ASCENDS 2008 Workshop
Poster Session: Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 6:00 - 7:30 PM (Atrium)
Group 1: |
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Estimation of Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange for the Conterminous United States by Combining MODIS and AmeriFlux Data |
Jingfeng Xiao, Purdue University
Qianlai Zhuang, Purdue University (presenting)
Other 40 AmeriFlux, Principal Investigators
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Equifinality in Parameterization of Process-Based Biogeochemistry Models: A Significant Uncertainty Source to Estimation of Regional Carbon Dynamics |
Jinyun Tang, Purdue University
Qianlai Zhuang, Purdue University (presenting)
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Ensemble modeling of carbon and water fluxes using the Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System (TOPS) |
Weile Wang, Oak Ridge Associated Universities & NASA Ames Research Center (presenting)
Andrew Michaelis, California State University Monterey Bay & NASA Ames Research Center
Jennifer Dungan, NASA Ames Research Center
Ramakrishna Nemani, NASA Ames Research Center
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Influences of spatial and temporal resolutions of CO2 concentration on carbon budget estimation: Implications for ASCENDS |
Lianhong Gu, ORNL (presenting)
Mac Post, ORNL
Dan Ricciuto, ORNL
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The role of remote sensing in quantifying emissions from wildland fires in North America |
Nancy HF French, Michigan Tech Research Institute (presenting)
Eric S Kasischke, University of Maryland
Laura L Bourgeau-Chavez, Michigan Tech Research Institute
Merritt R Turetsky, University of Guelph
Group 2: |
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Status of Regional Transport Modeling in Support of Achieving ASCENDS Science Objectives and Definining Measurement Concepts |
Janusz Eluszkiewicz, AER, Inc. (presenting)
Hilary E. Snell, AER, Inc.
T. Scott Zaccheo, AER, Inc.
Michael Dobbs, ITT
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Diurnal and Synoptic Variability of Simulated Atmospheric CO2 along Satellite Orbits: results obtained with TransCom Satellite Experiment |
Ryu Saito, National Institute for Environmental Studies (presenting)
Dmitry Belikov, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Prabir K Patra, Frontier Research Center for Global Change
Ravi Lokupitiya, Colorado State University
Sander Houweling, SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research
Shamil Maksyutov, National Institute for Environmental Studies
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The impact of convective parameter sensitivity on simulated atmospheric CO2 distributions |
Lesley Ott, Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, NASA GSFC (presenting)
Steven Pawson, Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, NASA GSFC
Julio Bacmeister, Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, NASA GSFC
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Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation Using Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter |
Ji-Sun Kang, University of Maryland, College Park (presenting)
Eugenia Kalnay, University of Maryland, College Park
Junjie Liu, University of California, Berkeley
Inez Fung, University of California, Berkeley
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CO2 Transport Over Mountains and Heterogeneous 'Flat' Terrain |
Jielun Sun, National Center for Atmospheric Research (presenting)
Group 3: |
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Retrieval and Assimilation of Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) CO2 |
Susan Sund Kulawik, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Fredrick W. Irion, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Kevin W. Bowman, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Ray Nassar, Centre for Global Change Science, University of Toronto (presenting)
Dylan B. Jones, Department of Physics, University of Toronto
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Current Status and Future Plan of GOSAT Project at National Institute for Environmental Studies(NIES) |
Tsuneo Matsunaga, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan (presenting)
Hiroshi Watanabe, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
Tatsuya Yokota, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
Osamu Uchino, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Isamu Morino, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Shamil Maksyutov, National Institute for Environmental Studies
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Validated Observations of CO2 Dry Mole Fraction from the Airborne Platform |
James R Smith, Atmospheric Observing Systems, Inc. (presenting)
Michael P Hahn, Atmospheric Observing Systems, Inc.
Michael Jacox, Atmospheric Observing Systems, Inc. (presenting)
Stephen Stearns, NaCaPe Design, Inc.
Todd Bernatsky, Atmospheric Observing Systems, Inc.
Drew Elam, Atmospheric Observing Systems, Inc.
Nicholas Sato, Atmospheric Observing Systems, Inc.
Eric Kinne, Atmospheric Observing Systems, Inc.
Jena Lane, Atmospheric Observing Systems, Inc.
Margaret Torn, DOE / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Sebastian Biraud, DOE / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
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Carbon Source/Sink Information Provided by Column CO2 Measurements from the Orbital Carbon Observatory |
David F. Baker, CIRA/CSU (presenting)
Hartmut Boesch, University of Leicester
Scott C. Doney, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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TIMS Instrumentation to Characterize OCO and Spatial CO2 Distributions in the ASCENDS Era |
Robert B Chatfield, NASA Ames R.C. (presenting)
John Kumer, Lockheed Martin ATC
Aidan Roche, Lockheed Martin ATC
Jack Doolittle, Lockheed Martin ATC
Matthew Fladeland, NASA Ames R.C.
Group 4: |
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Development of 2micron Coherent Differential Absorption Lidar with Conductive-cooled Laser |
Kohei Mizutani, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (presenting)
Shoken Ishii, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Toshikazu Itabe, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Tetsuo Aoki, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Philippe Baron, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Jana Mendrok, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Kazuhiro Asai, Tohoku Institute of Technology
Atsush Sato, Tohoku Institute of Technology
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Development and Initial Testing of a High Sensitivity DIAL System For Profiling Atmospheric CO2 |
Syed Ismail, NASA Langley Research Center (presenting)
Grady J Koch, NASA Langley
Tamer Refaat, Old Dominion University
Ken Davis, Pennsylvania State University
Nurul Abedin, NASA Langley Research Center
Jirong Yu, NASA Langley Research Center
Charles Miller, Jet Propulsion Labrotary
Upendra Singh, NASA Langley Research Center
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Development of a DIAL model for atmospheric CO2 |
James Lawrence, Physics and Astronomy department, , University of Leicester (presenting)
Roland Leigh, Physics and Astronomy department, , University of Leicester
Paul Monks, Chemistry department, , University of Leicester,
John Remedios, Physics and Astronomy department, , University of Leicester
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An Instrument for the ASCENDS Mission Enabling Identification of Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions Using Concurrent CO Measurements |
William B. Cook, NASA Langley Research Center (presenting)
James H. Crawford, NASA Langley Research Center
Glenn S. Diskin, NASA Langley Research Center
Larry L. Gordley, GATS, Inc.
Manuel A. Rubio, NASA Langley Research Center
Glen W. Sachse, National Institute of Aerospace
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Laser Sounder for Measuring Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations for the ASCENDS Mission - Progress |
James B. Abshire, NASA-Goddard, Code 690 (presenting)
Haris Riris, NASA-Goddard, Code 694
S. Randy Kawa, NASA-Goddard, Code 613
Jianping Mao, SSAI
Graham R. Allan, Sigma Space
Xiaoli Sun, NASA- Goddard, Code 694
Mark A. Stephen, NASA-Goddard, Code 554
Michael A. Krainak, NASA-Goddard, Code 554
Emiliy Wilson, NASA-Goddard, Code 554
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Laser Sounder for the ASCENDS Mission - Space Instrument Study |
James B. Abshire, NASA-Goddard (presenting)
Xiaoli Sun, NASA-Goddard
Mark A. Stephen, NASA-Goddard
Jeffrey Chen, NASA-Goddard
Emily Wilson, NASA-Goddard
Luis Ramos-Izquierdo, NASA-Goddard
Haris Riris, NASA-Goddard
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Development of a CO2 DIAL Lidar at 1570 nm |
John Burris, NASA/Goddard (presenting)
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A Modulated CW Fiber Laser-Lidar Suite for the ASCENDS Mission |
Michael Dobbs, ITT Space Systems Division (presenting)
Jeremy Dobler, ITT Space Systems Division
Berrien Moore III, Climate Central, Princetinm NJ & University of New Hampshire (Emeritus)
Edward Browell, NASA Langley Research Center
T. Scott Zaccheo, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc.
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Refinements in the Calculation of Model Optical Depth for Comparison with DIAL CO2 Optical Depth Measurements |
Susan A. Kooi, SSAI Hampton, VA 23666 (presenting)
Edward V. Browell, NASA LaRC, Hampton, VA 23681
Syed Ismail, NASA LaRC, Hampton, VA 23681
Yonghoon Choi, NIA Hampton, VA 23666
Marta A. Fenn, SSAI Hampton, VA 23666
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Simple, Robust, CO2 Sounder employing a Broadband Laser Source. |
William S Heaps, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (presenting)
Emily L Wilson, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Elena Georgieva, University of Maryland Baltimore County
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Assessment of Aircraft-based CO2 Measurements and the Extension to Space-based Missions |
T Scott Zaccheo, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc. (presenting)
Hillary E Snell, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc.
Michael Dobbs, ITT Space Systems Division
Jeremy Dobler, ITT Space Systems Division
Edward Browell, NASA Langley Research Center
Berrien Moore III, Climate Central, Princeton NJ & University of New Hampshire (Emeritus)
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An Assessment of the Feasibility of Implementing the Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days, and Seasons (ASCENDS) Mission |
Fenton W Harrison, NASA Langley Research Center (presenting)
Edward V Browell, NASA Langley Research Center
Stacey W Boland, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (presenting)
Gary D Spiers, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
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Laser Sounding Instrument using Oxygen A-Band for Atmospheric Pressure Sensing |
Mark A Stephen, NASA-GSFC
James B Abshire, NASA-GSFC (presenting)
Jian-ping Moa, RSIS, Inc.
S. Randy Kawa, NASA-GSFC
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Airborne Demonstration of 1.57-Micron Laser Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric CO2 Measurements |
Edward V. Browell, NASA LaRC (presenting)
Michael E. Dobbs, ITT Corp.
Jeremy Dobler, ITT Corp.
Susan A. Kooi, NASA LaRC
Yonghoon Choi, NASA LaRC
F. Wallace Harrison, NASA LaRC
Berrien Moore, Climate Central
T. Scott Zaccheo, AER
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An Airborne 2 micron Laser Absorption Spectrometer for the Remote Measurement of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide |
Gary D. Spiers, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (presenting)
Robert T. Menzies, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Luke Chen, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Mark W. Phillips, Lockheed Martin Coherent Technologies
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Sensitivity Studies for a Space-based CO2 Laser Sounder |
Jianping Mao, NASA GSFC/SSAI
Stephan R. Kawa, NASA GSFC
James B. Abshire, NASA GSFC (presenting)
Haris Riris, NASA GSFC
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Airborne In Situ CO2 Measurements Used in Validation of Remote Sensing Measurements |
Stephanie A. Vay, NASA LaRC
Yonghoon Choi, NASA LaRC
Edward V. Browell, NASA LaRC (presenting)
F. Wallace Harrison, NASA LaRC
Susan A. Kooi, NASA LaRC |