Topic 1 (Rm. 1040) What are the key scientific questions, research goals, and investigations related to (i) improving the predictive ability of biospheric and ecosystem models, and (ii) understanding the distribution of ocean fluxes of CO2, their variability, and the factors affecting this variability, that can be addressed by an active CO2 instrument? Examples include topics related to high latitude carbon cycle, constraining photosynthesis and respiration, discerning climate controls on CO2 flux variability at different temporal scales (e.g. ENSO), etc.
Topic 2 (Rm. 1046) What are the key scientific questions, research goals, and investigations related to understanding the effects of biospheric disturbance on carbon flux variability that can be addressed by an active CO2 instrument? Examples include topics related to forest fires, infestations, drought, etc.
Topic 3 (Rm. 1024) What are the key scientific questions, research goals, and investigations related to quantifying anthropogenic emissions of CO2 , including fossil fuel emissions, emissions due to land cover and land use change (LCLUC), and other anthropogenic disturbances (e.g. man made fires) that can be addressed by an active CO2 instrument?
Topic 1 (Rm. 1040) What are the characteristics of the data products required for an active CO2 instrument to contribute significantly to addressing the scientific questions and research goals for improving (i) the predictive ability of biospheric and ecosystem models, and (ii) understanding of the distribution of ocean fluxes of CO2, as identified during the first breakout session?
Topic 2 (Rm. 1046) What are the characteristics of the data products required for an active CO2 instrument to contribute significantly to addressing the scientific questions and research goals for improving understanding of the effects of biospheric disturbance on carbon flux variability, as identified during the first breakout session?
Topic 3 (Rm. 1024) What are the measurement characteristics required for an active CO2 instrument to contribute significantly to addressing the scientific questions and research goals for quantifying anthropogenic emissions of CO2, as identified during the first breakout session?
Topic 1 (Rm. 1046) Integrate flow down ASCENDS requirements from science questions to specific investigations to measurement requirements, across scientific topics discussed in the first two breakout sessions. What short- term investigations would help clarify the coordination of requirements across scientific areas?
Topic 2 (Rm. 1024) Identify simulations and field studies needed to assist in quantifying ASCENDS measurement requirements, and provide specific guidance on what issues need to be considered in conducting these studies.
Topic 3 (Rm. 1040) Define technology needs to ensure successful entry into Phase A. What are (i) the current status of various candidate technologies for ASCENDS, (ii) planned work on further development and demonstration of these technologies, (iii) gaps in the technology development program?
Topic 4 (Rm. 1028) Building on existing validation infrastructure for OCO and GOSAT, define a validation strategy and requirements tailored for ASCENDS measurements, including spectroscopy and algorithm development, and provide guidance on a near-term plan to address these issues.