Flash Lidar Instruments for Vegetation and Topographic Mapping Missions - DESDynI and LIST
Ramond, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp, tramond@ball.com
Weimer, Ball Aerospace, cweimer@ball.com
Donley, Ball Aerospace, bdonley@ball.com
Petroy, Ball Aerospace, spetroy@ball.com
Lefsky, Colorado State University, lefsky@cnr.colostate.edu
Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp has been developing two different flash lidar instruments for use in earth science applications: the Electronically Steerable Flash Lidar (ESFL) and the Topographic Mapping Flash Lidar (TMFL). ESFL is a concept currently under development at Ball with funding from the NASA Earth Science Technology Office. ESFL was demonstrated on aircraft in November 2009 to measure full waveform data from forest scenes. ESFL employs an acousto-optical beam steering transmitter that outputs multiple beams; the number of beams and their pointing can be individually configured shot-to-shot. By enabling more statistically rigorous sampling for biomass and biodiversity analyses, ESFL will significantly expand our ability to measure and characterize vegetation and forests. These data will improve our understanding of the roles of biomass and biodiversity in global climate change and the carbon cycle – all critical science questions relating to the upcoming NASA DESDynI and ESA BIOMASS missions. TMFL employs a pushbroom transmitter first-last return system. It has a 20.8 degree field of view to enable broad swath coverage. TMFL was demonstrated on an aircraft in February 2010. It is designed to provide topographic maps needed for vegetation science, soil and water resource management, and land-cover assessments. Such analyses are the goal of the NASA Decadal Survey LIST mission.
Presentation Type: Poster
Poster Session: Orbital and Suborbital Missions
NASA TE Funded Awards Represented:
NONE: Related Activity or Previously Funded TE Award
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