Climatic Change and Its Consequences on Gross Primary Production, Evapotranspiration, and Water Use Efficiency on Mongolia Plateau
Chen, The University of Toledo,
John, University of Toledo,
Sun, North Carolina State University,
Shao, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Mu, University of Montana,
Zhao, University of Montana,
Yuan, College of Global Change and Earth System Science, Beijing Normal University,
Li, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
The semi-arid region of the NEESPI domain on the Mongolian plateau lies within the jurisdictions of two governments, with similar geographical settings but contrasting socioeconomic systems -
Inner Mongolia (IM) of China and Mongolia (MG). This already water-limited region will experience: (1) a warming trend above the global
warming mean (3.3°C by 2100), (2) longer, more intense, and more frequent summer heat waves, (3)altered summer and winter precipitation patterns,and (4) more extreme precipitation events, likely due to the combination of high latitude and altitude (i.e., mostly >800 m asl). Our overall goal is to examine and model the interactive changes of carbon and water within the natural
and human systems at different temporal and spatial scales for recommending plans to increase the success of adaptation to the changing climate and land use. In addition to the long-term
biophysical and socioeconomic databases, we established a network of eddy-covariance flux towers (both permanent and mobile) and biometric
sampling plots to understands the coupled effects of climatic change and human activities. Thus far we found there exist larger-than-expected,intra-annual variations of GPP and water fluxes. The linear increase in temperature since 1952 varied among ecosystems (increasing lines are not parallel), suggesting that predicted
future climate conditions will have unequal consequences among the cover types. From 2000 through 2006, the mean (STD) GPP of the plateau 841.1 (34.0) Tg C.Yr-1, with 449.3 (26.4) and
391.8 (14.0) Tg C.Yr-1 for IM and MG, respectively. IM and MG, respectively, also lost 326.3 (13.4) and 267.8 (8.7) billion m3 water through ET, resulting an average WUE of 1.47
(0.07) and 1.01 (0.06) At biome level,desert showed the most variable over the 7-year study period, while forest had the least. More interestingly, the temporal variation of all
three metrics for the same biome in IM was significantly higher than that of MG. The cooler, wetter 2003 seemed to be responsible for
the elevated GPP and WUE for the desert and grassland biomes, but not for the forest. In comparison, the cooler and drier 2005 increased
GPP, but not WUE of the grassland and forest biomes. Clearly, Water stock/loss and their changes over time through evapotranspiration (ET)
are the most important processes driving ecosystem/regional functions; human disturbances (e.g., cropping, grazing) play a direct role in water/energy balances that differ significantly among land-cover types.
Presentation Type: Poster
Session: Global Change Impact & Vulnerability
(Tue 11:30 AM)
Associated Project(s):
- Chen, Jiquan: Interactive Changes of Ecosystems and Societies on the Mongolian Plateau: From Coupled Regulations of Land Use and Changing Climate to Adaptation ...details
Poster Location ID: 142