Use of SMAP Seasonal Inundation and Soil Moisture Estimates in the Quantification of Biogenic Gas Fluxes
Galantowicz, AER, Inc.,
Eluszkiewicz, AER, Inc.,
Tian, Auburn University,
Wetlands and water bodies are the primary source of terrestrial methane (CH4) emissions, but current remote sensing methods are incapable of making the frequent, high-resolution maps of wetlands and inundation needed to adequately model their role in greenhouse gas (GHG) production. NASA's Soil Moisture Active-Passive (SMAP) mission--scheduled for launch in 2014--will combine 1- to 3-km resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR), 40-km-resolution L-band radiometry, and 3-day revisit period to make a novel dataset that can provide frequent inundation maps superior to alternative methods. Our project--recently selected for funding--will use a combination of sensor scene simulation, biogenic gas emission, and atmospheric modeling tools to study the use of SMAP-derived inundation maps and soil moisture in models quantifying fluxes of CH4, carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Sensor scene simulation and performance prediction methods will be used to build an SMAP inundation retrieval algorithm and error model covering various ecosystem types, inundation scenarios, and sensor performance specifications. The Dynamic Land Surface Ecosystem Model (DLEM) will be used to simulate the sensitivity of regional ecosystem-atmosphere gas exchanges to inundation and as the basis for a combined SMAP-DLEM model to improve GHG flux predictions. Validation of SMAP-DLEM will be conducted using atmospheric CH4 concentration measurements and the Weather Research and Forecasting/Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport (WRF/STILT) Lagrangian particle dispersion model. The poster will briefly describe the SMAP mission sensors, retrieval algorithms, and operational plan and discuss the sensor scene simulation and DLEM experiments to be conducted.
Presentation Type: Poster
Poster Session: Orbital and Suborbital Missions
NASA TE Funded Awards Represented:
Galantowicz, Jo
Use of SMAP Seasonal Inundation and Soil Moisture Estimates in the Quantification of Global Biogenic Gas Fluxes