Enabling Vegetation Structure Estimation from SRTM Correlation Data – A Pilot Study
Chapman, JPL, bruce.d.chapman@jpl.nasa.gov
Treuhaft, JPL, robert.treuhaft@jpl.nasa.gov
SRTM, which flew in 2000 on the Space Shuttle, acquired the only global-scale space borne single-pass INSAR data set in existence. To date, the full InSAR observation from SRTM, the coherence and phase from multiple baselines and multiple polarizations, has never been exploited, except during the production of the near global DEM using the amalgamated phase. For every location on earth between ± 60 degrees, SRTM acquired crossing paths of InSAR horizontal and vertical polarization data, with incidence angles between 20 and 60 degrees.
The first objective of this task will be to determine methodologies to correct SRTM coherence data for systematic artifacts, calibrate sample data sets, and publish the data online. The second objective will be to examine selected validation sites, calculate the vegetation height and moments from field and Lidar data, and compare with vegetation height and moments estimated from SRTM correlation and phase. There are a small number of sites within the SRTM coverage area for which we have field data and/or already analyzed Lidar data. Other possible validation sites have Icesat and/or LVIS Lidar data for which modeling would be required. We will choose at least three diverse validation sites from among the following: La Selva, Costa Rica; Sequoia National Forest, California; White Mountains, New Hampshire; Smoky Mountains, N. Carolina, Tapajos Forest, Brazil, and a TBD boreal forest site. We will determine least-squares agreement between heights and moments from SRTM and those from field measurements and/or Lidar for each validation site.
Presentation Type: Poster
Poster Session: Carbon Cycle Science
NASA TE Funded Awards Represented:
Chapman, Bruce
Enabling Global Vegetation Structure Esimation from SRTM correlation Data