Data and Model Structure Impacts on Carbon-Cycle Projections
Smith, Pacific NW National Laboratory (PNNL),
Land use, the carbon cycle, and energy supply/demand comprise a complex system that interacts to determine atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Integrated assessment models (IAMs) incorporate carbon-cycle dynamics, along with representations of many other physical and socio-economic processes, in order to examine the interactions between these systems. Given the substantial uncertainty in current knowledge, it is important that IAMs consider a full range of potential responses in all of these systems. With respect to the carbon cycle, IAMs have generally considered only a limited set of parameters such temperature and CO2 fertilization feedbacks, although even only these uncertainties have substantial economic consequences (Smith and Edmonds 2006). Presentation Type: Poster Session: Science in Support of Decision Making (Wed 10:00 AM) Associated Project(s):
Poster Location ID: 246