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Fuel consumption and carbon cycling in northern peatland ecosystems: Understanding vulnerability to burning, fuel consumption, and emissions via remote sensing of fuel moisture and radiative energy

Asim Banskota, Michigan Technological University, (Presenter)
Michael J. Falkowski, Michigan Technological University,
Evan S Kane, Michigan Technological University,
Alistair Matthew Stuart Smith, University of Idaho,
Robert Kremens, Rochester Institute of Technology - Center for Imaging Science,
Nancy HF French, Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI),
Laura Louise Bourgeau-Chavez, Michigan Tech Research Institute,
Mary Ellen Miller, Michigan Tech Research Institute,

Assessing and monitoring hydrological change, fire dynamics, and associated CO2 emissions in peatland ecosystems is critical to carbon cycle and ecosystem science. Peatlands represent 3-5% of the land surface, but sequester 12-30% of soil organic carbon. Climate induced lowering of water table height alters carbon dynamics in peatland systems and can increase vulnerability to wildfire, which ultimately increases the potential for emission of CO2 to the atmosphere. Remote sensing of active fire characteristics (e.g., fire radiative energy (FRE)) can be used to assess biomass burning and related CO2 emissions at regional to continental scales. However, recent research has demonstrated that fuel moisture content can have a large impact on remotely sensed FRE measures, potentially leading to significant errors in biomass consumption and emission estimates derived from FRE data. The overall goal of this research is to develop an understanding of how peatland fuel moisture content influences FRE and derived estimates of biomass consumption and CO2 emissions in northern peatland ecosystems. To address this overall goal, we leverage ongoing laboratory experiments, field-based studies, and prescribed burning activities to further develop remote sensing methods for assessing peatland fuel moisture and vulnerability to fire. This approach allows for relatively careful monitoring and fine scale characterization of water table height, peat moisture content, thermal properties of the fire, as well as biomass consumption and associated CO2 emissions, and may ultimately lead to improved methods for estimating biomass consumption and CO2 emissions at regional to continental scales.

Presentation: 2013_Poster_Banskota_18_76.pdf (29917k)

Presentation Type:  Poster

Session:  Poster Session 1-A   (Tue 11:00 AM)

Associated Project(s): 

Poster Location ID: 18


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