment with socioeconomic implications  -- Torres-Perez (IDS 2022) 2023 
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
Spectral Data Discovery, Access and Analysis through EcoSIS Toolkits  -- Townsend (AIST 2016) 2017 
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
On-Demand Geospatial Spectroscopy Processing Environment on the Cloud (GeoSPEC)  -- Townsend (AIST 2018) 2020 
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
Vegetation functional amplitudes along a rainfall gradient in Indian ecosystems using AVIRIS-NG  -- Townsend (AVRSNG 2016) 2017 
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
CapeTraits: Patterns of functional trait variation and diversity across the Greater Cape Floristic Region and comparison with other Mediterranean ecosystems  -- Townsend (BIODIV 2021) 2022 
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
Bringing Wildlife Management into Focus: Integrating Camera Traps, Remote Sensing and Citizen Science to Improve Population Modeling  -- Townsend (ECO4CAST 2012) 2014 
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
Measurement of ecosystem metabolism across climatic and vegetation gradients in California for the 2013-2014 NASA AVIRIS/MASTER airborne campaign  -- Townsend (HYSPIRI 2011) 2012 
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
Landscapes In Flux: The Influence of Demographic Change and Institutional Mechanisms on Land Cover Change, Climate Adaptability and Food Security in Rural India  -- Townsend (LCLUC 2015) 2016 
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
Ecological Spectral Information System (ESIS): Integration of Spectral Data with Measurements of Vegetation Functional Traits  -- Townsend (TE 2012) 2013 
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
Variation in Foliar Functional Traits across Environmental Gradients in ABoVE Landscapes  -- Townsend (TE 2018) 2019 
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
Functional diversity as a driver of GPP variation across the ABoVE domain  -- Townsend (TE 2021) 2022 
Townshend, John
University of Maryland
Multi-Source Imaging of Time-Serial Tree and Water Cover at Continental to Global Scales  -- Townshend (LCLUC 2014) 2015 
Townshend, John
University of Maryland
Vegetation Continuous Fields- Collection 6 Refinements  -- Townshend (TERAQEA 2013) 2014 
Treuhaft, Robert
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Tropical Moist Forest Structure and Biomass Estimation from Bistatic InSAR at X-band (TanDEM-X), Small- and Large-Spot Lidar, and Field Measurements  -- Treuhaft (TE 2011) 2012 
Troy, Austin
Spatial Informatics Group
Piloting the Use of Earth Observation Data in Support of National and Subnational Ecosystem Accounts in the United States  -- Troy (GEO 2016) 2018 
Tuholske, Cascade
Montana State University
Modulation of Climate Risks by Intensification of Urban and Agricultural Land Uses in the Arabian Peninsula  -- Tuholske (LCLUC 2022) 2022 
Turner, David
Oregon State University
Time Series Analysis of Disturbance Impacts on the Pacific Northwest Regional Carbon Balance  -- Turner (TE 2011) 2012 
Twardochleb, Laura
Michigan State University
Predicting Freshwater Biodiversity Across Scales Using Measures of Land Use, Climate, and Primary Productivity  -- Twardochleb (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Twardowski, Michael
Florida Atlantic University
Adapting a new ocean color algorithm to enhance water quality and validation capabilities for the future Sentinel constellation  -- Twardowski (ESUSPI 2018) 2019 
Twardowski, Michael
Florida Atlantic University
A New Semi-Analytical Ocean Color Model and Inversion Algorithm for PACE  -- Twardowski (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Twardowski, Michael
Florida Atlantic University
Improving retrieval of IOPs from ocean color remote sensing through explicit consideration of the volume scattering function  -- Twardowski (PACEST 2013) 2016 
Tyukavina, Alexandra (Sasha)
University of Maryland
Multi-Resolution Quantification and Driver Assessment of Hot Spots of Global Forest Disturbance  -- Tyukavina (LCLUC 2020) 2020 
Tzortziou, Maria
CCNY City University of New York / Columbia University LDEO
Tidal Wetlands as Sources and Sinks of Carbon in a Changing world: Remote Sensing, Measurements and Modeling of Wetland-Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions  -- Tzortziou (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Tzortziou, Maria
CCNY City University of New York / Columbia University LDEO
Arctic Deltas and Coastal Margins as Buffers and Transformers of Carbon Along a Rapidly Changing Land-Ocean Continuum  -- Tzortziou (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Tzortziou, Maria
CCNY City University of New York / Columbia University LDEO
Ecological and Sociodemographic Determinants and Impacts of Urbanization and Restoration on Intertwined Urban-Wetland-Estuarine Systems  -- Tzortziou (IDS 2016) 2017 
Tzortziou, Maria
CCNY City University of New York / Columbia University LDEO
Linking PACE to Ocean Applications: A Two#Way Approach to Maximize the Societal Value While Mitigating the Risk of the PACE Mission  -- Tzortziou (OCO2ST 2013) 2014 
Tzortziou, Maria
CCNY City University of New York / Columbia University LDEO
Linking PACE to Ocean Applications: A Two#Way Approach to Maximize the Societal Value While Mitigating the Risk of the PACE Mission  -- Tzortziou (PACEST 2013) 2015 
Tzortziou, Maria
CCNY City University of New York / Columbia University LDEO
Integrating multidisciplinary observations to understand the linkages between air quality and coastal ecology during the COVID-19 pandemic  -- Tzortziou (RRNES 2020) 2020 
Ungerer, Mark
Kansas State University
The biogeography and evolution of drought tolerance in grasses  -- Ungerer (NSF 2013) 2013 
Urban, Edward
Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Secretariat
Support of Science Activities for the Integrated Marine Biogeochemical and Ecosystem Research Project  -- Urban (OBB 2012) 2013 
Ury, Emily
Duke University
Birds-eye view on canopy stress from saltwater intrusion: integrating drone imagery and satellite remote sensing to aid coastal wetland restoration  -- Ury (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Ustin, Susan
University of California Davis
Identification of Plant Functional Types By Characterization of Canopy Chemistry Using an Automated Advanced Canopy Radiative Transfer Model  -- Ustin (HYSPIRI 2011) 2013 
Ustin, Susan
University of California Davis
Coastal Wetland and Near Shore Ecosystem Impacts from the Gulf of Mexico Horizon BP Oil Spill Monitored by NASA's AVIRIS and MASTER Imagers  -- Ustin (TE 2011) 2012 
Schollaert Uz, Stephanie
Supporting Shellfish Aquaculture in the Chesapeake Bay using Artificial Intelligence to Detect Poor Water Quality through Sampling and Remote Sensing  -- Uz (AIST 2018) 2019 
van Aardt, Jan
Rochester Institute of Technology
RadSCape: radiative transfer simulation and validation of the dynamic structural and spectral properties of the vegetation of the Cape  -- van Aardt (BIODIV 2021) 2022 
van Aardt, Jan
Rochester Institute of Technology
Investigating the impact of spatially-explicit sub-pixel structural variation on the assessment of vegetation structure from HyspIRI data  -- van Aardt (HYSPIRI 2011) 2013 
Van Den Hoek, Jamon
Oregon State University
Multi-Sensor Mapping of Refugee Agricultural LCLUC Hotspots in Uganda and Kenya  -- Van Den Hoek (LCLUC 2022) 2022 
Van Den Hoek, Jamon
Oregon State University
NPP fellowship  -- Van Den Hoek (NPP 2014) 2014 
van Diedenhoven, Bastiaan
SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research
Remote Sensing of Cloud Properties using PACE SPEXone and HARP-2  -- van Diedenhoven (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Van Meter, Kimberly
University of Illinois
Wetland Legacies: Using Remotely Sensed Data to Quantify the Landscape-Scale Effects of Drained Agricultural Wetlands on Water Quality and N2O Emissions   -- Van Meter (NIP 2020) 2021 
van Wagtendonk, Elizabeth (Liz)
University of Washington
Determining forest resilience to drought-induced mortality with effects on carbon storage  -- van Wagtendonk (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Varga, Kevin (Future Investigator)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Jones, Charles
University Of California, Santa Barbara
An Investigation into Wildfire Fuel Moisture Content: Dead or Alive  -- Varga (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Vargas, Rodrigo
University of Delaware
Reducing Uncertainty in Carbon Cycle Science of North America: A Synthesis Program Across United States and Mexico  -- Vargas (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Vargas, Rodrigo
University of Delaware
A framework for carbon monitoring and upscaling in forests across Mexico to support implementation of REDD+  -- Vargas (CMS 2013) 2013 
Vargas, Rodrigo
University of Delaware
Carbon monitoring systems across Mexico to support implementation of REDD+: maximizing benefits and knowledge  -- Vargas (CMS 2016) 2017 
Vargas, Rodrigo
University of Delaware
Carbon monitoring system across Mexico: continued development and application at the national scale  -- Vargas (CMS 2020) 2021 
Varner, Ruth
University of New Hampshire
From Archaea to the Atmosphere: Integrating Microbial, Isotopic and Landscape-Scale Observations to Quantify Methane Emissions from Global High-Latitude Ecosystems  -- Varner (IDS 2016) 2017 
Vega-Rodriguez, Maria
University of South Florida
Influence of Temperature and Water Quality Variability on Coral Reef Diversity  -- Vega-Rodriguez (NESSF 2012) 2012 
Vermote, Eric
Development of the VIIRS climate quality surface reflectance product suite  -- Vermote (SNPP 2013) 2013 
Vermote, Eric
Maintenance and refinement of the Suomi NPP VIIRS Land Surface Reflectance product suite  -- Vermote (TASNPP 2017) 2017 
Vermote, Eric
Maintenance and refinement of the MODIS Aqua/Terra surface reflectance product suite  -- Vermote (TERAQEA 2013) 2013 
Vierling, Kerri
University of Idaho, Moscow
Evaluating GEDI data fusion tradeoffs for characterizing critical habitat components for animals and biodiversity assessments  -- Vierling (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Vierling, Lee
University of Idaho
Quantifying Thresholds in Arctic Tundra Vegetation Structure and Ecosystem Function Using LiDAR and Multispectral Remote Sensing  -- Vierling (TE 2011) 2012 
Vincent, Jeffrey
Duke University
Consequences of Changing Mangrove Forests in South Asia on the Provision of Global Ecosystem Goods and Services  -- Vincent (LCLUC 2015) 2016 
Vogeler, Jody
Colorado State University
The Last Urban Frontier: Assessing Drivers of Urbanization and Tradeoffs Among Social and Ecosystem Services Associated with LCLUC in Africa  -- Vogeler (LCLUC 2020) 2020 
Vorosmarty, Charles
Coastal Hypoxia Analysis and Risk Tracking (CHART) through Remote Sensing and Process-Based Modeling in South and Southeast Asia  -- Vorosmarty (IDS 2016) 2017 
Vorosmarty, Charles
Global-Scale Assessment of Threatened River Delta Systems: Evaluation of Connections Between the Continental Land Mass and Ocean Through Integrated Remote Sensing and Process Modeling  -- Vorosmarty (LCLUC 2010) 2012 
Voss, Ken
Physics Dept, Univ of Miami
Developing a MOBY-NET instrument, suitable for a federation network for Vicarious Calibration of Ocean Color Satellites  -- Voss (OBB 2014) 2014 
Waldrop, Mark
Microbe-Mineral Interactions and the Fate of Carbon Along Soil Climo-Chronosequences  -- Waldrop (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Walker, Wayne
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Direct Measurement of Aboveground Carbon Dynamics in Support of Large-Area CMS Development  -- Walker (CMS 2014) 2014 
Walker, Donald (Skip)
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Yamal LCLUC Synthesis: A synthesis of remote-sensing studies, ground observations & modeling to understand the social-ecological consequences of climate change & resource development on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia & relevance to the circumpolar Arctic  -- Walker (LCLUC 2012) 2014 
Walker, Donald (Skip)
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Recovery and Archiving of Key Arctic Alaska Vegetation Map and Plot Data for Long-Term Vegetation Analyses  -- Walker (TE 2012) 2013 
Walker, Xanthe
Northern Arizona University
Drivers and Impacts of Reburning in boreal forest Ecosystems (DIRE)  -- Walker (TE 2021) 2022 
Wallace, Zach
Oregon State
Significance of Calcifiers to the Iron and Carbon Cycles in the Patagonia Shelf Region: A Modeling and Satellite-Derived Analysis Approach  -- Wallace (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Walsh, Stephen
University of North Carolina
Synthesis of Drivers, Patterns, and Trajectories of LCLUC in Island Ecosystems  -- Walsh (LCLUC 2015) 2016 
Wang, Yeqiao (Y.Q.)
University of Rhode Island
A decision support system for monitoring, reporting and forecasting the ecological conditions of the Appalachian National Scenic Trail  -- WANG (DECISIONS 2008) 2009 
Wang, Xian (Future Investigator)
University of Arizona
Smith, William (Bill)
University Of Arizona
Advancing Understanding of Dryland Carbon Uptake Using Novel Remote Sensing Techniques  -- Wang (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Wang, Dongdong
University of Maryland
Improved land products of incident downward shortwave radiation and photosynthetically active radiation from MODIS data  -- Wang (TASNPP 2017) 2018 
Wang, Jonathan (Jon)
University of Utah
Quantifying disturbance and global change impacts on multi-decadal trends in aboveground biomass and land cover across Arctic-boreal North America  -- Wang (TE 2021) 2022 
Wang, Dongdong
University of Maryland
Producing incident shortwave radiation and photosynthetically active radiation products over land surfaces from MODIS and multiple geostationary satellite data  -- Wang (TERAQ 2013) 2013 
Ward Jones, Melissa
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Degrading Ice-wedges: Using Field, Airborne and Satellite Measurements to Link Fine-scale Micro-topographic Changes to Large-scale Impacts in Terrestrial Permafrost Systems  -- Ward Jones (NIP 2020) 2021 
Waring, Richard (Dick)
Oregon State University
Mapping of stress on native tree species across the western United States and Canada: interpretation of climatically-induced changes using a physiologically-based approach  -- Waring (BIOCLIM 2010) 2011 
Watson, Kassondra (Future Investigator)
Portland State University
Behrenfeld, Michael
Oregon State University
Dynamics and Decadal Changes in Marine Phytoplankton Blooms Captured in the Ocean Color Remote Sensing Record  -- Watson (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Watson, James
Oregon State University
Securing Sustainable Seas: Near Real-Time Monitoring and Prediction of Global Fishing Fleet Behavior  -- Watson (SLSCVC 2018) 2018 
Watts, Jennifer
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Developing high spatiotemporal resolution inundation maps to detect rapid changes in surface hydrology and methane hotspots across ecosystem gradients in Alaska  -- Watts (CSDA 2020) 2021 
Watts, Jennifer
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Reconciling Carbon Flux Budgets in Alaska and northwest Canada through Integrated Satellite, Airborne, and Field Measurements  -- Watts (NIP 2017) 2018 
Watts, Jennifer
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Contributions of tundra and boreal systems to radiative forcing in North America and Russia under contemporary and future conditions  -- Watts (TE 2021) 2022 
Webb, Elizabeth (Future Investigator)
University of Florida
Lichstein, Jeremy
University of Florida
Vegetation dynamics as drivers of albedo change in northern high latitude ecosystems  -- Webb (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Wei, Chenyang
State University of New York, Buffalo
Monitoring, Modeling, and Projecting Global Dynamics in Alpine Treeline Ecotones under Climate Change  -- Wei (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Wei, Jianwei
Upgrade the Kd(490) Product to the Normalized Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient at 490 nm (nKd(490)) for Suomi NPP  -- Wei (SNPP 2013) 2014 
Weiss, Elliot
UV Absorption of Mycosporine-like Amino Acids (MAAs) for Remote Sensing of Phytoplankton Community Structure and Dynamics  -- Weiss (NESSF 2016) 2016 
Wen, Jiaming (Future Investigator)
Carnegie Institution for Science
Sun, Ying
Cornell University
Understanding and Predicting the Interannual Variability (IAV) of the Global Terrestrial Carbon Cycle  -- Wen (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Wendland, Kelly
University of Idaho
Land tenure, property rights, and land cover and land use change at transboundary sites in the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor  -- Wendland (LCLUC 2011) 2013 
Wenger, Seth
University of Georgia
A system to forecast the demographic and genetic viability of salmonid fish across broad regions under changing climates  -- Wenger (ECO4CAST 2012) 2014 
Wennberg, Paul
Quantifying Changes in the Distribution and Cycling of Carbon With Total Column Measurements of CO2 and CH4  -- Wennberg (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Wennberg, Paul
Changes in the Carbon Cycle Observed in Greenhouse Gas Total Columns-TCCON  -- Wennberg (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Werdell, Paul (Jeremy)
Maintenance and performance assessment of aquatic inherent optical properties to support VIIRS ocean color science  -- Werdell (SNPPS 2021) 2021 
Werdell, Paul (Jeremy)
Maintenance and performance assessment of aquatic inherent optical properties to support VIIRS ocean color science  -- Werdell (SNPPSP 2020) 2021 
Werdell, Paul (Jeremy)
Advancing the retrieval of marine inherent optical properties from multi-sensor, multi-spectral satellite ocean color radiometry  -- Werdell (TASNPP 2017) 2018 
Werdell, Paul (Jeremy)
Advancing the retrieval of marine inherent optical properties from satellite ocean color radiometry  -- Werdell (TERAQEA 2013) 2014 
Westberry, Toby
Oregon State University
A Net Primary Production Algorithm for Application to PACE  -- Westberry (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Westberry, Toby
Oregon State University
A next-generation net primary production model for application to MODIS Aqua  -- Westberry (TERAQ 2013) 2014 
Westberry, Toby
Oregon State University
Refinement of global MODIS chlorophyll fluorescence quantum yields  -- Westberry (TERAQEA 2013) 2014 
Wetherley, Erin
Using HyspIRI-like Data to Quantify the Effects of Urban Vegetation and Materials on Microclimate at Sub-Pixel Scales  -- Wetherley (NESSF 2016) 2016 
Wethey, David (Dave)
University of South Carolina
Physiological impacts of climate change using remote sensing: An integrative approach to predicting patterns of species abundance and distribution and thresholds of ecosystem collapse  -- Wethey (BIOCLIM 2010) 2011 
Wethey, David (Dave)
University of South Carolina
ECOSTRESS- Heat and Desiccation Risk Prediction in Intertidal Shellfisheries  -- Wethey (ECOSTRESS 18) 2019 
Whelan, Mary
Rutgers University
New Estimates of Terrestrial Carbon and Water Fluxes by Combining the Carbonyl Sulfide Stomatal Conductance Tracer Framework and High Resolution Surface Data  -- Whelan (ECOSTRESS 18) 2019 
Whitt, Daniel (Dan)
Elucidating the Role of the Ocean Circulation in Changing North Atlantic Ocean Nutrients and Biological Productivity  -- Whitt (NIP 2020) 2021 
Wilcock, Ronni
Two Bears Environmental Consulting
Development of an Integrated Climate Resiliency Index - ICRI  -- Wilcock (NSF 2020) 2020 
Williams, Christopher (Chris)
Clark University
Translating Forest Change to Carbon Emissions/Removals Linking Disturbance Products, Biomass Maps, and Carbon Cycle Modeling in a Comprehensive Carbon Monitoring Framework  -- Williams (CMS 2014) 2014 
Wilsey, Brian
Iowa State University
C-Cycling in Native Vs. Non-Native Dominated Systems  -- Wilsey (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Wilson, Adam
University at Buffalo
Monitoring Dimensions of Biodiversity in a Mega-Diverse Region of Southern Africa: from Traits to Communities to Ecosystems  -- Wilson (BIODIV 2015) 2016 
Wilson, Adam
University at Buffalo
Near-Real-time Forecasting and Change Detection for a Fire-Prone Shrubland Ecosystem  -- Wilson (ECO4CAST 2020) 2021 
Wilson, Emily
Characterizing Thawing Permafrost Carbon Emissions: An Integrated Pilot Study in Support of Satellite Evaluation/Design and Earth System Modeling Capabilities  -- Wilson (IDS 2012) 2014 
Wimberly, Michael (Mike)
University Of Oklahoma, Norman
Drought, Disturbance, and Carbon Dynamics of West African Tropical Forests  -- Wimberly (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Windham-Myers, Lisamarie
United States Geological Survey
Linking Satellite and Soil Data to Validate Coastal Wetland 'Blue Carbon' Inventories: Upscaled Support for Developing MRV and REDD+ Protocols  -- Windham-Myers (CMS 2014) 2014 
Winker, David
NASA Langley
CALIPSO Observations in Support of OCO-2 Validation  -- Winker (OCO2ST 2014) 2015 
Wofsy, Steven (Steve)
Harvard University
Validation and Application of OCO-2 data in the Northeastern United States  -- Wofsy (OCO2ST 2014) 2015 
Wolfe, Glenn
BlueFlux-2: Multi-Scale Measurements of Blue Carbon Ecosystems to Support Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Southern Florida  -- Wolfe (CMS 2023) 2024 
Wood, Danielle
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Designing Applications to Foster the Health of Terrestrial and Wetland Ecosystems in the Coastal Zone of West Africa  -- Wood (SLSCVC 2018) 2018 
Woodcock, Curtis
Boston University
A pantropical monitoring system of carbon emissions and removals from forest degradation, deforestation, and forest expansion and growth  -- Woodcock (CMS 2018) 2019 
Woodcock, Curtis
Boston University
Enhancing Compatibility of Sentinel 2 and Landsat products for improved monitoring of the Earth System  -- Woodcock (ESUSPI 2010) 2011 
Woodcock, Curtis
Boston University
Landscape-Scale Histories and Active Monitoring of Disturbance, Seasonality and Greenness Trends for ABOVE from Landsat  -- Woodcock (TE 2014) 2015 
Woodcock, Curtis
Boston University
Near real-time monitoring of land cover disturbance by fusion of MODIS and Landsat data  -- Woodcock (TERAQ 2013) 2014 
Worden, John
CH4 Emissions Estimates From Tropical and Subtropical Fires Using Aura TES CH4 and Terra MOPITT CO Profiles  -- Worden (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Worden, John
Quantifying and Partitioning the Global Methane Budget Using Satellite and Ground Based Measurements Of CH4 and Tracers of Its Sources and Sinks  -- Worden (CMS 2018) 2019 
Worden, John
Global methane budgets with improved information content, spatial resolution, and science/policy utility through integration of GOSAT, TROPOMI, and AVIRIS-NG data sets  -- Worden (CMS 2022) 2023 
Worden, John
Understanding The Atmospheric Methane Budget And Trends Using Satellite Observations In Combination With New Emission Inventories And Biogeochemical Models  -- Worden (IDS 2016) 2017 
Woznicki, Sean
Grand Valley State University
Water Scarcity in the Serbian Danube: Agricultural Land Use Change and Irrigation  -- Woznicki (LCLUC 2021) 2021 
Wu, Jinghui
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
BIOSCape - Mapping of phytoplankton functional types from space in support of coastal resource management and decision support activities  -- Wu (BIODIV 2021) 2022 
Wu, Weiguang (Future Investigator)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Mahadevan, Amala
Ocean Eddy Splitting and the Associated Vertical Transport of Surface Phytoplankton Carbon  -- Wu (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Wu, Genghong (Future Investigator)
University of Illinois
Guan, Kaiyu
University of Illinois
Developing novel GPP estimation for crops at field-level using new-generation satellite data in the US Corn Belt  -- Wu-G (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Wu, Yue (Sophy) (Future Investigator)
University of Texas at Austin
Chen, Jingyi (Ann)
University of Texas at Austin
Monitoring Soil Water and Organic Carbon Storage Patterns at the Arctic Foothills, Alaska, using InSAR  -- Wu-Y (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Wynne, Randolph (Randy)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Spatiotemporal Drivers of Fine-Scale Forest Plantation Establishment in Village-Based Economies of Andhra Pradesh  -- Wynne (LCLUC 2015) 2016 
Xi, Xin
Michigan Technological University
Mapping and modeling desertification and its impact on aeolian dust and human health in Central Asia  -- Xi (LCLUC 2019) 2021 
Xiao, Jingfeng
University of New Hampshire
Exploring the Interactions Between Carbon Cycling, Land Use and Climate Change Within Mixed Agricultural, Forested, Suburban, and Urban Landscapes  -- Xiao (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Xiao, Jingfeng
University of New Hampshire
Understanding Diurnal Cycles of Plant Water Use and Carbon Uptake with Existing and New Products Based on ECOSTRESS, MODIS, and FLUXNET  -- Xiao (ECOSTRESS 18) 2019 
Yamamoto, Kana (Future Investigator)
University of California, Santa Barbara
DeVries, Tim
University of California, Santa Barbara
Constraining CDOM Dynamics and Reactivity in the Global Ocean  -- Yamamoto (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Yan, Lin
Michigan State University
Forced and truncated agrarian transitions in Asia through the lens of field size change  -- Yan (LCLUC 2018) 2019 
Yan, Lin
Michigan State University
Drivers and Constraints of Land Cover Land Use Change in Asian Quaculture Hotspots  -- Yan (LCLUC 2022) 2022 
Yeo, In-Young
University of Maryland
Mapping and Monitoring of Wetland Dynamics for Improved Resilience and Delivery of Ecosystem Services in the Mid-Atlantic Region  -- Yeo (LCLUC 2010) 2012 
Yin, He
Kent State University
The Effects of the Syrian Civil War on Cropland in the Eastern Mediterranean Region   -- Yin (NIP 2020) 2021 
Youngflesh, Casey
Clemson University
Environmental Forcing of Antarctic Food Web Dynamics - a Multi-Tiered Approach Employing Multispectral Imagery, Field Spectroscopy, and Stable Isotope Analysis  -- Youngflesh (NESSF 2016) 2016 
Yu, Mei
University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
Vulnerability and adaptive management of tropical coastal wetlands  -- Yu (LCLUC 2010) 2012 
Yu, Xueying
University of Minnesota
Constraining and Projecting Wetland Methane Emissions in the Northern United States  -- Yu (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Zaiats, Andrii (Future Investigator)
Boise State
Caughlin, T. (Trevor)
Boise State
Integrating UAS, Landsat, and ECOSTRESS to Fit Landscape-Level Demographic Models for Climate-Resilient Ecological Restoration  -- Zaiats (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Zarnetske, Phoebe
Michigan State University
Connecting Biodiversity, Geodiversity, and Remote Sensing Across Scales  -- Zarnetske (BIODIV 2015) 2016 
Zhai, Pengwang
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Theoretical Support for Developing the PACE Atmospheric Correction Algorithm: Radiative Transfer and Polarimetric Retrieval of Aerosol Properties  -- Zhai (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Zhai, Pengwang
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Atmospheric Correction for Complex Scenes Using Co-located Polarimetric and Ocean Color Observations  -- Zhai (RSWQ 2016) 2017 
Zhang, Xuesong
USDA Agricultural Research Service
Monitoring Changes in the Carbon Budget of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Caused by Agricultural Conservation through Integrating Remote Sensing Data and Modeling   -- Zhang (CMS 2022) 2023 
Zhang, Yingjun (Future Investigator)
University of South Florida
Hu, Chuanmin
University of South Florida
Sub-mesoscale eddies derived from novel ocean color imagery and ICESat missions in support of the SWOT mission  -- Zhang (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Zhang, Xiaodong
University of Southern Mississippi
Using Multi-Angle Polarimetry to Derive Χ Factor and Improve BRDF Correction for PACE's OCI  -- Zhang (PACESAT 2019) 2020 
Zhang, Xiaodong
University of Southern Mississippi
Understanding natural variability of VSFs and its impact on biogeochemical retrieval from ocean color  -- Zhang (PACEST 2013) 2015 
Zhang, Xiaoyang
South Dakota State University
Development and Validation of a Global Land Surface Phenology Product from NPP VIIRS for EOS-MODIS Continuity  -- Zhang (SNPP 2013) 2014 
Zhang, Xiaoyang
South Dakota State University
Maintenance and Refinement of the Global Land Surface Phenology Product from NPP VIIRS for EOS-MODIS Continuity  -- Zhang (TASNPP 2017) 2017 
Zhang, Qingyuan
Retrieval and Validation of fAPARchl from the MODIS Sensors Onboard TERRA and AQUA:A New Product  -- Zhang (TERAQ 2013) 2013 
Zhang, Qingyuan
Carbon Monitoring and Ecosystem Feedbacks Prediction Using fAPARchl and the Community Land Model (CLM)  -- Zhang-Q (TE 2011) 2012 
Zhang, Xuesong
USDA Agricultural Research Service
Anticipating Agroecosystem Impacts of and Feedbacks to Climate Change in the Midwest US through Integration of a Coupled Climate-Agroecosystem Model with Satellite Data  -- Zhang-X (TE 2011) 2012 
Zhang, Xiaodong
University of Southern Mississippi
Optically resolving size and composition distributions of particles in the dissolved-particulate continuum from 20 nm to 20 mm to improve the estimate of carbon flux  -- Zhang-Xiaodong (OBB 2016) 2017 
Zhao, Yilun (Future Investigator)
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Diao, Chunyuan
University of Illinois
Evaluating the influence of biocontrol program on the Colorado River biodiversity with multi-source time series imagery  -- Zhao (FINESST 2021) 2022 
Zhou, Tianyu (Future Investigator)
University of Delaware
Li, Yun
University of Delaware
Changes of Net Community Production in the Western Arctic Ocean: Combining Remote Sensing and in situ Observations for Machine-Learning-based Mapping and Dynamics-Driven Understanding  -- Zhou (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Zhu, Qing
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Prototyping a monitoring system of global wetland CH4 emissions with machine learning and satellite remote sensing  -- Zhu (CMS 2020) 2021 
Zhuang, Qianlai
Purdue University
The role of boreal wildfires in the global carbon budget: A process-based analysis using satellite-derived fire burn severity data  -- Zhuang (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Zhuang, Qianlai
Purdue University
Regional and Global Climate and Societal Impacts of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change in Northern Eurasia: A Synthesis Study Using Remote Sensing Data and An Integrated Global System Model  -- Zhuang (LCLUC 2012) 2014 
Zhuang, Qianlai
Purdue University
Role of linked hydrological, permafrost, ground ice, and land cover changes in regional carbon balance across boreal and arctic landscapes  -- Zhuang (TE 2021) 2022 
Ziccardi, Leonardo (Future Investigator)
Michigan State University
Stark, Scott
Michigan State University
Can Solar-Induced Fluorescence (SIF) Reveal Leaf-Scale Drivers of Amazon Forest Response to Climate and Disturbance? A Christmas Blowdown Presents a New Opportunity to Improve SIF Remote Sensing Science  -- Ziccardi (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Zimmerman, Richard
Old Dominion University
Quantification of Blue Carbon Burial in Seagrass Ecosystems and the Impact of Projected Climate Change  -- Zimmerman (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Zimmerman, Richard
Old Dominion University
Prototype for a Blue Carbon Observatory: Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay - Where's the Peat?  -- Zimmerman (CMS 2023) 2024 
Zuckerberg, Ben
University of Wisconsin
Re-wilding Urban Environments: Integrating Remote Sensing and Citizen Science to Study the Environmental Context and Ecological Consequences of Returning Avian Predators  -- Zuckerberg (CSESP 2016) 2017 
Zuckerberg, Ben
University of Wisconsin
Applying Sustainable Development Goals to the Conservation of Winter Environments and Cold-Adapted Species in a Warming World  -- Zuckerberg (SLSCVC 2018) 2018 
Zuckerwise, Amelia (Future Investigator)
University of Michigan
Carter, Neil
University of Michigan
Integrating Models of Ephemeral Water and Wildlife Energetics Using Synthetic Aperture Radar  -- Zuckerwise (FINESST 2022) 2023 

Previously Funded Research (prior to 2015)
  • 790 projects (ended prior to 2015)
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Project LeadsProject TitleStart
Abbott (2004) EOS Terra Direct Broadcast Receiving Station: Support for Ocean and Terrestrial Ecology  -- Abbott (2004) 2004 
Aizen, Vladimir
University of Idaho
Estimation of seasonal snow cover and glacial are changes in central Asia during the last 50 years using NASA ESE products and in-situ data  -- Aizen (NEWS 2004) 2005 
Albertson, John
Cornell University
Optimal Dynamic Predictions of Semi-Arid Land Cover Change and Implications for Ecosystem Goods and Services  -- Albertson (LCLUC 2007) 2008 
Ambrosia (REASON 2002) NASA Wildfire Response, R&D Applications and Technology Implementation  -- Ambrosia (REASON 2002) 2003 
Andrews, Arlyn
NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
North American Regional-Scale Flux Estimation and Observing System Design for the NASA Carbon Monitoring System  -- Andrews (CMS 2011) 2012 
Arellano, Avelino (Ave)
University of Arizona
Development of a Carbon Monitoring System from an Ensemble Coupled Data Assimilation Perspective  -- Arellano (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Arrigo, Kevin
Stanford University
Investigations of Climate and Environmental Change on Arctic Pacific Shelves (ICECAPS)  -- Arrigo (2010) 2010 
Arrigo, Kevin
Stanford University
Primary production and air-sea CO2 exchange in the Northern Polar Seas  -- Arrigo (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Arrigo (NESSF 2004) Determine Taxon Specific POC Using Remote Sensing  -- Arrigo (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Arrigo, Kevin
Stanford University
Multi-Decadal, Multi-Sensor Investigation of Primary Production within the Antarctic Ice Pack  -- Arrigo (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Arrigo (NESSF 2007) Modeling air-sea CO2 fluxes in the Southern Ocean using a multi-satellite approach  -- Arrigo (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Arrigo, Kevin
Stanford University
Palmer, Molly
Modeling primary productivity and carbon cycling in the Beaufort Sea, Canadian Arctic, using a multi-satellite approach  -- Arrigo (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Arrigo, Kevin
Stanford University
Brown, Zachary
The environmental drivers of phytoplankton production in the Bering Sea: a remote sensing approach  -- Arrigo (NESSF 2010) 2011 
Arrigo, Kevin
Stanford University
Multi-Decadal, Multi-Sensor Investigation of Primary Production within the Antarctic Ice Pack  -- Arrigo (OBB 2004) 2005 
Asner, Gregory (Greg)
Carnegie Institution
Regional Carbon Storage Responses to Woody Encroachment in Western Pinyon-Juniper Systems  -- Asner (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Asner, Gregory (Greg)
Carnegie Institution
Integrating Satellite, Modeling and Synthesis Approaches to Understand the Role of Selective Logging on Biogeochemical Cycles in Amazonia  -- Asner (TE LBA 2005) 2006 
Asner, Gregory (Greg)
Carnegie Institution
Effects of Invasive Species on Ecosystem Structure and Function Combining Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy and Field Studies in Hawai'i  -- Asner (TEB 2005) 2006 
Avissar, Roni
University of Miami
Processing, Analysis, and Interpretation of the Observations Conducted with the Duke University Helicopter Observation Platform during Clasic 2007  -- Avissar (2008) 2008 
Balch, William (Barney)
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Huntington, Thomas
U. S. Geological Survey
Using remote sensing to understand carbon flow and its transformations from upland ecosystems into the coastal ocean  -- Balch (2007) 2007 
Balch (EOS 2006) A Proposal for Refinement of the MODIS Calcite Algorithm and Cal/Val Activities Towards Assembly of Earth System Data Records  -- Balch (EOS 2006) 2007 
Balch, William (Barney)
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Land-to-sea carbon export from the northeast watersheds of North America to the northwest Atlantic Ocean  -- Balch (IDS 2009) 2011 
Balch, William (Barney)
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
“GNATS”, the Gulf of Maine North Atlantic Time Series: Integrating terrestrial and ocean carbon cycles in a coastal shelf sea through coordinated ship and satellite observations  -- Balch (NACP 2005) 2006 
Balch, William (Barney)
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Generating Environmental Data Records of Ocean Particulate Inorganic Carbon with NPP/NPOESS  -- Balch (NPP 2010) 2011 
Balch, William (Barney)
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Coccolithophores of the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas: Harbingers of a polar biogeochemical province in transition?  -- Balch (OBB 2009) 2010 
Balch, William (Barney)
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Science data analysis for the MODIS ocean product for particulate inorganic carbon (PIC)  -- Balch (TERAQ 2009) 2010 
Baldocchi (NESSF 2004) Comparison of Biogeochemical Models with Different Complexity in Modeling Net Primary Productivity in a Savanna Ecosystem in California  -- Baldocchi (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Band (NESSF 2006) Urban Landscape Patterns: Impacts on Hydrologic Processes and Nitrogen Pollution  -- Band (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Barber, Richard (Dick)
Duke University
Impact of Pacific Climate Variability on Ocean Circulation, Marine Ecosystem and Living Resources: A Multi-Scale Modeling and Data Assimilation Approach to Forecasting  -- Barber (IDS 2003) 2004 
Barros, Ana
Duke University
Brun, Julien
University of California Santa Barbara
Using Satellite Data to Characterize the Role of Tropical Cyclones in the Ecohydrology of the Southeast US  -- Barros (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Bates, Nicholas
Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences
Investigation of the Controls and Feedbacks on the Biogeochemical Cycling of Inorganic Carbon, Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes and Ocean Acidification Effects on the Arctic Pacific Shelves  -- Bates (OBB 2009) 2010 
Behrenfeld, Michael
Oregon State University
The Equatorial Box Project  -- Behrenfeld (IDS 2003) 2005 
Behrenfeld, Michael
Oregon State University
Quantifying Ocean Productivity through Improvements in Satellite-Derived Phytoplankton Physiology and Carbon Biomass  -- Behrenfeld (OBB 2004) 2005 
Dall'Olmo, Giorgio
Oregon State University
Investigating the size-dependence of remotely-sensed and in-situ optical proxies of phytoplankton physiology  -- Behrenfeld (OBB 2008) 2009 
Behrenfeld, Michael
Oregon State University
Diagnosing Nutrient Constraints on Phytoplankton of the Global Oceans using MODIS Fluorescence Measurements  -- Behrenfeld-1 (EOS 2006) 2007 
Behrenfeld, Michael
Oregon State University
The Ocean Productivity Website Project and Stewardship of NASA Standard Productivity Products  -- Behrenfeld-2 (EOS 2006) 2007 
Bender, Michael
Princeton University
Studies of Net and Gross Production in the Southern Ocean: Controls and Scaling  -- Bender (2006) 2006 
Bender, Michael
Princeton University
Huang, Kuan
Picarro, Inc
Net Community Production and the f-ratio off the Western Antarctica Peninsula: Estimates from measurements of O2 properties and satellite-based data  -- Bender (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Bender, Michael
Princeton University
Primary Production and Net Community Production in the Southern Ocean: Integrating Results from Modeling, Remote Sensing, and Extensive Recent Observations  -- Bender (OBB 2006) 2007 
Bergstrom, Robert
Extending the Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System (TOPS) to NPP Applications  -- Bergstrom (NPP 2010) 2009 
Berry (NESSF 2005) Linking MODIS with Tower Fux Data Using a Kalman Filter to Reconcile Parameter-Dependent Models with Noisy Data (Advisor Berry, Joe Andrew)  -- Berry (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Birdsey, Richard (Rich)
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Integrating Landscape-scale Forest Measurements with Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Models to Improve Carbon Management  -- Birdsey (2005) 2005 
Bohrer, Gil
Ohio State University
Discovering relationships between climate and animal migration with new tools for linking animal movement tracks with weather and land surface data  -- Bohrer (BIOCLIM 2010) 2011 
Bohrer, Gil
Ohio State University
Bova, Anthony
Incorporating the effects of tree-scale land-surface heterogeneity on litter moisture for use in regional models of wildland fire dynamics and fire risk  -- Bohrer (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Bohrer, Gil
Ohio State University
Kenny, William
Modeling the effect of high-resolution land-surface heterogeneity and forest structure on emission, chemistry, and dispersion of volatile organic compounds and reactant species  -- Bohrer (NESSF 2010) 2011 
Bolstad, Paul
University of Minnesota
Testing the Flux Tower Upscaling Hypothesis at a Regional Scale in a Complex Landscape  -- Bolstad (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Boschetti, Luigi
University of Idaho
MODIS-Landsat data fusion for high spatial resolution multiannual wall to wall burned area mapping of the conterminous United States  -- Boschetti (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Boss, Emmanuel
University of Maine
Estapa, Margaret
University of Maine
Assessing impacts on carbon transport from land to ocean: photochemical transformations of particulate organic carbon  -- Boss (NESSF 2008) 2008 
Bounoua, Lahouari
A Satellite Supported Inverse Biophysical Modeling Approach for the Detection of Irrigated Agricultural Land and the Determination of the Amount of Irrigation in Arid and Semi Arid Regions.  -- Bounoua (LCLUC 2009) 2011 
Bounoua, Lahouari
Development and Validation of Process Algorithms of Urbanization for Water Cycle, Data Assimilation and Cliimate Studies  -- Bounoua (NEWS 2004) 2005 
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura
Michigan Technological University
Linking Remote Sensing and Process-Based Models to Better Understand the Influence of Land Use and Climate Changes on Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands  -- Bourgeau-Chavez (IDS 2009) 2011 
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura
Michigan Technological University
Vulnerability of North American Boreal Peatlands To Interactions Between Climate, Hydrology, and Wildland Fires  -- Bourgeau-Chavez (TE 2008) 2009 
Bowling, David
University of Utah
Long-Term Assessment of Isotopic Exchange of Carbon Dioxide in a Subalpine Forest (Niwot Ridge AmeriFlux site)  -- Bowling (CARBON 2004) 2004 
Bowling, Laura
Purdue University
Multisensor/Multiscale assessment of urban impacts in the Great Lakes Region  -- Bowling (LCLUC 2005) 2006 
Bowman, Kevin
Continuation of the Carbon Monitoring System Flux Pilot Project  -- Bowman (CMS 2011) 2012 
Braswell, Bobby (Rob)
Applied Geosolutions
Fast Fluxes and Slow Pools: Integrating Eddy Covariance and Ecosystem Process Observation within a Data Assimilation Framework  -- Braswell (2003) 2003 
Brown, Molly
University of Maryland
Developing a Framework for Evaluating CMS Pilot Products to Promote Engagement with the User Community  -- Brown (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Brown, Molly
University of Maryland
Cereal price forecasting in West Africa using NASA Satellite Remote Sensing - PI  -- Brown (FEASIBILITY 2008) 2009 
Brown, Daniel (Dan)
University of Michigan
Grassland Ecosystems and Societal Adaptations Under Changing Grazing Intensity and Climate on the Mongolian Plateau  -- Brown (LCLUC 2008) 2009 
Brown, Daniel (Dan)
University of Michigan
Qing, Tian
From Vulnerability to Sustainability: Vulnerability and Sustainable Development in the Context of Climatic and Institutional Changes in Rural China  -- Brown (NESSF 2008) 2008 
Brown, Daniel (Dan)
University of Michigan
Land Dynamics, Social Vulnarability and Ecological Effects of Flooding Under Policy and Environmental Change Around Poyang Lake, China  -- Brown (NEWS 2004) 2005 
Brown, Christopher
Phenology of Oceanic Phytoplankton: Variability and Causes  -- Brown (OBB 2008) 2009 
Brown de Colstoun, Eric
Consequences of Land Cover/Use Changes on National Parks - A Research/Education Partnership in the Upper Delaware River Basin  -- Brown de Colstoun (NIP 2003) 2004 
Bruce, Lori
Missippi State
Applying NASA HyspIRI Observations to Precision Vegetation Mapping for Ecological Forecasting Applications  -- Bruce (FEASIBILITY 2008) 2009 
Buermann, Wolfgang
Augsburg University
Detection and Attribution of Rapid Large-scale Shifts in the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle  -- Buermann (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Buesseler, Ken
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Owens, Stephanie
Investigating the spatial variability and processes controlling upper ocean particle flux on global and regional scales  -- Buesseler (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Byrd, Kristin
Advanced remote sensing to quantify temperate peatland capacity for belowground carbon capture  -- Byrd (NIP 2009) 2010 
Campbell, Janet
University of New Hampshire
Refinement and Maintenance of the MODIS Chlorophyll Algorithm: Ensuring Continuity of a Long-term Satellite Data Record of Chlorophyll  -- Campbell (EOS 2006) 2007 
Campbell, Petya
Assessing ecosystem diversity and urban boundaries using surface reflectance and emissivity at varying spectral and spatial scales  -- Campbell (HYSPIRI 2009) 2010 
Campbell, Robert (Rob)
Prince William Sound Science Center
Melting Ice, Habitat Change and Nutrient Flux: Hydrological, Biogeochemical and Biological Linkages Between the Copper River Watershed and the Coastal gulf of Alaska.  -- Campbell (IDS 2009) 2010 
Cavanaugh, Kyle
Remote Sensing of Kelp Habitats in the Santa Barbara Channel Using SPOT Imagery  -- Cavenaugh (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Cetinic, Ivona
Harmful Algal Blooms in an Urbanized Coastal Ocean - Application of Remote Sensing for Understanding, Characterization and Prediction  -- Cetinic (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Chambers, Jeffrey
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Tropical forest tree species community assemblage along wind disturbance gradients in Amazonian forests  -- Chambers (BIODIV 2008) 2009 
Chambers, Jeffrey
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Disturbance Effects on Carbon Dynamics in Old-Growth Amazon Forest: Model Algorithm Develompent and Synthesis from Individual Trees to Landscapes  -- Chambers (TE LBA 2005) 2006 
Chapman, Bruce
Enabling Global Vegetation Structure Esimation from SRTM correlation Data  -- Chapman (TE 2008) 2010 
Chavez, Francisco
Utilizing ecosystem information to improve the decision support system for central California salmon  -- Chavez (DECISIONS 2008) 2009 
Checkley, Dave
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
The SOLOPC in the North Atlantic Bloom Experiment  -- Checkley (2010) 2007 
Checkley (NESSF 2007) Remote sensing of climate change controlling production of small pelagic fish  -- Checkley (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Checkley, Dave
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Davison, Peter
Carbon Export from the Epipelagic Ocean by the Deep Scattering Layer  -- Checkley (NESSF 2008) 2008 
Chekalyuk, Alexander (Alex)
Columbia University
Superactive-Active-Passive (SAP) Shipboard/Airborne/Satellite Analysis of Phytoplankton Pigment, Group, and Physiological Variability in Coastal Ocean  -- Chekalyuk (OBB 2004) 2005 
Chen, Jiquan
Michigan State University
Interactive Changes of Ecosystems and Societies on the Mongolian Plateau: From Coupled Regulations of Land Use and Changing Climate to Adaptation  -- Chen (LCLUC 2008) 2009 
Chen, Haidi
University of Wisconsin
Impact of Mesoscale Eddies and Mode Water Circulation on Surface Chlorophyll and Phytoplankton Size Distribution in The North Atlantic  -- Chen (NESSF 2011) 2011 
Chen, Jiquan
Michigan State University
Effects of Land Use Change on the Energy and Water Balance of the Semi Arid Region of Inner Mongolia  -- Chen (NEWS 2004) 2005 
Chopping, Mark
Montclair State University
Mapping Changes In Shrub Abundance And Biomass In Arctic Tundra Using NASA Earth Observing System Data: A Structural Approach  -- Chopping (TE 2008) 2009 
Chopping, Mark
Montclair State University
A Decade of Changes in Aboveground Live Standing Dry Biomass, Canopy Cover, Height, and Understory Density in the Southwestern United States from EOS MISR and MODIS (2008-2014)  -- Chopping (TERAQ 2009) 2008 
Coble, Paula
University of South Florida
North American Carbon Program and (NACP) and Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) Interim Coastal Carbon Synthesis  -- Coble (2010) 2010 
Cochrane, Mark
University of Maryland
Biodiversity Implications of Forest Disturbance and Related Landscape Dynamics in the Brazilian Amazon  -- Cochrane (IDS 2006) 2007 
Cochrane, Mark
University of Maryland
Shifting Fire Regimes of the United States, Australia and the Brazilian Amazonia: The Roles of Climate Change, Land Use, and Mitigation Efforts  -- Cochrane (IDS 2009) 2011 
Barber, Christopher
South Dakota State University
Cochrane, Mark
University of Maryland
Applied remote sensing for conservation monitoring  -- Cochrane (NESSF 2008) 2008 
Cochrane, Mark
University of Maryland
Quantifying fuel treatment effectiveness over time and its extreme weater conditions  -- Cochrane (TE 2013) 2013 
Coe, Michael
Linking Historical and Future Land-Use Change to the Economic Drivers and Biophysical Limitations of Agricultural Expansion in the Brazilian Cerrado  -- Coe (LCLUC 2009) 2011 
Cohen, Warren
USDA Forest Service
Pflugmacher, Dirk
Using Landsat-derived disturbance and succession history to extend lidar estimates of forest biomass  -- Cohen (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Collatz, George (Jim)
NASA GSFC - retired
Impacts of Disturbance History on Carbon Fluxes and Stocks in North America  -- Collatz (NACP 2005) 2010 
Colleton, Nancy
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
Exploring the World's Protected Areas from Space--production of a remote sensing of protected areas book for the 2014 World Parks Congress  -- Colleton (2011) 2011 
Conant (NESSF 2004) Characterizing Key Resource Areas in Kenya by Remote Sensing  -- Conant (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Conard, Susan
George Mason University
Wildfire impacts on carbon stocks and exchanges in forests of Central Siberia  -- Conard (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Conard, Susan
George Mason University
The Influence of Changing Forestry Practices on the Effects of Wildfire and on Interactions between Fire and Changing Climate in central Siberia  -- Conard (LCLUC 2008) 2009 
Cook (NACP 2005) A Modeling and Synthesis Thematic Data Center for the North American Carbon Program (MAST-DC)  -- Cook (NACP 2005) 2006 
Cook, Bruce
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
Saatchi, Sassan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Metadata collection from the 2009 field campaign to estimate forest biophysical parameters in support of the DESDynI mission  -- Cook-Dubayah-Saatchi (2009) 2009 
Cornillon (REASON 2002) A Thematic Data Portal to Satellite-Derived Ocean Surface Properties  -- Cornillon (REASON 2002) 2004 
Crabtree, Robert (Bob)
Yellowstone Ecological Research Center
Ecosystems in Transition: Decision Support Tools to Measure, Monitor and Forecast Climate Impacts on Migratory Species  -- Crabtree (BIOCLIM 2010) 2011 
Crabtree, Robert (Bob)
Yellowstone Ecological Research Center
Development of RRSC Models for Use within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Strategic Habitat Conservation Framework  -- Crabtree (DECISIONS 2007) 2008 
Crews-Meyer (NESSF 2004) Characterization of the Interaction Between Water and Vegetation in the Okavango Dalta Botswana  -- Crews-Meyer (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Crisp, David (Dave)
The NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2  -- Crisp (2005) 2005 
Crow, Wade
Enhancing the USDA Global Crop Production Decision Support System with NASA Land Information System and Water Cycle Satellite Observations - PI  -- Crow (DECISIONS 2008) 2010 
Crow, Wade
Ecological and agricultural productivity forecasting using root-zone soil moisture products derived from the NASA SMAP mission.  -- Crow (TE 2009) 2011 
Csiszar, Ivan
Active fires from MODIS and VIIRS and developing the associated Earth Science Data Record  -- Csiszar (EOS 2006) 2008 
Csiszar, Ivan
The Active Fire Data Record from NPP VIIRS  -- Csiszar (NPP 2010) 2011 
Csiszar, Ivan
Analysis of Long-term Fire Dynamics and Impacts in the Amazon Using Integrated Multi-source Fire Observations  -- Csiszar (TE LBA 2005) 2005 
Curran, Lisa
Stanford University
Socio-economic and political drivers of oil palm expansion in Indonesia: Effects on rural livelihoods, carbon emissions and REDD  -- Curran (LCLUC 2009) 2011 
Danner, Eric
NOAA Fisheries
Improving Stream Temperature Predictions for River Water Decision Support Systems  -- Danner (DECISIONS 2007) 2008 
Daughtry, Craig
Decision Support Systems for Carbon Management Across the US Corn Belt Using NASA Remote Sensing Data Products  -- Daughtry (2005) 2005 
Davidson, Eric
UMCES Appalacian Lab
Linking High-Frequency, Automated Measurements of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Soils with Microwave-Based Estimates of Soil Saturation in Agricultural and Forest Landscapes  -- Davidson (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Davidson, Eric
UMCES Appalacian Lab
Interactions of Edaphic and Land Use Factors on Water Budgets in the Cerrado Region of Brazil  -- Davidson (NEWS 2004) 2006 
Davidson, Eric
UMCES Appalacian Lab
Synthesis of Nutrient Interactions in Secondary Vegetation in Amazonia  -- Davidson (TE LBA 2005) 2006 
Davis, Curtiss
Oregon State University
Analysis of GOCI data data in preparation for GEOCAPE  -- Davis (2010) 2011 
Davis, Kenneth (Ken)
The Pennsylvania State University
Probabilistic Carbon Flux Upscaling Across a Northern Forest Ecoregion  -- Davis (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Deegan, Linda
Marine Biological Laboratory
Quantifying and Scaling Land-Water Connections and River-Channel Biogeochemistry in Amazon River Networks  -- Deegan (TE LBA 2005) 2006 
DeFries, Ruth
Columbia University
Multi-sensor Fusion to Determine Climate Sensitivity of Agricultural Intensification in South Asia  -- DeFries (LCLUC 2009) 2011 
DeFries (NESSF 2005) Savannization of a Tropical Forest Frontier: Carbon Consequences of Climate and Anthropogenic Fire from a Height-Structured Ecosystem Model (Advisor DeFries, Ruth S.)  -- DeFries (NESSF 2005) 2005 
DeFries, Ruth
Columbia University
Macedo, Marcia
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Tropical Deforestation and the Land-Water Interface: Linking Land Use, Stream Connectivity, and the Health of Freshwater Fish Communities  -- DeFries (NESSF 2008) 2008 
DeFries, Ruth
Columbia University
Growing Up Fragmented: Using Hyperspectral Imagery to Improve Estimates of Ecosystem Services from Tropical Reforestation  -- DeFries (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Del Castillo, Carlos
Carbon Transport By the Mississippi River: Response to changes in land use  -- Del Castillo (NIP 2002) 2006 
Del Castillo, Carlos
On the Distribution of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter in the Southern Ocean and the Potential for Photoproduction of CO2 and CO  -- Del Castillo (OBB 2006) 2007 
Denning (NESSF 2004) Using Satellite Observations of CO to Improve Estimates of CO2 Sources and Sinks  -- Denning (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Denning, Scott
Colorado State University
McGrath-Spangler, Erica
Using Satellite Observations of PBL Depth to Improve Estimates of CO2 Sources and Sinks  -- Denning (NESSF 2008) 2008 
Denning, Scott
Colorado State University
Estimation of Regional CO2 Budgets and Biomass by Fusion of LandSat, MODIS, and Atmospheric Observations  -- Denning (TE 2009) 2010 
Denning, Scott
Colorado State University
Zupanski, Dusanka
Spire Global, Inc.
Mesoscale Carbon Data Assimilation for NACP  -- Denning-Zupanski (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Deutsch, Curtis
Weber, Thomas
Satellite-derived estimates of phytoplankton N/P ratios and application to carbon and nitrogen cycle modeling  -- Deutsch (NESSF 2010) 2011 
DeVisser, Mark
Michigan State University
Land Cover Change and Disease Ecology: The Unintended Impacts of Prosopis juliflora in Kenya  -- DeVisser (NESSF 2011) 2011 
Deysher, Larry
Ocean Imaging
Monitoring of Global Change in Temperature Reef Communities Using Satellite Remote Sensing Technologies  -- Deysher (IDS 2003) 2004 
Di, Liping
A national crop progress system based on NASA Earth science results  -- Di (DECISIONS 2008) 2009 
Didan, Kamel
The University of Arizona
Terra and Aqua MODIS Vegetation Index Product Suite: Where to go From Here? Transition Toward Core Production and Readiness for VIIRS era  -- Didan (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Dierssen, Heidi
University of Connecticut
Differentiating sources of backscattering in the Southern Ocean: calcite, bubbles, and other optical constituents  -- Dierssen (OBB 2006) 2007 
DiGiacomo, Paul
Coastal Ocean Biological Response to Urbanization and Climate Variability in the Southern California Bight: Impact of Terrestrial Runoff in the Santa Monica and San Pedro Basin  -- DiGiacomo (OBB 2004) 2005 
Doney, Scott
University of Virginia
Hindcasting seasonal to interannual variability in air-sea CO2 flux for the North American Carbon Project  -- Doney (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Doney, Scott
University of Virginia
Ocean Biological Feedbacks on Global Coupled Climate-Carbon Cycle Dynamics  -- Doney (IDS 2006) 2007 
Doraiswamy (DECISIONS 2008) Impacts of Biofuel Development on Carbon Management and Agricultural Conservation Practices  -- Doraiswamy (DECISIONS 2008) 2010 
Drake, Jason Multidimensional Characterization of Southern Pine Forest Structure and Integrity: A Hierarchical Multisensor Remote Sensing Approach  -- Drake (NIP 2003) 2004 
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
Characterizing Forest Structure for Assessments of Carbon Cycling and Biodiversity: An Integrated Approach Using Lidar Remote Sensing, Field Studies, and Ecosystem Modeling  -- Dubayah (IDS 2003) 2004 
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
Duncanson, Laura
University of Maryland
Combining lidar/radar fusion, allometric scaling theory, and ecosystem modeling for improved estimation of forest biomass, structure and dynamics  -- Dubayah (NESSF 2010) 2011 
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
Integrating Vegetation 3D Structure and Ecological modeling for Continental Scale Assessments of Biodiversity, Biomass and Disturbance  -- Dubayah (TE 2007) 2008 
Dunn, Rob
NC State Univ.
Predicting Global Patterns of Ant (and Insect) Diversity and Endemism Using Fine-Grained Remote Sensing Data  -- Dunn (BIODIV 2008) 2009 
Eldering, Annmarie
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
TES and ACOS Expertise for CMS Flux Project  -- Eldering (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Eluszkiewicz (CARBON 2004) Estimating Carbon Budget for North America Using Satellite and In Situ Data  -- Eluszkiewicz (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Emerson (NESSF 2006) Combining Altimetry, Scatterometry and Ocean Color with in situ Seaglider measurements to quantify and investigate biological oxygen production  -- Emerson (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Eshleman, Keith
University of Maryland
Exacerbation of FLooding Responses Due to LCLUC  -- Eshleman (NEWS 2004) 2006 
Casanovas, Paula
University of Maryland
Fagan, William
University of Maryland
Identification and characterization of penguin distributions and population drivers using remote sensing data  -- Fagan (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Famiglietti (NESSF 2005) Explicit Representation of Lakes, Wetlands and Rivers in a Land Surface Model: A Framework for Coupling Terrestrial Biogeochemistry and Hydrology (Advisor Famiglietti, James S)  -- Famiglietti (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Fan, Peilei
Michigan State University
China's urbanization and its sustainability under future climate change  -- Fan (LCLUC 2008) 2009 
Fargion, Giulietta
Management of Ocean Color Validation Databases  -- Fargion (2005) 2006 
Fargion, Giulietta
Management and Future Expansion of Ocean Color Validation Data Bases  -- Fargion (2009) 2009 
Fisher, Thomas
Horn Point Laboratory
Analysis of Phytoplankton Pigment Samples By High Performance Liquid Chromatography for NASA Investigators  -- Fisher (2006) 2006 
Fisher, Thomas
Horn Point Laboratory
HPLC Pigment Analyses to Support Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Research  -- Fisher (EOS 2006) 2007 
Fisher, Thomas
Horn Point Laboratory
Responses of coastal waters to terrestrial inputs of elemtal CNP in urbanizing coastal regions  -- Fisher (NEWS 2004) 2005 
Fitzjarrald, David
ASRC, University at Albany, SUNY
Mesoclimate and Land Use Change Effects on Carbon Exchange in Amazonia  -- Fitzjarrald (TE LBA 2005) 2006 
Foley, Jon
California Academy of Sciences
Against the Grain: The Effects of Widespread, Intensifying Agriculture on the Biosphere and Climate System  -- Foley (IDS 2006) 2007 
Foley, Jon
California Academy of Sciences
Evaluating Changes in Regional- to Global-scale Ecosystem Services Provided by Amazonian Rainforests  -- Foley (TE LBA 2005) 2006 
Follows, Michael (Mick)
Phytoplankton Community Organization by Cell Size, Optical Properties and Meso-scale Motions in an Eddy Resolving Ocean Model.  -- Follows (OBB 2008) 2009 
Foukal, Nicholas
Duke University
Satellite-Measured Phytoplankton Phenology in the California Current  -- Foukal (NESSF 2012) 2012 
Fox, Jefferson
East-West Center
The role of land-cover change in montane mainland southeast Asia  -- Fox (IDS 2003) 2004 
Franklin (NESSF 2007) Spectral Mixture Analysis of ASTER Images to Estimate Forest Biomass and Habitat  -- Franklin (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Franz, Bryan
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Constructive Assessment of VIIRS Ocean Color Data Quality Towards NASA Climate Data Record Continuity  -- Franz (NPP 2010) 2011 
Franz, Bryan
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
MODIS Aqua and Terra Calibration and Validation, Atmospheric Correction, and Community-Based Algorithm Development in Support of Ocean Products  -- Franz (TERAQ 2009) 2010 
French, Nancy
Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
Assessment of Biomass Consumption Variability in Forest Fires Using Satellite Remote Sensing  -- French (2004) 2004 
French, Nancy
Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
Development of decision products for spatial quantification of carbon emissions from wildfire for North America  -- French (2008) 2008 
French, Nancy
Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
Development of Regional Fire Emissions Products for NASA's Carbon Monitoring System using the Wildland Fire Emissions Information System  -- French (CMS 2011) 2012 
French, Nancy
Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
Biomass Burning Assistance for NASA's Carbon Monitoring System  -- French (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
French, Andrew
U.S. Arid Land Agricultural Research Center
Monitoring Arid Land Cover Change with Simulated HyspIRI Data  -- French (HYSPIRI 2010) 2011 
French, Nancy
Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
Assessment of Biomass Consumption Variability in Forest Fires Using Satellite Remote Sensing  -- French (NIP 2004) 2004 
French, Nancy
Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
Impacts and Implications of Increased Fire in Tundra Regions of North America  -- French (TE 2009) 2010 
Frey, Karen
Clark University
The Potential Impacts of Sea Ice Decline and River Discharge Shifts on Biological Productivity in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas  -- Frey (2010) 2010 
Friedl, Mark
Boston University
Algorithm Refinement and Earth Science Data Record Development for Global Land Cover and Land Cover Dynamics  -- Friedl (EOS 2006) 2007 
Friedl, Mark
Boston University
Salmon, Jessica (Meghan)
Boston University
Future Trend of Irrigation Water Demand Using Integrated Remote Sensing and Physical Models  -- Friedl (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Friedl, Mark
Boston University
Towards a Land Cover Climate Data Record from VIIRS  -- Friedl (NPP 2010) 2011 
Friedl, Mark
Boston University
Using MODIS to Monitor Dynamics in Land Cover and Phenology at Seasonal to Decadal Time Scales  -- Friedl (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Friedrichs, Marjorie (Marjy)
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
U.S. Eastern Continential Shelf Carbon Cycling (USECoS): modeling, data assimilation and analysis  -- Friedrichs (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Friedrichs, Marjorie (Marjy)
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Xiao, Yongjin
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
The Impacts of Climate Change on Phytoplankton Community Structure along the U.S. Northeastern Continental Margin  -- Friedrichs (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Friedrichs, Marjorie (Marjy)
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Primary Production from Space: A Comparative Study of Space-Based Algorithms and In Situ Measurements  -- Friedrichs-1 (OBB 2004) 2005 
Friedrichs, Marjorie (Marjy)
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Primary Productivity Analysis and Predictions from an Assimilative Biogeochemical Ocean General Circulation Model  -- Friedrichs-2 (OBB 2004) 2005 
Friedrichs, Marjorie (Marjy)
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Hofmann, Eileen
Old Dominion University
U.S. Eastern Continental Shelf Carbon Cycling (USECoS): Modeling, Data Assimilation and Analysis  -- Friedrichs-Hofmann (2008) 2008 
Frolking, Steve
University of New Hampshire
Imaging Impacts of Seasonal Water Stress on Vegetation at Basin to Regional Scales: Combining Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing with Hydrological Measurements to Understand Change  -- Frolking (EOS 2006) 2008 
Frouin, Robert
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
Fields of Nonlinear Regression Models for Inversion of Satellite Ocean-Color Data  -- Frouin (EOS 2006) 2007 
Frouin, Robert
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
Evaluation of Satellite Ocean-Color Data Using SIMBADA Radiometers  -- Frouin (NPP 2010) 2011 
Frouin, Robert
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
Atmospheric Correction of MODIS Ocean Color in the Presence of Absorbing Aerosols  -- Frouin (OBB 2004) 2005 
Frouin, Robert
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
Improving Existing Satellite Color Observations of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas for Biogeochemical Modeling  -- Frouin (OBB 2009) 2010 
Fung, Inez
University of California, Berkeley
Towards Detection and Attribution of North American Carbon Sources and Sinks by Synthesis of In-Situ FluxNet and CO2 Observations and Satellite Observations in Coupled Carbon-Climate Models  -- Fung (CARBON 2004) 2004 
Galantowicz, John
Use of SMAP Seasonal Inundation and Soil Moisture Estimates in the Quantification of Global Biogenic Gas Fluxes  -- Galantowicz (TE 2009) 2010 
Galvin, Kathleen (Kathy)
Colorado State University
Tredennick, Andrew
Utah State Univ.
Fuelwood, Savannas, and Climate Change: Integrating Modeling, Field Experimentation, and Optical and Radar Remote Sensing  -- Galvin (NESSF 2010) 2011 
Gatebe, Charles
Pilot Study to Demonstrate Tree Height Retrievals from CAR Multiangular/ Multispectral Data  -- Gatebe (2012) 2012 
Geerken, Roland
Yale University
Ecological Monitoring in Semi-Arid Central and West Asia  -- Geerken (NEWS 2004) 2005 
Giglio, Louis
NASA GSFC/University of Maryland
MODIS Collection 6 Active Fire Maintenance and Validation  -- Giglio (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Gillespie (NESSF 2005) Predicting Species Richness of Hawaiian Dry Forest Using NDVI (Advisor Gillespie, Thomas Welch)  -- Gillespie (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Giri, Chandra
Mapping Mangroves  -- Giri (LCLUC 2007) 2012 
Gitelson, Anatoly
A Satellite-Based Quantification of Carbon Exchange of the Dominant Ecosystems (Maize-Soybean) in the NACP Mid-Continent Intensive (MCI) Region  -- Gitelson (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Gitelson, Anatoly
LCLUC effect on surface water quality: Integrated MODIS and SeaWIFS assessment of the Dnieper and Don river basins and their reservoirs  -- Gitelson (LCLUC 2005) 2006 
Gitelson (NESSF 2004) Using MODIS and SeaWiFS Data for Estimating Chlorophyll Concentation in Turbid Productive Waters  -- Gitelson (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Glover, David
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Assessing the Impact of Ocean Acidification on Marine Planktonic Calcification Using Satellite Anlaysis and Earth System Modeling  -- Glover (CARBON 2010) 2009 
Glover, David
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Marine Biological Responsees to Meso- and Submesosclae Physical Forcing: A Multi-Sensor Approach  -- Glover (OBB 2004) 2005 
Glover, David
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Satellite Estimation of Air-Sea Gas Transfer During GasEx-3 Using QuikSCAT and Jason-1 Microwave Radars  -- Glover (OBB 2006) 2007 
Gnanadesikan, Anand
Johns Hopkins University
Ocean color, carbon and circulation: Studies with an Earth System Model  -- Gnanadesikan (IDS 2006) 2007 
Goés, Joaquim
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Climate change and its impact on the ecosystem of the Arabian Sea  -- Goes (IDS 2006) 2007 
Goés, Joaquim
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Estimating nitrate in the world's oceans from space and its utility to study environmental regulation of nitrate based new production in the Arabian Sea  -- Goes (OBB 2004) 2005 
Goés, Joaquim
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Characterization of large and unusual Noctiluca blooms in the northern Arabian Sea and their role in carbon cycling during the winter monsoon  -- Goes (OBB 2008) 2009 
Goetz, Scott
Northern Arizona University
Continental scale modeling of bird diversity using canopy structure metrics of habitat heterogeneity  -- Goetz (BIODIV 2008) 2009 
Goetz, Scott
Northern Arizona University
Quantifying Changes in Northern High Latitude Ecosystems and Associated Feedbacks to the Climate System  -- Goetz (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Goetz, Scott
Northern Arizona University
Modeling Strategies for Adaptation to Linked Climate and Land Use Change in the United States  -- Goetz (LCLUC 2008) 2009 
Goetz, Scott
Northern Arizona University
Urban Growth Impacts on Surface Hydrology and Stream Ecology in Watersheds of the Mid Atlantic and New England  -- Goetz (NEWS 2004) 2005 
Golden (REASON 2002) An Agent-Based Interface to Terrestrial Ecological Forecasting  -- Golden (REASON 2002) 2003 
Goncalves, Luis
(CPTEC), Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
Integrating NASA Earth Sciences Research results into Decision Support Systems for Agriculture and Water Management in South America  -- Goncalves (DECISIONS 2008) 2009 
Goncalves, Luis
(CPTEC), Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
The Data-Model Intercomparison Project for the Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment of the Amazon (LBA-DMIP)  -- Goncalves (TE 2008) 2009 
Dronova, Iryna
University of California Berkeley
Gong, Peng
Analysis of spatio-temporal association between plant functional diversity and flooding at Poyang Lake, PRC using remote sensing and simulation-based modeling.  -- Gong (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Gonzalez-Roglich, Mariano
Duke University
Swenson, Jennifer
William & Mary
Spatio-temporal dynamics of woody plant encroachment in semiarid rangelands of Argentina: changes in C stocks and climate change implications  -- Gonzalez-Roglich (NESSF 2013) 2013 
Gorbunov, Maxim
Rutgers University
The application of lifetime analyses in the upper ocean to the interpretation of satellite-based solar induced fluorescence signals  -- Gorbunov (2007) 2007 
Goulden, Michael (Mike)
University Of California, Irvine
Mechanisms Controlling Annual, Interannual, and Decadal Changes in California's Carbon Budget  -- Goulden (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Goulden (NESSF 2005) The Effect of Warming on Tropical Forest Gas Exchange (Advisor Goulden, Michael L)  -- Goulden (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Goward, Samuel
University of Maryland
North American Forest Disturbance and Regrowth since 1972: Empirical Assessment with Field Measurements and Satellite Remotely Sensed Observations  -- Goward (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Goward, Samuel
University of Maryland
Role of North America Forest Disturbance and Regrowth In NACP: Integrated Analyzes Of Landsat and U.S. Forest Service FIA Data - Phase 2   -- Goward (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Goward, Samuel
University of Maryland
US Forest Disturbance History from Landsat  -- Goward (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Gower, Stith (Tom)
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Applications of MODIS to resolve the effects of global change on boreal forest C dynamics: Disturbance Versus Climate Warming?  -- Gower (2004) 2004 
Graham, Catherine
Stony Brook Unversity
Velasquez, Jorge
Stony Brook University
Using remote sensing products to predict the impact of climate and land-cover change on the abundance and distribution of Andean Birds  -- Graham (NESSF 2008) 2008 
Graham, Catherine
Stony Brook Unversity
Remote Sensing and Biodiversity in a Changing Climate  -- Graham (NIP 2004) 2004 
Green, Robert (Rob)
Next Generation AVIRIS Airborne Mission Assistance and Collaboration  -- Green (2011) 2011 
Gregg, Watson
Ocean CO2 Flux Maps  -- Gregg (2011) 2011 
Gregg, Watson
Reducing Error in Global Ocean Chlorophyll Estimates  -- Gregg (CARBON 2007) 2009 
Gregg, Watson
Advanced Studies in Aqua Ocean Data Assimilation  -- Gregg (EOS 2006) 2007 
Gregg, Watson
Consistent Ocean Chlorophyll from NPP  -- Gregg (NPP 2010) 2012 
Gregg, Watson
Development and Maintenance of an Ocean Color Time Series  -- Gregg (REASON 2002) 2003 
Griffith, Peter
Software tools, middleware, and data systems useful for Interim Synthesis Activities  -- Griffith (2006) 2006 
Grosse, Guido
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Assessing the spatial and temporal dynamics of thermokarst, methane emissions, and related carbon cycling in Siberia and Alaska  -- Grosse (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Grossman, Dennis
California Strategic Growth Council
Delineating Ecological Systems and Advancing Decision Support Tools for Land Use.  -- Grossman (REASON 2002) 2004 
Gruber (NESSF 2005) Impact of the Southern Annular Mode on Southern Ocean Circulation and Biogeochemistry (Advisor Gruber, Nicolas)  -- Gruber (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Guan, Kaiyu
University of Illinois
Predicting Vegetation Phenology of African Savanna Ecosystems in a Changing Climate  -- Guan (NESSF 2012) 2012 
Guild, Liane
Coral Reef Bleaching and Threats to Biodiversity  -- Guild (IDS 2006) 2007 
Guild, Liane
Caribbean Bleaching Project  -- Guild (OBB ) 2005 
Gunson, Michael (Mike)
Jucks, Kenneth (Ken)
NASA Headquarters
Pawson, Steven
Potter, Christopher
NASA CMS Pilot Projects: Surface Carbon Fluxes  -- Gunson-Pawson-Potter (2009) 2009 
Gurney, Kevin
Northern Arizona University
High-Resolution Fossil Fuel Emissions Estimates in Support of NACP and OCO-Based CO2 Measurements and Assimilation System  -- Gurney (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Hagen, Stephen (Steve)
Applied Geosolutions
Rangeland Decision Support System: Improving the decision making process at the USDA by incorporating grassland canopy cover estimates derived from MODIS observations and a web-based geospatial data delivery tool  -- Hagen (DECISIONS 2008) 2009 
Hales, Burke
Oregon State University
Development of algorithms for prediction of coastal CO2 air-sea fluxes using remote sensing  -- Hales (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Hall, Forrest
Multi-Sensor Retrieval of Vegetation 3-D Structure and Biomass using Physically-Based Algorithms  -- Hall (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Halpin (BIOCLIM 2010) Forecasting Climate Change and It's Effect on the Abundance and Distribution of Cetaceans Using Downscaled Output of IPCC Class Earth System Models  -- Halpin (BIOCLIM 2010) 2011 
Halpin, Patrick (Pat)
Duke University
Integrating Ocean Observing Data to Enhance Protected Species Spatial Decision Support Systems  -- Halpin (DECISIONS 2007) 2008 
Hanan, Niall
New Mexico State University
African Carbon Exchange II: a systems approach for diagnosis and prediction of carbon, vegetation and disturbance dynamics in the natural and anthropogenic grasslands, savannas and forests of Africa  -- Hanan (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Hanan, Niall
New Mexico State University
The role of Africa in terrestrial carbon exchange and atmospheric CO2:Reducing regional and global carbon cycle uncertainty (NOAA & NASA)  -- Hanan (TE 2002) 2004 
Hanan, Niall
New Mexico State University
Challenges and Opportunities in Remote Sensing of Global Savannas: A Scoping Study for a New TE Field Campaign  -- Hanan (TE 2008) 2009 
Hansen, Andrew (Andy)
Montana State University
Vulnerability of US National Parks ot land use and climate change variability  -- Hansen (EOS 2003) 2004 
Hansen, Matthew (Matt)
University of Maryland
Establishing a global forest monitoring capability using multi-resolution and multi-temporal remotely sensed data sets  -- Hansen (LCLUC 2005) 2006 
Hansen, Matthew (Matt)
University of Maryland
Advancing methods for global crop area estimation  -- Hansen (LCLUC 2009) 2011 
Hansen (NESSF 2007) Using MODIS and Landsat data to advance regional, high-spatial resolution change monitoring for the humid tropical forests of the Congo Basin  -- Hansen (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Hansen, Matthew (Matt)
University of Maryland
Munzimi, Yolande
University of Maryland
Hydrological response to land cover and land use change in the Congo Basin  -- Hansen (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Hansen, Matthew (Matt)
University of Maryland
Integrating MODIS, Landsat and GLAS in characterizing forest extent, structure and change  -- Hansen (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Hao, Wei Min
US Forest Service
Daily, Weekly, Seasonal and Interannual Variability of CO2, CO and CH4 Emissions from Biomass Burning in North America and Their Impact on Atmospheric Chemical Composition  -- Hao (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Hao, Wei Min
US Forest Service
Integrating Historic Patterns of Wildfire, Emissions, and Integrating Historic Patterns of Wildfire, Emissions, and Climate for Siberia as a Basis for Estimating the Impacts of Fire on Carbon Cycling, Quantifying Past Fire/Climate Interactions, and Projec  -- Hao (TE 2008) 2009 
Hargreaves, Bruce
Lehigh University
Optical Properties in the Southern Ocean: In situ measurements of phytoplankton absorption using the pFPT-TR instrument in support of the Southern Ocean Carbon Program  -- Hargreaves (OBB 2006) 2007 
Harrison (DECISIONS 2007) Improved prediction of Africanized Honey Bee Distribution and Migration in the US and Honey Bee Climate Responses Using Satellite derived Land Cover Type and Phenological Data  -- Harrison (DECISIONS 2007) 2008 
Hayes, Daniel
University of Maine
Diagnosis and attribution of the contemporary North American terrestrial CO2 sink: the role of disturbance and land use change  -- Hayes (NIP 2009) 2010 
He (NIP 2005) Investigation of Coastal Phytoplankton Dynamics by Adjoint Data Assimilation of Satellite Ocean Color Data  -- He (NIP 2005) 2006 
Healey, Sean
USDA Forest Service
Installation of a Carbon Monitoring and Management Tool for the National Forest System  -- Healey (2011) 2011 
Healey, Sean
USDA Forest Service
Installation of a Carbon Monitoring and Management Support Tool for the National Forest System  -- Healey (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Healey, Sean
USDA Forest Service
A Global Forest Biomass Inventory Based upon GLAS Lidar Data  -- Healey (CMS 2011) 2012 
Healey, Sean
USDA Forest Service
Assessing Potential Impacts of Ground Sample Bias in Global CMS Biomass Estimates, Now and in the DESDynI Era  -- Healey (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Helmuth, Brian
University of South Carolina
Climate Change and Intertidal Biogeography: Coupling Remote Sensing Data to Thermal Physiology  -- Helmuth (IDS 2003) 2004 
Helmuth, Brian
University of South Carolina
Forecasting biodiversity responses to climate change: MODIS to mussels  -- Helmuth (IDS 2006) 2007 
Helmuth (NESSF 2007) Forecasting change to biogeographic boundaries using remotely sensed data  -- Helmuth (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Henderikx Freitas, Fernanda Bio-optical variability of plumes, blooms, and relaxations in the Santa Barbara Channel: How biased are our current assessments?  -- Henderikx (NESSF 2010) 2011 
Henebry, Geoffrey (Geoff)
Michigan State University
Synergistic analyses of data from active and passive sensors to assess relationships between spatial heterogeneity of tropical forest structure and biodiversity dynamics  -- Henebry (BIODIV 2008) 2009 
Henebry (NESSF 2004) Climate Change or Institutioal Change on Changes in Land Surface Phenologies in Central and Northern Eurasia  -- Henebry (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Henebry, Geoffrey (Geoff)
Michigan State University
Evaluation of the effects of institutional change on regional hydrometeorology: Assessing the vulnarability of the Eurasian semi-arid grain belt  -- Henebry (NEWS 2004) 2005 
Herman, Jay
Atmospheric Corrections for Satellite Remote Sensing of Coastal Waters using UV and Visible Wavelengths from OMI and MODIS  -- Herman (OBB 2005) 2006 
Hook, Simon
In-Flight Validation of ASTER, MODIS and VIIRS Mid and Thermal Infrared Data and Products for Earth Science  -- Hook (EOS 2006) 2007 
Hook (NESSF 2004) Using Remote Sensing to Quantify Particulate and Solute Fluxes in Aquatic Systems  -- Hook (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Hook, Simon
In Flight Validation of ASTER and MODIS Mid and Thermal Infrared Data and Products and ASTER Product Refinement for Earth Science  -- Hook (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Hook, Simon
Improving the VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Product for use as an Earth System Data Record  -- Hook-1 (NPP 2010) 2011 
Hook, Simon
In Flight Validation of VIIRS Mid and Thermal Infrared Data and Products for Earth Science  -- Hook-2 (NPP 2010) 2011 
Hooker, Stanford
Round-Robin Investigations of Uncertainties for Ocean Color Calibration and Validation Activities  -- Hooker (OBB 2005) 2006 
Hope, Allen
San Diego State University
Regional Hydrologic Response of Semi Arid Mediterranean Climate Watersheds to LCLU Variability: predictive models based on MODIS products  -- Hope (NEWS 2004) 2005 
Hornbuckle, Brian
Iowa State University
Patton, Jason
Comparing Different Sources of Vegetation Water Content Data for Use in SMAP Soil Moisture Retrieval  -- Hornbuckle (NESSF 2010) 2011 
Houborg, Rasmus
Routine mapping of land-surface carbon, water and energy fluxes at field to regional scales by fusing multi-scale and multi-sensor imagery  -- Houborg (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Houghton, Richard (Skee)
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Spatially Explicit Sources and Sinks of Carbon from Deforestation, Reforestation, Growth and Degradation in the Tropics: Development of a Method and a 10 Year Data Set 2000-2010  -- Houghton (CMS 2011) 2012 
Houghton, Richard (Skee)
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Biomass for Carbon Budgeting  -- Houghton (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Houghton, Richard (Skee)
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Sources and Sinks of Carbon from Land Use Change, Management, and Disturbance in the U.S.: Steps Toward a Synthesis  -- Houghton (NACP 2005) 2006 
Hoy, Elizabeth (Liz)
NASA GSFC / Global Science and Technology, Inc.
Impacts of a changing fire frequency on soil carbon stocks in interior Alaskan boreal forests  -- Hoy (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Hu, Yongxiang (Yong)
NASA Langley Research Center
The lidar sub-surface perpendicular polarization returns: Creating a value-added CALIPSO ocean profile product  -- Hu (CldSat-CAL 2005) 2007 
Hu, Chuanmin
University of South Florida
ECOHAB: Remote detection of harmful algal blooms in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico  -- Hu (ECO4CAST 2008) 2009 
Hu, Chuanmin
University of South Florida
A multi-sensor assessment of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Surface oil volume and impact on marine algae  -- Hu (OBB 2012) 2013 
Brown de Colstoun, Eric
Huang, Chengquan (Cheng)
University of Maryland
Using Landsat Global Land Survey Data to Measure and Monitor Worldwide Urbanization  -- Huang (LCLUC 2009) 2011 
Huang, Chengquan (Cheng)
University of Maryland
Integration of long term Landsat observations with DESDynI measurements for monitoring terrestrial carbon fluxes within and beyond the DESDynI mission  -- Huang (TE 2008) 2009 
Huete, Alfredo Evaluation and Calibration of Vegetation Index Time Series Measurements for Multisensor ESDR/CDR  -- Huete (EOS 2006) 2007 
Huete, Alfredo Scaling photosynthesis in tropical systems: from forest to savanna, from seasons to extreme events  -- Huete (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Hughes, Malcolm
University of Arizona
Response of forest growth to climate variability and change: remotely-sensed and in situ data for European Russia  -- Hughes (LCLUC 2008) 2009 
Hull, Vanessa
Montana State University
Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Animal Habitat Selection across a Coupled Human and Natural System  -- Hull (NESSF 2010) 2011 
Hampton, Haydee
Northern Arizona University
Hungate, Bruce
Climate forcing implications of southwestern ponderosa pine management  -- Hungate (NESSF 2010) 2011 
Huntzinger, Deborah (Debbie)
Northern Arizona University
Reduction in Bottom-Up Land Surface CO2 Flux Uncertainty in NASA's Carbon Monitoring System Flux Project through Systematic Multi-Model Evaluation and Infrastructure Development  -- Huntzinger (CMS 2011) 2012 
Hurtt, George
University of Maryland
Modeling the impacts of major forest disturbances on the Earth's coupled carbon-climate system, and the capacity of forests to meet future demands for wood, fuel, and fiber  -- Hurtt (IDS 2009) 2010 
Dolan, Katelyn
University of Maryland
Hurtt, George
University of Maryland
Assimilating NAFD and GLAS data in the Ecosystem Demography (ED) model to investigate the role of regional forest disturbance and recovery dynamics on the carbon cycle  -- Hurtt (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Hurtt, George
University of Maryland
Using NASA Remote Sensing and Models to Advance Integrated Assessments of Coupled Human-Forest Dynamics for North America  -- Hurtt (TE 2009) 2010 
Imhoff, Marc
Joint Global Change Research Institute
Global Distribution of Human Appropriation of Fresh Water  -- Imhoff (NEWS 2004) 2005 
Irwin, Daniel
SERVIR Africa  -- Irwin (DECISIONS 2007) 2008 
Ito, Takamitsu (Taka)
Georgia Institute of Technology
High-resolution modeling of the Southern Ocean carbon cycle based on ECCO state estimates  -- Ito (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Jacob, Daniel
Harvard University
Use of GOSAT, TES, and Suborbital Observations to Constrain North American Methane Emissions in the Carbon Monitoring System  -- Jacob (CMS 2011) 2012 
Jacob (NESSF 2006) Constraining CO sources and CO2 surface fluxes using satellite observations and a 4-dimensional variational data assimilation technique  -- Jacob (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Jacob, Daniel
Harvard University
Wecht, Kevin
Oxford Street Consultants
Quantifying Methane Sources in the United States Using Satellite and Aircraft Observations  -- Jacob (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Jain, Atul
University of Illinois
Biogeophysical-Biogeochemical Interactions in the Northern High-Latitudes using a Land Surface Model Integrating Recent Advances in Terrestrial Modeling, and Land Use Change  -- Jain (NESSF 2011) 2011 
Jin, Xin
The Impacts of the Offshore Transport of Carbon and Nutrients from the Continental Margins on the Carbon Cycle and Air-Sea CO2 Balance of the Pacific Ocean  -- Jin (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Jin, Yufang
University of California, Davis
Fires in Southern California: Interactions between climate change, ecosystems, and humans  -- Jin (IDS 2009) 2010 
Jin, Yufang
University of California, Davis
Fire-induced Changes in Albedo and the Associated Radiative Forcing: a Comparison of Boreal Canada and Australia Tropical Savannas  -- Jin (NIP 2005) 2006 
Jin, Yufang
University of California, Davis
Fire-induced Changes in Albedo and the Associated Radiative Forcing: A Comparison of Boreal Canada and Australia Tropical Savannas  -- Jin (NIP 2007) 2008 
Jones (NESSF 2006) Investigating the Role of Stormwater Runoff on Coastal Phytoplankton Community Structure in Southern California  -- Jones (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Judge (NIP 2003) Improved Estimation of Evapotranspiration and Recharge through Assimilation of Microwave Observations  -- Judge (NIP 2003) 2004 
Justice, Christopher (Chris)
University of Maryland
Transitioning an Operational NASA MODIS Agricultural Monitoring System into the USDA FAS Decision Support System  -- Justice (2008) 2009 
Justice, Christopher (Chris)
University of Maryland
Global Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) Phase 2  -- Justice (DECISIONS 2009) 2009 
Justice, Christopher (Chris)
University of Maryland
Developing A Global Burned Area ESDR  -- Justice (EOS 2006) 2007 
Justice (NESSF 2004) Impacts of Climate and Land Use Change on the Frequency of Catastrophic Fires and the Siberian Tiger  -- Justice (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Justice (NESSF 2007) Estimating global biomass burning emissions using fire radiative power  -- Justice (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Justice, Christopher (Chris)
University of Maryland
O'Neal, Kelley
University of Maryland
Impacts of grazing, fire, and precipitation variability on woody plant cover in Chihuahuan Desert grasslands, USA  -- Justice (NESSF 2008) 2008 
Justice, Christopher (Chris)
University of Maryland
Whitcraft, Alyssa
University of Maryland
Developing an Image Acquisition Strategy for Global Agricultural Monitoring  -- Justice (NESSF 2010) 2011 
Justice, Christopher (Chris)
University of Maryland
Global Agricultural Monitoring: Transitioning NPP VIIRS Observations into the USDA FAS Decision Support System  -- Justice (NPP 2010) 2011 
Justice, Christopher (Chris)
University of Maryland
MODIS Burned Area Maintenance, Improvement and Validation  -- Justice (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Kahru (ESUSPI 2008) Improving phytoplankton pigment and primary production estimates and change detection in the California Current using MERIS data  -- Kahru (ESUSPI 2008) 2009 
Kasischke (CARBON 2004) Wildfire consumption of ground-layer organic matter in North American boreal forests and peatlands: implications for atmospheric trace gas emissions and long-term soil carbon storage  -- Kasischke (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Kasischke (CMSSDT 2010) Evaluation of Approaches for Assessing the Impacts of Natural Disturbances on Aboveground Carbon Storage in and Emissions from U.S. Forests - A Carbon Monitoring System Science Definition Team Proposal  -- Kasischke (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Kasischke (NACP 2005) Remote Monitoring of Changes in Forest Functional Types after Disturbance from Fire in the North American Boreal Region: Implications for Interpreting the Effects of Satellite-observed Changes in Vegetation Greenness on the Terrestrial Carbon Budget  -- Kasischke (NACP 2005) 2006 
Kasischke (NESSF 2007) Impacts of conflict on land cover, fire dynamics, and biodiversity potential in the Imatong Mountains of Southern Sudan  -- Kasischke (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Hoy, Elizabeth (Liz)
NASA GSFC / Global Science and Technology, Inc.
The influence of fire-free interval on carbon cycling in the Alaskan boreal forest  -- Kasischke (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Kasischke (TE 2008) Vulnerability and Resiliency of Arctic and Sub-Arctic Landscapes (VuRSAL) - the Role of Interactions between Climate, Permafrost, Hydrology, and Disturbance in Driving Ecosystem Processes  -- Kasischke (TE 2008) 2009 
McGuire, A. (Dave)
Assessing the Impacts of Fire and Insect Disturbance on the Terrestrial Carbon Budgets of Forested Areas in Canada, Alaska, and the Western United States  -- Kasischke-McGuire (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Kaushal, Sujay
University of Maryland
Understanding and Forecasting Impacts of Climate Change and Land Use on Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes in Coastal Watersheds  -- Kaushal (CARBON 2010) 2012 
Kawa, Stephan (Randy)
Global CO2 surface flux and atmospheric transport models for NACP  -- Kawa (2005) 2005 
Kawa, Stephan (Randy)
Modeling the Global Atmospheric Carbon Cycle in Preparation for OCO Data  -- Kawa (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Kawa, Stephan (Randy)
Science Definition Team for Carbon Monitoring System: Carbon Flux Evaluation  -- Kawa (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Keeling, Ralph
UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Recent trends and physiological constraints on northern extra-tropical ecosystems from atmospheric and satellite data  -- Keeling (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Keeling, Ralph
UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Evaluating the ocean biogeochemical components of Earth System Models by using Ocean Color and Atmospheric Observations: An Integrated Approach  -- Keeling (COUND 2010) 2011 
Keeling, Ralph
UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Use of Atmospheric CO2, Radiometric Satellite Data, and Daily Climatic Data in a Coordinated Diagnostic Inversion and Process Model Study to Determine Regional and Global Terrestrial Carbon Storage and Exchange  -- Keeling (TE 2002) 2006 
Keller, Michael
USDA Forest Service
A Historical Reconstruction of Vegetation Change and a Carbon Budget for the Brazilian Cerrado Using Multiple Satellite Sensors and Historical Aerial Photography  -- Keller (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Keller (NESSF 2007) Natural Forest Disturbance and Carbon Cycling in the Brazilian Amazon: Remote Sensing Approaches at Local and Regional Scales  -- Keller (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Hunter, Maria
Keller, Michael
USDA Forest Service
Measurement and Modeling of Natural Disturbance and Recovery in the Brazilian Amazon using Airborne and Spaceborne LIDAR  -- Keller (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Keller, Michael
USDA Forest Service
Synthesis and Integration of Ecological Research within the Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) and Science Support for LBA-ECO  -- Keller (TE 2002) 2005 
Kellndorfer, Josef
Earth Big Data, LLC
The National Biomass and Carbon Dataset 2000: A High Spatial Resolution Baseline to Reduce Uncertainty in Carbon Accounting and Flux Modeling  -- Kellndorfer (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Kellndorfer, Josef
Earth Big Data, LLC
Mapping Biomass - Past Experiences and Future Directions in Data Fusion and Product Validation  -- Kellndorfer (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Kellndorfer, Josef
Earth Big Data, LLC
Ecosystem Structure Measurements from DESDynI: Studies of technological options and data fusion using IceSAT/GLAS, Airborne Lidar and ALOS/PALSAR Datasets over Central Chile  -- Kellndorfer (TE 2007) 2008 
Kelly, Anne
UC Irvine, Dept. of Earth System Science
Climate controls on forest biomass, productivity, and species distribution along the western Sierra Nevada gradient  -- Kelly (NESSF 2010) 2011 
Kempler (REASON 2002) Integrating NASA Earth Science Enterprise Data into Global Agricultural Decision Support Systems  -- Kempler (REASON 2002) 2003 
Kennedy, Robert
Oregon State University
Integrating and Expanding a Regional Carbon Monitoring System into the NASA CMS  -- Kennedy (CMS 2011) 2012 
Kennedy, Christina
University of Maryland
Impacts of Land Cover and Land Use Change on Bird Communities of the Mayan Forests of the Southern Yucatan Peninsula  -- Kennedy (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Kennedy, Robert
Oregon State University
Leveraging temporal variation in climate and management across national parks in the western U.S. to characterize three decades of landscape vegetation dynamics  -- Kennedy (NIP 2007) 2008 
Kiefer, Dale
Pelagic Habitat Analysis Module (PHAM): Enhanced Decision Support for Pelagic Fisheries and Marine Sanctuaries  -- Kiefer (DECISIONS 2007) 2008 
Kiefer, Dale
A Tuna Stock Assessment Support System for the Eastern Pacific  -- Kiefer (NDOA 2013) 2008 
Kiefer, Dale
Lam, Chi-Hin
Synthesizing a habitat analysis framework for top marine predators via data storage tags and remote-sensing products  -- Kiefer (NESSF 2008) 2008 
Kimball (NESSF 2007) Application of Satellite Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing for Assessing Pan-Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystem Responses to Recent Climate Variability  -- Kimball (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Jones, Lucas
University of Montana
Kimball, John
University of Montana
Global Mapping of Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange Using Integrated Satellite Optical-IR and Microwave Remote Sensing.  -- Kimball (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Kimball, John
University of Montana
Carbon Cycle applications of the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission  -- Kimball (TE 2008) 2009 
Kimball, John
University of Montana
Analysis and Attribution of Recent Changes in Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange Using MODIS and AMSR-E  -- Kimball (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Kimball, John
University of Montana
Stanford, Jack
A Geospatial Riverscape Analysis Tool for the North Pacific Rim  -- Kimball-1 (2006) 2006 
Kimball, John
University of Montana
Regional Assessment of Arctic Vegetation Productivity and soil respiration environmental controls using MODIS and AMSR-E: A New Approach for Satellite Monitoring of Pan-Arctic Terrestrial Net CO2 Exchange  -- Kimball-2 (2006) 2006 
King, Anthony (Tony)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The State of the Carbon Cycle: North America  -- King (TE 2002) 2004 
Knyazikhin, Yuri
Boston University
Vegetation Biophysical Parameter Suite from MISR for Ecological Applications  -- Knyazikhin (EOS 2006) 2008 
Knyazikhin, Yuri
Boston University
Knyazikhin (NESSF 2007) Retrieving vertical and horizontal canopy structure from synergistic analysis of multi-angle and Lidar data  -- Knyazikhin (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Knyazikhin, Yuri
Boston University
Kolb, Thomas (Tom)
Northern Arizona University
Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes in Disturbed Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests  -- Kolb (CARBON 2004) 2004 
Koltunov, Alexander (Alex)
University of California, Davis
Toward monitoring the relationship between vegetation conditions and volcanic activity with HyspIRI  -- Koltunov (HYSPIRI 2010) 2011 
Koziana, James
Evaluate the Utility of CALIPSO Data for Ocean Color Application  -- Koziana (OBB 2005) 2006 
Krankina, Olga
Oregon State University
Masek, Jeffrey (Jeff)
NELDA: Monitoring and Validating the distribution and change in land cover across northern Eurasia  -- Krankina (LCLUC 2005) 2006 
Krankina, Olga
Oregon State University
Contribution to studies of LCLUC in Northern Eurasia  -- Krankina (LCLUC 2008) 2009 
Kyriakidis (NESSF 2004) An Integrated Cynamic and Predictive Model of Wildfire Risk in Southern California Using MODIS Imagery  -- Kyriakidis (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Laidre, Kristin
University of Washington
The Arctic Sea Ice Landscape and the Movement of Narwhals  -- Laidre (EOS 2006) 2009 
Laney, Samuel (Sam)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Deciphering the Natural Fluorescence Dynamics of Phytoplankton  -- Laney (NIP 2009) 2010 
Laney, Samuel (Sam)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Monitoring Climate-Driven Changes in Arctic Algal Assemblages  -- Laney (OBB 2009) 2010 
Lange, Mark
National Academy of Sciences
Land-Change Modeling Study  -- Lange (2010) 2010 
Lawson, Rebecca Phytoplankton Community Composition and Inherent Optical Properties (IOP) in a Complex Coastal Environment.  -- Lawson (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Lawton, Robert (Bob)
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Forest Structure and Biodiversity on a Steep Geophysical Gradient: The Cloud Forest Lee Margin  -- Lawton (TEB 2005) 2006 
Lee, Zhongping (Ping)
University of Massachusetts Boston
An IOP centered system to correct the dirctional effects of water-leaving radiance for both oceanic and coastal waters  -- Lee (OBB 2005) 2006 
Lee, Zhongping (Ping)
University of Massachusetts Boston
Optical Properties in the Southern Ocean: In situ and satellite observations in support of Southern Ocean Carbon Program  -- Lee (OBB 2006) 2007 
Lefsky, Michael
Colorado State University
Integration of GLAS and Airborne LIDAR Data with Field Data to Characterize the Vertical Structure and Loading of Forest Fuels (Advisor Lefsky, Michael A)  -- Lefsky (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Lefsky, Michael
Colorado State University
Using the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System to Predict Forest Height and Biomass  -- Lefsky (TE 2002) 2004 
Lefsky, Michael
Colorado State University
Estimates of aboveground biomass from lidar and L-band radar in the Amazon Basin  -- Lefsky (TE 2008) 2009 
Lefsky, Michael
Colorado State University
Spatially-explicit Estimates of Forest Biomass in the Amazon Basin using MODIS and the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System  -- Lefsky (TE LBA 2005) 2006 
Leifer, Ira
Bubbleology Research International
Remote-Sensing Methane Emissions: Field Validation with Seepage from Marine, Urban, and Submerged City Sources  -- Leifer (NACP 2005) 2006 
Lentz (NESSF 2004) Physical Processes in Continental Shelf Ecosystems The Influence of Density Stratification on Phytoplankton Dynamics  -- Lentz (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Leptoukh (ACCESS 2005) NASA Earth Sciences Data Support System and Services for Northern Eurasia Earth Science Parnership Initiative  -- Leptoukh (ACCESS 2005) 2006 
Leptoukh (LCLUC 2008) NASA Data and Services Supporting Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study in Eastern Asia  -- Leptoukh (LCLUC 2008) 2009 
Letelier (NESSF 2005) Integrating Remote Sensing, Moored and Vessel Based Time-Series Records to Quantify Ecological Determinants of Summer Bloom Formation in the NPSG (Advisor Letelier, Ricardo Maria)  -- Letelier (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Letelier (NESSF 2007) Understanding the determinants of resiliency of North Pacific marine systems using satellite-derived dynamic biophysical provinces  -- Letelier (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Lettenmaier (CARBON 2004) Diagnosis and Prognosis of Changes in lake and wetland extent on the regional carbon balance of Northern Eurasia  -- Lettenmaier (CARBON 2004) 2004 
Lettenmaier, Dennis
University of Washington
Diagnosis and prognosis or changes in lake and wetland extent on the regional carbon balance of northern Eurasia  -- Lettenmaier (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Lettenmaier, Dennis
University of Washington
Assimilation of tower and satellite-based methane observations for improved estimation of methane fluxes over northern Eurasia  -- Lettenmaier (LCLUC 2008) 2009 
Levine (2007) Monitoring Seasons through Global Learning Communities (MSTGLC)  -- Levine (2007) 2007 
Levine (IDS 2006) Transformation of larch-dominated forests and woodlands into mixed taiga  -- Levine (IDS 2006) 2007 
Levine (NSF 2005) GLOBE: Understanding Environmental Variability and Change through Modeling Soil Processes  -- Levine (NSF 2005) 2005 
Li, Changsheng
University of New Hampshire
Quantifying CO2 fluxes from Boreal Forests in Northern Eurasia  -- Li (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Li, Lin
Purdue School of Science at IUPUI
Remote Sensing of Global Warming-Affected Inland Water Quality: Challenge, Opportunity and Solution  -- Li (HYSPIRI 2009) 2010 
Li, Changsheng
University of New Hampshire
Modeling Impacts of Climate Change on Carbon Dynamics in Northern High Latitude Wetlands  -- Li (TE 2008) 2009 
Liang, Shunlin
University of Maryland
Mapping High-Resolution Incident Photosynthetically Active Radiation product for the North American Carbon Program  -- Liang (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Liang, Shunlin
University of Maryland
Mapping high-resolution surface radiative fluxes from MODIS  -- Liang (EOS 2006) 2007 
Liang, Shunlin
University of Maryland
Producing High-Resolution Land Surface Incident PAR Product from Multiple Satellite Data  -- Liang (TE 2002) 2003 
Litvak, Marcy
University of New Mexico
Improving the estimation of carbon stocks and fluxes in semi-arid ecosystems of the southwestern US using full-waveform lidar measurements  -- Litvak (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Litvak (NESSF 2005) Changes in Carbon Dynamics Due to Woody Encroachment on the Edwards Plateau (Advisor Litvak, Marcy Ellen)  -- Litvak (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Liu (NESSF 2006) Integrating Remotely-Sensed Imagery and Social Surveys for Sustainability: the Case of US/Mexico Borderlands  -- Liu (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Carter, Neil
University of Michigan
Liu, Jianguo (Jack)
Michigan State University
Coupled Human and Natural System Approach to Studying Tiger-Human Interactions in Chitwan National Park, Nepal and Beyond  -- Liu (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Liu, Jianguo (Jack)
Michigan State University
Forest Structure and Distribution across the Geographic Range of the Giant Panda: Up-scaling from Plots to the Entire Region  -- Liu (TEB 2005) 2006 
Liu, Junjie
An integrated carbon data assimilation system to advance understanding and predictions of the carbon cycle  -- Liu (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Lobell, David
Stanford University
Agricultural applications of multi-year remote sensing: a research and education program  -- Lobell (NIP 2007) 2008 
Loboda, Tatiana
University of Maryland
The Forest Disturbance Carbon Tracking System -- A CMS Pilot Project  -- Loboda (CMS 2011) 2012 
Lohrenz, Steven (Steve)
University of Massachusetts
Satellite Assessments of Regional pCO2 Distributions and Air-Sea Fluxes of Carbon Dioxide in a River Dominated Margin  -- Lohrenz (2005) 2005 
Lohrenz, Steven (Steve)
University of Massachusetts
Development of Observational Products and Coupled Models of Land-Ocean-Atmospheric Fluxes in the Mississippi River Watershed and Gulf of Mexico in Support of Carbon Monitoring  -- Lohrenz (CMS 2011) 2012 
Lohrenz, Steven (Steve)
University of Massachusetts
Assessing Impacts of Climate and Land Use Change on Terrestrial-Ocean Fluxes of Carbon and Nutrients and Their Cycling in Coastal Ecosystems  -- Lohrenz (IDS 2009) 2010 
Louchouarn, Patrick
Texas A&M University, Galveston
Examining the relationships between land use change, wetland alteration, and carbon sequestration in the Gulf of Mexico  -- Louchouarn (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Lyapustin, Alexei (Alex)
Development of well-calibrated multi-sensor surface reflectance data record  -- Lyapustin (EOS 2006) 2008 
Macauley (CMSSDT 2010) Development and Evaluation of Pilot Projects for a Carbon Monitoring System  -- Macauley (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Bernardes, Sergio
Center for Geospatial Research - University of Georgia
Madden, Marguerite
University of Georgia
Vegetation Responses to Extreme Climatic Events: Changes in Primary Productivity, Vegetation and Drought Indices in the Southeast United States Following the 2006-2009 Drought  -- Madden (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Madritch, Mike
Appalachian State University
Remote sensing of forest genetic diversity and assessment of belowground microbial communities in Populus tremuloides forests  -- Madritch (BIODIV 2008) 2009 
Mannino, Antonio
Dynamics of coastal ocean dissolved organic matter  -- Mannino (NIP 2003) 2004 
Mannino, Antonio
Improving coastal ocean color validation capabilities through application of IOPs  -- Mannino (OBB 2005) 2006 
Mannino, Antonio
The Impacts of Climate Variability on Primary Productivity and Carbon Distributions in the Middle Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine (CliVEC)  -- Mannino (OBB 2008) 2009 
Mannino, Antonio
Development of Novel MODIS Global Ocean Data Products: Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) and Dissolved Organic Carbon Algorithms  -- Mannino (TERAQ 2009) 2010 
Manson, Steven North American Land Change: Integrated Research and Education on Decision Making in Coupled Human-Environment Systems  -- Manson (NIP 2005) 2006 
Maritorena, Stephane
Algorithm refinement for ocean color ESDR's  -- Maritorena (EOS 2006) 2007 
Marra, John
Lamont-Doheerty Earth Observatory
Phytoplankton Absorption and Carbon Dioxide Drawdown in the Southern Ocean: A Consortium of Observations  -- Marra (OBB 2006) 2007 
Marvin, David
Salo Sciences
Are Tropical Lianas Increasing in Abundance? An Integrated Satellite-Aerial-Ground Approach for Liana Detection at the Landscape Scale  -- Marvin (NESSF 2012) 2012 
Masek, Jeffrey (Jeff)
A Community-Driven, North American Disturbance Record and Processing System for Land Satellite Data  -- Masek (2004) 2004 
Masek, Jeffrey (Jeff)
GLS-2010 project  -- Masek (2010) 2010 
Masek, Jeffrey (Jeff)
Building a Community Land Cover Change Processing System  -- Masek (ACCESS 2005) 2006 
Masek, Jeffrey (Jeff)
Recent North American Forest Dynamics via Integration of ASTER, MODIS, and Landsat Reflectance Data  -- Masek (EOS 2006) 2008 
Masek, Jeffrey (Jeff)
Albedo Trends Related to Land Cover Change and Disturbance: A Multi-sensor Approach  -- Masek (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Cook, Bruce
Hall, Forrest
Masek, Jeffrey (Jeff)
Nemani, Ramakrishna (Rama)
Saatchi, Sassan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Tucker, Compton
NASA CMS Pilot Projects: Biomass and Carbon Storage  -- Masek-Nemani-Saatchi-Tucker (2009) 2009 
Masuoka, Edward
A 0.05 Degre Global Climate/Interdisciplinary Long Term Data Set from AVHRR, MODIS and VIIRS Instruments  -- Masuoka (REASON 2002) 2003 
Masuoka, Edward
Terra/Aqua Land Algorithm Maintenance Support  -- Masuoka (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Matrai, Patricia (Paty)
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Science
Organic Matter Metabolism in a Coastal Ocean Ecosystem  -- Matrai (CARBON 2004) 2005 
McCarty, Jessica
NASA Ames Research Center
Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Crop Residue Burning in the Contiguous United States (Advisor Justice, Christopher)  -- McCarty (NESSF 2005) 2005 
McClain, Charles (Chuck)
Assessment and Impact of Carbon Variability in the Nordic Seas  -- McClain (CARBON 2010) 2011 
McClain, Charles (Chuck)
Improved Pigment Detection and Quantitation for Quality-Assured HPLC Production Analyses  -- McClain (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
McClain, Charles (Chuck)
Evaluations of the VIIRS Sensor Performance and Operational NPOESS Ocean Product Algorithms  -- McClain-1 (EOS 2006) 2007 
McClain, Charles (Chuck)
MODIS Aqua and Terra Calibration and Validation Analyses in Support of Ocean Products  -- McClain-2 (EOS 2006) 2007 
McDonald, Kyle
The City College of New York
Satellite Monitoring of Landscape Freeze-Thaw State and Associated Constraints to the North American Carbon Budget  -- McDonald (NACP 2005) 2006 
McDonald, Kyle
The City College of New York
Vegetation Phenology Assessment Using Satellite Radar Remote Sensing: Global Monitoring of Daily and Seasonal Changes in Canopy Structure and Water Status  -- McDonald (TE 2007) 2009 
McFadden, Joseph (Joe)
University of California
Biophysical controls on carbon and water fluxes in changing urban/suburban ecosystems: Linking tall-tower flux observations, ground-based measurements, and remote sensing  -- McFadden (2004) 2004 
McGillicuddy, Dennis
A regional eddy-resolving carbon cycle model surrounding the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series study (BATS) site: analysis of remotely sensed and in situ observations  -- McGillicuddy (CARBON 2004) 2005 
McGillicuddy, Dennis
Carbon cycling in the North Atlantic from regional to basin scales: satellite data, in situ observations, and numerical models  -- McGillicuddy (CARBON 2007) 2008 
McGillicuddy, Dennis
Olson, Elise
Understanding the role of the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium in the oceanic nitrogen and carbon cycles: in situ measurement, satellite observation, and biogeochemical modeling.  -- McGillicuddy (NESSF 2010) 2011 
McKellip, Rodney
Comparison of Alternate Data Sources to Landsat  -- McKellip (LCLUC 2007) 2011 
McKinley, Galen
Columbia University / Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Air-sea CO2 flux variability in the North Atlantic: Estimating magnitudes, understanding mechanisms  -- McKinley (CARBON 2004) 2005 
McKinley, Galen
Columbia University / Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
The Impact of Thermocline Induction on Decadal Variability of the North Atlantic Carbon Sink  -- McKinley (CARBON 2010) 2011 
McKinley, Galen
Columbia University / Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Modeling the Carbon Cycle and Climate: Ocean Processes to Global Predictions  -- McKinley (NIP 2007) 2008 
Meigs, Garrett
University of Vermont
Mapping disturbance interactions from Earth and space: Insect effects on fuels and wildfires across forests of the Pacific Northwest  -- Meigs (NESSF 2011) 2011 
Melack, John
University of California
Analysis and Synthesis of Carbon Dynamics on Amazon Floodplains  -- Melack (TE 2008) 2010 
Melillo, Jerry
Marine Biological Laboratory
Land-atmosphere Exchanges of Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide Associated with Agricultural Expansion in the Brazilian Amazon  -- Melillo (TE LBA 2005) 2006 
Merry (NESSF 2006) Understanding Dynamic Processes of Water Quality in Lake Erie from MODIS Time-Series Data  -- Merry (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Gantt, Brett
North Carolina State Univeristy
Meskhidze, Nicholas
North Carolina State University
Defining the Role of Ocean Biology and Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Surface Layer to Marine Cloud Properties and Global Climate  -- Meskhidze (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Messina, Joseph
Michigan State University
Santos, Carolina
Complex Land Use and Cover Trajectories in the Northern Choco Bioregion of Colombia  -- Messina (NESSF 2008) 2008 
DeVisser, Mark
Michigan State University
Messina, Joseph
Michigan State University
NESS Fellowship: Land Cover Change and Disease Ecology: The Unintended Impacts of Prosopis juliflora in Kenya  -- Messina (NESSF 2010) 2011 
Meyer (NESSF 2004) Survey of Tropical Cirrus Cloud Optical Thickness using MODIS Data  -- Meyer (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Michalak, Anna
Carnegie Institution for Science
Mapping Global CO2: Development and application of geostatistical algorithms for gap filling and uncertainty assessment for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory  -- Michalak (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Michalak, Anna
Carnegie Institution for Science
Carbon Monitoring System Science Definition Team membership proposal (Integrated Emission/Uptake Pilot Product)  -- Michalak (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Michalak, Anna
Carnegie Institution for Science
Constraining North-American Fluxes of Carbon Dioxide and Inferring their Spatiotemporal Covariances through Assimilation of Remote Sensing and Atmospheric Data in a Geostatistical Framework  -- Michalak (NACP 2005) 2006 
Michalak (NESSF 2007) Evaluating the Biospheric and Fossil Fuel Components of North American CO2 Flux Using Auxiliary Environmental Data Within a Geostatistical Inverse Modeling Framework and Implications for Carbon Management  -- Michalak (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Chatterjee, Abhishek
Michalak, Anna
Carnegie Institution for Science
Geostatistical Data Assimilation for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory  -- Michalak (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Huntzinger, Deborah (Debbie)
Northern Arizona University
Michalak, Anna
Carnegie Institution for Science
MsTMIP Phase 1: The North American Carbon Program Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project  -- Michalak (TE 2009) 2010 
Michalak, Anna
Carnegie Institution for Science
CO2.0: Assessing the Impact of a Combined in Situ and Satellite CO2 Monitoring Network on Constraining Biospheric and Anthropogenic Fluxes for North America  -- Michalak-2 (2010) 2010 
Middleton, Elizabeth (Betsy)
Direct Satellite Inference of Ecosystem Light Use Efficiency for Carbon Exchange using MODIS on Terra and Aqua  -- Middleton (CARBON 2004) 2004 
Middleton, Elizabeth (Betsy)
Spectral Bio-Indicators of Ecosystem Photosynthetic Efficiency  -- Middleton (RSS 2005) 2006 
Middleton, Elizabeth (Betsy)
Spectral Bio-Indicators of Ecosystem Photosynthetic Efficiency II: Synthesis and Integration  -- Middleton (TE 2009) 2010 
Midekisa, Alemayehu
South Dakota State University
Integrating Multi-Sensor Satellite Data for Malaria Early Warning in the Amhara Region of Ethiopia  -- Midekisa (NESSF 2011) 2011 
Milesi, Cristina
Mapping of Urban Expansion Using Multi-Decadal Landsat and Nightlights Data Over North America  -- Milesi (LCLUC 2009) 2011 
Miller, John
NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
Aircraft Sampling of CO2 and Other Greenhouse Gases Above Amazonia  -- Miller (2009) 2009 
Miller, Charles (Chip)
Improving Carbon Source/Sink Estimates Using Atmospheric CO2 Vertical Profile Constraints  -- Miller (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Miller, John
NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
In Situ CO2-Based Evaluation of the Carbon Monitoring System Flux Product  -- Miller (CMS 2011) 2012 
Miller, William (Bill)
University of Georgia
Using Ocean Color to Quantify the Significance of Marine Photochemistry to CO and Carbon Cycling in the South Atlantic Bight  -- Miller (NACP 2005) 2006 
Miller, Charles (Chip)
Quantifying Methane Emissions in the San Joaquin Valley  -- Miller (RRNES 2013) 2013 
Miller, John
NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
Evaluation and Estimation of Surface Trace Gas Fluxes from Aircraft Measurements above the Amazon  -- Miller-J (TE LBA 2005) 2006 
Miller, Scott
SUNY Albany
The Effects of Selective Logging on Carbon Dioxide and Energy Exchange in Tapajos National Forest  -- Miller-S (TE LBA 2005) 2006 
Mitchell, Brian (Greg)
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Chlorophyll, Primary Production and Export Production in the Southern Ocean  -- Mitchell (OBB 2004) 2005 
Mitchell, Brian (Greg)
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Primary and Export Production in the Southern Ocean  -- Mitchell (OBB 2008) 2009 
Mitchell, Brian (Greg)
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Bio-Optical Measurement and Modeling of the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas  -- Mitchell (OBB 2009) 2011 
Miura (NESSF 2005) Quantifying and Predicting the Ecological Meltdown of a Unique Hawaiian Forest Ecosystem by an Invasive Alien N-fixing Tree: a Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis Based Approach (Advisor Miura, Tomoaki)  -- Miura (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Miura, Tomoaki
University of Hawaii
Evaluation and Validation of NPP VIIRS Vegetation Index EDR for Earth System and Climate Sciences  -- Miura (NPP 2010) 2011 
Foster, Jane
University of Vermont
Mladenoff, David
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Forest insect defoliation and carbon dynamics: linking remote sensing with simulation modeling  -- Mladenoff (NESSF 2008) 2008 
Moghaddam, Mahta
University of Southern California
Mapping Wetlands Dynamics for Reducing Uncertainties in the Boreal North American Carbon Budget  -- Moghaddam (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Akbar, Ruzbeh
University of Michigan
Moghaddam, Mahta
University of Southern California
Development of an integrated radar-radiometer estimation algorithm for retrieval of soil moisture from SMAP  -- Moghaddam (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Moisan, John
Use of Satellite-Derived CDOM Absorption to Estimate Ocean Mixed Layer Depths  -- Moisan (OBB 2004) 2005 
Moisan (TEB 2005) Using Mycosporine-like Amino Acids as Taxonomic Indicators in Remote Sensing Reflectance  -- Moisan (TEB 2005) 2006 
Monger, Bruce
Cornell University
Lagrangian Study of Surface Chlorophyll Variability Within Subtropical Eddies  -- Monger (OBB 2008) 2009 
Moody, Aaron
University of North Carolina
Testing and Extending Biodiversity Paradigms and their Sensitivities to Scale through Integration of in situ and Satellite Data  -- Moody (TEB 2005) 2006 
Longo, Marcos
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Moorcroft, Paul
Harvard University
Interaction between convection, disturbance, and deforestation in the Amazon: a remote sensing and modeling study  -- Moorcroft (NESSF 2008) 2008 
Moore III, Berrien
University of Oklahoma
Advancing Our Understanding of the Earth System Through Coupled Carbon-Climate Modeling and Observations  -- Moore (IDS 2006) 2007 
Moore, Keith
University of California, Irvine
Physical-Biological Interactions in the Marginal Ice Zone of the Southern Ocean  -- Moore (OBB 2004) 2005 
Moore, Keith
University of California, Irvine
Physical and Biological Controls on the Southern Ocean Carbon Cycle  -- Moore (OBB 2006) 2007 
Morain (REASON 2002) Covering NASA Mission Measurements and Products with the Rapid Syndrome Validation Project (RSVP) Decision Support System to Validate and Benchmark Public Health Medical Alerts and Early Warning Forecasts  -- Morain (REASON 2002) 2003 
Moran, Emilio
Indiana University
Human and Physical Dimensions of LCLUC in Amazonia: Phase III, Towards Sustainability  -- Moran (TE LBA 2002) 2006 
Morisette, Jeffrey (Jeff)
US Forest Service
Improving access to Land and Atmosphere science products from Earth Observing Satellites: helping NACP investigators better utilize MODIS data products  -- Morisette (ACCESS 2005) 2006 
Morisette, Jeffrey (Jeff)
US Forest Service
Maintaining and Refining NASA's Land Product Validation Infrastructure  -- Morisette-1 (EOS 2003) 2004 
Morisette, Jeffrey (Jeff)
US Forest Service
Value added products from vegetation and precipitation time-series data sets in support of invasive species predictions  -- Morisette-2 (EOS 2003) 2004 
Morrison, John
University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Connectivity and Upwelling Dynamics in the Galapagos Marine Reserve (GMR)  -- Morrison (IDS 2003) 2004 
Goodwin, Deb
Morrison, John
University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Satellite-derived Fluorescence Quantum Yields as Indicators of Phytoplankton Physiology  -- Morrison (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Morrison, John
University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Real Time Observations and Interpretation of Solar Radiation in Coastal Waters of New England: Phytoplankton Fluorescence, Ocean Color, and Heating  -- Morrison (NIP 2005) 2004 
Morrison, John (Ru)
Use of the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory (MVCO) to assess ocean color products in North East coastal waters  -- Morrison (OBB 2005) 2006 
Mountrakis, Giorgos
Using LIDAR to Assess the Roles of Climate and Land-Cover Dynamics as Drivers of Changes in Biodiversity  -- Mountrakis (BIODIV 2008) 2009 
Mountrakis, Giorgos
Satellite-derived Anthropogenic Land Use/land Cover Changes: Integrating Detection, Modeling and Educational Approaches  -- Mountrakis (NIP 2007) 2008 
Mouroulis, Pantazis
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Portable Remote Imaging Spectrometer (PRISM) for Ocean Biology Research  -- Mouroulis (OBB 2007) 2008 
Muller-Karger, Frank
University of South Florida
A Decision Support System for Ecosystem-Based Management of Tropical Coral Reef Environments  -- Muller-Karger (DECISIONS 2008) 2009 
Munroe, Darla
Ohio State University
A comprehensive statistical analysis system to associate LCLUC and regional aerosol composition and concentration  -- Munroe (LCLUC 2005) 2006 
Murphy, Kevin
A Multi Sensor Approach to Identifying Trends of Anthropogenic and Natural Change in Orangutan Habitat  -- Murphy (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Mustard, John
Brown university
Rates and Drivers of Land Use Land Cover Change in the Agricultural Frontier of Mato Grosso, Brazil  -- Mustard (LCLUC 2009) 2011 
Mustard (NESSF 2006) Biogeochemical consequences of land-use transitions along Brazil's agricultural frontier  -- Mustard (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Myneni, Ranga
Boston University
Global Products of Leaf Area Index and Fraction Vegetation Absorbed PAR from the Terra/Aqua MODIS and NPP VIIRS Sensors: Algorithm Refinement and Cal/Val for ESDR Proposal  -- Myneni (EOS 2006) 2007 
Myneni, Ranga
Boston University
Xu, Liang (Alan)
Remote Sensing of Forest Canopy Structure Across Multiple Scales from Synergistic Analysis of Lidar, Hyperspectral and Multiangle Data With Time-Dependent Stochastic Radiative Transfer Based Algorithm  -- Myneni (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Myneni, Ranga
Boston University
Global LAI/FPAR Earth System Data Records from NPP-VIIRS to Extend the EOS-MODIS Time Series  -- Myneni (NPP 2010) 2011 
Myneni, Ranga
Boston University
Myneni, Ranga
Boston University
Modest Maintenance of Terra and Aqua MODIS LAI/FPAR Products and Transitioning to Core Production  -- Myneni (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Nair, Udaysankar
Earth System Science Center, The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Near Global Biogeography of Tropical Montane Cloud Forests  -- Nair (IDS 2003) 2004 
Fairman, Jonathan
Nair, Udaysankar
Earth System Science Center, The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Quantifying the Effects of Upwind Land Cover Change on Alpine Glaciers  -- Nair (NESSF 2008) 2008 
Nair, Udaysankar
Earth System Science Center, The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Investigation of microclimatic changes associated with tropical forest fragmentation using remote sensing and numerical modeling  -- Nair (NIP 2005) 2006 
Narayan (NESSF 2005) A High Resolution Soil Moisture Change Detection Algorithm for Land Surface Hydrology Applications (Advisor Lakshmi)  -- Narayan (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Nelson (CARBON 2004) A Realistic Analysis of the Variability of Carbon Estimates Using Airborne and Space Lidar  -- Nelson (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Nelson (CARBON 2007) Using the ICESAT-GLAS LiDAR to Estimate the Amount, Spatial Distribution, and Statistical Uncertainty of Aboveground Carbon Stocks of the North American Boreal Forest  -- Nelson (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Nelson (CARBON 2010) A Lidar-Radar-Optical Data Fusion Approach for Estimating the Aboveground Carbon Stocks of North American Forests: Means and Uncertainties at Regional to Continental Scales  -- Nelson (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Nelson, Norman (Norm)
University of California, Santa Barbara
BBOP project: Augmentation under EOS Recompete  -- Nelson (EOS 2003) 2006 
Nelson, Norman (Norm)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Bermuda Bio-Optics Project: Biological and biogeochemical responses to decade-scale climate forcing  -- Nelson (EOS 2006) 2007 
Nelson, Norman (Norm)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Bermuda Bio-Optics Project: Enhancement of measurements for new ocean color applications  -- Nelson (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Nemani, Ramakrishna (Rama)
Diagnostic and prognostic analyses of ecosystem processes for NACP using surface climate, satellite data and simulation models  -- Nemani (NACP 2005) 2007 
Nemani, Ramakrishna (Rama)
Understanding and predicting continental-scale disturbances with prognostic and diagnostic models: bark beetle outbreaks in North America  -- Nemani (TE 2007) 2008 
Nepstad, Dan
Earth Inovation
Integration of land use, fire, and carbon flux in critical Amazon landscapes: the XIngu river headwaters and the BR163 highway corridor  -- Nepstad (TE LBA 2002) 2006 
Neuenschwander, Amy
University of Texas
Nevison, Cynthia (Cindy)
University of Colorado/INSTAAR
Southern Ocean export flux and air-sea O2 exchange: A synthesis of atmospheric O2/N2 measurements, satellite data and direct observations  -- Nevison (OBB 2006) 2007 
O'Connell, Kari Effects of fire management on fuels along fire regime and forest productivity gradients in Oregon - Implications for long-term carbon dynamics  -- O'Connell (NIP 2003) 2004 
Ogle, Stephen
Colorado State University
CO2 Fluxes Between Agricultural Lands and the Atmosphere: Towards More Complete Accounting by Integrating Remote Sensing with Simulation Modeling  -- Ogle (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Ogle, Stephen
Colorado State University
Resolving Net CO2 Exchange in the Mid-Continent Region of North America by Comparing and Reconciling Results from Inverse Modeling and Inventory-Based Approaches  -- Ogle (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Ogle, Kiona
Arizona State University
Tucker, Colin
University of Alaska
Wintertime plant, soil, and ecosystem carbon cycling: Scaling plot-level mechanisms to landscape level patterns  -- Ogle (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Ojima, Dennis
Colorado State University
Carbon Data Assimilation Modeling  -- Ojima (2007) 2007 
Ojima, Dennis
Colorado State University
Northern Eurasian C-Land Use Climate Interaction in the Semi-Arid Regions  -- Ojima (CARBON 2004) 2004 
Oliver, Matthew (Matt)
University of Delaware
3-D Mapping of Ocean Water Masses and Biomes  -- Oliver (NIP 2007) 2008 
Ollinger, Scott
University of New Hampshire
Scaling and evaluation of ecosystem carbon uptake through integration of multi-scale remote sensing with AmeriFlux and NACP field observations.  -- Ollinger (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Ollinger, Scott
University of New Hampshire
Exploring Relationships among Carbon Cycling, Vegetation Nitrogen Status and Surface Albedo across North American Ecosystems to Improve Land Surface Models   -- Ollinger (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Ollinger, Scott
University of New Hampshire
Effects of Disturbance and N Deposition on Nitrogen-Albedo Relations in Forests  -- Ollinger (TE 2009) 2011 
Osburn, Christopher (Chris)
North Carolina State University
Geospatial Synthesis of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter Distribution in the Gulf of Mexico for Water Clarity Decision Making  -- Osburn (2009) 2009 
Ozdogan, Mutlu
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Investigating the Relationship Between Land Use/Land Cover Change, Hydrologic Cycle, and Climate in Semi-Arid Central Asia  -- Ozdogan (LCLUC 2008) 2009 
Painter, Thomas
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Integrated Hydrologic Response to Extreme Dust Deposition to the Snow Cover of the Colorado River Basin  -- Painter (IDS 2009) 2010 
Palace, Michael
University of New Hampshire
Estimation of tropical forest structure using multiple remote sensing platforms and field based data  -- Palace (NIP 2009) 2010 
Palace, Michael
University of New Hampshire
Scaling Forest Biometric Properties Derived from High Resolution Imagery to the Amazon Basin using Moderate Resolution Spectral Reflectance Data  -- Palace (TE 2007) 2008 
Pawson, Steven
GEOS-CARB: A Framework for Monitoring Carbon Concentrations and Fluxes  -- Pawson (CMS 2011) 2012 
Pearson, Richard
Integrating remotely sensed data and ecological models to assess species extinction risks under climate change  -- Pearson (BIODIV 2008) 2009 
Peet (NESSF 2004) The Evaluation of Productivity Diverstiy Relathonships Across Two Distinct Ecological Communities with Respect to Global Climate Change Using Local and Landscape Scale Data  -- Peet (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Perry, Mary Jane
University of Maine, Orono
Reducing uncertainty in the marine carbon cycle by coupling satellite and in-water robotic measurements  -- Perry (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Briggs, Nathan
Perry, Mary Jane
University of Maine, Orono
Estimating particle size in the ocean from high-frequency variability in in-situ optics  -- Perry (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Pickle (REASON 2002) Measuring Vegetation Health  -- Pickle (REASON 2002) 2004 
Pidgeon, Anna
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Effects of fire, extreme weather, and anthropogenic disturbance on avian biodiversity in the United States  -- Pidgeon (IDS 2006) 2007 
Pimm (NESSF 2005) Remote Sensing and African Eephant Conservation on a Sub Continental Scale: Using Satellite Telemetry and Spectral Datasets to Model Resource Selection and Movements (Advisor Pimm, Stuart L)  -- Pimm (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Pimm (NESSF 2006) Remote sensing of essential drivers of white sand systems in the Brazilian Amazon using Landsat and MODIS  -- Pimm (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Podest, Erika
Remote Sensing of Palm Swamp Distribution and Flooding Status in the Amazon Basin for Assessing Carbon Dioxide and Methane Release  -- Podest (NIP 2009) 2010 
Policansky (TE 2002) U.S. National Committee for SCOPE  -- Policansky (TE 2002) 2004 
Popescu, Sorin
Texas A&M University
A multi-scale approach using lidar and MODIS products for assessing forest carbon  -- Popescu (NIP 2007) 2008 
Potter, Christopher
Modeling the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle with Land Cover Disturbance Based on Satellite Remote Sensing  -- Potter (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Potter, Christopher
Modeling and Synthesis of the Effects of Land Use Change on Carbon and Trace Gas Budgets over the Amazon Region  -- Potter (TE LBA 2005) 2005 
Powers, Jennifer
University of Minnesota
A Regional-Scale Analysis of Regenerating Tropical Dry Forests in Costa Rica: Measurements and Models of the Linkages among Biodiversity, Ecosystem Function and Carbon Storage  -- Powers (NIP 2005) 2006 
Prince (NESSF 2007) Quantification of Error in Global Long-Term Vegetation Index Records  -- Prince (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Prince, Stephen (Steve)
University of Maryland
Vegetation dynamics in drylands and implications for regional climate: analysis of two decades of observations in the African Sahel  -- Prince (TE 2007) 2008 
Qu (NESSF 2006) Multi-sensor approach for monitoring fire risk in the Wildland Urban Interface  -- Qu (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Quay (NESSF 2004) Improving Satellite-based Primary Productivity Estimates Using a New In Situ Isotope Technique  -- Quay (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Radeloff, Volker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
200 years of land use and land cover changes and their driving forces in the Carpathian basin in Central Europe  -- Radeloff (LCLUC 2009) 2011 
Radeloff, Volker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Synthesis of studies on institutional change and LCLUC effects on carbon, biodiversity, and agriculture after the collapse of the Soviet Union  -- Radeloff (LCLUC 2010) 2011 
Radeloff, Volker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Effects of land use change on fire, vegetation and wildlife dynamics in arid grasslands of Southern Russia  -- Radeloff (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Brandt, Jodi
Boise State University
Radeloff, Volker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Land Use and Land Cover Change in Southwest China's Himalayan Mountains and the implications for alpine meadows, forest ecosystems, and avian biodiversity  -- Radeloff (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Radeloff, Volker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Post-USSR Land Cover Change in Eastern Europe -Socioeconomic Forcings, Effects on Biodiversity, and Furture Scenarios  -- Radeloff (NIP 2003) 2004 
Radeloff, Volker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Remote Sensing and Avian Biodiversity Patterns in the United States  -- Radeloff (TEB 2005) 2006 
Rahman, Abdullah (Faiz)
Using MODIS Ocean Bands to Augment Direct Satellite Estimation of Terrestrial Carbon Flux: A Novel Approach  -- Rahman (CARBON 2004) 2006 
Rahman, Abdullah (Faiz)
Carbon Dynamics, Land Cover Change, and Vulnerability of the World's Largest Coastal Mangrove Ecosystem to Climate Change  -- Rahman (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Rahman, Abdullah (Faiz)
Improved Per-Pixel Estimates of Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes across Eastern US Forests  -- Rahman (TE 2009) 2010 
Ramankutty, Navin Carbon emissions from changes in agricuture  -- Ramankutty (TE 2002) 2003 
Ramaswamy (NESSF 2007) Emission, transport and deposition of mineral dust in the Southern Oceans and Antarctica: an integrated approach using GCM and satellite observations  -- Ramaswamy (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Ramsey, Elijah
Assessing Impacts and Monitoring Response of Coastal Wetlands to the Gulf Oil Spill  -- Ramsey (TE 2011) 2012 
Randerson, James (Jim)
University Of California, Irvine
Global Carbon Emissions from Fires: Improving our Understanding of Interactions between Land Use, Fires, and Climate Change  -- Randerson (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Randerson, James (Jim)
University Of California, Irvine
Global fire emissions derived from Terra and Aqua satellites  -- Randerson (EOS 2006) 2008 
Ranson, Kenneth (Jon)
Amount, Spatial Distribution, and Statistical Uncertainty of Aboveground Carbon Stocks in the Circumpolar Boreal Forest  -- Ranson (TE 2008) 2009 
Rawlins, Michael
University of Massachusetts
Synthesis and Integration of Recent Research Characterizing the Carbon Cycle of Northern Eurasia  -- Rawlins (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Raymond, Peter
Yale University
United States Stream and River CO2 Evasion  -- Raymond (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Raymond (NESSF 2007) Incorporating lateral riverine organic carbon fluxes into the United States carbon budget through the production of spatially explicit export maps for the entire US  -- Raymond (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Reynolds, Rick
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
Optical Detection of Particle Concentration, Composition, and Size Within Arctic Waters  -- Reynolds (OBB 2009) 2010 
Rhoades (NESSF 2004) Smallholders Land Use Strategies and Land cover Change in the Nepal Himalaya Integrating Household and Community Data with Remote Sensing Applications  -- Rhoades (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Richey, Jeffrey (Jeff)
School of Oceanography
Connectivity of the Landscape of Southeast Asia with the South China Sea: Scaling of Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Processes  -- Richey (IDS 2006) 2007 
Richey, Jeffrey (Jeff)
School of Oceanography
From Small Streams to the Sea: A Multi-scale Synthesis of Carbon and Hydrological Dynamics across the Amazon Landscape  -- Richey (TE LBA 2005) 2006 
Roberts, Dar
UC Santa Barbara
Multisite Integration of LIDAR and Hyperspectral data for Improved Estimation of Carbon Stocks and Exchange  -- Roberts (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Roberts, Dar
UC Santa Barbara
Evaluation of synergies between VNIR-SWIR and TIR imagery in a Mediterranean-climate Ecosystem  -- Roberts (HYSPIRI 2010) 2011 
Roberts, Dar
UC Santa Barbara
HyspIRI discrimination of plant species and functional types along a strong environmental-temperature gradient  -- Roberts (HYSPIRI 2011) 2011 
Roberts (NESSF 2006) Validating Retrievals of Subpixel Fire Sizes and Temperatures from MODIS to Improve Understanding and Monitoring of Fires  -- Roberts (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Roberts, Dar
UC Santa Barbara
Toomey, Michael
USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service
Amazonian drought response: land surface temperature patterns and ecological implications  -- Roberts (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Roberts, Dar
UC Santa Barbara
Spatial, Spectral and Temporal Requirements for Improved Hyperspectral Mapping of Plant Functional Type, Plant Species, Canopy Biophysics, and Canopy Biochemistry  -- Roberts (TE 2007) 2008 
Rodgers, Keith
Princeton University
A new method for identifying anthropogenic changes in ocean biogeochemistry through the combined use of repeat hydrographic measurements and remote sensing data  -- Rodgers (OBB 2008) 2009 
Roesler, Collin
Bowdoin College
Remote Assessment of algal functional groups in absence of extreme blooms: application to Alexandrium fundyense in the Gulf of Maine  -- Roesler (ECO4CAST 2008) 2010 
Camill, Phil
Roesler, Collin
Bowdoin College
Historical and projected changes in carbon export to the Gulf of Maine from land use and climate change  -- Roesler (IDS 2009) 2010 
Roesler, Collin
Bowdoin College
Sauer, Michael
How Green is the Gulf of Maine: How Have the Dynamics of CDOM and Phytoplankton Influenced Remotely-Sensed Estimates of Chlorophyll?  -- Roesler (NESSF 2008) 2008 
Roffer, Mitchell (Mitch)
Roffer's Ocean Fishing Forecasting Service
Improving The NOAA NMFS and ICCAT Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Fisheries Management Decision Support System  -- Roffer (DECISIONS 2007) 2008 
Roffer, Mitchell (Mitch)
Roffer's Ocean Fishing Forecasting Service
Study of Ocean Environmental Parameters to Forecast the Effects of Climate Variability On Pelagic Fish Resources  -- Roffer (IDS 2003) 2004 
Rosenzweig, Cynthia
Integration of NASA Models and Missions into Agricultural Decision Support  -- Rosenzweig (DECISIONS 2008) 2009 
Roy, David
Michigan State University
Changing Field Sizes of the Conterminous United States, a Decennial Landsat Assessment  -- Roy (LCLUC 2009) 2011 
Roy (NESSF 2006) United States Land Cover Land Use Change, Albedo and Radiative Forcing: Past and Potential Climate Implications  -- Roy (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Roy (NESSF 2007) Land Cover Land Use Change and Soil Organic Carbon Under Climate Variability in Semi-Arid to Sub-Humid West African Sahel (1975-2050)  -- Roy (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Roy, David
Michigan State University
Sathyachandran, Sanath
Fire Type Classification in the Brazilian Legal Amazon  -- Roy (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Running, Steven
University of Montana
Carbon Dynamics of Tropical Savannas: Integrating Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Observations through Model-Data Assimilation  -- Running (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Running, Steven
University of Montana
Validation, improvement and applications of MODIS global terrestrial primary production MOD 17 and a test MODIS evapotranspiration product: Green Compute Cluster  -- Running (EOS 2006) 2008 
Running, Steven
University of Montana
Integrating MODIS Primary Production, and Evapotranspiration Datasets to Monitor Carbon and Water Dynamics for Terrestrial Ecosystem.  -- Running (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Saatchi, Sassan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Forest Woody Biomass Carbon Estimates of North America from Synergistic Analysis of MODIS, MISR, and JERS Data in Support of the North American Carbon Program  -- Saatchi (2004) 2004 
Saatchi, Sassan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Vegetation Structure Studies  -- Saatchi (2008) 2008 
Saatchi, Sassan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Prototyping MRV Systems Based on Systematic and Spatial Estimates of Carbon Stock and Stock Changes of Forestlands  -- Saatchi (CMS 2011) 2012 
Saatchi, Sassan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Requirements for Spaceborne Fusion of Lidar and Radar Measurements of Forest 3-D Structure and Above-ground Biomass  -- Saatchi (RSS 2005) 2006 
Saatchi, Sassan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Detecting Changes of Forest Biomass from Fusion of Radar and Lidar: Developing DESDynl measurement requirements  -- Saatchi (TE 2008) 2009 
Saleska, Scott
University of Arizona
Carbon Balance in Amazon Forests from Site to Region: Integrating Remote Sensing from Satellites and Aircraft with Ground-based Tower and Biometric Data  -- Saleska (TE LBA 2005) 2006 
Saleska, Scott
University of Arizona
Scaling photosynthesis in tropical systems: from forest to savanna, from seasons to extreme events  -- Saleska (TERAQ 2010) 2010 
Salisbury, Joe
A novel approach toward the estimation of net ecosystem metabolism in estuary-plume systems using satellite and modeled data  -- Salisbury (2006) 2006 
Salisbury, Joe
Lagrangian tracking of satellite products with a numerical model: A new method for diagnosing net community production and carbon export in the ocean  -- Salisbury (2008) 2008 
Salisbury, Joe
Lagrangian tracking of satellite products with a numerical model: A new method for diagnosing net community productionand carbon export in the ocean  -- Salisbury (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Salisbury, Joe
A novel approach toward the estimation of net ecosystem metabolism in estuary-plume systems using optical and modeled data  -- Salisbury (NIP 2005) 2006 
Sanderson, Eric
Wildlife Conservation Society
Monitoring of Large Wildlife Directly through High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing: experimental and in Situ Approaches  -- Sanderson (NIP 2003) 2004 
Sarabandi, Kamal
The University of Michigan
Use of Radar Data for Large-scale Monitoring of Biomass Change in the Amazon  -- Sarabandi (TE 2002) 2004 
Sarabandi, Kamal
The University of Michigan
VEGEX3D: LiDAR-SAR/InSAR Extrapolation and Simulation Models for Retrieving Vegetation 3D Structure and Biomass  -- Sarabandi (TE 2008) 2009 
Sarmiento, Jorge
Princeton University
Application of Novel Satellite Carbon Biomass to Develop Ecosystem Models Capable of Predicting Climate Change  -- Sarmiento (MAP 2004) 2006 
Sarmiento (NESSF 2005) Towards and Integrated System of Systems for Vegetation Fire Monitoring (Advisor Justice, Christopher)  -- Sarmiento (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Schaaf, Crystal
University of Massachusetts Boston
A Daily BRDF/Albedo Algorithm for MODIS Direct Broadcast Sites  -- Schaaf (EOS 2003) 2004 
Schaaf, Crystal
University of Massachusetts Boston
Albedo and Bidirectional Reflectance Climate Data Records from NPP/VIIRS  -- Schaaf (NPP 2010) 2011 
Schaaf, Crystal
University of Massachusetts Boston
MODIS Albedo, Nadir Reflectance, and Reflectance Anisotropy for Environmental Modeling and Monitoring  -- Schaaf (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Schaefer, Kevin
National Snow and Ice Data Center
Quantifying Uncertainty in the Permafrost Carbon Feedback  -- Schaefer (TE 2009) 2010 
Schnase, John
The Invasive Species Data Service: Towards Operational Use of ESE Data in the USGS Invasive Species Decision Support System  -- Schnase (REASON 2002) 2005 
Schneider (NESSF 2005) Calibrating the Dependence of Air-Sea Gas Exchange on Windspeed with Ocean and Atmosphere Tracer Measurements (Advisor Schneider, Tapio)  -- Schneider (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Schofield, Oscar
Rutgers University
Bioinformatic Mapping of Ocean Biogeochemical Provinces  -- Schofield (OBB 2005) 2006 
Schofield, Oscar
Rutgers University
Bioinformatic Mapping of Ocean Biogeochemical Provinces  -- Schofield (TEB 2005) 2006 
Schroeder, Wilfrid
University of Maryland
Integrated System of Systems for Vegetation Fire Monitoring  -- Schroeder (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Seto, Karen
Yale University
Multi-Scale and Multi-Sensor Analysis of Urban Cluster Development and Agricultural Land Loss in China and India  -- Seto (LCLUC 2009) 2011 
Sever (REASON 2002) A Regional Monitoring and Visualization System for the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor and Beyond  -- Sever (REASON 2002) 2003 
Sheldon, Sage
University of Maryland
Estimating North American Carbon Using ICESat Observations  -- Sheldon (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Sheng, Yongwei
Satellite-based lake dynamics in the Tibetan Plateau in the context of global change  -- Sheng (NIP 2005) 2006 
Shepherd (NIP 2004) The Impact of Urbanization on Climate: Integrated Modeling to Couple Urban Growth, Land Use Change and Weather-Climate  -- Shepherd (NIP 2004) 2006 
Shuchman, Robert (Bob)
Michigan Technological University
Development of New Regional Carbon Monitoring Products for the Great Lakes Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data  -- Shuchman (CMS 2011) 2012 
Shugart, Herman (Hank)
University of Virginia
Modeling the carbon dynamics of the Eurasian Boreal Forest  -- Shugart (CARBON 2004) 2004 
Shugart, Herman (Hank)
University of Virginia
Synthesis of forest growth, response to wildfires and carbon storage for Russian forests using a distributed, individual-based forest model  -- Shugart (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Shugart, Herman (Hank)
University of Virginia
Carbon Monitoring  -- Shugart (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Shugart, Herman (Hank)
University of Virginia
Hydrologic and Nutrient Controls on the Structure and Function of Southern African Savannas: a Multi-scale Approach  -- Shugart (IDS 2003) 2004 
Shugart, Herman (Hank)
University of Virginia
Evaluation of Habitat Availability for Large Carnivores Under a Changing Climate and Disturbance Regime: the Amur Tiger and Amur Leopard Case Study  -- Shugart (IDS 2006) 2007 
Shugart (NESSF 2005) Reintroducing a Large Herbivore: a Remote Sensing and Modeling Approach to Determine the Mountain Bongo's (Tragelaphus Eurycerus Isaaci) Past and Present Critical Habitat (Advisor Shugart, Herman H)  -- Shugart (NESSF 2005) 2002 
Rosolem, Rafael
Shuttleworth, Jim
Impact of Vegetation Phenology on Amazonian Energy, Water, and Carbon Exchanges: Integration of Field Experiments, Satellite Remote Sensing, and Land Surface Modeling  -- Shuttleworth (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Siegel, David (Dave)
UC Santa Barbara
Chromophoric DOM: An Ignored Photoactive Tracer of Geochemical Process  -- Siegel (2003) 2003 
Siegel, David (Dave)
UC Santa Barbara
A Mechanistic Approach Towards the Remote Assessment of Carbon Export by Sinking Particles in the Open Ocean.  -- Siegel (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Siegel, David (Dave)
UC Santa Barbara
Ocean Color Study of Plumes and Blooms in the Santa Barbara Channel  -- Siegel (EOS 2006) 2007 
Siegel, David (Dave)
UC Santa Barbara
Remote Assessment of Giant Kelp Dynamics-The Engineer of California's Nearshore Ecosystems.  -- Siegel (IDS 2006) 2007 
Siegel (NESSF 2006) Cycling of colored dissolved organic matter in the open ocean: application of photolysis measurements to global satellite observations  -- Siegel (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Siegel, David (Dave)
UC Santa Barbara
Watson, James
Oregon State University
Integrating Satellite Observations into Fisheries Science: Quantifying Abiotic and in-flight Biotic Larval Mortality as a Means to Better Predict Population Connectivity.  -- Siegel (NESSF 2008) 2008 
Siegel, David (Dave)
UC Santa Barbara
Evaluating NPP Ocean Color Data Products in a Complex Coastal Environment: The Plumes and Blooms Program.  -- Siegel (NPP 2010) 2011 
Silander, John
University of Connecticut
Wilson, Adam
University at Buffalo
Fire, phenology, and weather: implications of climate change in Mediterranean ecosystems  -- Silander (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Simard, Marc (Mac)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Vulnerability assessment of mangrove forests in the Americas  -- Simard (LCLUC 2010) 2012 
Simard, Marc (Mac)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
3D Vegetation Structure using L-band InSAR and Lidar  -- Simard (TE 2007) 2008 
Siqueira, Paul
University of Massachusetts
The impact of temporal decorrelation on InSAR vegetation 3-D structure retrieval algorithms  -- Siqueira (RSS 2005) 2006 
Siqueira, Paul
University of Massachusetts
A Segmentation Approach for Combining RaDAR Backscater, InSAR and LiDAR Measurements to Determine Vegetation 3D Structure and Biomass from Space  -- Siqueira (TE 2008) 2009 
Skole, David
Michigan State University
A Global Tropical Forest Information Center  -- Skole-1 (REASON 2002) 2004 
Skole, David
Michigan State University
Global Rates and Extent of Tropical Deforestation, Forest Regeneration, Selective Logging and Fragmentation  -- Skole-2 (REASON 2002) 2004 
Slayback, Dan
The impact of disappearing tropical Andean glaciers on pastoral agriculture  -- Slayback (LCLUC 2009) 2011 
Slesnick, Catherine
Draper Laboratory
Climate Extremes and Landscape Hazards: An Interdisciplinary Study of Change  -- Slesnick (IDS 2009) 2011 
Smith, Steven
Pacific NW National Laboratory (PNNL)
Projections of Land-Use Change and the Carbon-Cycle Atmospheric and Policy Consequences  -- Smith (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Smith, James (Jim)
Forecasting the effects of wetland loss and inter-annual variation on the fitness of migratory bird species  -- Smith (IDS 2006) 2007 
Smith, Alistair
University of Idaho
Quantifying the characteristics and investigating the biogeoscientific and societal impacts of extreme wildland fires in the United States northern Rockies region  -- Smith (IDS 2009) 2011 
Smith, James (Jim)
The Distribution and Abundance of Bird Species--Towards a Satellite, Data Driven Avian Energetics and Species Richness Model  -- Smith-J (IDS 2003) 2004 
Smith, Thomas (Tom)
University of California, Los Angeles
Quantifying Patterns of Biodiversity in a Changing Climate: Integrating Biological Point Data with Remote Sensed Environmental Variables  -- Smith-T (IDS 2003) 2004 
Smithwick, Erica
Pennsylvania State University
Influence of Disturbance and Seasonality on Regional Carbon Flux Upscaling  -- Smithwick (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Soja, Amber
NASA Langley Research Center
Wildfire, Ecosystems and Climate in Siberia  -- Soja (LCLUC 2005) 2006 
Sokolik, Irina
Georgia Institute of Technology
Understanding the role of LCLUC aand atmospheric dust loading and their coupling on climate change in the NEESPI study domain drylands  -- Sokolik (LCLUC 2005) 2006 
Gray, Josh
North Carolina State University
Song, Conghe
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Hydrologic Response of Forested Catchments to Climate and Land Cover/Land-Use Changes  -- Song (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Song, Conghe
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Impacts of Land-Cover/Land-Use Change on Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Budget  -- Song (NIP 2005) 2006 
Southworth, Jane Understanding and predicting the impact of climate variability and climate change on land use and land cover change via socio-economic institutions in Southern Africa  -- Southworth (LCLUC 2008) 2009 
Southworth (NESSF 2005) Alternative Landscapes Along the Amazons Frontier: Simulating Future Land Use and Carbon Dynamics in the Xingu River Headwaters Region (Advisor Southworth, Jane)  -- Southworth (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Spear (NESSF 2005) Using Remote Sensing to Investigate the Role of Environmental Change and Hydrological Connectivity in the Reemergence of Schistosomiasis in Sichuan Province, China (Advisor Spear, Robert )  -- Spear (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Spies, Thomas (Tom)
USDA Forest Service
Tradeoffs among carbon and other ecosystem services associated with different forest management practices  -- Spies (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Stammerjohn, Sharon
University of Colorado at Boulder
Improving Current Assessments and Future Predictions of Carbon Fluxes in the Southern Ocean as Mediated by the Dynamical Response of Ice-Ocean-Ecosystem Interactions to Climate Change  -- Stammerjohn (OBB 2006) 2009 
Steele, Michael
University of Washington
The Autonomous Polar Productivity Sampling System (APPSS)  -- Steele (OBB 2009) 2010 
Still (NESSF 2004) From Cellulose to Selling Out Tree Ring Isotopes Can Identify the Culprits Behind Meso Climate Change in a Tropical Cloud Forest  -- Still (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Still, Christopher
Oregon State University
C4 Photosynthesis and the Carbon Cycle  -- Still (NIP 2003) 2004 
Stohlgren, Tom
Fingerprinting Native and Non-Native Biodiversity in the United States: Phase 1 - The Western US  -- Stohlgren (IDS 2003) 2004 
Stone, Thomas
US Geological Survey
Lunar Calibration for the Next Generation of Earth-Observing Satellite Sensors  -- Stone (NPP 2010) 2011 
Strahler, Alan
Boston University
Retrieval of Vegetation Structure and Carbon Balance Parameters Using Ground-Based Lidar and Scaling to Airborne and Spaceborne Lidar Sensors  -- Strahler (RSS 2005) 2006 
Stramska, Malgorzata
University of California San Diego
Seasonal and interannual variability in the vertical flux of particulate organic carbon in the north polar Atlantic  -- Stramska (EOS 2006) 2007 
Stramski, Dariusz
Assessing biodiversity of phytoplankton communities in the ocean from optical remote sensing  -- Stramski (BIODIV 2008) 2009 
Strutton (NESSF 2005) The Role of Tropical Instability Waves in Modulating Equatorial Pacific Carbon Cycling (Advisor Strutton, Peter G)  -- Strutton (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Strutton, Pete
Oregon State University
Remote sensing of Southern Ocean air-sea CO2 fluxes  -- Strutton (OBB 2006) 2007 
Subramaniam, Ajit
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Multisensor Mapping of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Large River Plumes  -- Subramaniam (2010) 2010 
Subramaniam, Ajit
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Varied Waters and Dusty Skies III: The Use of Satellite Ocean Color Data Products to Study the Eastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean  -- Subramaniam (OBB 2004) 2005 
Sun, Guoqing
NASA GSFC/University of Maryland
Proposal to be a member of the Science Definition Team for Carbon Monitoring System (CMS)  -- Sun (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Sun, Guoqing
NASA GSFC/University of Maryland
Model Inversion of Multiple-Sensor Data for Forest Biophysical Parameters Retrieval  -- Sun (RSS 2005) 2006 
Sun, Guoqing
NASA GSFC/University of Maryland
Data Fusion Algorithms for Forest Biomass Mapping From Lidar and SAR Data  -- Sun (TE 2008) 2009 
Swatantran, Anuradha (Anu)
University of Maryland
Mapping habitat for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker and the California Spotted Owl: A Multi-Sensor fusion approach  -- Swatantran (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Taff, Greg
Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute
Capacity building for NEESPI and GOFC-GOLD  -- Taff (2010) 2010 
Teng, William (Bill)
Improving World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates by Integrating NASA Water Cycle-Related Data and Technologies into USDA World Agricultural Outlook Board Decision Making Environment  -- Teng (DECISIONS 2008) 2009 
Thenkabail, Prasad
Water Use and Water Productivity of Key World Crops using Hyperion-ASTER, and a Large Collection of in-situ Field Biological and Spectral Data in Central Asia  -- Thenkabail (HYSPIRI 2010) 2011 
Thome, Kurtis (Kurt)
Reflectance-Based Calibration of Terra and Aqua Imaging Sensors in the Solar Reflective  -- Thome (EOS 2006) 2007 
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
Effects of Insect Defoliation on Regional Carbon Dynamics of Forests  -- Townsend (2006) 2006 
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
Detection of key leaf physiological traits using spectroscopy and hyperspectral imagery  -- Townsend (HYSPIRI 2009) 2010 
Serbin, Shawn
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
An integrative approach for quantifying the effects of disturbance on regional forest carbon cycling  -- Townsend (NESSF 2008) 2008 
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
Characterization of forest functional types and their role in mediating ecosystem response to environmental change  -- Townsend (TE 2007) 2008 
Townshend, John
University of Maryland
GLCF support  -- Townshend (EOS 2003) 2006 
Townshend, John
University of Maryland
Enhanced Land Cover and Land Cover Change Products from MODIS  -- Townshend (EOS 2006) 2008 
Townshend (NESSF 2006) Conservation or Degradation: The Impact of Land Cover Change on the Outstanding Universal Value of World Heritage Sites  -- Townshend (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Townshend, John
University of Maryland
Global Land Cover Facility (REASoN)  -- Townshend (REASON 2002) 2006 
Townshend, John
University of Maryland
Enhanced Land Cover Products from MODIS: Vegetation Continuous Fields Maintenance and Refinements  -- Townshend (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Treuhaft, Robert
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Data Fusion, Error Analysis, and a Global Biomass Product: Proposal for Membership on the Carbon Monitoring System Science Definition Team  -- Treuhaft (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Treuhaft, Robert
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Toward Regional 3-Dimensional Tropical-Forest Structure and Biomass from Interferometric SAR  -- Treuhaft (RSS 2005) 2006 
Treuhaft, Robert
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
The Performance Of Structure And Biomass Estimation From Insar 3-D Vegetation Missions At L-Band Over Tropical Forests  -- Treuhaft (TE 2007) 2008 
Tuanmu, Mao-Ning
Yale University
Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Understory Vegetation Under Different Climate Change Scenarios: Implications for Wildlife Conservation  -- Tuanmu (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Tubiello, Franscesco
Columbia University
Carbon, Climate and Managed Land in Ukraine: Integrating Data and Models of Land Use for NEESPI  -- Tubiello (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Tucker, Compton
Identifying and Understanding 25 Years of North American Carbon Cycle Disturbances  -- Tucker (2005) 2005 
Tucker, Compton
Identifying and Understanding Carbon Cycle Implications of North American Natural and Anthropogenic Disturbances: 1982-2005  -- Tucker (CARBON 2004) 2004 
Tucker, Compton
Identifying and Understanding 25 Years of North American Carbon Cycle Disturbances  -- Tucker (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Turner, Billie
Clark University
Landscape vulnerability-resilience in the southern Yucatan Penninsular region (SYPR)  -- Turner (LCLUC 2005) 2006 
Turner (NESSF 2005) Evaluating Remote Sensing Techniques for the Discrimination of Secondary Forests and their Biodiversity Potential  -- Turner (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Turner (NESSF 2006) Disaggregating phenological variation from discrete land-cover change in the Rio Lerma-Chapala watershed, Mexico  -- Turner (NESSF 2006) 2006 
Turner, David
Oregon State University
Assessing The Sensitivity Of Net Ecosystem Exchange Over North America To Climate And Disturbance With Prognostic And Diagnostic Models  -- Turner (TE 2008) 2010 
Twardowski, Michael
Florida Atlantic University
Improving coastal ocean color validation through application of IOPs  -- Twardowski (OBB 2005) 2006 
Tzortziou, Maria
CCNY City University of New York / Columbia University LDEO
Spatial and temporal variability of atmospheric NO2 and other trace gases and aerosols over Eastern US coastal regions: applications to remote sensing observations and studies of nitrogen deposition.  -- Tzortziou (NIP 2009) 2010 
Urban, Edward
Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Secretariat
International coordination, development, scientific and training activities in the field of satellite ocean-colour radiomtery (OCR)  -- Urban (2009) 2009 
Urban (NESSF 2005) Application of Novel Satellite Observations of Phytoplankton Carbon Biomass and Growth Rates to Develop an Empirical Ocean Ecosystem Model (Advisor Sarmiento, Jorge L)  -- Urban (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Ustin, Susan
University of California Davis
MODIS Canopy Water Content Product  -- Ustin (2008) 2008 
Ustin (NESSF 2004) Remote Sensing of Periodic Sulfide Events and Chlorophyll Concentrations in the Salton Sea California  -- Ustin (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Kefauver, Shawn
Ustin, Susan
University of California Davis
Remote Sensing of Bio-Indicators for Forest Health Assessment  -- Ustin (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Ustin, Susan
University of California Davis
Near Real Time Science Processing Algorithm for Live Fuel Moisture Content for the MODIS Direct Readout System  -- Ustin (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Vaillancourt, Robert (Bob)
Millersville University
Development of Satellite Primary Productivity Algorithms for Coastal Waters  -- Vaillancourt (OBB 2004) 2005 
Verdy, Ariane
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Towards a 4D-Var Approach for Estimation of Air-Sea Carbon Dioxide Fluxes  -- Verdy (CMS 2011) 2012 
Vermote, Eric
MODIS surface radiation data products maintenance through continuous monitoring of accuracy  -- Vermote (EOS 2006) 2007 
Vorosmarty, Charles
Further Tests on a Modeling Framework to Detect and Analyze Changes in Land-to-Coastal Fluxes of Freshwater and Constituents  -- Vorosmarty (IDS 2006) 2007 
Vorosmarty, Charles
Role of LCLUC in hydrology of Eurasian pan-Arctic  -- Vorosmarty (LCLUC 2005) 2006 
Vorosmarty, Charles
Role of LCLUC in Water Budget and Water Use Across Central Asia  -- Vorosmarty (NEWS 2004) 2005 
Voss, Ken
Physics Dept, Univ of Miami
Enhancements to the water-leaving radiance algorithm: Case II waters BRDF and polarized upwelling radiance distribution  -- Voss (EOS 2006) 2007 
Walker, Donald (Skip)
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Application of space-based technologies to examine land-cover/land-use change along a transect on the Yamal Peninsula and Novaya Zemlya, Russia  -- Walker (LCLUC 2005) 2006 
Walker, Donald (Skip)
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Adaptation to Rapid Land-Use and Climate Changes on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia: Remote Sensing and Models for Analyzing Cumulative Effects  -- Walker (LCLUC 2008) 2009 
Walker, Robert
Michigan State University
Spatially specific land cover econometrics and integration with climate prediction: scenarios of future landscapes and land-climate interactions  -- Walker (TE LBA 2002) 2006 
Walsh (NESSF 2004) Land Use Land Cover Trajectories in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon Drivers Feedbacks Uncertainties and Spatial Simulations  -- Walsh (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Walsh, Stephen
University of North Carolina
Multi-agent models of LCLUC Dynamics in the northern Ecuadorian Amazon: Coupling Human & Natural Systems through pattern-process relations and spatial simulations  -- Walsh (TE LBA 2002) 2006 
Walter Anthony, Katey
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Characterization of CH4 emissions from high latitude lakes in North America using multi-scale remote sensing  -- Walter (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Wan, Zhengming
Univ. CA, Santa Barbara
Refinement and Validation of Flexible Operational Algorithms for the Generation of Consistent Long-Term Land-Surface Temperature/Emissivity ESDR/CDR Products  -- Wan (EOS 2006) 2007 
Wan, Zhengming
Univ. CA, Santa Barbara
Science Data Analysis Including TIR BRDF Retrieval for Improvements of the MODIS Land-Surface Temperature/Emissivity Products in Long-term Accuracy and Consistency.  -- Wan (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Wang, Xiujun (Wendy)
Seasonal to Decadal Variations of the Oceanic PCO2 and Air-Sea flux of CO2 in the Equatorial Pacific  -- Wang (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Wang, Xiujun (Wendy)
Reducing the Global Carbon Cycle Uncertainties: Understanding the Tropical Ocean-Atmosphere CO2 fluxes  -- Wang (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Peterson, David
Wang, Jun
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
The Interannual Variability of Biomass Burning in North America using MODIS Data: Fire Weather Forecasting Applications  -- Wang (NESSF 2009) 2009 
Wang, Menghua
Evaluation and Improvement of the NPP/NPOESS VIIRS Ocean Color EDRs  -- Wang (NPP 2010) 2011 
Wang, Menghua
Ocean Color Remote Sensing in the Coastal Regions  -- Wang (OBB 2005) 2007 
Wang, Xiujun (Wendy)
Decadal Changes in the Equatorial Pacific Ecosystem Structure and Functioning: Impact of Climate Conditions  -- Wang (OBB 2008) 2009 
Waring, Richard (Dick)
Oregon State University
Predicting Tree Species Diversity Across the Contigious USA from Seasonal Patterns in Photosynthesis Derived with Satellite-Driven Models  -- Waring (EOS 2003) 2004 
Waring, Richard (Dick)
Oregon State University
Predicting current and future outbreaks of insect and disease attacks on native tree species in the Pacific Northwest with a physiologically-based model  -- Waring (FEASIBILITY 2008) 2009 
Watson, Fred
Systems Integration and Visualization of Yellowstone: an Earth Systems Research, Application, and Education Solution  -- Watson (REASON 2002) 2003 
Weaver (NESSF 2004) Impact of Anthropogenic Land Use Land Cover Change on Climate and Hydrologic Cycle of a Semi-Arid Region  -- Weaver (NESSF 2004) 2004 
Weishampel (NESSF 2005) Detecting Changes in Veritcal Canopy Structure of Tropical Rainforests Using LiDAR (Advisor Weishampel, John F)  -- Weishampel (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Welch, Ron
University of Alabama-Huntsville
Environmental Stability of Forest Corridors in the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor region  -- Welch (IDS 2006) 2007 
Wennberg, Paul
CO2 column distribution at Park Falls Wisconsin  -- Wennberg (2004) 2004 
Wennberg, Paul
The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON): Ground-based Observations in Support of the Orbiting Carbon Observatory  -- Wennberg (CARBON 2007) 2008 
West, Tristram (Tris)
Development of a Framework and Modeling Tool for Spatially-Explicit Full Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Accounting at the Regional to National Scale: Estimating Net C-Equivalent Flux from U.S. Agriculture  -- West (2005) 2005 
West, Tristram (Tris)
Modeling and Mapping Land Management and Net Carbon Emissions: Decision Support for Biofuels and Carbon Management on US Agricultural Lands  -- West (2008) 2008 
West, Tristram (Tris)
Estimating Global Inventory-Based Net Carbon Exchange from Agricultural Lands for Use in the NASA Flux Pilot Study  -- West (CMS 2011) 2012 
Westberry, Toby
Oregon State University
Ecosystem carbon dynamics in high-latitude seasonal seas of the subarctic North Pacific and North Atlantic  -- Westberry (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Westberry, Toby
Oregon State University
Investigating the causes of Trichodesmium Blooms in the World Oceans  -- Westberry (NIP 2007) 2008 
Westberry, Toby
Oregon State University
Development of a Globally consistent AQUA MODIS Fluorescence Line Height (FLH) Record and its Science Applications  -- Westberry (TERAQ 2009) 2010 
White, Michael Parameter Surfaces for Terrestrial Ecosystem Models  -- White (NIP 2003) 2004 
White, Angelicque
Oregon State University
Primary productivity as a function of absorption, pigment based phytoplankton diversity and particle size distributions  -- White (NIP 2009) 2010 
Wick, Gary
Assessment and Advancement of Satellite-Based Remote Sensing of Gas Fluxes for the Southern Ocean Air-Sea CO2 Study  -- Wick (OBB 2006) 2007 
Wilhelmi, Olga
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
System for Integrated Modeling of Metropolitan Extreme Heat Risk (SIMMER)  -- Wilhelmi (IDS 2009) 2010 
Wilson, John
North Carolina State University
Using Landsat Data to Quantify the Combined Effects of Habitat Loss and Climate Change on West African Wildlife  -- Wilson (NESSF 2011) 2011 
Wimberly, Michael (Mike)
University Of Oklahoma, Norman
TE: Integrating Multi-Sensor Satellite Data for Malaria Early Warning in the Amhara Region of Ethiopia  -- Wimberly (NESSF 2010) 2011 
Wofsy, Steven (Steve)
Harvard University
Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Sources for non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases (CH4, CO, N2O) over North America  -- Wofsy (2008) 2008 
Wofsy, Steven (Steve)
Harvard University
Source attribution, emission monitoring and treaty verification by combining remote sensing and suborbital data  -- Wofsy (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Wofsy, Steven (Steve)
Harvard University
Integrated Analysis of Regional and Continental Carbon Budgets for CO2 and CO in North America, Using Data from Remote Sensing, from Stations Measuring Concentrations and Fluxes, and Other Sources  -- Wofsy (NACP 2005) 2006 
Chow, Victoria
Wofsy, Steven (Steve)
Harvard University
An integrated approach to quantify regional carbon budgets in North America and Amazonia by assimilation of high-resolution meteorological and remote sensing data  -- Wofsy (NESSF 2008) 2008 
Wofsy, Steven (Steve)
Harvard University
Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Sources for non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases (CH4, CO, N2O) and aerosols over Amazonia  -- Wofsy (TE 2008) 2009 
Wofsy, Steven (Steve)
Harvard University
Budgets for Carbon Cycle Gases (CO2, CH4, and CO) in the Amazon Basin from Aircraft and Remote Sensing Data  -- Wofsy (TE 2009) 2010 
Wofsy, Steven (Steve)
Harvard University
Fluxes and Budgets of CO2 and H2O in the Amazon Basin  -- Wofsy (TE LBA 2005) 2006 
Wolfe, Robert
VIIRS Geometric Calibration and Validation for NPP Earth System and Climate  -- Wolfe (NPP 2010) 2011 
Wolfe, Robert
Maintaining NASAs Land Product Validation Infrastructure and Using Related Data for Model Sensitivity Studies  -- Wolfe-1 (EOS 2006) 2008 
Wolfe, Robert
Advanced geolocation algorithms for Earth Science Data Records from moderate resolution sensors  -- Wolfe-2 (EOS 2006) 2008 
Woodcock, Curtis
Boston University
Quantifying the effects of land use change on carbon budgets in the Black Sea Region and China  -- Woodcock (CARBON 2004) 2005 
Woodcock, Curtis
Boston University
Quantifying the accuracy and uncertainty in remote sensing products of land use change: implications for carbon monitoring  -- Woodcock (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Wynne, Randolph (Randy)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Decision Support for Loblolly Pine Carbon Management: From Research to Operations  -- Wynne (2006) 2006 
Wynne, Randolph (Randy)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
SilviScan -- An Airborne LIDAR-Forestry Conference  -- Wynne (TE 2002) 2006 
Xiao, Jingfeng
University of New Hampshire
Providing Scientific and Technical Guidance to the Development and Evaluation of the Integrated Flux Pilot Product: Forcing Evaluation, Parameter Optimization, Uncertainty Assessment and Product Validation  -- Xiao (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Xiao, Xiangming
University of Oklahoma
Quantifying Leaf Chlorophyll Content, Light Absorption by Chlorophyll and Gross Primary Production  -- Xiao (EOS 2006) 2009 
Xiao, Xiangming
University of Oklahoma
Quantifying changes in agricultural intensification and expansion in monsoon Asia during 2000-2010  -- Xiao (LCLUC 2009) 2011 
Yang, Zong-Liang
The University of Texas at Austin
Using Satellite Data and Fully Coulpled Regional Hydrologic, Ecological and Atmospheric Models to Study Complex Coastal Evironmental Processes  -- Yang (IDS 2006) 2007 
Yang, Zong-Liang
The University of Texas at Austin
Developing and Applying an Integrated Multi-scale Earth System Modeling Framework to Study the Impacts of Changing Climate, Local Weather, and Land Use on Watersheds and Downstream Coastal Ecosystems  -- Yang (IDS 2009) 2010 
Yang (NESSF 2007) Using Satellite Observations and a Fully Coupled Land-Atmosphere-Chemistry Model to Study the Coupling between Vegetation and the Hydrologic Cycle through Biogenic Emissions Pathways  -- Yang (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Yang, Melissa
NASA Langley Research Center
High-resolution measurements of atmospheric CO2 over North America during NASA Field Campaigns (2004-2008)  -- Yang-Vay (2004) 2004 
Yavitt (NESSF 2005) Getting Rid of Reactive Nitrogen: Quantifying Denitrification Rates in Forest Soils of the Northeastern USA Using Remotely Sensed Data and Modeling (Advisor Yavitt, Joseph B)  -- Yavitt (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Yoder (NESSF 2005) Inversion of Sea Spectral Reflectance to Obtain Phytoplankton Community Size Structure: Methodology and Ecological Implications (Advisor Yoder, James A)  -- Yoder (NESSF 2005) 2005 
Yvon-Lewis, Shari
Texas A&M
Ocean Acidification of the Greater Caribbean Region 1999 - 2009  -- Yvon-Lewis (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Zarin (NESSF 2007) Modeling Future Carbon Emissions from Amazon Forest Fires  -- Zarin (NESSF 2007) 2007 
Zeng, Xubin
University of Arizona
Relationship between LCLUC and Surface Hydrology over Arid and SemiArid Region  -- Zeng (2005) 2005 
Zettler, Erik
Sea Education Association
Documenting inherent optical properties along repeated cruise tracks in the Atlantic and Pacific by Sea Education Association's vessels  -- Zettler (2006) 2006 
Zhang, Tingjun
University of Colorado, Boulder
Impacts of Soil Freeze/Thaw Dynamics on the North American Carbon Cycle  -- Zhang (NACP 2005) 2006 
Zhang, Jinlun
University of Washington
Planktonic Ecosystem Response to Changing Sea Ice and Upper Ocean Physics in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas: Modeling, Satellite and In Situ Observations  -- Zhang-J (2010) 2010 
Zhao, Maosheng
University of Maryland
Integrating MODIS Primary Production and Evapotranspiration Datasets to Monitor Carbon and Water Dynamics for Terrestrial Ecosystems  -- Zhao (2011) 2011 
Zhou, Yuyu
Iowa State University
Understanding and Simulating Global Urban Expansion in the Context of Climate Change  -- Zhou (LCLUC 2011) 2013 
Zhuang, Qianlai
Purdue University
Changes of Land Cover and Land Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Northern Eurasia: Impacts on Human Adaptation and Quality of Life at Regional and Global Scales  -- Zhuang (LCLUC 2008) 2009