An Integrated Earth System Science Approach for Predicting Nutrient Transports from the Land to the Ocean
Yang, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin,
It is important to understand how upland landscapes and coastal waters – which are connected by watersheds – respond to changes in hydrological and biogeochemical cycles resulting from changes in climate, extreme weather events, and land use. A multi-scale and multi-disciplinary earth system modeling framework was developed under the prior NASA Interdisciplinary Research in Earth Science (IDS) project that includes: a regional climate model (WRF) nested within a global climate model (CCSM), an improved land surface (energy and water balance) model with multi-parameterization options (Noah-MP), a newly developed parallel computing river routing model (RAPID) using the mapped “blue-line” rivers from the NHDPlus dataset, and terrestrial and aquatic ecosystem models. This poster introduces latest developments under the newly approved NASA IDS project. We are developing an accurate dynamic downscaling method whose computing domain covers the contiguous United States. Our hydrological modeling framework has now been adapted from two river basins in Texas to the entire Texas Gulf Coast Hydrologic Region and exploratory work investigates the transition to the entire Mississippi River Basin. We are also currently extending the modeling framework to include a mesoscale meteorological model with online chemistry (WRF-CHEM) to address the biosphere-atmosphere exchanges of momentum, energy, water, and other materials, taking full advantage of satellite datasets such as the land use and land cover change, the burned area, surface albedo, trace gases and aerosols. WRF-CHEM can also compute dry and wet deposition of nitrogen (N) species and other pollutants, providing important input to watershed N budgets, riverine N exports, and the N balance in the coastal waters. Finally, we have designed a community-based sampling program recruiting/training volunteers living near downstream locations; primarily focusing on storm-flow conditions, but also collecting quarterly samples during baseflow to compare with Texas Commission for Environmental Quality or US Geological Survey data. Presentation: 2011_Poster_Yang_13_251.pdf (5402k) Presentation Type: Poster Session: Coupled Processes at Land-Atmosphere-Ocean Interfaces (Mon 4:00 PM) Associated Project(s):
Poster Location ID: 13