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NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program Research Activities

Currently Funded Research Activities

  • 170 projects (projects with funding 2022+)
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Project LeadsProject TitleStart
Griffith, Peter
Miller, Charles (Chip)
ABoVE Airborne Campaign Management & Data Products  -- AAC Management 2016 
Abrahamson, Jenna (Future Investigator)
North Carolina State University
Gray, Josh
North Carolina State University
Quantifying the Ephemeral: Integrating Satellite Observations with Physical Models to Map Daily Inundation and Capture Short-Term Methane Emissions  -- Abrahamson (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Albert, Loren
Oregon State University
Quantifying leaf-to-landscape predictors of tropical forest drought vulnerability through ISS observation-model integration  -- Albert (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Albertson, John
Cornell University
Connecting Urbanization to Patterns of Heat and Precipitation Risk: Linking Mechanistic Understanding to Quantification by Remote Sensing  -- Albertson (IDS 2019) 2020 
Andela, Niels
Tropical Savannas in Transition: Tracking Global Savanna-Fire Interactions With ICESat-2  -- Andela (ICESAT2 2019) 2020 
Armston, John
University of Maryland
Savanna-Bio: Biomass estimation with new spaceborne missions for MRV in Dry Forests and Savannas  -- Armston (CMS 2020) 2021 
Armston, John
University of Maryland
Improved mapping and monitoring of vertical canopy profile metrics from GEDI for quantifying ecosystem dynamics  -- Armston (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Armstrong, Amanda
Vulnerability of the Taiga-Tundra Ecotone: Predicting the Magnitude, Variability, and Rate of Change at the Intersection of Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems  -- Armstrong (TE 2018) 2019 
Badzioch, Rachel (Future Investigator)
University of Notre Dame
Rocha, Adrian
Univ of Notre Dame
A Novel Way to Sense Post-Fire Impacts on Arctic Permafrost and Ecosystem Vulnerability with NASA Observatories and Computer Learning  -- Badzoich (FINESST 2023) 2024 
Ballantyne, Ashley (Ash)
University of Montana
Global Respiration Comparison (ResCom): evaluation of satellite constrained top-down and bottom-up respiration estimates and their relationship with model simulations  -- Ballantyne (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Bandaru, Varaprasad (Prasad)
Improving, Evaluating, and Extending Satellite-Based High Resolution Cropland Carbon Monitoring System  -- Bandaru (CMS 2020) 2021 
Barnes, Mallory
Indiana University
Better data, better decisions: new approaches for robust and credible carbon monitoring and accounting in Eastern US forests  -- Barnes (CMS 2022) 2023 
Basu, Sourish
NASA GSFC GMAO / University of Maryland
Improving Terrestrial Biosphere Carbon Fluxes with a Dual Tracer Flux Estimation System Assimilating Satellite Retrievals of CO‚2 and In Situ Measurements of 14C in CO‚2  -- Basu (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Berner, Logan
Northern Arizona University
Mapping plant biomass distribution and change across the rapidly warming Arctic tundra biome  -- Berner (NIP 2020) 2021 
Bloom, Alexis (Anthony)
Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology
Characterizing and quantifying lagged processes regulating the tropical land carbon sink responses to climatic variability and atmospheric CO2.  -- Bloom (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Bloom, Alexis (Anthony)
Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology
Using CO2, CH4 and land-surface constraints to resolve sign and magnitude of northern high latitude carbon-climate feedbacks  -- Bloom (TE 2021) 2022 
Boelman, Natalie
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia Univ.
Quantifying socioecological consequences of changing snow and icescapes: A data-model fusion approach  -- Boelman (TE 2018) 2019 
Boelman, Natalie
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia Univ.
The future of the Forest-Tundra Ecotone: A synthesis that adds interactions among snow, vegetation, and wildlife to the equation  -- Boelman (TE 2021) 2022 
Borak, Jordan
University of Maryland
Enhanced Roughness Length Estimates from ICESat-2 Vegetation Products  -- Borak (ICESat-2 2019) 2020 
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura
Michigan Technological University
Understanding the Interactions between Wildfire Disturbance, Landscape Hydrology and Post-Fire Recovery in Boreal-Taiga Ecosystems  -- Bourgeau-Chavez (TE 2018) 2019 
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura
Michigan Technological University
Integrating remote sensing and modeling to better understand the vulnerability of boreal-taiga ecosystems to wildfire  -- Bourgeau-Chavez (TE 2021) 2022 
Brando, Paulo
Yale University
Interactions, feedbacks and carbon consequences of Amazon forest edges incorporating ecosystem structure and thermal dynamics  -- Brando (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Braun, Katherine (Katie) (Future Investigator)
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Andresen, Christian
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Characterizing Permafrost Thaw and Carbon Cycling Impacts with Multi-Scale Remote Sensing  -- Braun-K (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Bruening, Jamis (Future Investigator)
University of Maryland
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
Characterizing Forest Regrowth Biomass Accumulation in Northeastern US Forests Using Model-Data Fusion  -- Bruening (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Burnett, Michael (Future Investigator)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Anderegg, Leander
University of California, Santa Barbara
Satellite-Based Mapping of Freshwater Resilience and Conservation Potential on 270 Remote Pacific Islands  -- Burnett (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Butman, David
University of Washington
Crossing the divide: Inundation drives hotspots of carbon flux  -- Butman (TE 2018) 2019 
Butman, David
University of Washington
Do changing terrestrial-aquatic interfaces in Arctic-boreal landscapes control the form, processing, and fluxes of carbon?  -- Butman (TE 2021) 2022 
Campbell, Michael (Mickey)
University of Utah
Piñon-Juniper Biomass Over Space and Time   -- Campbell (NIP 2020) 2021 
Carchipulla-Morales, David (Future Investigator)
Wake Forest University
Lowman, Lauren
Wake Forest University
Climate Regulators: Evaluating the Effect of Epiphyte Abundance on Spatial Patterns of Evapotranspiration in Tropical Montane Cloud Forests  -- Carchipulla-Morales (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Casana, Jesse
Dartmouth College
Exploring Archaeological Landscapes Using Satellite, Aerial, and Drone-Acquired Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) Imagery  -- Casana (IDS 2019) 2020 
Chamberlain, Caden (Future Investigator)
University Of Washington
Kane, Van
University of Washington
When can Wildfires Improve Forest Resilience to Future Fire and Drought? A Study Using Spaceborne Data  -- Chamberlain (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Chen, Shuli (Future Investigator)
University of Arizona
Saleska, Scott
University of Arizona
The other side of drought: Why do some Amazon forests “green-up” during droughts while others do not? Integrating Multi-satellite remote sensing with field observations to reveal the mechanistic controls on tropical evergreen forest photosynthesis  -- Chen (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Chen, Fei
Improved understanding and prediction of extreme precipitation in multiple urban systems  -- Chen (IDS 2019) 2020 
Chen, Min
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Quantifying socioeconomic impacts of changing Arctic ecosystems using ABoVE datasets in an integrated Human-Earth system modeling and data assimilation framework  -- Chen (TE 2018) 2019 
Chopping, Mark
Montclair State University
Changes in Shrub Abundance in Arctic Tundra from the Satellite High Resolution Record for the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment and Impacts on Albedo  -- Chopping (TE 2014) 2015 
Cochrane, Mark
University of Maryland
Effectiveness and monitoring of large-scale carbon-loss mitigation activities in Indonesia’s peatlands  -- Cochrane (CMS 2018) 2019 
Comer, Douglas
Cultural Site Research and Management, Inc.
Multisensor Analyses of Pacific Island Migration and Societal Development  -- Comer (IDS 2019) 2020 
Cook, Bruce
NASA-USFS Partnership to Advance Operational Forest Carbon Monitoring in Interior Alaska  -- Cook (CMS 2018) 2019 
Cooley, Sarah
University of Oregon
Leveraging New Satellite Technologies to Constrain Feedbacks between Surface Water, Permafrost and Carbon Emissions in the Arctic  -- Cooley (NIP 2020) 2021 
Cortese, Luca (Future Investigator)
Boston University
Fagherazzi, Sergio
Boston University
Coupling NASA UAVSAR, Air-SWOT and AVIRIS-NG Imagery with Numerical Modeling to Quantify Sediment Fluxes in Deteriorating Salt Marshes  -- Cortese (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Dietze, Michael
Boston University
Multisensor data assimilation to support terrestrial carbon cycle and disturbance Monitoring, Reporting, Verification, and Forecasting  -- Dietze (CMS 2020) 2021 
Doughty, Christopher (Chris)
Northern Arizona University
Using GEDI to improve biomass estimates and understand recent biomass change in the tallest, highest biomass forests in the world.  -- Doughty (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Du, Jinyang
University of Montana
High Resolution Mapping of Surface Soil Freeze Thaw Status and Active Layer Thickness for Improving the Understanding of Permafrost Dynamics and Vulnerability  -- Du (TE 2021) 2022 
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
Pantropical structure and biomass mapping using the fusion of GEDI and TanDEM-X data  -- Dubayah (CMS 2018) 2019 
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
Pantropical structure and biomass mapping using the fusion of GEDI and TanDEM-X data - Phase II: expansion to new regions and estimating change   -- Dubayah (CMS 2022) 2023 
Duncanson, Laura
University of Maryland
Harmonizing Biomass Maps With Policy Needs: Development of National Prototypes for the Global Stocktake   -- Duncanson (CMS 2022) 2023 
Duncanson, Laura
University of Maryland
Mapping Global Forest Carbon Hotspots with GEDI using Improved Allometric Models  -- Duncanson (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Duncanson, Laura
University of Maryland
Mapping boreal forest biomass density for the ABoVE domain circa 2020 with ICESat-2  -- Duncanson (TE 2018) 2019 
Duncanson, Laura
University of Maryland
Mapping boreal forest biomass recovery rates across gradients of vegetation structure and environmental change  -- Duncanson (TE 2021) 2022 
Famiglietti, Caroline (Future Investigator)
Stanford University
Konings, Alexandra
Stanford University
Quantifying and Mitigating the Role of Parametric Uncertainty in Forecasts of the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle  -- Famiglietti (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Fang, Jianing (Future Investigator)
Columbia University
Gentine, Pierre
Columbia University
Hybrid-Machine Learning Model for the Discovery of Unknown Functional Relationships in the Terrestrial Water and Carbon Cycles  -- Fang (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Farhad, Md. Mehedi (Future Investigator)
Mississippi State University
Kurum, Mehmet
Mississippi State University
Recycling the Radio Spectrum: Enhancing NASA’s Earth Observing Systems Products over Forested Terrain by Direct Measurement of Vegetation Optical Depth  -- Farhad (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Farina, Mary (Future Investigator)
Montana State University
Watts, Jennifer
Woodwell Climate Research Center
A multi-scale analysis to address uncertainty in bottom-up estimates of carbon exchange in Alaska  -- Farina (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola)
Using ICESat 2 Data for Coastal Ecosystem Structure  -- Fatoyinbo (ICESat-2 2019) 2020 
Ferraz, Antonio
Functional diversity-biomass relationships across continents and intactness gradients  -- Ferraz (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Fisher, Joshua
Chapman University
A Model-Data Integration Framework (MoDIF) for ABoVE Phase I research: simulation, scaling and benchmarking for key indicators of Arctic-boreal ecosystem dynamics  -- Fisher (TE 2014) 2015 
Frankenberg, Christian
Bridging the gap between carbon cycle models and remote sensing observations  -- Frankenberg (CARBON 2020) 2021 
French, Nancy
Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
Wetland status, change, and seasonal inundation dynamics for assessing the vulnerability of waterfowl habitat within the ABoVE study domain  -- French (TE 2018) 2019 
French, Nancy
Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
Informing wetland policy and management for waterfowl habitat and other ecosystem services using multi-frequency synthetic aperture radar  -- French (TE 2021) 2022 
Frost, Gerald (JJ)
Alaska Biological Research, Inc.--Environmental Research & Services
Towards a Warmer, Less Frozen Future Arctic: Synthesis of Drivers, Ecosystem Responses, and Elder Observations along Bioclimatic Gradients in Western Alaska  -- Frost (TE 2021) 2022 
Goetz, Scott
Northern Arizona University
Enabling and advancing biodiversity science and applications using GEDI 3D canopy structure information  -- Goetz (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Goetz, Scott
Northern Arizona University
Mapping and modeling attributes of an arctic-boreal biome shift: Phase-2 applications within the ABoVE domain  -- Goetz (TE 2018) 2019 
Goetz, Scott
Northern Arizona University
Mapping and modeling attributes of an Arctic - boreal biome shift: Phase-3 applications within the ABoVE domain  -- Goetz (TE 2021) 2022 
Good, Stephen
Oregon State University
Coupling ecosystem structure to habitat microclimate through GEDI derived canopy water storage estimates  -- Good (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Goodwell, Allison
University of Colorado
Leveraging Information Theory and Flux Tower Footprints Towards Improved Satellite-Based Evapotranspiration Estimates   -- Goodwell (NIP 2020) 2021 
Gray, Patrick (Future Investigator)
University of Maine
Johnston, David
Duke University
Monitoring hurricane impacts and understanding coastal ecosystem resilience using deep learning and a tip-and-cue approach to integrate satellites and drones  -- Gray (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Hain, Christopher
The impact of urban expansion on peri-urban agriculture, hydrometerology, food security and human health  -- Hain (IDS 2019) 2020 
Hanan, Niall
New Mexico State University
Improving Estimates of Vegetation Structure and Biomass in Global Savannas and Drylands with ICESat-2  -- Hanan (ICESat-2 2019) 2019 
Hanbury-Brown, Adam (Future Investigator)
University of California
Kueppers, Lara
Improving global vegetation demographic models with a novel remote sensing approach for analyzing post-fire vegetation dynamics  -- Hanbury-Brown (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Hancock, Steven
University of Maryland
Using GEDI data to improve understanding of the role of vegetation structure in snow processes  -- Hancock (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Hararuk, Oleksandra (Sasha)
University of Central Florida
Evaluating Net Primary Productivity Simulated by CMIP6 Models Against Observational Data Products and Propagating the Effects of Model-Data Mismatches to Simulated Net Carbon Uptake   -- Hararuk (NIP 2020) 2021 
Hayes, Daniel
University of Maine
Supporting Stakeholder Data Requirements for Decision-Making in Managed Forests: A Landscape Model-Data Framework for High Resolution Carbon Accounting and Uncertainty Estimation  -- Hayes (CMS 2020) 2021 
Hayes, Daniel
University of Maine
The FORest Carbon Estimation (FORCE) Project: Mapping GEDI-derived forest structure metrics in the U.S. and Canada with plot-based inventory and multimodal remote sensing data in a hierarchical spatial modeling framework.  -- Hayes (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Healey, Sean
USDA Forest Service
Formal estimation of forest carbon change: a multitemporal extension of GEDIs estimators leveraging fusion with image time series  -- Healey (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Hemming-Schroeder, Nicole (Future Investigator)
University of California, Irvine
Randerson, James (Jim)
University of California, Irvine
Modeling dead wood from satellite data to benchmark and improve Earth system models in their representation of wood decay  -- Hemming-Schroeder (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Hensley, Scott
Analysis and Interpretation of UAVSAR Tomographic Data in the Arctic Boreal Region  -- Hensley (TE 2018) 2019 
Hu, Lei
Toward disentangling causes for the substantial increase of CO2 seasonal amplitude in the Arctic  -- Hu (TE 2018) 2019 
Huang, Qiongyu
Smithsonian Institution
The Power of GEDI: Investigate the Efficacy of Spaceborne Lidar to Model Biodiversity and Characterize Habitat Heterogeneity at the Continental and Global Scales  -- Huang (NIP 2020) 2021 
Hudak, Andrew (Andy)
USDA Forest Service
A bottom-up, stakeholder-driven CMS for regional biomass carbon dynamics: Phase II  -- Hudak (CMS 2018) 2019 
Hudak, Andrew (Andy)
USDA Forest Service
A Phase 3 CMS that disaggregates forest biomass estimates in response to stakeholder needs: Seeing the forest for the trees   -- Hudak (CMS 2022) 2023 
Huemmrich, Karl (Fred)
Clarifying linkages between canopy solar induced fluorescence (SIF) and physiological function for high latitude vegetation  -- Huemmrich (TE 2018) 2019 
Hurtt, George
University of Maryland
High-Resolution Forest Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment to National and Global Scales and Science Team Lead  -- Hurtt (CMS 2020) 2021 
Jeong, Seongeun
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
2020 California Carbon Dioxide Budget in a Changing Environment  -- Jeong (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Johnson, Jennifer
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Developing a Multi-Scale Representation of Photosynthesis for Earth System Analysis and Prediction   -- Johnson (NIP 2020) 2020 
Juang, Caroline (Future Investigator)
Columbia University
Williams, Park
Columbia University
Building resilience to wildfires in the western United States: Predictive modeling in a coupled climate and human system  -- Juang (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Keenan, Trevor
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Global photosynthesis, CO2, and carbon-climate feedbacks  -- Keenan (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Keller, Michael
USDA Forest Service
Potential carbon uptake by tropical forests: Integrating GEDI-derived forest structure with ED2, a process-based ecosystem model  -- Keller (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Kellner, Jim
Brown University
Machine-learning algorithms for Level 4 GEDI aboveground biomass density  -- Kellner (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Kennedy, Robert
Oregon State University
Developing a framework to quantify uncertainty and harmonize diverse earth observation estimates of forest carbon  -- Kennedy (CMS 2020) 2021 
Kibler, Christopher (Future Investigator)
University Of California, Santa Barbara
Roberts, Dar
UC Santa Barbara
Drought Sensitivity of Evapotranspiration and Carbon Uptake in Riparian Woodlands  -- Kibler (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Kimball, John
University of Montana
Improving Understanding and Prediction of Permafrost Active Layer Processes Using a Coupled Radar Inversion and Soil Process Model Framework.  -- Kimball (TE 2018) 2019 
Krause, Keith
Battelle Memorial Institute
Assessing NASA GEDI Waveforms for Characterization of Ecosystem Structure Including Structural Variability, Similarity/Dissimilarity, and Diversity  -- Krause (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Lara, Mark
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
ABoVE-Ground Characterization of Plant Species Succession in Retrogressive Thaw Slumps Using Imaging Spectroscopy  -- Lara (TE 2021) 2022 
Li, Rong (Future Investigator)
University of Virginia
Yang, Xi
University of Virginia
Diurnal and Day-to-Day Variations of Vegetation Photosynthesis from Novel Remote Sensing Measurements  -- Li (FINESST 2021) 2022 
Liang, Mengyu (Amber) (Future Investigator)
University of Maryland College Park
Duncanson, Laura
University of Maryland
Monitoring Aboveground Biomass Recovery in Forest Restoration Areas Using GEDI and Optical Data Fusion  -- Liang (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Lin, John
University of Utah
Carbon Monitoring System in Mountains (CMS-Mountains): Leveraging Satellite-based Solar-Induced Fluorescence to Understand Forest Drought and Mortality in the Western U.S.  -- Lin (CMS 2018) 2019 
Liu, Junjie
Contrasting carbon-climate interactions from interannual to long-term carbon-climate feedbacks across tropical continents  -- Liu (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Liu, Yanlan
The Ohio State University
Characterizing Arctic-Boreal Vegetation Resilience under Climate Change and Disturbances  -- Liu (TE 2021) 2022 
Loboda, Tatiana
University of Maryland
Assessing impact of climate-driven increase in wildfire emissions on air quality and health of urban and indigenous populations in Alaska  -- Loboda (TE 2018) 2019 
Lu, Xinchen (Future Investigator)
University of California, Berkeley
Keenan, Trevor
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Using ECOSTRESS Water Use Efficiency to Quantify Vegetation Vulnerability to Water Stress  -- Lu (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Ludwig, Sarah (Ludda) (Future Investigator)
Commane, Róisín
Columbia University
Hierarchical scaling of carbon fluxes from terrestrial-aquatic interfaces in the Arctic  -- Ludwig (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Lutz, David
Dartmouth College
Dynamic Modeling of Ecosystem Processes and Services in North American Boreal Forests within the ABOVE Study Region   -- Lutz (TE 2018) 2019 
Maguire, Andrew (Andy) (Future Investigator)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Eitel, Jan
University of Idaho
Toward an improved understanding of the mechanisms driving solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence across the structurally complex forest-tundra ecotone  -- Maguire (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Maguire, Andrew (Andy)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Seasonal response of carbon uptake to direct and diffuse light regimes across the evergreen needleleaf forest biome  -- Maguire (NPP 2020) 2021 
McDermott, Timothy (Tim)
Montana State University
Environmental Distribution and Evolutionary History of Non-Methanogen Methane Synthesis  -- McDermott (EXO 2020) 2021 
McMahon, Conor (Future Investigator)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Roberts, Dar
UC Santa Barbara
, Impacts of Drought, Water Limitation, and Climate Change on Riparian Woodland Ecosystems in Drylands  -- McHahon (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Meng, Lin (Future Investigator)
Vanderbilt University
Zhou, Yuyu
Iowa State University
Disentangling the effects of nighttime lights and temperature on urban phenology using remote sensing data  -- Meng (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Michalak, Anna
Carnegie Institution for Science
Quantifying climate sensitivities of photosynthesis and respiration in Arctic and boreal ecosystems from top-down observational constraints  -- Michalak (TE 2021) 2022 
Miller, Charles (Chip)
Characterizing Microtopographic Hot-spots and Landscape-scale Methane Emissions Across the ABoVE Domain  -- Miller (TE 2018) 2019 
Miller, Charles (Chip)
Enhanced Methane Emissions in Transitional Permafrost Environments: An ABoVE Phase 3 Synthesis Investigation  -- Miller (TE 2021) 2022 
Miller, Scot
Johns Hopkins University
A synthesis and reconciliation of greenhouse gas flux estimates across the ABoVE domain  -- Miller-S (TE 2021) 2022 
Moorcroft, Paul
Harvard University
Constraining Terrestrial Biosphere Model Predictions of Current and Future Carbon Fluxes with GEDI Waveform Lidar Measurements of Above-Ground Ecosystem Structure  -- Moorcroft (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Moore, David (Dave)
University of Arizona
Improving mechanistic representation of Arctic carbon dynamics using data assimilation  -- Moore (TE 2018) 2019 
Morton, Douglas (Doug)
Tropical Savannas in Transition: Tracking Global Savanna-Fire Interactions With ICESat-2  -- Morton (ICESAT-2 2019) 2020 
Moskal, L. Monika (Monika)
University of Washington
Teal Carbon – Stakeholder-driven Monitoring of Forested Wetland Carbon  -- Moskal (CMS 2018) 2019 
Muccio, Daniel (Future Investigator)
University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Keppel-Aleks, Gretchen
University of Michigan
Climate and Ecosystem Impacts on High Latitude Carbon Fluxes  -- Muccio (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Murtha, Timothy
University of Florida
The Ancient Maya Landscape: Households, Settlement, and Ecology of the Lowlands  -- Murtha (IDS 2019) 2020 
Natali, Susan (Sue)
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Winter respiration in the Arctic: Constraining current and future estimates of CO2 emissions during the non-growing season (Augmented Jul 2019)  -- Natali (TE 2014) 2015 
Neuenschwander, Amy
University of Texas
Estimating Boreal-Wide Forest Biomass Density With ICESat-2  -- Neuenschwander (ICESAT-2 2019) 2020 
Ni-Meister, Wenge
Hunter College of The City University of New York
A Geometric Optical Radiative Transfer (GORT) Approach to Quantify Impacts of Ecosystem Structure on Land Carbon Stocks and Fluxes Using GEDI Full Waveforms in a Demographic Dynamic Vegetation Model  -- Ni-Meister (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Hanan, Niall
New Mexico State University
Patterns and drivers of tree height and biomass in water limited ecosystems  -- Niall (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Ordway, Elsa
PAN tropical investigation of bioGeochemistry and Ecological Adaptation (PANGEA)  -- Ordway (TE 2022) 2023 
Palace, Michael
University of New Hampshire
Smoke on the Water: Lake-based calibration of Amazonian fire histories  -- Palace (IDS 2019) 2020 
Park, Taejin
NASA Ames Research Center / BAERI
Monitoring and forecasting large-scale patterns of forest structure and carbon dynamics using field, remote sensing, and process-based models  -- Park (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Popescu, Sorin
Texas A&M University
Icesat-2 Science Team: Lidar Photons and Machine Learning for Deriving Vegetation Biophysical Parameters  -- Popescu (ICESat-2 2019) 2020 
Poulter, Benjamin (Ben)
Continuation of CMS Applications Efforts: Stakeholder Engagement and Socioeconomic Studies on the Value of CMS Data Products for User Organizations  -- Poulter (CMS 2018) 2019 
Prugh, Laura
University Of Washington
Linking seasonal snow processes to wildlife population dynamics  -- Prugh (IDS 2019) 2020 
Qi, Junyu
University of Maryland
Integrating Field Experiments, Remote Sensing, and Process-based Modeling Toward Improved Understanding and Quantification of Watershed Scale Carbon  -- Qi (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Radakovic, Darko (Future Investigator)
Montclair State University
Chopping, Mark
Montclair State University
Tall Shrub Expansion as a Driver of Rapid Permafrost Loss in Thermokarst Lakes  -- Radakovic (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Rawlins, Michael
University of Massachusetts
Merging Satellite Data and Models to Investigate Soil Freeze-Thaw Dynamics Influencing Terrestrial Water and Carbon Exports from the Western Arctic  -- Rawlins (RSWQ 2017) 2019 
Reed, Sasha
Adaptation and Response In Drylands (ARID) Experiment  -- Reed (TE 2022) 2023 
Runkle, Benjamin (Ben)
University of Arkansas, Dept of Biological & Agricultural Engineering
A national quantification of methane emissions from rice cultivation in the U.S.: integrating multi-source satellite data and process-based modeling  -- Runkle (CMS 2020) 2021 
Saatchi, Sassan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Bottom-up Spatial Estimates of Carbon Pools and Fluxes of Terrestrial Ecosystems Attributed to Land Use and Environmental Effects  -- Saatchi (CMS 2020) 2021 
Schaaf, Crystal
University of Massachusetts Boston
Science Quality Suomi-NPP VIIRS BRDF, Albedo, and NBAR Global Data Analysis Products  -- Schaaf (TASNPP 2017) 2017 
Schaaf, Crystal
University of Massachusetts Boston
Maintenance of the MODIS Albedo, NBAR, and BRDF Products  -- Schaaf (TERAQEA 2017) 2018 
Schimel, David (Dave)
Functional diversity and the response of tropical forests to climate change  -- Schimel (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Schuh, Andrew
Colorado State University
Integrating Field Measurements and Models to Evaluate Solar Induced Fluorescence as a Predictor of Dryland Crop Productivity  -- Schuh (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Seibt, Ulrike (Ulli)
COSIF: Combining Carbonyl Sulfide and Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to scale the carbon cycle of tropical rainforests from leaf to landscape  -- Seibt (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Shepherd, James
University of Georgia
Toward Conceptualization and Predictability: A Multi-scalar Analysis of Urban-Influenced Hydrometeorological Processes  -- Shepherd (IDS 2019) 2020 
Shiklomanov, Alexey
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Functional Ecology in the SBG Era: An Assessment of the State of Plant Trait Retrieval from Imaging Spectroscopy   -- Shiklomanov (NIP 2020) 2021 
Shuman, Ian (Future Investigator)
Columbia University
Serbin, Shawn
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Integrating Field Observations and Multi-scale Remote Sensing to Understand the Environmental and Biological Controls of Tall Shrub Distribution in Arctic Tundra  -- Shuman (FINESST 2021) 2022 
Silva, Carlos Alberto
University of Florida, Gainesville
CMS4D: A multi-scale data-fusion prototype system for the next generation of carbon dynamics monitoring from space: a case study in the Brazilian Cerrado – fire and fuel in a biodiversity hotspot  -- Silva (CMS 2022) 2023 
Smith, William (Bill)
University Of Arizona
Leveraging Field Experiments, Satellite Data and Models to Improve Understanding of the Role of Semi-Arid Ecosystems in the Global Carbon Cycle  -- Smith (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Stephens, Connor (Future Investigator)
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Radeloff, Volker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Trends in, Drivers of, and Connections Between Wildfire Weather, Burned Area, and Browning Within the Circumboreal Region  -- Stephens (FINESST 2022) 2023 
Sun, Xiaoli
Comparing ABoVE/ASCENDS airborne lidar measurements of XCO2 to those from atmospheric models & satellites  -- Sun (2020) 2020 
Swanson, Christine (Future Investigator)
University of Florida
Bohlman, Stephanie
University of Florida
Effects of dams on riparian vegetation in the Amazon: cumulative impacts and linkages to hydrology  -- Swanson (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Tang, Hao
National University of Singapore
Enhanced calibration and validation of GEDI footprint-level products by refining footprint geolocation accuracy over North America  -- Tang (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Tape, Kenneth (Ken)
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Characterizing a widespread disturbance regime in the ABoVE domain: Beaver engineering  -- Tape (TE 2021) 2022 
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
Variation in Foliar Functional Traits across Environmental Gradients in ABoVE Landscapes  -- Townsend (TE 2018) 2019 
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
Functional diversity as a driver of GPP variation across the ABoVE domain  -- Townsend (TE 2021) 2022 
Van Meter, Kimberly
University of Illinois
Wetland Legacies: Using Remotely Sensed Data to Quantify the Landscape-Scale Effects of Drained Agricultural Wetlands on Water Quality and N2O Emissions   -- Van Meter (NIP 2020) 2021 
Varga, Kevin (Future Investigator)
University of California, Santa Barbara
Jones, Charles
University Of California, Santa Barbara
An Investigation into Wildfire Fuel Moisture Content: Dead or Alive  -- Varga (FINESST 2020) 2021 
Vargas, Rodrigo
University of Delaware
Carbon monitoring system across Mexico: continued development and application at the national scale  -- Vargas (CMS 2020) 2021 
Vierling, Kerri
University of Idaho, Moscow
Evaluating GEDI data fusion tradeoffs for characterizing critical habitat components for animals and biodiversity assessments  -- Vierling (GEDIST 2020) 2021 
Walker, Xanthe
Northern Arizona University
Drivers and Impacts of Reburning in boreal forest Ecosystems (DIRE)  -- Walker (TE 2021) 2022 
Wang, Xian (Future Investigator)
University of Arizona
Smith, William (Bill)
University Of Arizona
Advancing Understanding of Dryland Carbon Uptake Using Novel Remote Sensing Techniques  -- Wang (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Wang, Jonathan (Jon)
University of Utah
Quantifying disturbance and global change impacts on multi-decadal trends in aboveground biomass and land cover across Arctic-boreal North America  -- Wang (TE 2021) 2022 
Ward Jones, Melissa
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Degrading Ice-wedges: Using Field, Airborne and Satellite Measurements to Link Fine-scale Micro-topographic Changes to Large-scale Impacts in Terrestrial Permafrost Systems  -- Ward Jones (NIP 2020) 2021 
Watts, Jennifer
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Developing high spatiotemporal resolution inundation maps to detect rapid changes in surface hydrology and methane hotspots across ecosystem gradients in Alaska  -- Watts (CSDA 2020) 2021 
Watts, Jennifer
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Reconciling Carbon Flux Budgets in Alaska and northwest Canada through Integrated Satellite, Airborne, and Field Measurements  -- Watts (NIP 2017) 2018 
Watts, Jennifer
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Contributions of tundra and boreal systems to radiative forcing in North America and Russia under contemporary and future conditions  -- Watts (TE 2021) 2022 
Webb, Elizabeth (Future Investigator)
University of Florida
Lichstein, Jeremy
University of Florida
Vegetation dynamics as drivers of albedo change in northern high latitude ecosystems  -- Webb (FINESST 2019) 2019 
Wen, Jiaming (Future Investigator)
Carnegie Institution for Science
Sun, Ying
Cornell University
Understanding and Predicting the Interannual Variability (IAV) of the Global Terrestrial Carbon Cycle  -- Wen (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Wimberly, Michael (Mike)
University Of Oklahoma, Norman
Drought, Disturbance, and Carbon Dynamics of West African Tropical Forests  -- Wimberly (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Woodcock, Curtis
Boston University
A pantropical monitoring system of carbon emissions and removals from forest degradation, deforestation, and forest expansion and growth  -- Woodcock (CMS 2018) 2019 
Wu, Yue (Sophy) (Future Investigator)
University of Texas at Austin
Chen, Jingyi (Ann)
University of Texas at Austin
Monitoring Soil Water and Organic Carbon Storage Patterns at the Arctic Foothills, Alaska, using InSAR  -- Wu-Y (FINESST 2019) 2020 
Zhang, Xuesong
USDA Agricultural Research Service
Monitoring Changes in the Carbon Budget of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Caused by Agricultural Conservation through Integrating Remote Sensing Data and Modeling   -- Zhang (CMS 2022) 2023 
Zhuang, Qianlai
Purdue University
The role of boreal wildfires in the global carbon budget: A process-based analysis using satellite-derived fire burn severity data  -- Zhuang (CARBON 2020) 2021 
Zhuang, Qianlai
Purdue University
Role of linked hydrological, permafrost, ground ice, and land cover changes in regional carbon balance across boreal and arctic landscapes  -- Zhuang (TE 2021) 2022 
Ziccardi, Leonardo (Future Investigator)
Michigan State University
Stark, Scott
Michigan State University
Can Solar-Induced Fluorescence (SIF) Reveal Leaf-Scale Drivers of Amazon Forest Response to Climate and Disturbance? A Christmas Blowdown Presents a New Opportunity to Improve SIF Remote Sensing Science  -- Ziccardi (FINESST 2022) 2023 

Previously Funded Research Activities

  • 333 projects (recently ended 2012-2021)
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Project LeadsProject TitleStart
Abshire, James (Jim)
NASA GSFC & University of Maryland
Lin, Bing
NASA Langley Research Center
Extending the 2017 ASCENDS Airborne Campaign into the Arctic in support of ABoVE  -- Abshire (2017) 2017 
Asrar, Ghassem
Pacific NW National Lab
Carbon Monitoring of Agricultural Lands: Developing a Globally Consistent Estimate of Carbon Stocks and Fluxes  -- Asrar-West (CMS 2013) 2013 
Baccini, Alessandro (Ale)
Boston University
Time-Series Measurements of Biomass Change from InSAR (TanDEM-X), MODIS, and LiDAR Observations  -- Baccini (CMS 2015) 2016 
Bakian-Dogaheh, Kazem
University of Southern California
Microwave Behavior of Organic Soil for Remote Sensing of Permafrost  -- Bakian Dogaheh (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Balch, Jennifer
University of Colorado, Boulder
Understanding Climate and Land Use Drivers of Invasive-Grass Fueled Fires Across the Western U.S.  -- Balch (TE 2013) 2014 
Berner, Logan
Northern Arizona University
Integrating Satellite and Surface Observations to Assess Drought Impacts on Forest Carbon and Water Cycling Across the Western United States   -- Berner (NESSF 2014) 2014 
Bishop, Daniel
Columbia University
Attributing the causes of a century of wetting in the eastern United States using observations, models, and tree rings  -- Bishop (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Boelman, Natalie
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia Univ.
Animals on the move: Remotely based determination of key drivers influencing movements and habitat selection of highly mobile fauna throughout the ABoVE study domain  -- Boelman (TE 2014) 2015 
Boschetti, Luigi
University of Idaho
MODIS-Landsat data fusion for high spatial resolution multiannual wall to wall burned area mapping of the conterminous United States  -- Boschetti (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura
Michigan Technological University
Planning and Collection of Data on Boreal Wildfire Effects: Studies of broad-scale 2014 Wildfires in NWT, Canada  -- Bourgeau-Chavez (RRNES 2015) 2015 
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura
Michigan Technological University
Vulnerability of North American Boreal Peatlands To Interactions Between Climate, Hydrology, and Wildland Fires  -- Bourgeau-Chavez (TE 2008) 2009 
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura
Michigan Technological University
Understanding the Vulnerability and Resiliency of Boreal-Taiga Ecosystems to Wildfire in a Changing Climate: A study of the 2014 Northwest Territories Wildfires  -- Bourgeau-Chavez (TE 2014) 2015 
Brinkman, Todd
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Biophysical Characteristics and Mechanisms of Environmental Disturbances Influencing Human Access to Ecosystem Services in Boreal Alaska  -- Brinkman (TE 2014) 2015 
Brooks, Alexander (Alex)
Colorado State University
Using Landsat Imagery to Assess Riparian Wetland Condition in the Southern Rockies  -- Brooks (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Buermann, Wolfgang
Augsburg University
Detection and Attribution of Rapid Large-scale Shifts in the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle  -- Buermann (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Byrne, Brendan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Constraining carbon fluxes in northern regions by combining constraints from multiple atmospheric CO2 observing systems  -- Byrne (NPP 2018) 2018 
Carroll (2007) Global Mapping of Surface Water using MODIS and SRTM at 250m Spatial Resolution  -- Carroll (2007) 2014 
Carroll, Mark
Determining the Extent and Dynamics of Surface Water for the ABoVE Field Campaign  -- Carroll (TE 2012) 2013 
Castello, Leandro
Virginia Tech
Impacts of floods and droughts on aquatic macrophytes, forests, and fisheries of central Amazonian river floodplains  -- Castello (IDS 2012) 2014 
Cattau, Megan
University of Colorado
Ecological Stability and Disturbance - Recovery Dynamics in Southern Rockies forests: Upscaling from the tree- to the Landsat-level  -- Cattau (NIP 2017) 2018 
Chapman, Bruce
Enabling Global Vegetation Structure Esimation from SRTM correlation Data  -- Chapman (TE 2008) 2010 
Chatterjee, Abhishek
GEOS-5 Forecasting and Modeling in Support of ABoVE airborne research  -- Chatterjee (TE 2016) 2016 
Chini, Louise
University of Maryland
Using NASA Remote Sensing Data to Reduce Uncertainty of Land-Use Transitions in Global Carbon-Climate Models  -- Chini (TE 2012) 2013 
Chopping, Mark
Montclair State University
Mapping Changes In Shrub Abundance And Biomass In Arctic Tundra Using NASA Earth Observing System Data: A Structural Approach  -- Chopping (TE 2008) 2009 
Chopping, Mark
Montclair State University
A Decade of Changes in Aboveground Live Standing Dry Biomass, Canopy Cover, Height, and Understory Density in the Southwestern United States from EOS MISR and MODIS (2008-2014)  -- Chopping (TERAQ 2009) 2008 
Clare, John
Univ. of Wisconsin
Leaves, Landscapes, and Lambda: Using Remote Sensing to Improve Predictions and Mechanistic Understanding of Spatiotemporal Wildlife Population Dynamics  -- Clare (NESSF 2016) 2016 
Clark, Matthew (Matt)
Sonoma State University
Spectral and temporal discrimination of vegetation cover across California with simulated HyspIRI imagery  -- Clark (HYSPIRI 2011) 2012 
Cochrane, Mark
University of Maryland
Filling a Critical Gap in Indonesia's National Carbon Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Capabilities for Supporting REDD+ Activities: Incorporating, Quantifying and Locating Fire Emissions from Within Tropical Peat-swamp Forests  -- Cochrane (CMS 2013) 2013 
Cochrane, Mark
University of Maryland
Continuation and expansion to a national-scale of the filling a critical gap in Indonesia's national carbon monitoring, reporting, and verification capabilities for supporting REDD+ activities: Incorporating, quantifying and locating fire emissions from within tropical peat-swamp forests project  -- Cochrane (CMS 2015) 2016 
Cochrane, Mark
University of Maryland
Shifting Fire Regimes of the United States, Australia and the Brazilian Amazonia: The Roles of Climate Change, Land Use, and Mitigation Efforts  -- Cochrane (IDS 2009) 2011 
Cochrane, Mark
University of Maryland
Quantifying fuel treatment effectiveness over time and its extreme weater conditions  -- Cochrane (TE 2013) 2013 
Coe, Michael
Climate and land use change at the Amazonian agro-frontier: Historical and future effects on the surface energy balance  -- Coe (TE 2011) 2012 
Coffield, Shane
Improving large fire prediction with implications for decision-making and public health  -- Coffield (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Cohen, Warren
USDA Forest Service
An Historically Consistent and Broadly Applicable MRV System Based on Lidar Sampling and Landsat Time-series (Tested in the US, and applied to the US NGHGI reporting system)  -- Cohen (CMS 2013) 2013 
Collatz, George (Jim)
NASA GSFC - retired
Impacts of Disturbance History on Carbon Fluxes and Stocks in North America  -- Collatz (NACP 2005) 2010 
Cook, Bruce
Improving Forest Biomass Mapping Accuracy with Optical-LiDAR Data and Hierarchical Bayesian Spatial Models  -- Cook (CMS 2011) 2012 
Cook, Bruce
Remote Sensing as a Bridge to Operational Forest Carbon Monitoring in Interior Alaska  -- Cook (CMS 2015) 2016 
Cook (NACP 2005) A Modeling and Synthesis Thematic Data Center for the North American Carbon Program (MAST-DC)  -- Cook (NACP 2005) 2006 
Cook, Bruce
Fingerprinting Three Decades of Changes in Interior Alaska (1982-2014) Using Field Measurements, Stereo Air Photos, and G-LiHT Data  -- Cook (TE 2014) 2015 
Crow, Wade
Ecological and agricultural productivity forecasting using root-zone soil moisture products derived from the NASA SMAP mission.  -- Crow (TE 2009) 2011 
Csiszar, Ivan
The Active Fire Data Record from NPP VIIRS  -- Csiszar (NPP 2010) 2011 
Czapla-Myers, Jeffrey
University of Arizona
Support for the calibration and validation of Suomi NPP VIIRS  -- Czapla-Myers (SNPP 2013) 2013 
Czapla-Myers, Jeffrey
University of Arizona
Validation of Aqua and Terra surface reflectance products using the Radiometric Calibration Test Site (RadCaTS)  -- Czapla-Myers (TERAQEA 2013) 2013 
Dadap, Nathan
Stanford University
Predicting Fire Risk and Estimating Carbon Emissions in Tropical Peatlands using SMAP Soil Moisture  -- Dadap (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Dai, Jie
Arizona State University
Mapping and Modeling the Invasion of Mikania Micrantha in Chitwan Community Forests, Nepal: A Coupled Human and Natural Systems Approach  -- Dai (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Davidson, Eric
UMCES Appalacian Lab
Linking High-Frequency, Automated Measurements of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Soils with Microwave-Based Estimates of Soil Saturation in Agricultural and Forest Landscapes  -- Davidson (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Davis, Kenneth (Ken)
The Pennsylvania State University
Quantification of the Regional Impact of Terrestrial Processes on the Carbon Cycle Using Atmospheric Inversions  -- Davis (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Davis, Kenneth (Ken)
The Pennsylvania State University
Regional Atmospheric Inversions to determine Land-Atmosphere Carbon fluxes in the SouthEastern Forests of the United States  -- Davis-1 (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Davis, Kenneth (Ken)
The Pennsylvania State University
Application of column-CO2 measurements to urban, regional and continental atmospheric inversions  -- Davis-2 (CARBON 2010) 2012 
DeFries, Ruth
Columbia University
Growing Up Fragmented: Using Hyperspectral Imagery to Improve Estimates of Ecosystem Services from Tropical Reforestation  -- DeFries (NESSF 2010) 2010 
Denning, Scott
Colorado State University
The Tropical Terrestrial Tipping Point: Drought Stress and Resilience in Moist Tropical Forests  -- Denning (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Denning, Scott
Colorado State University
Estimation of Regional CO2 Budgets and Biomass by Fusion of LandSat, MODIS, and Atmospheric Observations  -- Denning (TE 2009) 2010 
Dennison, Philip (Phil)
University of Utah
Improved Trace Gas Plume Detection using Indian and US AVIRIS-NG Data  -- Dennison (AVRSNG 2016) 2017 
Didan, Kamel
The University of Arizona
Vegetation Indices from the Suomi NPP VIIRS Sensor: Extending the EOS-MODIS VI Science Algorithm and Experience  -- Didan (SNPP 2013) 2013 
Didan, Kamel
The University of Arizona
Terra and Aqua MODIS Vegetation Index Product Suite: Where to go From Here? Transition Toward Core Production and Readiness for VIIRS era  -- Didan (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Didan, Kamel
The University of Arizona
Maintaining the Terra and Aqua MODIS Vegetation Index Product Record  -- Didan (TERAQEA 2013) 2013 
Dietze, Michael
Boston University
A prototype data assimilation system for the terrestrial carbon cycle to support Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification  -- Dietze (CMS 2016) 2017 
Drewry, Darren
Ohio State University
Airborne Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Characterize Arctic Boreal Zone Phenology and Productivity  -- Drewry (TE 2016) 2016 
Dronova, Iryna
University of California Berkeley
Using Remotely Sensed Phenology to Monitor Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Wetlands  -- Dronova (NIP 2017) 2018 
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
High Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: A CMS Phase 2 Study  -- Dubayah (CMS 2011) 2012 
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
Development of a Prototype MRV System to Support Carbon Ecomarket Infrastructure in Sonoma County  -- Dubayah (CMS 2013) 2013 
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) Lidar  -- Dubayah (EV 2012) 2014 
Dubayah, Ralph
University of Maryland
Exploring the Potential of Single Photon Lidar for Ecosystem Structure Derivation  -- Dubayah (TE 2011) 2012 
Duren, Riley
Carbon Mapper/U. Arizona
Understanding user needs for carbon monitoring information  -- Duren (2013) 2013 
Duren, Riley
Carbon Mapper/U. Arizona
Megacities Carbon Project: Assessing the Impact of Policy and Management Decisions on the Los Angeles Urban Dome of CO2 and CH4  -- Duren (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Eitel, Jan
University of Idaho
LiDAR, passive spectral, and ecophysiological approaches to link Forest Tundra Ecotone structure and function  -- Eitel (TE 2014) 2015 
Ellicott, Evan
UMD/ Dept. of Geography
S-NPP/VIIRS Active Fire Algorithm and Data Record Development and Refinement  -- Ellicott (SNPP 2013)) 2013 
Elmore, Andrew
UMCES Appalachian Laboratory
Assessing the Influence of Local Phenology on the Response of Forest Productivity to Changes in Growing Season Length  -- Elmore (TE 2011) 2012 
Epstein, Howard (Howie)
University of Virginia
Ecosystem Functional Diversity of the Circumpolar Arctic Tundra  -- Epstein (GEO 2016) 2018 
Escobar, Vanessa
Applications of the NASA Carbon Monitoring System: Engagement, Use, and Evaluation  -- Escobar (CMS 2013) 2013 
Falkowski, Michael (Mike)
NASA Headquarters
Fuel Consumption and Carbon Cycling in Northern Peatland Ecosystems: Understanding Vulnerability to Burning, Fuel Consumption, and Emissions via Remote Sensing of Fuel Moisture and Fire Radiative Energy  -- Falkowski (TE 2011) 2012 
Farhadi, Leila
George Washington University
Coupled Estimation of Evapotranspiration and Recharge from Remotely Sensed Land Surface Moisture and Temperature  -- Farhadi (NIP 2017) 2018 
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola)
Total Carbon Estimation in African Mangroves and Coastal Wetlands in Preparation for REDD and Blue Carbon Credits  -- Fatoyinbo (CMS 2014) 2014 
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola)
Future Mission Fusion for High Biomass Forest Carbon Accounting  -- Fatoyinbo (CMS 2015) 2016 
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola)
Estimating Total Ecosystem Carbon in Blue Carbon and Tropical Peatland Ecosystems  -- Fatoyinbo (CMS 2016) 2017 
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola)
Hurricane Irma - Rapid Response (HI-RRes) with NASA G-LiHT  -- Fatoyinbo (RRNES 2017) 2017 
Frankenberg, Christian
Evaluating Crop Productivity Using Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measured From Ground and Space  -- Frankenberg (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Frankenberg, Christian
Ecophysiological and physical mechanisms linking solar-induced fluorescence and vegetation reflectance to boreal forest productivity  -- Frankenberg (TE 2018) 2019 
French, Nancy
Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
Impacts and Implications of Increased Fire in Tundra Regions of North America  -- French (TE 2009) 2010 
Friedl, Mark
Boston University
Towards a Land Cover Climate Data Record from VIIRS  -- Friedl (NPP 2010) 2011 
Friedl, Mark
Boston University
Using Three Decades of Landsat Data to Characterize Changes and Vulnerability of Temperate and Boreal Forest Phenology to Climate Change  -- Friedl (TE 2013) 2014 
Friedl, Mark
Boston University
Using MODIS to Monitor Dynamics in Land Cover and Phenology at Seasonal to Decadal Time Scales  -- Friedl (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Frolking, Steve
University of New Hampshire
Incorporating a new urban dataset from SeaWinds into a multi-sensor analysis of global daytime and nighttime urban heat islands  -- Frolking (TERAQ 2013) 2013 
Frost, Gerald (JJ)
Alaska Biological Research, Inc.--Environmental Research & Services
Biophysical drivers and socio-ecological impacts of environmental change in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region, western Alaska  -- Frost (TE 2014) 2015 
Galantowicz, John
Use of SMAP Seasonal Inundation and Soil Moisture Estimates in the Quantification of Global Biogenic Gas Fluxes  -- Galantowicz (TE 2009) 2010 
Gamon, John
University of Nebraska
Evaluating growing season length and productivity across the ABoVE Domain using novel satellite indices and a ground sensor network  -- Gamon (TE 2014) 2015 
Ganguly, Sangram
Rhombus Power Inc.
Reducing Uncertainties in Satellite-Derived Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimates Using a High Resolution Forest Cover Map  -- Ganguly (CMS 2014) 2014 
Gatebe, Charles
Pilot Study to Demonstrate Tree Height Retrievals from CAR Multiangular/ Multispectral Data  -- Gatebe (2012) 2012 
Giglio, Louis
University of Maryland
Development of a Suomi NPP VIIRS Global Burned Area Earth System Data Record  -- Giglio (SNPP 2013) 2013 
Giglio, Louis
University of Maryland
Development of a Suomi-NPP VIIRS Global Burned Area Earth System Data Record  -- Giglio (TASNPP 2017) 2018 
Giglio, Louis
University of Maryland
MODIS Collection 6 Active Fire Maintenance and Validation  -- Giglio (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Giglio, Louis
University of Maryland
MODIS Global Active Fire and Burned Area Product Maintenance and Validation  -- Giglio (TERAQEA 2013) 2013 
Gleason, Kelly
Portland State University
Forest Fire Effects on Snow Albedo: Improving Remote Sensing of Snow in Burned  -- Gleason (NIP 2017) 2018 
Glenn, Nancy
Boise State University
Scalable vegetation structure for ecosystem modeling in the western US  -- Glenn (TE 2013) 2014 
Goetz, Scott
Northern Arizona University
Mapping and modeling attributes of an arctic-boreal biome shift: Resource management implications within the ABoVE domain  -- Goetz (TE 2014) 2015 
Goncalves, Luis
(CPTEC), Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
The Data-Model Intercomparison Project for the Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment of the Amazon (LBA-DMIP)  -- Goncalves (TE 2008) 2009 
Goulden, Michael (Mike)
University Of California, Irvine
Shifting Patterns of Boreal Forest Succession and Browning Over the Last 30 Years  -- Goulden (TE 2014) 2015 
Goward, Samuel
University of Maryland
US Forest Disturbance History from Landsat  -- Goward (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Graham, Kelly
Florida State University
Arctic CO2 in a changing climate: constraints on fluxes and transport from remote sensing, in situ measurements, and modeling  -- Graham (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Greaves, Heather
Institute of Arctic Biology
Multisensor Fusion for Mapping of Low-Stature Arctic Vegetation Communities and Woody Biomass  -- Greaves (NESSF 2015) 2015 
Green, Robert (Rob)
Next Generation AVIRIS Airborne Mission Assistance and Collaboration  -- Green (2011) 2011 
Greenberg, Jonathan
University of Nevada
Reducing Uncertainties in Estimating California's Forest Carbon Stocks  -- Greenberg (CMS 2014) 2014 
Greenberg, Jonathan
University of Nevada
Three dimensional change detection of aboveground biomass  -- Greenberg (CMS 2016) 2017 
Grosse, Guido
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Assessing the spatial and temporal dynamics of thermokarst, methane emissions, and related carbon cycling in Siberia and Alaska  -- Grosse (CARBON 2007) 2008 
Guan, Kaiyu
University of Illinois
Improving the monitoring capability of carbon budget for the US Corn Belt - integrating multi-source satellite data with improved land surface modeling and atmospheric inversion  -- Guan (CMS 2016) 2017 
Gupta, Pawan
Characterizing nearly two decades of biomass burning over the Indian Sub-Continent using Satellite, Surface and Model Simulations  -- Gupta (TASNPP 2017) 2018 
Gurney, Kevin
Northern Arizona University
Extending Top-Down, Bottom-Up Synthesis Research Through an Improved Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions Data Product and the Latest #14CO2 Measurement in the United States  -- Gurney (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Hagen, Stephen (Steve)
Applied Geosolutions
Operational multi-sensor design for national scale forest carbon monitoring to support REDD+ MRV systems  -- Hagen (CMS 2013) 2013 
Hall, Forrest
Multi-Sensor Retrieval of Vegetation 3-D Structure and Biomass using Physically-Based Algorithms  -- Hall (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Hanan, Niall
New Mexico State University
Bistability and Feedbacks in Tropical Woodlands and Savannas: Carbon Cycle Implications of Changing Climate and Management  -- Hanan (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Hanan, Niall
New Mexico State University
Partitioning savanna tree and grass LAI and fPAR from MODIS and VIIRS aggregates: methods, validation and applications.  -- Hanan (TE 2012) 2013 
Hansen, Matthew (Matt)
University of Maryland
Integrating MODIS, Landsat and GLAS in characterizing forest extent, structure and change  -- Hansen (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Hao, Wei Min
US Forest Service
Integrating Historic Patterns of Wildfire, Emissions, and Integrating Historic Patterns of Wildfire, Emissions, and Climate for Siberia as a Basis for Estimating the Impacts of Fire on Carbon Cycling, Quantifying Past Fire/Climate Interactions, and Projec  -- Hao (TE 2008) 2009 
Healey, Sean
USDA Forest Service
A Global Forest Biomass Inventory Based upon GLAS Lidar Data  -- Healey (CMS 2011) 2012 
Healey, Sean
USDA Forest Service
Piloting a GEDI-based Forest Carbon Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Tool  -- Healey (CMS 2016) 2017 
Healey, Sean
USDA Forest Service
Assessing Potential Impacts of Ground Sample Bias in Global CMS Biomass Estimates, Now and in the DESDynI Era  -- Healey (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Holben, Brent
CO2 Prototype Measurements using AERONET  -- Holben (2014) 2014 
Hook, Simon
Fire Recovery in the Urban-Wildland Interface  -- Hook (2014) 2014 
Hook, Simon
In Flight Validation of ASTER and MODIS Mid and Thermal Infrared Data and Products and ASTER Product Refinement for Earth Science  -- Hook (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Hook, Simon
Improving the VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Product for use as an Earth System Data Record  -- Hook-1 (NPP 2010) 2011 
Hook, Simon
In Flight Validation of VIIRS Mid and Thermal Infrared Data and Products for Earth Science  -- Hook-2 (NPP 2010) 2011 
Houborg, Rasmus
Routine mapping of land-surface carbon, water and energy fluxes at field to regional scales by fusing multi-scale and multi-sensor imagery  -- Houborg (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Houghton, Richard (Skee)
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Spatially Explicit Sources and Sinks of Carbon from Deforestation, Reforestation, Growth and Degradation in the Tropics: Development of a Method and a 10 Year Data Set 2000-2010  -- Houghton (CMS 2011) 2012 
Houghton, Richard (Skee)
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Biomass for Carbon Budgeting  -- Houghton (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Huang, Chengquan (Cheng)
University of Maryland
Role of Forest Disturbance and Regrowth in the US Carbon Budget  -- Huang (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Huang, Kangning
Yale University
Modeling the water requirement for urban heat island mitigation with multi-sensor and multi-temporal remote sensing data.  -- Huang (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Huang, Chengquan (Cheng)
University of Maryland
Integration of long term Landsat observations with DESDynI measurements for monitoring terrestrial carbon fluxes within and beyond the DESDynI mission  -- Huang (TE 2008) 2009 
Hudak, Andrew (Andy)
USDA Forest Service
Prototyping A Methodology To Develop Regional-Scale Forest Aboveground Biomass Carbon Maps Predicted From Landsat Time Series, Trained From Field and Lidar Data Collections, And Independently Validated With FIA Data  -- Hudak (CMS 2014) 2014 
Huemmrich, Karl (Fred)
Causes and Consequences of Arctic Greening: The Importance of Plant Functional Types  -- Huemmrich (TE 2016) 2016 
Huemmrich, Karl (Fred)
Defining a MODIS Light Use Efficiency Product  -- Huemmrich (TERAQ 2013) 2013 
Huete, Alfredo Scaling photosynthesis in tropical systems: from forest to savanna, from seasons to extreme events  -- Huete (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Huntzinger, Deborah (Debbie)
Northern Arizona University
MsTMIP Phase II: Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project  -- Huntzinger (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Huntzinger, Deborah (Debbie)
Northern Arizona University
Reduction in Bottom-Up Land Surface CO2 Flux Uncertainty in NASA's Carbon Monitoring System Flux Project through Systematic Multi-Model Evaluation and Infrastructure Development  -- Huntzinger (CMS 2011) 2012 
Hurtt, George
University of Maryland
High-Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continuing Prototype Development and Deployment  -- Hurtt (CMS 2014) 2014 
Hurtt, George
University of Maryland
High-Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment to Regional and National Scales  -- Hurtt (CMS 2016) 2017 
Hurtt, George
University of Maryland
Modeling the impacts of major forest disturbances on the Earth's coupled carbon-climate system, and the capacity of forests to meet future demands for wood, fuel, and fiber  -- Hurtt (IDS 2009) 2010 
Hurtt, George
University of Maryland
Using NASA Remote Sensing and Models to Advance Integrated Assessments of Coupled Human-Forest Dynamics for North America  -- Hurtt (TE 2009) 2010 
Ilangakoon, Ginikanda
Boise State University
Evaluation of Spatial Trends in Biomass and LAI in Heterogeneous Tree-Shrub Ecotones  -- Ilangakoon (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Iwahana, Go
International Arctic Research Center
Quantification of thermokarst and carbon release in ice-rich permafrost regions  -- Iwahana (TE 2016) 2016 
Izaurralde, Roberto (Cesar)
University of Maryland
Cropland Carbon Monitoring System (CCMS): A satellite-based system to estimate carbon fluxes on U.S. Croplands  -- Izaurralde (CMS 2015) 2016 
Jiao, Tong
Clark University
Vegetation Decline and Recovery from the Millennium Drought in Australia: Novel Quantitative Analysis with Multi-Sensor and Higher Resolution Data  -- Jiao (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Justice, Christopher (Chris)
University of Maryland
Terra-Aqua-SNPP Land Discipline Lead  -- Justice (TASNPP 2017) 2018 
Justice, Christopher (Chris)
University of Maryland
MODIS Burned Area Maintenance, Improvement and Validation  -- Justice (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Kalb, Virginia
NASA's Black Marble Standard Product Suite: Algorithm Refinement Efforts  -- Kalb (TASNPP 2017) 2017 
Kasischke (CMSSDT 2010) Evaluation of Approaches for Assessing the Impacts of Natural Disturbances on Aboveground Carbon Storage in and Emissions from U.S. Forests - A Carbon Monitoring System Science Definition Team Proposal  -- Kasischke (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Keeling, Ralph
UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Recent trends and physiological constraints on northern extra-tropical ecosystems from atmospheric and satellite data  -- Keeling (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Keeling, Ralph
UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Detection, Quantification, and Analysis of Changes in Boreal and Arctic Ecosystems Using Measurements and Models of CO2 and Its Isotopes  -- Keeling (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Keenan, Trevor
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Merging Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches to Partition Carbon and Water Fluxes between the Atmosphere and Biosphere  -- Keenan (IDS 2016) 2017 
Keller, Michael
USDA Forest Service
A data assimilation approach to quantify uncertainty for estimates of biomass stocks and changes in Amazon forests  -- Keller (CMS 2013) 2013 
Kellndorfer, Josef
Earth Big Data, LLC
Time Series Fusion of Optical and Radar Imagery for Improved Monitoring of Activity Data, and Uncertainty Analysis of Emission Factors for Estimation of Forest Carbon Flux  -- Kellndorfer (CMS 2013) 2013 
Kellndorfer, Josef
Earth Big Data, LLC
Mapping Biomass - Past Experiences and Future Directions in Data Fusion and Product Validation  -- Kellndorfer (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Kennedy, Robert
Oregon State University
Integrating and Expanding a Regional Carbon Monitoring System into the NASA CMS  -- Kennedy (CMS 2011) 2012 
Kennedy, Robert
Oregon State University
Tools to bridge the gap between static CMS maps, models, and stakeholders  -- Kennedy (CMS 2015) 2016 
Keppel-Aleks, Gretchen
University of Michigan
Developing a Mechanistic Understanding of Variability in the Atmospheric CO2 Growth Rate Owing to Interannual Climate Oscillations  -- Keppel-Aleks (IDS 2016) 2016 
Kimball, John
University of Montana
Carbon Cycle applications of the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission  -- Kimball (TE 2008) 2009 
Kimball, John
University of Montana
Satellite data driven model assessment of landscape variability and environmental controls on the Arctic-Boreal carbon budget  -- Kimball (TE 2014) 2015 
Kimball, John
University of Montana
Analysis and Attribution of Recent Changes in Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange Using MODIS and AMSR-E  -- Kimball (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Klosterman, Stephen (Steve)
Harvard University
Improving predictions of terrestrial carbon, water, and energy cycling using novel plant phenology observation and modeling  -- Klosterman (NESSF 2013) 2013 
Knyazikhin, Yuri
Boston University
Konings, Alexandra
Stanford University
Using Model-Data Fusion to Determine Plant Hydraulic Traits and Transpiration  -- Konings (NIP 2017) 2018 
Krapu, Christopher
Duke University
Mapping Spatio-Temporal Variability of Prairie Wetlands  -- Krapu (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Kremers, Kelseyann
Notre Dame
Is Arctic Greening Consistent with the Temperature Sensitivity of Coupled Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles?  -- Kremers (NESSF 2015) 2015 
Kushnir, Yochanan
Columbia University
Vulnerability of the U.S. Atlantic Coast to hazards associated with extreme winter storms  -- Kushnir (IDS 2012) 2014 
Lamb, Brian
Tidal wetland inundation and vegetation phenology from space - A novel approach for characterizing ecological health and carbon exchanges in coastal wetlands  -- Lamb (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Lan, Xin (Lindsay)
Process-Level Investigation of Revised Global Methane Budget Based on In Situ and Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Composition and the Land Surface  -- Lan (IDS 2016) 2017 
Larsen, Isaac
University of Massachusetts
Quantifying the Magnitude of Agriculturally-Induced Soil Erosion by Integrating Satellite Observations, Airborne Lidar, and Laboratory Data  -- Larsen (NIP 2017) 2018 
Lavalle, Marco
Extracting Structural and Temporal Parameters of Forests from Repeat-Pass Pol-InSAR Data  -- Lavalle (TE 2012) 2013 
Lefsky, Michael
Colorado State University
Estimates of aboveground biomass from lidar and L-band radar in the Amazon Basin  -- Lefsky (TE 2008) 2009 
Lettenmaier, Dennis
University of Washington
Atmospheric rivers and changing flood risk in the Pacific Coast region of the Western U.S.  -- Lettenmaier (IDS 2012) 2014 
Levitan, Nathaniel
City College of New York
Improving retrievals of plant canopy variables from remote sensing data  -- Levitan (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Li, Changsheng
University of New Hampshire
Modeling Impacts of Climate Change on Carbon Dynamics in Northern High Latitude Wetlands  -- Li (TE 2008) 2009 
Lind, Brianna (Bri)
NASA Land Processes DAAC
Quantifying Ecosystem Effects of Termite Mounds Using Moderate and High Resolution Satellite Imagery  -- Lind (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Litvak, Marcy
University of New Mexico
Improving the estimation of carbon stocks and fluxes in semi-arid ecosystems of the southwestern US using full-waveform lidar measurements  -- Litvak (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Liu, Junjie
Estimating the Impacts of Recent Severe Amazonia Droughts on Forest Carbon Dynamics and Fluxes From Assimilating Satellite Observations in NCAR CESM With Ensemble Kalman Filter  -- Liu (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Liu, Junjie
An integrated carbon data assimilation system to advance understanding and predictions of the carbon cycle  -- Liu (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Loboda, Tatiana
University of Maryland
The Forest Disturbance Carbon Tracking System -- A CMS Pilot Project  -- Loboda (CMS 2011) 2012 
Loboda, Tatiana
University of Maryland
Long-Term Multi-Sensor Record of Fire Disturbances in High Northern Latitudes  -- Loboda (TE 2012) 2013 
Loboda, Tatiana
University of Maryland
Quantifying long-term impacts of single and repeated wildfire burning in North American tundra on organic soil carbon stocks and ecosystem functioning  -- Loboda (TE 2014) 2015 
Lyapustin, Alexei (Alex)
VIIRS Surface Reflectance and Aerosol EDR Assessment and Cal-Val Support  -- Lyapustin (NPP 2010) 2011 
Lyapustin, Alexei (Alex)
Advancing MODIS-VIIRS Climate Data Records with Algorithm MAIAC  -- Lyapustin (TASNPP 2017) 2017 
Lyapustin, Alexei (Alex)
A Comprehensive Operational and Science Evaluation of Algorithm MAIAC for the MODIS Land Processing  -- Lyapustin (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Lyapustin, Alexei (Alex)
Advancing MODIS Climate Data Records with Algorithm MAIAC  -- Lyapustin (TERAQEA 2013) 2013 
Mack, Michelle
Northern Arizona University
Increasing fire severity and the loss of legacy carbon from forest and tundra ecosystems of northwestern North America  -- Mack (TE 2014) 2015 
Malone, Sparkle
Yale University
Optimizing Fire Regimes In Fire Dependent Ecotypes  -- Malone (NIP 2017) 2018 
Marselis, Suzanne
University of Maryland
Characterizing Tropical Ecotones with GEDI: A Case-Study in Gabon Using Data from the AfriSAR Experiment  -- Marselis (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Masek, Jeffrey (Jeff)
Albedo Trends Related to Land Cover Change and Disturbance: A Multi-sensor Approach  -- Masek (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Masuoka, Edward
Terra/Aqua Land Algorithm Maintenance Support  -- Masuoka (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
McKain, Kathryn
NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
Arctic Carbon Atmospheric Profiles (ArcticCAP)  -- McKain (TE 2016) 2016 
Melack, John
University of California
Methane Fluxes from Tropical Aquatic Systems: Integration of Measurements, Hydrological and Biogeochemical Models and Remote Sensing  -- Melack (IDS 2016) 2017 
Melack, John
University of California
Analysis and Synthesis of Carbon Dynamics on Amazon Floodplains  -- Melack (TE 2008) 2010 
Meyer, Franz
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Characterizing methane emission response to the past 60 years of permafrost thaw in thermokarst lakes  -- Meyer (TE 2014) 2015 
Huntzinger, Deborah (Debbie)
Northern Arizona University
Michalak, Anna
Carnegie Institution for Science
MsTMIP Phase 1: The North American Carbon Program Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project  -- Michalak (TE 2009) 2010 
Middleton, Elizabeth (Betsy)
Spectral Bio-Indicators of Ecosystem Photosynthetic Efficiency II: Synthesis and Integration  -- Middleton (TE 2009) 2010 
Miller, Charles (Chip)
CARVE (Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment) Airborne Observations of Carbon Dynamics in the Vulnerable Arctic-Boreal Ecosystems of Northwestern Canada - CARVE-CAN  -- Miller (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Miller, David
University of California Berkeley
Using imaging spectroscopy to quantify vegetation condition in urban landscapes during a multi-year drought in California  -- Miller (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Miller, Charles (Chip)
Quantifying Methane Emissions in the San Joaquin Valley  -- Miller (RRNES 2013) 2013 
Miller, Charles (Chip)
Quantifying CO2 and CH4 Fluxes from Vulnerable Arctic-Boreal Ecosystems Across Spatial and Temporal Scales  -- Miller (TE 2014) 2015 
Miller, Charles (Chip)
Imaging Arctic Methane Plumes  -- Miller (TE 2016) 2016 
Millet, Dylan
University of Minnesota
Closing the Methane Budget for the US Corn Belt and Upper Midwest  -- Millet (IDS 2016) 2017 
Miura, Tomoaki
University of Hawaii
Evaluation and Validation of NPP VIIRS Vegetation Index EDR for Earth System and Climate Sciences  -- Miura (NPP 2010) 2011 
Moorcroft, Paul
Harvard University
Linking Terrestrial Biosphere Models with Imaging Spectrometry Measurements of Ecosystem Composition, Structure, and Function  -- Moorcroft (HYSPIRI 2011) 2012 
Morin, Paul
University of Minnesota - Polar Geospatial Center
High resolution commercial satellite imagery for ABoVE  -- Morin (2015) 2015 
Morton, Douglas (Doug)
A Joint USFS-NASA Pilot Project to Estimate Forest Carbon Stocks in Interior Alaska by Integrating Field, Airborne and Satellite Data  -- Morton (CMS 2013) 2013 
Morton, Douglas (Doug)
Long-Term Carbon Consequences of Amazon Forest Degradation  -- Morton (CMS 2014) 2014 
Morton, Douglas (Doug)
Dynamics of Amazon Forest Disturbance and Recovery from Multi-temporal Airborne LiDAR  -- Morton (TE 2011) 2012 
Munger, J. (Bill)
Harvard University
Multi-scale data assimilation and model comparison for ABoVE to identify processes controlling CO2 and CH4 exchange and influencing seasonal transitions in Arctic tundra ecosystems  -- Munger (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Munger, J. (Bill)
Harvard University
Development of a Data-Assimilation Framework for Integrating 25 Years of Surface and Airborne observations to assess patterns of net CO2 Exchange from Arctic Ecosystems  -- Munger (TE 2012) 2013 
Myneni, Ranga
Boston University
Global LAI/FPAR Earth System Data Records from NPP-VIIRS to Extend the EOS-MODIS Time Series  -- Myneni (NPP 2010) 2011 
Myneni, Ranga
Boston University
Global LAI-FPAR Earth System Data Records from Suomi VIIRS to Extend the EOS MODIS Time Series  -- Myneni (SNPP 2013) 2013 
Myneni, Ranga
Boston University
Modest Maintenance of Terra and Aqua MODIS LAI/FPAR Products and Transitioning to Core Production  -- Myneni (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Myneni, Ranga
Boston University
Maintenance and Evaluation of Collection 6 Terra and Aqua Modis LAI/FPAR Products  -- Myneni (TERAQEA 2013) 2013 
Najjar, Raymond (Ray)
Pennsylvania State University
The Carbon Budget of Tidal Wetlands and Estuaries of the Contiguous United States: A Synthesis Approach (WETCARB = Wetland-Estuary Transports and CARbon Budgets)  -- Najjar (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Neigh, Christopher (Chris)
Disturbance, Growth, and Recovery of Boreal Forests Spanning the Satellite Era: 3D Structure, Site Index, and Ecosystem Carbon Flux with Changing Climate  -- Neigh (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Neigh, Christopher (Chris)
Linking Remote Sensing Data and Energy Balance Models for a Scalable Agriculture Insurance System for sub-Saharan Africa  -- Neigh (IDS 2012) 2014 
Nelson (CARBON 2010) A Lidar-Radar-Optical Data Fusion Approach for Estimating the Aboveground Carbon Stocks of North American Forests: Means and Uncertainties at Regional to Continental Scales  -- Nelson (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Nicolsky, Dmitry
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Augmentation of the USArray sites with temperature profilers  -- Nicolsky (2016) 2016 
Numata, Izaya
South Dakota State University
Assessing vulnerability and responses of forest edges to drought in Amazonia  -- Numata (TE 2013) 2014 
Oda, Tomohiro (Tom)
A Fine-Scale Global Fossil Fuel and Biomass Burning Emissions Dataset Using Suomi-NPP/VIIRS Satellite Data  -- Oda (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Oechel, Walter (Walt)
San Diego State University
Temporal and Spatial Patterns of and Controls on Arctic CO2 and CH4 fluxes in the ABoVE Domain  -- Oechel (TE 2014) 2016 
Oh, Youmi
Purdue University
High Affinity Methanotrophs are an Important Overlooked Methane Sink in the Pan-Arctic Methane Budget  -- Oh (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Oliveira, Pedro
South Dakota State University
Integrating airborne LiDAR, Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 data to map Brazilian Amazon Tropical Moist Forest Biome (BATMFB) canopy height  -- Oliveira (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Ollinger, Scott
University of New Hampshire
Effects of Disturbance and N Deposition on Nitrogen-Albedo Relations in Forests  -- Ollinger (TE 2009) 2011 
Ollinger, Scott
University of New Hampshire
Exploring Relationships Among Water Use Efficiency, Canopy Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling across North American Ecosystems to Improve Land Surface Models  -- Ollinger (TE 2011) 2012 
Olofsson, Pontus
Tracking carbon emissions and removals by time series analysis of the land surface: prototype application in tropical MRV systems compliant with IPCC Tier 3  -- Olofsson (CMS 2015) 2016 
Ott, Lesley
Integrating Remote Sensing Observations with NASA's GEOS-5 Modeling Framework in Support of Retrospective Analyses and Seasonal Prediction of Biosphere-Atmosphere CO2 Flux  -- Ott (IDS 2016) 2017 
Painter, Thomas
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Integrated Hydrologic Response to Extreme Dust Deposition to the Snow Cover of the Colorado River Basin  -- Painter (IDS 2009) 2010 
Palace, Michael
University of New Hampshire
Drought-induced vegetation change and fire in Amazonian forests: past, present, and future  -- Palace (IDS 2012) 2014 
Palm, Eric
University of Montana
From Animal Movement to Ecosystem Services: Scaling-up to Ecosystem-Scale Spatially-Explicit Demographic Models for Caribou  -- Palm (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Parazoo, Nicholas (Nick)
Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Soil Moisture Observations to Characterize Terrestrial Vegetation Photosynthesis and Biosphere Carbon Uptake in North America  -- Parazoo (IDS 2016) 2016 
Pelletier, Jon
University of Arizona
Development of a High-Resolution Global Soil Depth Dataset  -- Pelletier (TE 2012) 2013 
Popescu, Sorin
Texas A&M University
Using LiDAR to develop a climate-driven model of the disintegration and decay of trees killed during a severe drought  -- Popescu (RRNES 2013) 2014 
Prugh, Laura
University Of Washington
Assessing Alpine Ecosystem Vulnerability to Environmental Change Using Dall Sheep as an Iconic Indicator Species  -- Prugh (TE 2014) 2015 
Rahman, Abdullah (Faiz)
Improved Per-Pixel Estimates of Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes across Eastern US Forests  -- Rahman (TE 2009) 2010 
Ramsey, Elijah
Assessing Impacts and Monitoring Response of Coastal Wetlands to the Gulf Oil Spill  -- Ramsey (TE 2011) 2012 
Randerson, James (Jim)
University of California, Irvine
Global Carbon Emissions from Fires: Improving our Understanding of Interactions between Land Use, Fires, and Climate Change  -- Randerson (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Ranson, Kenneth (Jon)
A High-Resolution Circumpolar Delineation of the Forest-Tundra Ecotone With Implications for Carbon Balance  -- Ranson (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Ranson, Kenneth (Jon)
Amount, Spatial Distribution, and Statistical Uncertainty of Aboveground Carbon Stocks in the Circumpolar Boreal Forest  -- Ranson (TE 2008) 2009 
Ranson, Kenneth (Jon)
Multisensor Airborne and Ground Studies of Siberian Arctic Forests  -- Ranson (TE 2011) 2012 
Rao, Krishna
Stanford University
High Resolution Vegetation Water Content and Tree Mortality Estimation using Synthetic Aperture Radar  -- Rao (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Rhea, Allison
Colorado State University
Using Landsat Imagery to Monitor the Effects of Landscape Recovery on Nutrient Export in Fire-affected Watersheds  -- Rhea (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Roberts, Dar
UC Santa Barbara
HyspIRI discrimination of plant species and functional types along a strong environmental-temperature gradient  -- Roberts (HYSPIRI 2011) 2011 
Rogers, Brendan
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Understanding the Causes and Implications of Enhanced Seasonal CO2 Exchange in Boreal and Arctic Ecosystems  -- Rogers (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Rogers, Brendan
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Developing a spatially-explicit understanding of fire-climate forcings and their management implications across the ABoVE domain  -- Rogers (TE 2014) 2015 
Román, Miguel
CARMA: A New Reference Standard for NASA Multi-Angle Remote Sensing  -- Roman (NIP 2013) 2014 
Running, Steven
University of Montana
Integrating MODIS Primary Production, and Evapotranspiration Datasets to Monitor Carbon and Water Dynamics for Terrestrial Ecosystem.  -- Running (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Running, Steven
University of Montana
Providing Continuity for the MODIS Land Gross Primary Production, Net Primary Production and Evapotranspiration Datasets  -- Running (TERAQEA 2013) 2013 
Saatchi, Sassan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Impacts of Droughts on Carbon Stocks and Fluxes of Amazonian Forest Ecosystems  -- Saatchi (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Saatchi, Sassan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Prototyping MRV Systems Based on Systematic and Spatial Estimates of Carbon Stock and Stock Changes of Forestlands  -- Saatchi (CMS 2011) 2012 
Saatchi, Sassan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Annual GHG Inventory and MRV System for the US Forestlands  -- Saatchi (CMS 2015) 2016 
Saatchi, Sassan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Detecting Changes of Forest Biomass from Fusion of Radar and Lidar: Developing DESDynl measurement requirements  -- Saatchi (TE 2008) 2009 
Saatchi, Sassan
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Quantifying Variations of Tropical Forest Structure and Biomass along Altitudinal Gradient  -- Saatchi (TE 2011) 2012 
Saleska, Scott
University of Arizona
Testing Satellite-based Scaling of Tropical Forest Photosynthesis with a New Network of Cameras and Fluorescence Spectrometers in Amazonia  -- Saleska (CARBON 2016) 2017 
Saleska, Scott
University of Arizona
Scaling photosynthesis in tropical systems: from forest to savanna, from seasons to extreme events  -- Saleska (TERAQ 2010) 2010 
Sarabandi, Kamal
The University of Michigan
VEGEX3D: LiDAR-SAR/InSAR Extrapolation and Simulation Models for Retrieving Vegetation 3D Structure and Biomass  -- Sarabandi (TE 2008) 2009 
Sayers, Michael (Mike)
Michigan Tech Research Institute
New Carbon Monitoring Products for Global Freshwater Lakes using Satellite Remote Sensing Time Series Data  -- Sayers (CMS 2016) 2017 
Schaaf, Crystal
University of Massachusetts Boston
MODIS Albedo, Nadir Reflectance and Reflectance Anisotropy for Environmental Modeling and Monitoring  -- Schaaf (EOS 2006) 2011 
Schaaf, Crystal
University of Massachusetts Boston
Albedo and Bidirectional Reflectance Climate Data Records from NPP/VIIRS  -- Schaaf (NPP 2010) 2011 
Schaaf, Crystal
University of Massachusetts Boston
Suomi NPP VIIRS BRDF/Albedo/NBAR Products to Extend the Long Term Consistent MODIS Standard Data Record  -- Schaaf (SNPP 2013) 2013 
Schaaf, Crystal
University of Massachusetts Boston
MODIS Albedo, Nadir Reflectance, and Reflectance Anisotropy for Environmental Modeling and Monitoring  -- Schaaf (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Schaaf, Crystal
University of Massachusetts Boston
Albedo, Nadir Reflectance, and Reflectance Anisotropy for the MODIS Era  -- Schaaf (TERAQEA 2013) 2013 
Schaefer, Kevin
National Snow and Ice Data Center
YKD project--Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta: The Impact of Fire on Active Layer Thickness  -- Schaefer (RRNES 2015) 2016 
Schaefer, Kevin
National Snow and Ice Data Center
Quantifying Uncertainty in the Permafrost Carbon Feedback  -- Schaefer (TE 2009) 2010 
Schaefer, Kevin
National Snow and Ice Data Center
Remotely-Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) Product Derived from InSAR Data Over North American Arctic Regions  -- Schaefer (TE 2012) 2013 
Schaefer, Kevin
National Snow and Ice Data Center
The Airborne InSAR and PolSAR Permafrost Dynamics Observatory  -- Schaefer (TE 2016) 2016 
Schroeder, Wilfrid
University of Maryland
S-NPP/VIIRS Active Fire Product Suite: Bridging EOS and JPSS  -- Schroeder (TASNPP 2017) 2017 
Schwalm, Christopher
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Using Observations to Assess the Sensitivity of Land-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange to Climate Variability  -- Schwalm (TE 2011) 2012 
Seablom, Michael
NASA Headquarters
An Advanced Learning Framework for High Dimensional Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data  -- Seablom (AIST 2011) 2012 
Sedano, Fernando
University of Maryland
Forest degradation driven by charcoal production: characterization, quantification and forecasting to improve carbon monitoring systems in southern Africa  -- Sedano (CMS 2016) 2017 
Serbin, Shawn
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Assimilation of imaging spectroscopy data to improve the representation of vegetation dynamics in ecosystem models  -- Serbin (2014) 2014 
Serbin, Shawn
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Assimilation of imaging spectroscopy data to improve the representation of vegetation dynamics in ecosystem models  -- Serbin (TE 2013) 2014 
Simard, Marc (Mac)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Delta-X: Enabling Deltas to Thrive in a Century of Rising Seas  -- Simard (EVS-3 2017) 2018 
Simard, Marc (Mac)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Estimating Canopy Height using Repeat-Pass Polarimetric Interferometric (PolinSAR) Data from UAVSAR  -- Simard (TE 2013) 2014 
Siqueira, Paul
University of Massachusetts
A Segmentation Approach for Combining RaDAR Backscater, InSAR and LiDAR Measurements to Determine Vegetation 3D Structure and Biomass from Space  -- Siqueira (TE 2008) 2009 
Siqueira, Paul
University of Massachusetts
Modeling and Evaluation of Polarimetric SAR and InSAR for Forest Structure Estimation  -- Siqueira (TE 2012) 2013 
Slesnick, Catherine
Draper Laboratory
Climate Extremes and Landscape Hazards: An Interdisciplinary Study of Change  -- Slesnick (IDS 2009) 2011 
Smith, Alistair
University of Idaho
Quantifying the characteristics and investigating the biogeoscientific and societal impacts of extreme wildland fires in the United States northern Rockies region  -- Smith (IDS 2009) 2011 
Smith, Laurence
Brown University
Sensitivity of Arctic-Boreal surface water to permafrost state  -- Smith (TE 2016) 2016 
Smithwick, Erica
Pennsylvania State University
Influence of Disturbance and Seasonality on Regional Carbon Flux Upscaling  -- Smithwick (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Spies, Thomas (Tom)
USDA Forest Service
Tradeoffs among carbon and other ecosystem services associated with different forest management practices  -- Spies (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Stanimirova, Radost
Boston University
Dynamics of Global Rangelands: Modeling Vulnerabilities and Monitoring Impacts from Humans and Climate Change  -- Stanimirova (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Stehman, Stephen (Steve)
State University of New York
Developing Statistically Rigorous Sampling Design and Analysis Methods to Reduce and Quantify Uncertainties Associated with Carbon Monitoring Systems  -- Stehman (CMS 2013) 2013 
Stone, Thomas
US Geological Survey
Lunar Calibration for the Next Generation of Earth-Observing Satellite Sensors  -- Stone (NPP 2010) 2011 
Storey, Emanuel
San Diego State University
Uncoupling fire and drought impacts on chaparral  -- Storey (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Striegl, Rob
Vulnerability of inland waters and the aquatic carbon cycle to changing permafrost and climate across boreal northwestern North America  -- Striegl (TE 2014) 2015 
Subburayalu, Sakthi Kumaran
Ohio State University
Using AVIRIS Imagery to Map Spatial Variability of Soil Carbon Across Diverse Agricultural Management Systems  -- Subburayalu (AVRSNG 2016) 2017 
Sun, Guoqing
NASA GSFC/University of Maryland
Proposal to be a member of the Science Definition Team for Carbon Monitoring System (CMS)  -- Sun (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Sun, Guoqing
NASA GSFC/University of Maryland
Data Fusion Algorithms for Forest Biomass Mapping From Lidar and SAR Data  -- Sun (TE 2008) 2009 
Tabatabaeenejad, Alireza
The Aerospace Corporation
Estimation of Belowground Biomass and Permafrost Active Layer Properties Using Radar and Lidar Measurements  -- Tabatabaeenejad (TE 2016) 2016 
Tadesse, Tsegaye
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Seasonal Prediction of Hydro-Climatic Extremes in the Greater Horn of Africa under Evolving Climate Conditions to Support Adaptation Strategies  -- Tadesse (IDS 2012) 2014 
Tang, Hao
National University of Singapore
Integrating Space-Borne Lidar Observations to Characterize Vegetation Structure Dynamics Across Tropical Forests  -- Tang (NIP 2017) 2018 
Thornton, Peter
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Surface Weather Data with Uncertainty Quantification for Terrestrial Ecosystem Process Models  -- Thornton (TE 2012) 2013 
Townsend, Philip (Phil)
University of Wisconsin
Ecological Spectral Information System (ESIS): Integration of Spectral Data with Measurements of Vegetation Functional Traits  -- Townsend (TE 2012) 2013 
Townshend, John
University of Maryland
Enhanced Land Cover Products from MODIS: Vegetation Continuous Fields Maintenance and Refinements  -- Townshend (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Treuhaft, Robert
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Data Fusion, Error Analysis, and a Global Biomass Product: Proposal for Membership on the Carbon Monitoring System Science Definition Team  -- Treuhaft (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Treuhaft, Robert
Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech
Tropical Moist Forest Structure and Biomass Estimation from Bistatic InSAR at X-band (TanDEM-X), Small- and Large-Spot Lidar, and Field Measurements  -- Treuhaft (TE 2011) 2012 
Turner, David
Oregon State University
Assessing The Sensitivity Of Net Ecosystem Exchange Over North America To Climate And Disturbance With Prognostic And Diagnostic Models  -- Turner (TE 2008) 2010 
Turner, David
Oregon State University
Time Series Analysis of Disturbance Impacts on the Pacific Northwest Regional Carbon Balance  -- Turner (TE 2011) 2012 
Ury, Emily
Duke University
Birds-eye view on canopy stress from saltwater intrusion: integrating drone imagery and satellite remote sensing to aid coastal wetland restoration  -- Ury (NESSF 2017) 2017 
Ustin, Susan
University of California Davis
Coastal Wetland and Near Shore Ecosystem Impacts from the Gulf of Mexico Horizon BP Oil Spill Monitored by NASA's AVIRIS and MASTER Imagers  -- Ustin (TE 2011) 2012 
Ustin, Susan
University of California Davis
Near Real Time Science Processing Algorithm for Live Fuel Moisture Content for the MODIS Direct Readout System  -- Ustin (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
van Wagtendonk, Elizabeth (Liz)
University of Washington
Determining forest resilience to drought-induced mortality with effects on carbon storage  -- van Wagtendonk (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Vargas, Rodrigo
University of Delaware
A framework for carbon monitoring and upscaling in forests across Mexico to support implementation of REDD+  -- Vargas (CMS 2013) 2013 
Vargas, Rodrigo
University of Delaware
Carbon monitoring systems across Mexico to support implementation of REDD+: maximizing benefits and knowledge  -- Vargas (CMS 2016) 2017 
Vermote, Eric
Development of the VIIRS climate quality surface reflectance product suite  -- Vermote (SNPP 2013) 2013 
Vermote, Eric
Maintenance and refinement of the Suomi NPP VIIRS Land Surface Reflectance product suite  -- Vermote (TASNPP 2017) 2017 
Vermote, Eric
Maintenance and refinement of the MODIS Aqua/Terra surface reflectance product suite  -- Vermote (TERAQEA 2013) 2013 
Vierling, Lee
University of Idaho
Quantifying Thresholds in Arctic Tundra Vegetation Structure and Ecosystem Function Using LiDAR and Multispectral Remote Sensing  -- Vierling (TE 2011) 2012 
Walker, Wayne
Woodwell Climate Research Center
Direct Measurement of Aboveground Carbon Dynamics in Support of Large-Area CMS Development  -- Walker (CMS 2014) 2014 
Walker, Donald (Skip)
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Recovery and Archiving of Key Arctic Alaska Vegetation Map and Plot Data for Long-Term Vegetation Analyses  -- Walker (TE 2012) 2013 
Walter Anthony, Katey
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Characterization of CH4 emissions from high latitude lakes in North America using multi-scale remote sensing  -- Walter (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Wan, Zhengming
Univ. CA, Santa Barbara
Science Data Analysis Including TIR BRDF Retrieval for Improvements of the MODIS Land-Surface Temperature/Emissivity Products in Long-term Accuracy and Consistency.  -- Wan (TERAQ 2009) 2011 
Wang, Dongdong
University of Maryland
Improved land products of incident downward shortwave radiation and photosynthetically active radiation from MODIS data  -- Wang (TASNPP 2017) 2018 
Wang, Dongdong
University of Maryland
Producing incident shortwave radiation and photosynthetically active radiation products over land surfaces from MODIS and multiple geostationary satellite data  -- Wang (TERAQ 2013) 2013 
Wei, Chenyang
State University of New York, Buffalo
Monitoring, Modeling, and Projecting Global Dynamics in Alpine Treeline Ecotones under Climate Change  -- Wei (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Wennberg, Paul
California Institute of Technology
Quantifying Changes in the Distribution and Cycling of Carbon With Total Column Measurements of CO2 and CH4  -- Wennberg (CARBON 2013) 2014 
West, Tristram (Tris)
Estimating Global Inventory-Based Net Carbon Exchange from Agricultural Lands for Use in the NASA Flux Pilot Study  -- West (CMS 2011) 2012 
Wetherley, Erin
Using HyspIRI-like Data to Quantify the Effects of Urban Vegetation and Materials on Microclimate at Sub-Pixel Scales  -- Wetherley (NESSF 2016) 2016 
Wilhelmi, Olga
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
System for Integrated Modeling of Metropolitan Extreme Heat Risk (SIMMER)  -- Wilhelmi (IDS 2009) 2010 
Williams, Christopher (Chris)
Clark University
Translating Forest Change to Carbon Emissions/Removals Linking Disturbance Products, Biomass Maps, and Carbon Cycle Modeling in a Comprehensive Carbon Monitoring Framework  -- Williams (CMS 2014) 2014 
Wimberly, Michael (Mike)
University Of Oklahoma, Norman
TE: Integrating Multi-Sensor Satellite Data for Malaria Early Warning in the Amhara Region of Ethiopia  -- Wimberly (NESSF 2010) 2011 
Wofsy, Steven (Steve)
Harvard University
Source attribution, emission monitoring and treaty verification by combining remote sensing and suborbital data  -- Wofsy (CARBON 2010) 2011 
Wofsy, Steven (Steve)
Harvard University
Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Sources for non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases (CH4, CO, N2O) and aerosols over Amazonia  -- Wofsy (TE 2008) 2009 
Wofsy, Steven (Steve)
Harvard University
Budgets for Carbon Cycle Gases (CO2, CH4, and CO) in the Amazon Basin from Aircraft and Remote Sensing Data  -- Wofsy (TE 2009) 2010 
Wolfe, Robert
VIIRS Geometric Calibration and Validation for NPP Earth System and Climate  -- Wolfe (NPP 2010) 2011 
Woodcock, Curtis
Boston University
Quantifying the accuracy and uncertainty in remote sensing products of land use change: implications for carbon monitoring  -- Woodcock (CMSSDT 2010) 2011 
Woodcock, Curtis
Boston University
Landscape-Scale Histories and Active Monitoring of Disturbance, Seasonality and Greenness Trends for ABOVE from Landsat  -- Woodcock (TE 2014) 2015 
Worden, John
CH4 Emissions Estimates From Tropical and Subtropical Fires Using Aura TES CH4 and Terra MOPITT CO Profiles  -- Worden (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Xiao, Jingfeng
University of New Hampshire
Exploring the Interactions Between Carbon Cycling, Land Use and Climate Change Within Mixed Agricultural, Forested, Suburban, and Urban Landscapes  -- Xiao (CARBON 2013) 2014 
Yu, Xueying
University of Minnesota
Constraining and Projecting Wetland Methane Emissions in the Northern United States  -- Yu (NESSF 2018) 2018 
Zhang, Xiaoyang
South Dakota State University
Maintenance and Refinement of the Global Land Surface Phenology Product from NPP VIIRS for EOS-MODIS Continuity  -- Zhang (TASNPP 2017) 2017 
Zhang, Qingyuan
Retrieval and Validation of fAPARchl from the MODIS Sensors Onboard TERRA and AQUA:A New Product  -- Zhang (TERAQ 2013) 2013 
Zhang, Qingyuan
Carbon Monitoring and Ecosystem Feedbacks Prediction Using fAPARchl and the Community Land Model (CLM)  -- Zhang-Q (TE 2011) 2012 
Zhang, Xuesong
USDA Agricultural Research Service
Anticipating Agroecosystem Impacts of and Feedbacks to Climate Change in the Midwest US through Integration of a Coupled Climate-Agroecosystem Model with Satellite Data  -- Zhang-X (TE 2011) 2012