NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program Research Activities
- Currently Funded (projects with funding 2022+)
- Previously Funded (projects with funding ending 2012-2021)
Currently Funded Research Activities
- 170 projects (projects with funding 2022+)
- Quick jump to Project Label starting with: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Project Leads | Project Title | Start Year |
Griffith, Peter NASA GSFC Miller, Charles (Chip) NASA JPL |
ABoVE Airborne Campaign Management & Data Products -- AAC Management | 2016 |
Abrahamson, Jenna (Future Investigator) North Carolina State University Gray, Josh North Carolina State University |
Quantifying the Ephemeral: Integrating Satellite Observations with Physical Models to Map Daily Inundation and Capture Short-Term Methane Emissions -- Abrahamson (FINESST 2022) | 2023 |
Albert, Loren Oregon State University |
Quantifying leaf-to-landscape predictors of tropical forest drought vulnerability through ISS observation-model integration -- Albert (CARBON 2020) | 2021 |
Albertson, John Cornell University |
Connecting Urbanization to Patterns of Heat and Precipitation Risk: Linking Mechanistic Understanding to Quantification by Remote Sensing -- Albertson (IDS 2019) | 2020 |
Andela, Niels NASA GSFC |
Tropical Savannas in Transition: Tracking Global Savanna-Fire Interactions With ICESat-2 -- Andela (ICESAT2 2019) | 2020 |
Armston, John University of Maryland |
Savanna-Bio: Biomass estimation with new spaceborne missions for MRV in Dry Forests and Savannas -- Armston (CMS 2020) | 2021 |
Armston, John University of Maryland |
Improved mapping and monitoring of vertical canopy profile metrics from GEDI for quantifying ecosystem dynamics -- Armston (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Armstrong, Amanda NASA GSFC / USRA GESTAR |
Vulnerability of the Taiga-Tundra Ecotone: Predicting the Magnitude, Variability, and Rate of Change at the Intersection of Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems -- Armstrong (TE 2018) | 2019 |
Badzioch, Rachel (Future Investigator) University of Notre Dame Rocha, Adrian Univ of Notre Dame |
A Novel Way to Sense Post-Fire Impacts on Arctic Permafrost and Ecosystem Vulnerability with NASA Observatories and Computer Learning -- Badzoich (FINESST 2023) | 2024 |
Ballantyne, Ashley (Ash) University of Montana |
Global Respiration Comparison (ResCom): evaluation of satellite constrained top-down and bottom-up respiration estimates and their relationship with model simulations -- Ballantyne (CARBON 2020) | 2021 |
Bandaru, Varaprasad (Prasad) USDA ARS |
Improving, Evaluating, and Extending Satellite-Based High Resolution Cropland Carbon Monitoring System -- Bandaru (CMS 2020) | 2021 |
Barnes, Mallory Indiana University |
Better data, better decisions: new approaches for robust and credible carbon monitoring and accounting in Eastern US forests -- Barnes (CMS 2022) | 2023 |
Basu, Sourish NASA GSFC GMAO / University of Maryland |
Improving Terrestrial Biosphere Carbon Fluxes with a Dual Tracer Flux Estimation System Assimilating Satellite Retrievals of CO‚2 and In Situ Measurements of 14C in CO‚2 -- Basu (CARBON 2020) | 2021 |
Berner, Logan Northern Arizona University |
Mapping plant biomass distribution and change across the rapidly warming Arctic tundra biome -- Berner (NIP 2020) | 2021 |
Bloom, Alexis (Anthony) Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology |
Characterizing and quantifying lagged processes regulating the tropical land carbon sink responses to climatic variability and atmospheric CO2. -- Bloom (CARBON 2020) | 2021 |
Bloom, Alexis (Anthony) Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology |
Using CO2, CH4 and land-surface constraints to resolve sign and magnitude of northern high latitude carbon-climate feedbacks -- Bloom (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Boelman, Natalie Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia Univ. |
Quantifying socioecological consequences of changing snow and icescapes: A data-model fusion approach -- Boelman (TE 2018) | 2019 |
Boelman, Natalie Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia Univ. |
The future of the Forest-Tundra Ecotone: A synthesis that adds interactions among snow, vegetation, and wildlife to the equation -- Boelman (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Borak, Jordan University of Maryland |
Enhanced Roughness Length Estimates from ICESat-2 Vegetation Products -- Borak (ICESat-2 2019) | 2020 |
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura Michigan Technological University |
Understanding the Interactions between Wildfire Disturbance, Landscape Hydrology and Post-Fire Recovery in Boreal-Taiga Ecosystems -- Bourgeau-Chavez (TE 2018) | 2019 |
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura Michigan Technological University |
Integrating remote sensing and modeling to better understand the vulnerability of boreal-taiga ecosystems to wildfire -- Bourgeau-Chavez (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Brando, Paulo Yale University |
Interactions, feedbacks and carbon consequences of Amazon forest edges incorporating ecosystem structure and thermal dynamics -- Brando (CARBON 2020) | 2021 |
Braun, Katherine (Katie) (Future Investigator) University of Wisconsin - Madison Andresen, Christian University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Characterizing Permafrost Thaw and Carbon Cycling Impacts with Multi-Scale Remote Sensing -- Braun-K (FINESST 2022) | 2023 |
Bruening, Jamis (Future Investigator) University of Maryland Dubayah, Ralph University of Maryland |
Characterizing Forest Regrowth Biomass Accumulation in Northeastern US Forests Using Model-Data Fusion -- Bruening (FINESST 2020) | 2021 |
Burnett, Michael (Future Investigator) University of California, Santa Barbara Anderegg, Leander University of California, Santa Barbara |
Satellite-Based Mapping of Freshwater Resilience and Conservation Potential on 270 Remote Pacific Islands -- Burnett (FINESST 2022) | 2023 |
Butman, David University of Washington |
Crossing the divide: Inundation drives hotspots of carbon flux -- Butman (TE 2018) | 2019 |
Butman, David University of Washington |
Do changing terrestrial-aquatic interfaces in Arctic-boreal landscapes control the form, processing, and fluxes of carbon? -- Butman (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Campbell, Michael (Mickey) University of Utah |
Piñon-Juniper Biomass Over Space and Time -- Campbell (NIP 2020) | 2021 |
Carchipulla-Morales, David (Future Investigator) Wake Forest University Lowman, Lauren Wake Forest University |
Climate Regulators: Evaluating the Effect of Epiphyte Abundance on Spatial Patterns of Evapotranspiration in Tropical Montane Cloud Forests -- Carchipulla-Morales (FINESST 2022) | 2023 |
Casana, Jesse Dartmouth College |
Exploring Archaeological Landscapes Using Satellite, Aerial, and Drone-Acquired Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) Imagery -- Casana (IDS 2019) | 2020 |
Chamberlain, Caden (Future Investigator) University Of Washington Kane, Van University of Washington |
When can Wildfires Improve Forest Resilience to Future Fire and Drought? A Study Using Spaceborne Data -- Chamberlain (FINESST 2020) | 2021 |
Chen, Shuli (Future Investigator) University of Arizona Saleska, Scott University of Arizona |
The other side of drought: Why do some Amazon forests “green-up” during droughts while others do not? Integrating Multi-satellite remote sensing with field observations to reveal the mechanistic controls on tropical evergreen forest photosynthesis -- Chen (FINESST 2019) | 2019 |
Chen, Fei NCAR |
Improved understanding and prediction of extreme precipitation in multiple urban systems -- Chen (IDS 2019) | 2020 |
Chen, Min University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Quantifying socioeconomic impacts of changing Arctic ecosystems using ABoVE datasets in an integrated Human-Earth system modeling and data assimilation framework -- Chen (TE 2018) | 2019 |
Chopping, Mark Montclair State University |
Changes in Shrub Abundance in Arctic Tundra from the Satellite High Resolution Record for the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment and Impacts on Albedo -- Chopping (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Cochrane, Mark University of Maryland |
Effectiveness and monitoring of large-scale carbon-loss mitigation activities in Indonesia’s peatlands -- Cochrane (CMS 2018) | 2019 |
Comer, Douglas Cultural Site Research and Management, Inc. |
Multisensor Analyses of Pacific Island Migration and Societal Development -- Comer (IDS 2019) | 2020 |
Cook, Bruce NASA GSFC |
NASA-USFS Partnership to Advance Operational Forest Carbon Monitoring in Interior Alaska -- Cook (CMS 2018) | 2019 |
Cooley, Sarah University of Oregon |
Leveraging New Satellite Technologies to Constrain Feedbacks between Surface Water, Permafrost and Carbon Emissions in the Arctic -- Cooley (NIP 2020) | 2021 |
Cortese, Luca (Future Investigator) Boston University Fagherazzi, Sergio Boston University |
Coupling NASA UAVSAR, Air-SWOT and AVIRIS-NG Imagery with Numerical Modeling to Quantify Sediment Fluxes in Deteriorating Salt Marshes -- Cortese (FINESST 2020) | 2021 |
Dietze, Michael Boston University |
Multisensor data assimilation to support terrestrial carbon cycle and disturbance Monitoring, Reporting, Verification, and Forecasting -- Dietze (CMS 2020) | 2021 |
Doughty, Christopher (Chris) Northern Arizona University |
Using GEDI to improve biomass estimates and understand recent biomass change in the tallest, highest biomass forests in the world. -- Doughty (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Du, Jinyang University of Montana |
High Resolution Mapping of Surface Soil Freeze Thaw Status and Active Layer Thickness for Improving the Understanding of Permafrost Dynamics and Vulnerability -- Du (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Dubayah, Ralph University of Maryland |
Pantropical structure and biomass mapping using the fusion of GEDI and TanDEM-X data -- Dubayah (CMS 2018) | 2019 |
Dubayah, Ralph University of Maryland |
Pantropical structure and biomass mapping using the fusion of GEDI and TanDEM-X data - Phase II: expansion to new regions and estimating change -- Dubayah (CMS 2022) | 2023 |
Duncanson, Laura University of Maryland |
Harmonizing Biomass Maps With Policy Needs: Development of National Prototypes for the Global Stocktake -- Duncanson (CMS 2022) | 2023 |
Duncanson, Laura University of Maryland |
Mapping Global Forest Carbon Hotspots with GEDI using Improved Allometric Models -- Duncanson (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Duncanson, Laura University of Maryland |
Mapping boreal forest biomass density for the ABoVE domain circa 2020 with ICESat-2 -- Duncanson (TE 2018) | 2019 |
Duncanson, Laura University of Maryland |
Mapping boreal forest biomass recovery rates across gradients of vegetation structure and environmental change -- Duncanson (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Famiglietti, Caroline (Future Investigator) Stanford University Konings, Alexandra Stanford University |
Quantifying and Mitigating the Role of Parametric Uncertainty in Forecasts of the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle -- Famiglietti (FINESST 2020) | 2021 |
Fang, Jianing (Future Investigator) Columbia University Gentine, Pierre Columbia University |
Hybrid-Machine Learning Model for the Discovery of Unknown Functional Relationships in the Terrestrial Water and Carbon Cycles -- Fang (FINESST 2022) | 2023 |
Farhad, Md. Mehedi (Future Investigator) Mississippi State University Kurum, Mehmet Mississippi State University |
Recycling the Radio Spectrum: Enhancing NASA’s Earth Observing Systems Products over Forested Terrain by Direct Measurement of Vegetation Optical Depth -- Farhad (FINESST 2022) | 2023 |
Farina, Mary (Future Investigator) Montana State University Watts, Jennifer Woodwell Climate Research Center |
A multi-scale analysis to address uncertainty in bottom-up estimates of carbon exchange in Alaska -- Farina (FINESST 2019) | 2020 |
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola) NASA GSFC |
Using ICESat 2 Data for Coastal Ecosystem Structure -- Fatoyinbo (ICESat-2 2019) | 2020 |
Ferraz, Antonio JPL / UCLA |
Functional diversity-biomass relationships across continents and intactness gradients -- Ferraz (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Fisher, Joshua Chapman University |
A Model-Data Integration Framework (MoDIF) for ABoVE Phase I research: simulation, scaling and benchmarking for key indicators of Arctic-boreal ecosystem dynamics -- Fisher (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Frankenberg, Christian Caltech |
Bridging the gap between carbon cycle models and remote sensing observations -- Frankenberg (CARBON 2020) | 2021 |
French, Nancy Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI) |
Wetland status, change, and seasonal inundation dynamics for assessing the vulnerability of waterfowl habitat within the ABoVE study domain -- French (TE 2018) | 2019 |
French, Nancy Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI) |
Informing wetland policy and management for waterfowl habitat and other ecosystem services using multi-frequency synthetic aperture radar -- French (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Frost, Gerald (JJ) Alaska Biological Research, Inc.--Environmental Research & Services |
Towards a Warmer, Less Frozen Future Arctic: Synthesis of Drivers, Ecosystem Responses, and Elder Observations along Bioclimatic Gradients in Western Alaska -- Frost (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Goetz, Scott Northern Arizona University |
Enabling and advancing biodiversity science and applications using GEDI 3D canopy structure information -- Goetz (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Goetz, Scott Northern Arizona University |
Mapping and modeling attributes of an arctic-boreal biome shift: Phase-2 applications within the ABoVE domain -- Goetz (TE 2018) | 2019 |
Goetz, Scott Northern Arizona University |
Mapping and modeling attributes of an Arctic - boreal biome shift: Phase-3 applications within the ABoVE domain -- Goetz (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Good, Stephen Oregon State University |
Coupling ecosystem structure to habitat microclimate through GEDI derived canopy water storage estimates -- Good (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Goodwell, Allison University of Colorado |
Leveraging Information Theory and Flux Tower Footprints Towards Improved Satellite-Based Evapotranspiration Estimates -- Goodwell (NIP 2020) | 2021 |
Gray, Patrick (Future Investigator) University of Maine Johnston, David Duke University |
Monitoring hurricane impacts and understanding coastal ecosystem resilience using deep learning and a tip-and-cue approach to integrate satellites and drones -- Gray (FINESST 2019) | 2019 |
Hain, Christopher NASA MSFC |
The impact of urban expansion on peri-urban agriculture, hydrometerology, food security and human health -- Hain (IDS 2019) | 2020 |
Hanan, Niall New Mexico State University |
Improving Estimates of Vegetation Structure and Biomass in Global Savannas and Drylands with ICESat-2 -- Hanan (ICESat-2 2019) | 2019 |
Hanbury-Brown, Adam (Future Investigator) University of California Kueppers, Lara Berkeley |
Improving global vegetation demographic models with a novel remote sensing approach for analyzing post-fire vegetation dynamics -- Hanbury-Brown (FINESST 2019) | 2020 |
Hancock, Steven University of Maryland |
Using GEDI data to improve understanding of the role of vegetation structure in snow processes -- Hancock (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Hararuk, Oleksandra (Sasha) University of Central Florida |
Evaluating Net Primary Productivity Simulated by CMIP6 Models Against Observational Data Products and Propagating the Effects of Model-Data Mismatches to Simulated Net Carbon Uptake -- Hararuk (NIP 2020) | 2021 |
Hayes, Daniel University of Maine |
Supporting Stakeholder Data Requirements for Decision-Making in Managed Forests: A Landscape Model-Data Framework for High Resolution Carbon Accounting and Uncertainty Estimation -- Hayes (CMS 2020) | 2021 |
Hayes, Daniel University of Maine |
The FORest Carbon Estimation (FORCE) Project: Mapping GEDI-derived forest structure metrics in the U.S. and Canada with plot-based inventory and multimodal remote sensing data in a hierarchical spatial modeling framework. -- Hayes (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Healey, Sean USDA Forest Service |
Formal estimation of forest carbon change: a multitemporal extension of GEDIs estimators leveraging fusion with image time series -- Healey (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Hemming-Schroeder, Nicole (Future Investigator) University of California, Irvine Randerson, James (Jim) University of California, Irvine |
Modeling dead wood from satellite data to benchmark and improve Earth system models in their representation of wood decay -- Hemming-Schroeder (FINESST 2019) | 2020 |
Hensley, Scott JPL |
Analysis and Interpretation of UAVSAR Tomographic Data in the Arctic Boreal Region -- Hensley (TE 2018) | 2019 |
Hu, Lei NOAA / CIRES |
Toward disentangling causes for the substantial increase of CO2 seasonal amplitude in the Arctic -- Hu (TE 2018) | 2019 |
Huang, Qiongyu Smithsonian Institution |
The Power of GEDI: Investigate the Efficacy of Spaceborne Lidar to Model Biodiversity and Characterize Habitat Heterogeneity at the Continental and Global Scales -- Huang (NIP 2020) | 2021 |
Hudak, Andrew (Andy) USDA Forest Service |
A bottom-up, stakeholder-driven CMS for regional biomass carbon dynamics: Phase II -- Hudak (CMS 2018) | 2019 |
Hudak, Andrew (Andy) USDA Forest Service |
A Phase 3 CMS that disaggregates forest biomass estimates in response to stakeholder needs: Seeing the forest for the trees -- Hudak (CMS 2022) | 2023 |
Huemmrich, Karl (Fred) NASA GSFC / UMBC |
Clarifying linkages between canopy solar induced fluorescence (SIF) and physiological function for high latitude vegetation -- Huemmrich (TE 2018) | 2019 |
Hurtt, George University of Maryland |
High-Resolution Forest Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment to National and Global Scales and Science Team Lead -- Hurtt (CMS 2020) | 2021 |
Jeong, Seongeun Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
2020 California Carbon Dioxide Budget in a Changing Environment -- Jeong (CARBON 2020) | 2021 |
Johnson, Jennifer Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Developing a Multi-Scale Representation of Photosynthesis for Earth System Analysis and Prediction -- Johnson (NIP 2020) | 2020 |
Juang, Caroline (Future Investigator) Columbia University Williams, Park Columbia University |
Building resilience to wildfires in the western United States: Predictive modeling in a coupled climate and human system -- Juang (FINESST 2019) | 2020 |
Keenan, Trevor Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Global photosynthesis, CO2, and carbon-climate feedbacks -- Keenan (CARBON 2020) | 2021 |
Keller, Michael USDA Forest Service |
Potential carbon uptake by tropical forests: Integrating GEDI-derived forest structure with ED2, a process-based ecosystem model -- Keller (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Kellner, Jim Brown University |
Machine-learning algorithms for Level 4 GEDI aboveground biomass density -- Kellner (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Kennedy, Robert Oregon State University |
Developing a framework to quantify uncertainty and harmonize diverse earth observation estimates of forest carbon -- Kennedy (CMS 2020) | 2021 |
Kibler, Christopher (Future Investigator) University Of California, Santa Barbara Roberts, Dar UC Santa Barbara |
Drought Sensitivity of Evapotranspiration and Carbon Uptake in Riparian Woodlands -- Kibler (FINESST 2020) | 2021 |
Kimball, John University of Montana |
Improving Understanding and Prediction of Permafrost Active Layer Processes Using a Coupled Radar Inversion and Soil Process Model Framework. -- Kimball (TE 2018) | 2019 |
Krause, Keith Battelle Memorial Institute |
Assessing NASA GEDI Waveforms for Characterization of Ecosystem Structure Including Structural Variability, Similarity/Dissimilarity, and Diversity -- Krause (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Lara, Mark University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
ABoVE-Ground Characterization of Plant Species Succession in Retrogressive Thaw Slumps Using Imaging Spectroscopy -- Lara (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Li, Rong (Future Investigator) University of Virginia Yang, Xi University of Virginia |
Diurnal and Day-to-Day Variations of Vegetation Photosynthesis from Novel Remote Sensing Measurements -- Li (FINESST 2021) | 2022 |
Liang, Mengyu (Amber) (Future Investigator) University of Maryland College Park Duncanson, Laura University of Maryland |
Monitoring Aboveground Biomass Recovery in Forest Restoration Areas Using GEDI and Optical Data Fusion -- Liang (FINESST 2020) | 2021 |
Lin, John University of Utah |
Carbon Monitoring System in Mountains (CMS-Mountains): Leveraging Satellite-based Solar-Induced Fluorescence to Understand Forest Drought and Mortality in the Western U.S. -- Lin (CMS 2018) | 2019 |
Liu, Junjie JPL |
Contrasting carbon-climate interactions from interannual to long-term carbon-climate feedbacks across tropical continents -- Liu (CARBON 2020) | 2021 |
Liu, Yanlan The Ohio State University |
Characterizing Arctic-Boreal Vegetation Resilience under Climate Change and Disturbances -- Liu (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Loboda, Tatiana University of Maryland |
Assessing impact of climate-driven increase in wildfire emissions on air quality and health of urban and indigenous populations in Alaska -- Loboda (TE 2018) | 2019 |
Lu, Xinchen (Future Investigator) University of California, Berkeley Keenan, Trevor Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Using ECOSTRESS Water Use Efficiency to Quantify Vegetation Vulnerability to Water Stress -- Lu (FINESST 2020) | 2021 |
Ludwig, Sarah (Ludda) (Future Investigator) U.S. EPA Commane, Róisín Columbia University |
Hierarchical scaling of carbon fluxes from terrestrial-aquatic interfaces in the Arctic -- Ludwig (FINESST 2019) | 2019 |
Lutz, David Dartmouth College |
Dynamic Modeling of Ecosystem Processes and Services in North American Boreal Forests within the ABOVE Study Region -- Lutz (TE 2018) | 2019 |
Maguire, Andrew (Andy) (Future Investigator) Jet Propulsion Laboratory Eitel, Jan University of Idaho |
Toward an improved understanding of the mechanisms driving solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence across the structurally complex forest-tundra ecotone -- Maguire (FINESST 2019) | 2019 |
Maguire, Andrew (Andy) Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Seasonal response of carbon uptake to direct and diffuse light regimes across the evergreen needleleaf forest biome -- Maguire (NPP 2020) | 2021 |
McDermott, Timothy (Tim) Montana State University |
Environmental Distribution and Evolutionary History of Non-Methanogen Methane Synthesis -- McDermott (EXO 2020) | 2021 |
McMahon, Conor (Future Investigator) University of California, Santa Barbara Roberts, Dar UC Santa Barbara |
, Impacts of Drought, Water Limitation, and Climate Change on Riparian Woodland Ecosystems in Drylands -- McHahon (FINESST 2022) | 2023 |
Meng, Lin (Future Investigator) Vanderbilt University Zhou, Yuyu Iowa State University |
Disentangling the effects of nighttime lights and temperature on urban phenology using remote sensing data -- Meng (FINESST 2019) | 2019 |
Michalak, Anna Carnegie Institution for Science |
Quantifying climate sensitivities of photosynthesis and respiration in Arctic and boreal ecosystems from top-down observational constraints -- Michalak (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Miller, Charles (Chip) NASA JPL |
Characterizing Microtopographic Hot-spots and Landscape-scale Methane Emissions Across the ABoVE Domain -- Miller (TE 2018) | 2019 |
Miller, Charles (Chip) NASA JPL |
Enhanced Methane Emissions in Transitional Permafrost Environments: An ABoVE Phase 3 Synthesis Investigation -- Miller (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Miller, Scot Johns Hopkins University |
A synthesis and reconciliation of greenhouse gas flux estimates across the ABoVE domain -- Miller-S (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Moorcroft, Paul Harvard University |
Constraining Terrestrial Biosphere Model Predictions of Current and Future Carbon Fluxes with GEDI Waveform Lidar Measurements of Above-Ground Ecosystem Structure -- Moorcroft (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Moore, David (Dave) University of Arizona |
Improving mechanistic representation of Arctic carbon dynamics using data assimilation -- Moore (TE 2018) | 2019 |
Morton, Douglas (Doug) NASA GSFC |
Tropical Savannas in Transition: Tracking Global Savanna-Fire Interactions With ICESat-2 -- Morton (ICESAT-2 2019) | 2020 |
Moskal, L. Monika (Monika) University of Washington |
Teal Carbon – Stakeholder-driven Monitoring of Forested Wetland Carbon -- Moskal (CMS 2018) | 2019 |
Muccio, Daniel (Future Investigator) University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor Keppel-Aleks, Gretchen University of Michigan |
Climate and Ecosystem Impacts on High Latitude Carbon Fluxes -- Muccio (FINESST 2020) | 2021 |
Murtha, Timothy University of Florida |
The Ancient Maya Landscape: Households, Settlement, and Ecology of the Lowlands -- Murtha (IDS 2019) | 2020 |
Natali, Susan (Sue) Woodwell Climate Research Center |
Winter respiration in the Arctic: Constraining current and future estimates of CO2 emissions during the non-growing season (Augmented Jul 2019) -- Natali (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Neuenschwander, Amy University of Texas |
Estimating Boreal-Wide Forest Biomass Density With ICESat-2 -- Neuenschwander (ICESAT-2 2019) | 2020 |
Ni-Meister, Wenge Hunter College of The City University of New York |
A Geometric Optical Radiative Transfer (GORT) Approach to Quantify Impacts of Ecosystem Structure on Land Carbon Stocks and Fluxes Using GEDI Full Waveforms in a Demographic Dynamic Vegetation Model -- Ni-Meister (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Hanan, Niall New Mexico State University |
Patterns and drivers of tree height and biomass in water limited ecosystems -- Niall (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Ordway, Elsa UCLA |
PAN tropical investigation of bioGeochemistry and Ecological Adaptation (PANGEA) -- Ordway (TE 2022) | 2023 |
Palace, Michael University of New Hampshire |
Smoke on the Water: Lake-based calibration of Amazonian fire histories -- Palace (IDS 2019) | 2020 |
Park, Taejin NASA Ames Research Center / BAERI |
Monitoring and forecasting large-scale patterns of forest structure and carbon dynamics using field, remote sensing, and process-based models -- Park (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Popescu, Sorin Texas A&M University |
Icesat-2 Science Team: Lidar Photons and Machine Learning for Deriving Vegetation Biophysical Parameters -- Popescu (ICESat-2 2019) | 2020 |
Poulter, Benjamin (Ben) NASA GSFC |
Continuation of CMS Applications Efforts: Stakeholder Engagement and Socioeconomic Studies on the Value of CMS Data Products for User Organizations -- Poulter (CMS 2018) | 2019 |
Prugh, Laura University Of Washington |
Linking seasonal snow processes to wildlife population dynamics -- Prugh (IDS 2019) | 2020 |
Qi, Junyu University of Maryland |
Integrating Field Experiments, Remote Sensing, and Process-based Modeling Toward Improved Understanding and Quantification of Watershed Scale Carbon -- Qi (CARBON 2016) | 2017 |
Radakovic, Darko (Future Investigator) Montclair State University Chopping, Mark Montclair State University |
Tall Shrub Expansion as a Driver of Rapid Permafrost Loss in Thermokarst Lakes -- Radakovic (FINESST 2022) | 2023 |
Rawlins, Michael University of Massachusetts |
Merging Satellite Data and Models to Investigate Soil Freeze-Thaw Dynamics Influencing Terrestrial Water and Carbon Exports from the Western Arctic -- Rawlins (RSWQ 2017) | 2019 |
Reed, Sasha USGS |
Adaptation and Response In Drylands (ARID) Experiment -- Reed (TE 2022) | 2023 |
Runkle, Benjamin (Ben) University of Arkansas, Dept of Biological & Agricultural Engineering |
A national quantification of methane emissions from rice cultivation in the U.S.: integrating multi-source satellite data and process-based modeling -- Runkle (CMS 2020) | 2021 |
Saatchi, Sassan Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech |
Bottom-up Spatial Estimates of Carbon Pools and Fluxes of Terrestrial Ecosystems Attributed to Land Use and Environmental Effects -- Saatchi (CMS 2020) | 2021 |
Schaaf, Crystal University of Massachusetts Boston |
Science Quality Suomi-NPP VIIRS BRDF, Albedo, and NBAR Global Data Analysis Products -- Schaaf (TASNPP 2017) | 2017 |
Schaaf, Crystal University of Massachusetts Boston |
Maintenance of the MODIS Albedo, NBAR, and BRDF Products -- Schaaf (TERAQEA 2017) | 2018 |
Schimel, David (Dave) JPL |
Functional diversity and the response of tropical forests to climate change -- Schimel (CARBON 2020) | 2021 |
Schuh, Andrew Colorado State University |
Integrating Field Measurements and Models to Evaluate Solar Induced Fluorescence as a Predictor of Dryland Crop Productivity -- Schuh (CARBON 2020) | 2021 |
Seibt, Ulrike (Ulli) UCLA |
COSIF: Combining Carbonyl Sulfide and Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to scale the carbon cycle of tropical rainforests from leaf to landscape -- Seibt (CARBON 2020) | 2021 |
Shepherd, James University of Georgia |
Toward Conceptualization and Predictability: A Multi-scalar Analysis of Urban-Influenced Hydrometeorological Processes -- Shepherd (IDS 2019) | 2020 |
Shiklomanov, Alexey NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Functional Ecology in the SBG Era: An Assessment of the State of Plant Trait Retrieval from Imaging Spectroscopy -- Shiklomanov (NIP 2020) | 2021 |
Shuman, Ian (Future Investigator) Columbia University Serbin, Shawn NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Integrating Field Observations and Multi-scale Remote Sensing to Understand the Environmental and Biological Controls of Tall Shrub Distribution in Arctic Tundra -- Shuman (FINESST 2021) | 2022 |
Silva, Carlos Alberto University of Florida, Gainesville |
CMS4D: A multi-scale data-fusion prototype system for the next generation of carbon dynamics monitoring from space: a case study in the Brazilian Cerrado – fire and fuel in a biodiversity hotspot -- Silva (CMS 2022) | 2023 |
Smith, William (Bill) University Of Arizona |
Leveraging Field Experiments, Satellite Data and Models to Improve Understanding of the Role of Semi-Arid Ecosystems in the Global Carbon Cycle -- Smith (CARBON 2020) | 2021 |
Stephens, Connor (Future Investigator) University of Wisconsin, Madison Radeloff, Volker University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Trends in, Drivers of, and Connections Between Wildfire Weather, Burned Area, and Browning Within the Circumboreal Region -- Stephens (FINESST 2022) | 2023 |
Sun, Xiaoli NASA GSFC |
Comparing ABoVE/ASCENDS airborne lidar measurements of XCO2 to those from atmospheric models & satellites -- Sun (2020) | 2020 |
Swanson, Christine (Future Investigator) University of Florida Bohlman, Stephanie University of Florida |
Effects of dams on riparian vegetation in the Amazon: cumulative impacts and linkages to hydrology -- Swanson (FINESST 2019) | 2019 |
Tang, Hao National University of Singapore |
Enhanced calibration and validation of GEDI footprint-level products by refining footprint geolocation accuracy over North America -- Tang (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Tape, Kenneth (Ken) University of Alaska, Fairbanks |
Characterizing a widespread disturbance regime in the ABoVE domain: Beaver engineering -- Tape (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Townsend, Philip (Phil) University of Wisconsin |
Variation in Foliar Functional Traits across Environmental Gradients in ABoVE Landscapes -- Townsend (TE 2018) | 2019 |
Townsend, Philip (Phil) University of Wisconsin |
Functional diversity as a driver of GPP variation across the ABoVE domain -- Townsend (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Van Meter, Kimberly University of Illinois |
Wetland Legacies: Using Remotely Sensed Data to Quantify the Landscape-Scale Effects of Drained Agricultural Wetlands on Water Quality and N2O Emissions -- Van Meter (NIP 2020) | 2021 |
Varga, Kevin (Future Investigator) University of California, Santa Barbara Jones, Charles University Of California, Santa Barbara |
An Investigation into Wildfire Fuel Moisture Content: Dead or Alive -- Varga (FINESST 2020) | 2021 |
Vargas, Rodrigo University of Delaware |
Carbon monitoring system across Mexico: continued development and application at the national scale -- Vargas (CMS 2020) | 2021 |
Vierling, Kerri University of Idaho, Moscow |
Evaluating GEDI data fusion tradeoffs for characterizing critical habitat components for animals and biodiversity assessments -- Vierling (GEDIST 2020) | 2021 |
Walker, Xanthe Northern Arizona University |
Drivers and Impacts of Reburning in boreal forest Ecosystems (DIRE) -- Walker (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Wang, Xian (Future Investigator) University of Arizona Smith, William (Bill) University Of Arizona |
Advancing Understanding of Dryland Carbon Uptake Using Novel Remote Sensing Techniques -- Wang (FINESST 2019) | 2019 |
Wang, Jonathan (Jon) University of Utah |
Quantifying disturbance and global change impacts on multi-decadal trends in aboveground biomass and land cover across Arctic-boreal North America -- Wang (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Ward Jones, Melissa University of Alaska Fairbanks |
Degrading Ice-wedges: Using Field, Airborne and Satellite Measurements to Link Fine-scale Micro-topographic Changes to Large-scale Impacts in Terrestrial Permafrost Systems -- Ward Jones (NIP 2020) | 2021 |
Watts, Jennifer Woodwell Climate Research Center |
Developing high spatiotemporal resolution inundation maps to detect rapid changes in surface hydrology and methane hotspots across ecosystem gradients in Alaska -- Watts (CSDA 2020) | 2021 |
Watts, Jennifer Woodwell Climate Research Center |
Reconciling Carbon Flux Budgets in Alaska and northwest Canada through Integrated Satellite, Airborne, and Field Measurements -- Watts (NIP 2017) | 2018 |
Watts, Jennifer Woodwell Climate Research Center |
Contributions of tundra and boreal systems to radiative forcing in North America and Russia under contemporary and future conditions -- Watts (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Webb, Elizabeth (Future Investigator) University of Florida Lichstein, Jeremy University of Florida |
Vegetation dynamics as drivers of albedo change in northern high latitude ecosystems -- Webb (FINESST 2019) | 2019 |
Wen, Jiaming (Future Investigator) Carnegie Institution for Science Sun, Ying Cornell University |
Understanding and Predicting the Interannual Variability (IAV) of the Global Terrestrial Carbon Cycle -- Wen (FINESST 2019) | 2020 |
Wimberly, Michael (Mike) University Of Oklahoma, Norman |
Drought, Disturbance, and Carbon Dynamics of West African Tropical Forests -- Wimberly (CARBON 2020) | 2021 |
Woodcock, Curtis Boston University |
A pantropical monitoring system of carbon emissions and removals from forest degradation, deforestation, and forest expansion and growth -- Woodcock (CMS 2018) | 2019 |
Wu, Yue (Sophy) (Future Investigator) University of Texas at Austin Chen, Jingyi (Ann) University of Texas at Austin |
Monitoring Soil Water and Organic Carbon Storage Patterns at the Arctic Foothills, Alaska, using InSAR -- Wu-Y (FINESST 2019) | 2020 |
Zhang, Xuesong USDA Agricultural Research Service |
Monitoring Changes in the Carbon Budget of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Caused by Agricultural Conservation through Integrating Remote Sensing Data and Modeling -- Zhang (CMS 2022) | 2023 |
Zhuang, Qianlai Purdue University |
The role of boreal wildfires in the global carbon budget: A process-based analysis using satellite-derived fire burn severity data -- Zhuang (CARBON 2020) | 2021 |
Zhuang, Qianlai Purdue University |
Role of linked hydrological, permafrost, ground ice, and land cover changes in regional carbon balance across boreal and arctic landscapes -- Zhuang (TE 2021) | 2022 |
Ziccardi, Leonardo (Future Investigator) Michigan State University Stark, Scott Michigan State University |
Can Solar-Induced Fluorescence (SIF) Reveal Leaf-Scale Drivers of Amazon Forest Response to Climate and Disturbance? A Christmas Blowdown Presents a New Opportunity to Improve SIF Remote Sensing Science -- Ziccardi (FINESST 2022) | 2023 |
Previously Funded Research Activities
- 333 projects (recently ended 2012-2021)
- Quick jump to Project Label starting with: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Project Leads | Project Title | Start Year |
Abshire, James (Jim) NASA GSFC & University of Maryland Lin, Bing NASA Langley Research Center |
Extending the 2017 ASCENDS Airborne Campaign into the Arctic in support of ABoVE -- Abshire (2017) | 2017 |
Asrar, Ghassem Pacific NW National Lab |
Carbon Monitoring of Agricultural Lands: Developing a Globally Consistent Estimate of Carbon Stocks and Fluxes -- Asrar-West (CMS 2013) | 2013 |
Baccini, Alessandro (Ale) Boston University |
Time-Series Measurements of Biomass Change from InSAR (TanDEM-X), MODIS, and LiDAR Observations -- Baccini (CMS 2015) | 2016 |
Bakian-Dogaheh, Kazem University of Southern California |
Microwave Behavior of Organic Soil for Remote Sensing of Permafrost -- Bakian Dogaheh (NESSF 2018) | 2018 |
Balch, Jennifer University of Colorado, Boulder |
Understanding Climate and Land Use Drivers of Invasive-Grass Fueled Fires Across the Western U.S. -- Balch (TE 2013) | 2014 |
Berner, Logan Northern Arizona University |
Integrating Satellite and Surface Observations to Assess Drought Impacts on Forest Carbon and Water Cycling Across the Western United States -- Berner (NESSF 2014) | 2014 |
Bishop, Daniel Columbia University |
Attributing the causes of a century of wetting in the eastern United States using observations, models, and tree rings -- Bishop (NESSF 2017) | 2017 |
Boelman, Natalie Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia Univ. |
Animals on the move: Remotely based determination of key drivers influencing movements and habitat selection of highly mobile fauna throughout the ABoVE study domain -- Boelman (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Boschetti, Luigi University of Idaho |
MODIS-Landsat data fusion for high spatial resolution multiannual wall to wall burned area mapping of the conterminous United States -- Boschetti (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura Michigan Technological University |
Planning and Collection of Data on Boreal Wildfire Effects: Studies of broad-scale 2014 Wildfires in NWT, Canada -- Bourgeau-Chavez (RRNES 2015) | 2015 |
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura Michigan Technological University |
Vulnerability of North American Boreal Peatlands To Interactions Between Climate, Hydrology, and Wildland Fires -- Bourgeau-Chavez (TE 2008) | 2009 |
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura Michigan Technological University |
Understanding the Vulnerability and Resiliency of Boreal-Taiga Ecosystems to Wildfire in a Changing Climate: A study of the 2014 Northwest Territories Wildfires -- Bourgeau-Chavez (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Brinkman, Todd University of Alaska, Fairbanks |
Biophysical Characteristics and Mechanisms of Environmental Disturbances Influencing Human Access to Ecosystem Services in Boreal Alaska -- Brinkman (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Brooks, Alexander (Alex) Colorado State University |
Using Landsat Imagery to Assess Riparian Wetland Condition in the Southern Rockies -- Brooks (NESSF 2018) | 2018 |
Buermann, Wolfgang Augsburg University |
Detection and Attribution of Rapid Large-scale Shifts in the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle -- Buermann (CARBON 2010) | 2011 |
Byrne, Brendan Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Constraining carbon fluxes in northern regions by combining constraints from multiple atmospheric CO2 observing systems -- Byrne (NPP 2018) | 2018 |
Carroll (2007) | Global Mapping of Surface Water using MODIS and SRTM at 250m Spatial Resolution -- Carroll (2007) | 2014 |
Carroll, Mark NASA GSFC |
Determining the Extent and Dynamics of Surface Water for the ABoVE Field Campaign -- Carroll (TE 2012) | 2013 |
Castello, Leandro Virginia Tech |
Impacts of floods and droughts on aquatic macrophytes, forests, and fisheries of central Amazonian river floodplains -- Castello (IDS 2012) | 2014 |
Cattau, Megan University of Colorado |
Ecological Stability and Disturbance - Recovery Dynamics in Southern Rockies forests: Upscaling from the tree- to the Landsat-level -- Cattau (NIP 2017) | 2018 |
Chapman, Bruce JPL |
Enabling Global Vegetation Structure Esimation from SRTM correlation Data -- Chapman (TE 2008) | 2010 |
Chatterjee, Abhishek NASA JPL |
GEOS-5 Forecasting and Modeling in Support of ABoVE airborne research -- Chatterjee (TE 2016) | 2016 |
Chini, Louise University of Maryland |
Using NASA Remote Sensing Data to Reduce Uncertainty of Land-Use Transitions in Global Carbon-Climate Models -- Chini (TE 2012) | 2013 |
Chopping, Mark Montclair State University |
Mapping Changes In Shrub Abundance And Biomass In Arctic Tundra Using NASA Earth Observing System Data: A Structural Approach -- Chopping (TE 2008) | 2009 |
Chopping, Mark Montclair State University |
A Decade of Changes in Aboveground Live Standing Dry Biomass, Canopy Cover, Height, and Understory Density in the Southwestern United States from EOS MISR and MODIS (2008-2014) -- Chopping (TERAQ 2009) | 2008 |
Clare, John Univ. of Wisconsin |
Leaves, Landscapes, and Lambda: Using Remote Sensing to Improve Predictions and Mechanistic Understanding of Spatiotemporal Wildlife Population Dynamics -- Clare (NESSF 2016) | 2016 |
Clark, Matthew (Matt) Sonoma State University |
Spectral and temporal discrimination of vegetation cover across California with simulated HyspIRI imagery -- Clark (HYSPIRI 2011) | 2012 |
Cochrane, Mark University of Maryland |
Filling a Critical Gap in Indonesia's National Carbon Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Capabilities for Supporting REDD+ Activities: Incorporating, Quantifying and Locating Fire Emissions from Within Tropical Peat-swamp Forests -- Cochrane (CMS 2013) | 2013 |
Cochrane, Mark University of Maryland |
Continuation and expansion to a national-scale of the filling a critical gap in Indonesia's national carbon monitoring, reporting, and verification capabilities for supporting REDD+ activities: Incorporating, quantifying and locating fire emissions from within tropical peat-swamp forests project -- Cochrane (CMS 2015) | 2016 |
Cochrane, Mark University of Maryland |
Shifting Fire Regimes of the United States, Australia and the Brazilian Amazonia: The Roles of Climate Change, Land Use, and Mitigation Efforts -- Cochrane (IDS 2009) | 2011 |
Cochrane, Mark University of Maryland |
Quantifying fuel treatment effectiveness over time and its extreme weater conditions -- Cochrane (TE 2013) | 2013 |
Coe, Michael WHRC |
Climate and land use change at the Amazonian agro-frontier: Historical and future effects on the surface energy balance -- Coe (TE 2011) | 2012 |
Coffield, Shane NASA GSFC / UMD |
Improving large fire prediction with implications for decision-making and public health -- Coffield (NESSF 2018) | 2018 |
Cohen, Warren USDA Forest Service |
An Historically Consistent and Broadly Applicable MRV System Based on Lidar Sampling and Landsat Time-series (Tested in the US, and applied to the US NGHGI reporting system) -- Cohen (CMS 2013) | 2013 |
Collatz, George (Jim) NASA GSFC - retired |
Impacts of Disturbance History on Carbon Fluxes and Stocks in North America -- Collatz (NACP 2005) | 2010 |
Cook, Bruce NASA GSFC |
Improving Forest Biomass Mapping Accuracy with Optical-LiDAR Data and Hierarchical Bayesian Spatial Models -- Cook (CMS 2011) | 2012 |
Cook, Bruce NASA GSFC |
Remote Sensing as a Bridge to Operational Forest Carbon Monitoring in Interior Alaska -- Cook (CMS 2015) | 2016 |
Cook (NACP 2005) | A Modeling and Synthesis Thematic Data Center for the North American Carbon Program (MAST-DC) -- Cook (NACP 2005) | 2006 |
Cook, Bruce NASA GSFC |
Fingerprinting Three Decades of Changes in Interior Alaska (1982-2014) Using Field Measurements, Stereo Air Photos, and G-LiHT Data -- Cook (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Crow, Wade USDA ARS HRSL |
Ecological and agricultural productivity forecasting using root-zone soil moisture products derived from the NASA SMAP mission. -- Crow (TE 2009) | 2011 |
Csiszar, Ivan NOAA |
The Active Fire Data Record from NPP VIIRS -- Csiszar (NPP 2010) | 2011 |
Czapla-Myers, Jeffrey University of Arizona |
Support for the calibration and validation of Suomi NPP VIIRS -- Czapla-Myers (SNPP 2013) | 2013 |
Czapla-Myers, Jeffrey University of Arizona |
Validation of Aqua and Terra surface reflectance products using the Radiometric Calibration Test Site (RadCaTS) -- Czapla-Myers (TERAQEA 2013) | 2013 |
Dadap, Nathan Stanford University |
Predicting Fire Risk and Estimating Carbon Emissions in Tropical Peatlands using SMAP Soil Moisture -- Dadap (NESSF 2018) | 2018 |
Dai, Jie Arizona State University |
Mapping and Modeling the Invasion of Mikania Micrantha in Chitwan Community Forests, Nepal: A Coupled Human and Natural Systems Approach -- Dai (NESSF 2017) | 2017 |
Davidson, Eric UMCES Appalacian Lab |
Linking High-Frequency, Automated Measurements of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Soils with Microwave-Based Estimates of Soil Saturation in Agricultural and Forest Landscapes -- Davidson (CARBON 2010) | 2011 |
Davis, Kenneth (Ken) The Pennsylvania State University |
Quantification of the Regional Impact of Terrestrial Processes on the Carbon Cycle Using Atmospheric Inversions -- Davis (CARBON 2013) | 2014 |
Davis, Kenneth (Ken) The Pennsylvania State University |
Regional Atmospheric Inversions to determine Land-Atmosphere Carbon fluxes in the SouthEastern Forests of the United States -- Davis-1 (CARBON 2010) | 2011 |
Davis, Kenneth (Ken) The Pennsylvania State University |
Application of column-CO2 measurements to urban, regional and continental atmospheric inversions -- Davis-2 (CARBON 2010) | 2012 |
DeFries, Ruth Columbia University |
Growing Up Fragmented: Using Hyperspectral Imagery to Improve Estimates of Ecosystem Services from Tropical Reforestation -- DeFries (NESSF 2010) | 2010 |
Denning, Scott Colorado State University |
The Tropical Terrestrial Tipping Point: Drought Stress and Resilience in Moist Tropical Forests -- Denning (CARBON 2013) | 2014 |
Denning, Scott Colorado State University |
Estimation of Regional CO2 Budgets and Biomass by Fusion of LandSat, MODIS, and Atmospheric Observations -- Denning (TE 2009) | 2010 |
Dennison, Philip (Phil) University of Utah |
Improved Trace Gas Plume Detection using Indian and US AVIRIS-NG Data -- Dennison (AVRSNG 2016) | 2017 |
Didan, Kamel The University of Arizona |
Vegetation Indices from the Suomi NPP VIIRS Sensor: Extending the EOS-MODIS VI Science Algorithm and Experience -- Didan (SNPP 2013) | 2013 |
Didan, Kamel The University of Arizona |
Terra and Aqua MODIS Vegetation Index Product Suite: Where to go From Here? Transition Toward Core Production and Readiness for VIIRS era -- Didan (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Didan, Kamel The University of Arizona |
Maintaining the Terra and Aqua MODIS Vegetation Index Product Record -- Didan (TERAQEA 2013) | 2013 |
Dietze, Michael Boston University |
A prototype data assimilation system for the terrestrial carbon cycle to support Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification -- Dietze (CMS 2016) | 2017 |
Drewry, Darren Ohio State University |
Airborne Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Characterize Arctic Boreal Zone Phenology and Productivity -- Drewry (TE 2016) | 2016 |
Dronova, Iryna University of California Berkeley |
Using Remotely Sensed Phenology to Monitor Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Wetlands -- Dronova (NIP 2017) | 2018 |
Dubayah, Ralph University of Maryland |
High Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: A CMS Phase 2 Study -- Dubayah (CMS 2011) | 2012 |
Dubayah, Ralph University of Maryland |
Development of a Prototype MRV System to Support Carbon Ecomarket Infrastructure in Sonoma County -- Dubayah (CMS 2013) | 2013 |
Dubayah, Ralph University of Maryland |
Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) Lidar -- Dubayah (EV 2012) | 2014 |
Dubayah, Ralph University of Maryland |
Exploring the Potential of Single Photon Lidar for Ecosystem Structure Derivation -- Dubayah (TE 2011) | 2012 |
Duren, Riley Carbon Mapper/U. Arizona |
Understanding user needs for carbon monitoring information -- Duren (2013) | 2013 |
Duren, Riley Carbon Mapper/U. Arizona |
Megacities Carbon Project: Assessing the Impact of Policy and Management Decisions on the Los Angeles Urban Dome of CO2 and CH4 -- Duren (CARBON 2013) | 2014 |
Eitel, Jan University of Idaho |
LiDAR, passive spectral, and ecophysiological approaches to link Forest Tundra Ecotone structure and function -- Eitel (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Ellicott, Evan UMD/ Dept. of Geography |
S-NPP/VIIRS Active Fire Algorithm and Data Record Development and Refinement -- Ellicott (SNPP 2013)) | 2013 |
Elmore, Andrew UMCES Appalachian Laboratory |
Assessing the Influence of Local Phenology on the Response of Forest Productivity to Changes in Growing Season Length -- Elmore (TE 2011) | 2012 |
Epstein, Howard (Howie) University of Virginia |
Ecosystem Functional Diversity of the Circumpolar Arctic Tundra -- Epstein (GEO 2016) | 2018 |
Escobar, Vanessa NASA GSFC / SSAI |
Applications of the NASA Carbon Monitoring System: Engagement, Use, and Evaluation -- Escobar (CMS 2013) | 2013 |
Falkowski, Michael (Mike) NASA Headquarters |
Fuel Consumption and Carbon Cycling in Northern Peatland Ecosystems: Understanding Vulnerability to Burning, Fuel Consumption, and Emissions via Remote Sensing of Fuel Moisture and Fire Radiative Energy -- Falkowski (TE 2011) | 2012 |
Farhadi, Leila George Washington University |
Coupled Estimation of Evapotranspiration and Recharge from Remotely Sensed Land Surface Moisture and Temperature -- Farhadi (NIP 2017) | 2018 |
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola) NASA GSFC |
Total Carbon Estimation in African Mangroves and Coastal Wetlands in Preparation for REDD and Blue Carbon Credits -- Fatoyinbo (CMS 2014) | 2014 |
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola) NASA GSFC |
Future Mission Fusion for High Biomass Forest Carbon Accounting -- Fatoyinbo (CMS 2015) | 2016 |
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola) NASA GSFC |
Estimating Total Ecosystem Carbon in Blue Carbon and Tropical Peatland Ecosystems -- Fatoyinbo (CMS 2016) | 2017 |
Fatoyinbo, Temilola (Lola) NASA GSFC |
Hurricane Irma - Rapid Response (HI-RRes) with NASA G-LiHT -- Fatoyinbo (RRNES 2017) | 2017 |
Frankenberg, Christian Caltech |
Evaluating Crop Productivity Using Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measured From Ground and Space -- Frankenberg (CARBON 2016) | 2017 |
Frankenberg, Christian Caltech |
Ecophysiological and physical mechanisms linking solar-induced fluorescence and vegetation reflectance to boreal forest productivity -- Frankenberg (TE 2018) | 2019 |
French, Nancy Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI) |
Impacts and Implications of Increased Fire in Tundra Regions of North America -- French (TE 2009) | 2010 |
Friedl, Mark Boston University |
Towards a Land Cover Climate Data Record from VIIRS -- Friedl (NPP 2010) | 2011 |
Friedl, Mark Boston University |
Using Three Decades of Landsat Data to Characterize Changes and Vulnerability of Temperate and Boreal Forest Phenology to Climate Change -- Friedl (TE 2013) | 2014 |
Friedl, Mark Boston University |
Using MODIS to Monitor Dynamics in Land Cover and Phenology at Seasonal to Decadal Time Scales -- Friedl (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Frolking, Steve University of New Hampshire |
Incorporating a new urban dataset from SeaWinds into a multi-sensor analysis of global daytime and nighttime urban heat islands -- Frolking (TERAQ 2013) | 2013 |
Frost, Gerald (JJ) Alaska Biological Research, Inc.--Environmental Research & Services |
Biophysical drivers and socio-ecological impacts of environmental change in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region, western Alaska -- Frost (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Galantowicz, John AER |
Use of SMAP Seasonal Inundation and Soil Moisture Estimates in the Quantification of Global Biogenic Gas Fluxes -- Galantowicz (TE 2009) | 2010 |
Gamon, John University of Nebraska |
Evaluating growing season length and productivity across the ABoVE Domain using novel satellite indices and a ground sensor network -- Gamon (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Ganguly, Sangram Rhombus Power Inc. |
Reducing Uncertainties in Satellite-Derived Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimates Using a High Resolution Forest Cover Map -- Ganguly (CMS 2014) | 2014 |
Gatebe, Charles NASA GSFC / USRA |
Pilot Study to Demonstrate Tree Height Retrievals from CAR Multiangular/ Multispectral Data -- Gatebe (2012) | 2012 |
Giglio, Louis University of Maryland |
Development of a Suomi NPP VIIRS Global Burned Area Earth System Data Record -- Giglio (SNPP 2013) | 2013 |
Giglio, Louis University of Maryland |
Development of a Suomi-NPP VIIRS Global Burned Area Earth System Data Record -- Giglio (TASNPP 2017) | 2018 |
Giglio, Louis University of Maryland |
MODIS Collection 6 Active Fire Maintenance and Validation -- Giglio (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Giglio, Louis University of Maryland |
MODIS Global Active Fire and Burned Area Product Maintenance and Validation -- Giglio (TERAQEA 2013) | 2013 |
Gleason, Kelly Portland State University |
Forest Fire Effects on Snow Albedo: Improving Remote Sensing of Snow in Burned -- Gleason (NIP 2017) | 2018 |
Glenn, Nancy Boise State University |
Scalable vegetation structure for ecosystem modeling in the western US -- Glenn (TE 2013) | 2014 |
Goetz, Scott Northern Arizona University |
Mapping and modeling attributes of an arctic-boreal biome shift: Resource management implications within the ABoVE domain -- Goetz (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Goncalves, Luis (CPTEC), Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais |
The Data-Model Intercomparison Project for the Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment of the Amazon (LBA-DMIP) -- Goncalves (TE 2008) | 2009 |
Goulden, Michael (Mike) University Of California, Irvine |
Shifting Patterns of Boreal Forest Succession and Browning Over the Last 30 Years -- Goulden (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Goward, Samuel University of Maryland |
US Forest Disturbance History from Landsat -- Goward (CARBON 2010) | 2011 |
Graham, Kelly Florida State University |
Arctic CO2 in a changing climate: constraints on fluxes and transport from remote sensing, in situ measurements, and modeling -- Graham (NESSF 2017) | 2017 |
Greaves, Heather Institute of Arctic Biology |
Multisensor Fusion for Mapping of Low-Stature Arctic Vegetation Communities and Woody Biomass -- Greaves (NESSF 2015) | 2015 |
Green, Robert (Rob) JPL |
Next Generation AVIRIS Airborne Mission Assistance and Collaboration -- Green (2011) | 2011 |
Greenberg, Jonathan University of Nevada |
Reducing Uncertainties in Estimating California's Forest Carbon Stocks -- Greenberg (CMS 2014) | 2014 |
Greenberg, Jonathan University of Nevada |
Three dimensional change detection of aboveground biomass -- Greenberg (CMS 2016) | 2017 |
Grosse, Guido Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research |
Assessing the spatial and temporal dynamics of thermokarst, methane emissions, and related carbon cycling in Siberia and Alaska -- Grosse (CARBON 2007) | 2008 |
Guan, Kaiyu University of Illinois |
Improving the monitoring capability of carbon budget for the US Corn Belt - integrating multi-source satellite data with improved land surface modeling and atmospheric inversion -- Guan (CMS 2016) | 2017 |
Gupta, Pawan USRA |
Characterizing nearly two decades of biomass burning over the Indian Sub-Continent using Satellite, Surface and Model Simulations -- Gupta (TASNPP 2017) | 2018 |
Gurney, Kevin Northern Arizona University |
Extending Top-Down, Bottom-Up Synthesis Research Through an Improved Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions Data Product and the Latest #14CO2 Measurement in the United States -- Gurney (CARBON 2013) | 2014 |
Hagen, Stephen (Steve) Applied Geosolutions |
Operational multi-sensor design for national scale forest carbon monitoring to support REDD+ MRV systems -- Hagen (CMS 2013) | 2013 |
Hall, Forrest Retired |
Multi-Sensor Retrieval of Vegetation 3-D Structure and Biomass using Physically-Based Algorithms -- Hall (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Hanan, Niall New Mexico State University |
Bistability and Feedbacks in Tropical Woodlands and Savannas: Carbon Cycle Implications of Changing Climate and Management -- Hanan (CARBON 2016) | 2017 |
Hanan, Niall New Mexico State University |
Partitioning savanna tree and grass LAI and fPAR from MODIS and VIIRS aggregates: methods, validation and applications. -- Hanan (TE 2012) | 2013 |
Hansen, Matthew (Matt) University of Maryland |
Integrating MODIS, Landsat and GLAS in characterizing forest extent, structure and change -- Hansen (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Hao, Wei Min US Forest Service |
Integrating Historic Patterns of Wildfire, Emissions, and Integrating Historic Patterns of Wildfire, Emissions, and Climate for Siberia as a Basis for Estimating the Impacts of Fire on Carbon Cycling, Quantifying Past Fire/Climate Interactions, and Projec -- Hao (TE 2008) | 2009 |
Healey, Sean USDA Forest Service |
A Global Forest Biomass Inventory Based upon GLAS Lidar Data -- Healey (CMS 2011) | 2012 |
Healey, Sean USDA Forest Service |
Piloting a GEDI-based Forest Carbon Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Tool -- Healey (CMS 2016) | 2017 |
Healey, Sean USDA Forest Service |
Assessing Potential Impacts of Ground Sample Bias in Global CMS Biomass Estimates, Now and in the DESDynI Era -- Healey (CMSSDT 2010) | 2011 |
Holben, Brent NASA GSFC |
CO2 Prototype Measurements using AERONET -- Holben (2014) | 2014 |
Hook, Simon JPL |
Fire Recovery in the Urban-Wildland Interface -- Hook (2014) | 2014 |
Hook, Simon JPL |
In Flight Validation of ASTER and MODIS Mid and Thermal Infrared Data and Products and ASTER Product Refinement for Earth Science -- Hook (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Hook, Simon JPL |
Improving the VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Product for use as an Earth System Data Record -- Hook-1 (NPP 2010) | 2011 |
Hook, Simon JPL |
In Flight Validation of VIIRS Mid and Thermal Infrared Data and Products for Earth Science -- Hook-2 (NPP 2010) | 2011 |
Houborg, Rasmus KAUST |
Routine mapping of land-surface carbon, water and energy fluxes at field to regional scales by fusing multi-scale and multi-sensor imagery -- Houborg (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Houghton, Richard (Skee) Woodwell Climate Research Center |
Spatially Explicit Sources and Sinks of Carbon from Deforestation, Reforestation, Growth and Degradation in the Tropics: Development of a Method and a 10 Year Data Set 2000-2010 -- Houghton (CMS 2011) | 2012 |
Houghton, Richard (Skee) Woodwell Climate Research Center |
Biomass for Carbon Budgeting -- Houghton (CMSSDT 2010) | 2011 |
Huang, Chengquan (Cheng) University of Maryland |
Role of Forest Disturbance and Regrowth in the US Carbon Budget -- Huang (CARBON 2013) | 2014 |
Huang, Kangning Yale University |
Modeling the water requirement for urban heat island mitigation with multi-sensor and multi-temporal remote sensing data. -- Huang (NESSF 2017) | 2017 |
Huang, Chengquan (Cheng) University of Maryland |
Integration of long term Landsat observations with DESDynI measurements for monitoring terrestrial carbon fluxes within and beyond the DESDynI mission -- Huang (TE 2008) | 2009 |
Hudak, Andrew (Andy) USDA Forest Service |
Prototyping A Methodology To Develop Regional-Scale Forest Aboveground Biomass Carbon Maps Predicted From Landsat Time Series, Trained From Field and Lidar Data Collections, And Independently Validated With FIA Data -- Hudak (CMS 2014) | 2014 |
Huemmrich, Karl (Fred) NASA GSFC / UMBC |
Causes and Consequences of Arctic Greening: The Importance of Plant Functional Types -- Huemmrich (TE 2016) | 2016 |
Huemmrich, Karl (Fred) NASA GSFC / UMBC |
Defining a MODIS Light Use Efficiency Product -- Huemmrich (TERAQ 2013) | 2013 |
Huete, Alfredo | Scaling photosynthesis in tropical systems: from forest to savanna, from seasons to extreme events -- Huete (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Huntzinger, Deborah (Debbie) Northern Arizona University |
MsTMIP Phase II: Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project -- Huntzinger (CARBON 2013) | 2014 |
Huntzinger, Deborah (Debbie) Northern Arizona University |
Reduction in Bottom-Up Land Surface CO2 Flux Uncertainty in NASA's Carbon Monitoring System Flux Project through Systematic Multi-Model Evaluation and Infrastructure Development -- Huntzinger (CMS 2011) | 2012 |
Hurtt, George University of Maryland |
High-Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continuing Prototype Development and Deployment -- Hurtt (CMS 2014) | 2014 |
Hurtt, George University of Maryland |
High-Resolution Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment to Regional and National Scales -- Hurtt (CMS 2016) | 2017 |
Hurtt, George University of Maryland |
Modeling the impacts of major forest disturbances on the Earth's coupled carbon-climate system, and the capacity of forests to meet future demands for wood, fuel, and fiber -- Hurtt (IDS 2009) | 2010 |
Hurtt, George University of Maryland |
Using NASA Remote Sensing and Models to Advance Integrated Assessments of Coupled Human-Forest Dynamics for North America -- Hurtt (TE 2009) | 2010 |
Ilangakoon, Ginikanda Boise State University |
Evaluation of Spatial Trends in Biomass and LAI in Heterogeneous Tree-Shrub Ecotones -- Ilangakoon (NESSF 2017) | 2017 |
Iwahana, Go International Arctic Research Center |
Quantification of thermokarst and carbon release in ice-rich permafrost regions -- Iwahana (TE 2016) | 2016 |
Izaurralde, Roberto (Cesar) University of Maryland |
Cropland Carbon Monitoring System (CCMS): A satellite-based system to estimate carbon fluxes on U.S. Croplands -- Izaurralde (CMS 2015) | 2016 |
Jiao, Tong Clark University |
Vegetation Decline and Recovery from the Millennium Drought in Australia: Novel Quantitative Analysis with Multi-Sensor and Higher Resolution Data -- Jiao (NESSF 2017) | 2017 |
Justice, Christopher (Chris) University of Maryland |
Terra-Aqua-SNPP Land Discipline Lead -- Justice (TASNPP 2017) | 2018 |
Justice, Christopher (Chris) University of Maryland |
MODIS Burned Area Maintenance, Improvement and Validation -- Justice (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Kalb, Virginia NASA GSFC |
NASA's Black Marble Standard Product Suite: Algorithm Refinement Efforts -- Kalb (TASNPP 2017) | 2017 |
Kasischke (CMSSDT 2010) | Evaluation of Approaches for Assessing the Impacts of Natural Disturbances on Aboveground Carbon Storage in and Emissions from U.S. Forests - A Carbon Monitoring System Science Definition Team Proposal -- Kasischke (CMSSDT 2010) | 2011 |
Keeling, Ralph UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
Recent trends and physiological constraints on northern extra-tropical ecosystems from atmospheric and satellite data -- Keeling (CARBON 2010) | 2011 |
Keeling, Ralph UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
Detection, Quantification, and Analysis of Changes in Boreal and Arctic Ecosystems Using Measurements and Models of CO2 and Its Isotopes -- Keeling (CARBON 2016) | 2017 |
Keenan, Trevor Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Merging Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches to Partition Carbon and Water Fluxes between the Atmosphere and Biosphere -- Keenan (IDS 2016) | 2017 |
Keller, Michael USDA Forest Service |
A data assimilation approach to quantify uncertainty for estimates of biomass stocks and changes in Amazon forests -- Keller (CMS 2013) | 2013 |
Kellndorfer, Josef Earth Big Data, LLC |
Time Series Fusion of Optical and Radar Imagery for Improved Monitoring of Activity Data, and Uncertainty Analysis of Emission Factors for Estimation of Forest Carbon Flux -- Kellndorfer (CMS 2013) | 2013 |
Kellndorfer, Josef Earth Big Data, LLC |
Mapping Biomass - Past Experiences and Future Directions in Data Fusion and Product Validation -- Kellndorfer (CMSSDT 2010) | 2011 |
Kennedy, Robert Oregon State University |
Integrating and Expanding a Regional Carbon Monitoring System into the NASA CMS -- Kennedy (CMS 2011) | 2012 |
Kennedy, Robert Oregon State University |
Tools to bridge the gap between static CMS maps, models, and stakeholders -- Kennedy (CMS 2015) | 2016 |
Keppel-Aleks, Gretchen University of Michigan |
Developing a Mechanistic Understanding of Variability in the Atmospheric CO2 Growth Rate Owing to Interannual Climate Oscillations -- Keppel-Aleks (IDS 2016) | 2016 |
Kimball, John University of Montana |
Carbon Cycle applications of the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission -- Kimball (TE 2008) | 2009 |
Kimball, John University of Montana |
Satellite data driven model assessment of landscape variability and environmental controls on the Arctic-Boreal carbon budget -- Kimball (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Kimball, John University of Montana |
Analysis and Attribution of Recent Changes in Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange Using MODIS and AMSR-E -- Kimball (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Klosterman, Stephen (Steve) Harvard University |
Improving predictions of terrestrial carbon, water, and energy cycling using novel plant phenology observation and modeling -- Klosterman (NESSF 2013) | 2013 |
Knyazikhin, Yuri Boston University |
Konings, Alexandra Stanford University |
Using Model-Data Fusion to Determine Plant Hydraulic Traits and Transpiration -- Konings (NIP 2017) | 2018 |
Krapu, Christopher Duke University |
Mapping Spatio-Temporal Variability of Prairie Wetlands -- Krapu (NESSF 2017) | 2017 |
Kremers, Kelseyann Notre Dame |
Is Arctic Greening Consistent with the Temperature Sensitivity of Coupled Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles? -- Kremers (NESSF 2015) | 2015 |
Kushnir, Yochanan Columbia University |
Vulnerability of the U.S. Atlantic Coast to hazards associated with extreme winter storms -- Kushnir (IDS 2012) | 2014 |
Lamb, Brian USGS |
Tidal wetland inundation and vegetation phenology from space - A novel approach for characterizing ecological health and carbon exchanges in coastal wetlands -- Lamb (NESSF 2017) | 2017 |
Lan, Xin (Lindsay) NOAA |
Process-Level Investigation of Revised Global Methane Budget Based on In Situ and Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Composition and the Land Surface -- Lan (IDS 2016) | 2017 |
Larsen, Isaac University of Massachusetts |
Quantifying the Magnitude of Agriculturally-Induced Soil Erosion by Integrating Satellite Observations, Airborne Lidar, and Laboratory Data -- Larsen (NIP 2017) | 2018 |
Lavalle, Marco JPL |
Extracting Structural and Temporal Parameters of Forests from Repeat-Pass Pol-InSAR Data -- Lavalle (TE 2012) | 2013 |
Lefsky, Michael Colorado State University |
Estimates of aboveground biomass from lidar and L-band radar in the Amazon Basin -- Lefsky (TE 2008) | 2009 |
Lettenmaier, Dennis University of Washington |
Atmospheric rivers and changing flood risk in the Pacific Coast region of the Western U.S. -- Lettenmaier (IDS 2012) | 2014 |
Levitan, Nathaniel City College of New York |
Improving retrievals of plant canopy variables from remote sensing data -- Levitan (NESSF 2017) | 2017 |
Li, Changsheng University of New Hampshire |
Modeling Impacts of Climate Change on Carbon Dynamics in Northern High Latitude Wetlands -- Li (TE 2008) | 2009 |
Lind, Brianna (Bri) NASA Land Processes DAAC |
Quantifying Ecosystem Effects of Termite Mounds Using Moderate and High Resolution Satellite Imagery -- Lind (NESSF 2017) | 2017 |
Litvak, Marcy University of New Mexico |
Improving the estimation of carbon stocks and fluxes in semi-arid ecosystems of the southwestern US using full-waveform lidar measurements -- Litvak (CARBON 2010) | 2011 |
Liu, Junjie JPL |
Estimating the Impacts of Recent Severe Amazonia Droughts on Forest Carbon Dynamics and Fluxes From Assimilating Satellite Observations in NCAR CESM With Ensemble Kalman Filter -- Liu (CARBON 2013) | 2014 |
Liu, Junjie JPL |
An integrated carbon data assimilation system to advance understanding and predictions of the carbon cycle -- Liu (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Loboda, Tatiana University of Maryland |
The Forest Disturbance Carbon Tracking System -- A CMS Pilot Project -- Loboda (CMS 2011) | 2012 |
Loboda, Tatiana University of Maryland |
Long-Term Multi-Sensor Record of Fire Disturbances in High Northern Latitudes -- Loboda (TE 2012) | 2013 |
Loboda, Tatiana University of Maryland |
Quantifying long-term impacts of single and repeated wildfire burning in North American tundra on organic soil carbon stocks and ecosystem functioning -- Loboda (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Lyapustin, Alexei (Alex) NASA GSFC |
VIIRS Surface Reflectance and Aerosol EDR Assessment and Cal-Val Support -- Lyapustin (NPP 2010) | 2011 |
Lyapustin, Alexei (Alex) NASA GSFC |
Advancing MODIS-VIIRS Climate Data Records with Algorithm MAIAC -- Lyapustin (TASNPP 2017) | 2017 |
Lyapustin, Alexei (Alex) NASA GSFC |
A Comprehensive Operational and Science Evaluation of Algorithm MAIAC for the MODIS Land Processing -- Lyapustin (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Lyapustin, Alexei (Alex) NASA GSFC |
Advancing MODIS Climate Data Records with Algorithm MAIAC -- Lyapustin (TERAQEA 2013) | 2013 |
Mack, Michelle Northern Arizona University |
Increasing fire severity and the loss of legacy carbon from forest and tundra ecosystems of northwestern North America -- Mack (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Malone, Sparkle Yale University |
Optimizing Fire Regimes In Fire Dependent Ecotypes -- Malone (NIP 2017) | 2018 |
Marselis, Suzanne University of Maryland |
Characterizing Tropical Ecotones with GEDI: A Case-Study in Gabon Using Data from the AfriSAR Experiment -- Marselis (NESSF 2017) | 2017 |
Masek, Jeffrey (Jeff) NASA GSFC |
Albedo Trends Related to Land Cover Change and Disturbance: A Multi-sensor Approach -- Masek (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Masuoka, Edward NASA GSFC |
Terra/Aqua Land Algorithm Maintenance Support -- Masuoka (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
McKain, Kathryn NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory |
Arctic Carbon Atmospheric Profiles (ArcticCAP) -- McKain (TE 2016) | 2016 |
Melack, John University of California |
Methane Fluxes from Tropical Aquatic Systems: Integration of Measurements, Hydrological and Biogeochemical Models and Remote Sensing -- Melack (IDS 2016) | 2017 |
Melack, John University of California |
Analysis and Synthesis of Carbon Dynamics on Amazon Floodplains -- Melack (TE 2008) | 2010 |
Meyer, Franz University of Alaska, Fairbanks |
Characterizing methane emission response to the past 60 years of permafrost thaw in thermokarst lakes -- Meyer (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Huntzinger, Deborah (Debbie) Northern Arizona University Michalak, Anna Carnegie Institution for Science |
MsTMIP Phase 1: The North American Carbon Program Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project -- Michalak (TE 2009) | 2010 |
Middleton, Elizabeth (Betsy) NASA GSFC |
Spectral Bio-Indicators of Ecosystem Photosynthetic Efficiency II: Synthesis and Integration -- Middleton (TE 2009) | 2010 |
Miller, Charles (Chip) NASA JPL |
CARVE (Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment) Airborne Observations of Carbon Dynamics in the Vulnerable Arctic-Boreal Ecosystems of Northwestern Canada - CARVE-CAN -- Miller (CARBON 2013) | 2014 |
Miller, David University of California Berkeley |
Using imaging spectroscopy to quantify vegetation condition in urban landscapes during a multi-year drought in California -- Miller (NESSF 2018) | 2018 |
Miller, Charles (Chip) NASA JPL |
Quantifying Methane Emissions in the San Joaquin Valley -- Miller (RRNES 2013) | 2013 |
Miller, Charles (Chip) NASA JPL |
Quantifying CO2 and CH4 Fluxes from Vulnerable Arctic-Boreal Ecosystems Across Spatial and Temporal Scales -- Miller (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Miller, Charles (Chip) NASA JPL |
Imaging Arctic Methane Plumes -- Miller (TE 2016) | 2016 |
Millet, Dylan University of Minnesota |
Closing the Methane Budget for the US Corn Belt and Upper Midwest -- Millet (IDS 2016) | 2017 |
Miura, Tomoaki University of Hawaii |
Evaluation and Validation of NPP VIIRS Vegetation Index EDR for Earth System and Climate Sciences -- Miura (NPP 2010) | 2011 |
Moorcroft, Paul Harvard University |
Linking Terrestrial Biosphere Models with Imaging Spectrometry Measurements of Ecosystem Composition, Structure, and Function -- Moorcroft (HYSPIRI 2011) | 2012 |
Morin, Paul University of Minnesota - Polar Geospatial Center |
High resolution commercial satellite imagery for ABoVE -- Morin (2015) | 2015 |
Morton, Douglas (Doug) NASA GSFC |
A Joint USFS-NASA Pilot Project to Estimate Forest Carbon Stocks in Interior Alaska by Integrating Field, Airborne and Satellite Data -- Morton (CMS 2013) | 2013 |
Morton, Douglas (Doug) NASA GSFC |
Long-Term Carbon Consequences of Amazon Forest Degradation -- Morton (CMS 2014) | 2014 |
Morton, Douglas (Doug) NASA GSFC |
Dynamics of Amazon Forest Disturbance and Recovery from Multi-temporal Airborne LiDAR -- Morton (TE 2011) | 2012 |
Munger, J. (Bill) Harvard University |
Multi-scale data assimilation and model comparison for ABoVE to identify processes controlling CO2 and CH4 exchange and influencing seasonal transitions in Arctic tundra ecosystems -- Munger (CARBON 2016) | 2017 |
Munger, J. (Bill) Harvard University |
Development of a Data-Assimilation Framework for Integrating 25 Years of Surface and Airborne observations to assess patterns of net CO2 Exchange from Arctic Ecosystems -- Munger (TE 2012) | 2013 |
Myneni, Ranga Boston University |
Global LAI/FPAR Earth System Data Records from NPP-VIIRS to Extend the EOS-MODIS Time Series -- Myneni (NPP 2010) | 2011 |
Myneni, Ranga Boston University |
Global LAI-FPAR Earth System Data Records from Suomi VIIRS to Extend the EOS MODIS Time Series -- Myneni (SNPP 2013) | 2013 |
Myneni, Ranga Boston University |
Modest Maintenance of Terra and Aqua MODIS LAI/FPAR Products and Transitioning to Core Production -- Myneni (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Myneni, Ranga Boston University |
Maintenance and Evaluation of Collection 6 Terra and Aqua Modis LAI/FPAR Products -- Myneni (TERAQEA 2013) | 2013 |
Najjar, Raymond (Ray) Pennsylvania State University |
The Carbon Budget of Tidal Wetlands and Estuaries of the Contiguous United States: A Synthesis Approach (WETCARB = Wetland-Estuary Transports and CARbon Budgets) -- Najjar (CARBON 2013) | 2014 |
Neigh, Christopher (Chris) NASA GSFC |
Disturbance, Growth, and Recovery of Boreal Forests Spanning the Satellite Era: 3D Structure, Site Index, and Ecosystem Carbon Flux with Changing Climate -- Neigh (CARBON 2016) | 2017 |
Neigh, Christopher (Chris) NASA GSFC |
Linking Remote Sensing Data and Energy Balance Models for a Scalable Agriculture Insurance System for sub-Saharan Africa -- Neigh (IDS 2012) | 2014 |
Nelson (CARBON 2010) | A Lidar-Radar-Optical Data Fusion Approach for Estimating the Aboveground Carbon Stocks of North American Forests: Means and Uncertainties at Regional to Continental Scales -- Nelson (CARBON 2010) | 2011 |
Nicolsky, Dmitry University of Alaska Fairbanks |
Augmentation of the USArray sites with temperature profilers -- Nicolsky (2016) | 2016 |
Numata, Izaya South Dakota State University |
Assessing vulnerability and responses of forest edges to drought in Amazonia -- Numata (TE 2013) | 2014 |
Oda, Tomohiro (Tom) USRA |
A Fine-Scale Global Fossil Fuel and Biomass Burning Emissions Dataset Using Suomi-NPP/VIIRS Satellite Data -- Oda (CARBON 2013) | 2014 |
Oechel, Walter (Walt) San Diego State University |
Temporal and Spatial Patterns of and Controls on Arctic CO2 and CH4 fluxes in the ABoVE Domain -- Oechel (TE 2014) | 2016 |
Oh, Youmi Purdue University |
High Affinity Methanotrophs are an Important Overlooked Methane Sink in the Pan-Arctic Methane Budget -- Oh (NESSF 2017) | 2017 |
Oliveira, Pedro South Dakota State University |
Integrating airborne LiDAR, Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 data to map Brazilian Amazon Tropical Moist Forest Biome (BATMFB) canopy height -- Oliveira (NESSF 2018) | 2018 |
Ollinger, Scott University of New Hampshire |
Effects of Disturbance and N Deposition on Nitrogen-Albedo Relations in Forests -- Ollinger (TE 2009) | 2011 |
Ollinger, Scott University of New Hampshire |
Exploring Relationships Among Water Use Efficiency, Canopy Nitrogen and Carbon Cycling across North American Ecosystems to Improve Land Surface Models -- Ollinger (TE 2011) | 2012 |
Olofsson, Pontus NASA MSFC |
Tracking carbon emissions and removals by time series analysis of the land surface: prototype application in tropical MRV systems compliant with IPCC Tier 3 -- Olofsson (CMS 2015) | 2016 |
Ott, Lesley NASA GSFC GMAO |
Integrating Remote Sensing Observations with NASA's GEOS-5 Modeling Framework in Support of Retrospective Analyses and Seasonal Prediction of Biosphere-Atmosphere CO2 Flux -- Ott (IDS 2016) | 2017 |
Painter, Thomas Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Integrated Hydrologic Response to Extreme Dust Deposition to the Snow Cover of the Colorado River Basin -- Painter (IDS 2009) | 2010 |
Palace, Michael University of New Hampshire |
Drought-induced vegetation change and fire in Amazonian forests: past, present, and future -- Palace (IDS 2012) | 2014 |
Palm, Eric University of Montana |
From Animal Movement to Ecosystem Services: Scaling-up to Ecosystem-Scale Spatially-Explicit Demographic Models for Caribou -- Palm (NESSF 2017) | 2017 |
Parazoo, Nicholas (Nick) JPL |
Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Soil Moisture Observations to Characterize Terrestrial Vegetation Photosynthesis and Biosphere Carbon Uptake in North America -- Parazoo (IDS 2016) | 2016 |
Pelletier, Jon University of Arizona |
Development of a High-Resolution Global Soil Depth Dataset -- Pelletier (TE 2012) | 2013 |
Popescu, Sorin Texas A&M University |
Using LiDAR to develop a climate-driven model of the disintegration and decay of trees killed during a severe drought -- Popescu (RRNES 2013) | 2014 |
Prugh, Laura University Of Washington |
Assessing Alpine Ecosystem Vulnerability to Environmental Change Using Dall Sheep as an Iconic Indicator Species -- Prugh (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Rahman, Abdullah (Faiz) UTRGV |
Improved Per-Pixel Estimates of Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes across Eastern US Forests -- Rahman (TE 2009) | 2010 |
Ramsey, Elijah USGS |
Assessing Impacts and Monitoring Response of Coastal Wetlands to the Gulf Oil Spill -- Ramsey (TE 2011) | 2012 |
Randerson, James (Jim) University of California, Irvine |
Global Carbon Emissions from Fires: Improving our Understanding of Interactions between Land Use, Fires, and Climate Change -- Randerson (CARBON 2010) | 2011 |
Ranson, Kenneth (Jon) NASA GSFC |
A High-Resolution Circumpolar Delineation of the Forest-Tundra Ecotone With Implications for Carbon Balance -- Ranson (CARBON 2013) | 2014 |
Ranson, Kenneth (Jon) NASA GSFC |
Amount, Spatial Distribution, and Statistical Uncertainty of Aboveground Carbon Stocks in the Circumpolar Boreal Forest -- Ranson (TE 2008) | 2009 |
Ranson, Kenneth (Jon) NASA GSFC |
Multisensor Airborne and Ground Studies of Siberian Arctic Forests -- Ranson (TE 2011) | 2012 |
Rao, Krishna Stanford University |
High Resolution Vegetation Water Content and Tree Mortality Estimation using Synthetic Aperture Radar -- Rao (NESSF 2018) | 2018 |
Rhea, Allison Colorado State University |
Using Landsat Imagery to Monitor the Effects of Landscape Recovery on Nutrient Export in Fire-affected Watersheds -- Rhea (NESSF 2017) | 2017 |
Roberts, Dar UC Santa Barbara |
HyspIRI discrimination of plant species and functional types along a strong environmental-temperature gradient -- Roberts (HYSPIRI 2011) | 2011 |
Rogers, Brendan Woodwell Climate Research Center |
Understanding the Causes and Implications of Enhanced Seasonal CO2 Exchange in Boreal and Arctic Ecosystems -- Rogers (CARBON 2016) | 2017 |
Rogers, Brendan Woodwell Climate Research Center |
Developing a spatially-explicit understanding of fire-climate forcings and their management implications across the ABoVE domain -- Rogers (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Román, Miguel NASA GSFC / USRA |
CARMA: A New Reference Standard for NASA Multi-Angle Remote Sensing -- Roman (NIP 2013) | 2014 |
Running, Steven University of Montana |
Integrating MODIS Primary Production, and Evapotranspiration Datasets to Monitor Carbon and Water Dynamics for Terrestrial Ecosystem. -- Running (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Running, Steven University of Montana |
Providing Continuity for the MODIS Land Gross Primary Production, Net Primary Production and Evapotranspiration Datasets -- Running (TERAQEA 2013) | 2013 |
Saatchi, Sassan Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech |
Impacts of Droughts on Carbon Stocks and Fluxes of Amazonian Forest Ecosystems -- Saatchi (CARBON 2016) | 2017 |
Saatchi, Sassan Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech |
Prototyping MRV Systems Based on Systematic and Spatial Estimates of Carbon Stock and Stock Changes of Forestlands -- Saatchi (CMS 2011) | 2012 |
Saatchi, Sassan Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech |
Annual GHG Inventory and MRV System for the US Forestlands -- Saatchi (CMS 2015) | 2016 |
Saatchi, Sassan Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech |
Detecting Changes of Forest Biomass from Fusion of Radar and Lidar: Developing DESDynl measurement requirements -- Saatchi (TE 2008) | 2009 |
Saatchi, Sassan Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech |
Quantifying Variations of Tropical Forest Structure and Biomass along Altitudinal Gradient -- Saatchi (TE 2011) | 2012 |
Saleska, Scott University of Arizona |
Testing Satellite-based Scaling of Tropical Forest Photosynthesis with a New Network of Cameras and Fluorescence Spectrometers in Amazonia -- Saleska (CARBON 2016) | 2017 |
Saleska, Scott University of Arizona |
Scaling photosynthesis in tropical systems: from forest to savanna, from seasons to extreme events -- Saleska (TERAQ 2010) | 2010 |
Sarabandi, Kamal The University of Michigan |
VEGEX3D: LiDAR-SAR/InSAR Extrapolation and Simulation Models for Retrieving Vegetation 3D Structure and Biomass -- Sarabandi (TE 2008) | 2009 |
Sayers, Michael (Mike) Michigan Tech Research Institute |
New Carbon Monitoring Products for Global Freshwater Lakes using Satellite Remote Sensing Time Series Data -- Sayers (CMS 2016) | 2017 |
Schaaf, Crystal University of Massachusetts Boston |
MODIS Albedo, Nadir Reflectance and Reflectance Anisotropy for Environmental Modeling and Monitoring -- Schaaf (EOS 2006) | 2011 |
Schaaf, Crystal University of Massachusetts Boston |
Albedo and Bidirectional Reflectance Climate Data Records from NPP/VIIRS -- Schaaf (NPP 2010) | 2011 |
Schaaf, Crystal University of Massachusetts Boston |
Suomi NPP VIIRS BRDF/Albedo/NBAR Products to Extend the Long Term Consistent MODIS Standard Data Record -- Schaaf (SNPP 2013) | 2013 |
Schaaf, Crystal University of Massachusetts Boston |
MODIS Albedo, Nadir Reflectance, and Reflectance Anisotropy for Environmental Modeling and Monitoring -- Schaaf (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Schaaf, Crystal University of Massachusetts Boston |
Albedo, Nadir Reflectance, and Reflectance Anisotropy for the MODIS Era -- Schaaf (TERAQEA 2013) | 2013 |
Schaefer, Kevin National Snow and Ice Data Center |
YKD project--Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta: The Impact of Fire on Active Layer Thickness -- Schaefer (RRNES 2015) | 2016 |
Schaefer, Kevin National Snow and Ice Data Center |
Quantifying Uncertainty in the Permafrost Carbon Feedback -- Schaefer (TE 2009) | 2010 |
Schaefer, Kevin National Snow and Ice Data Center |
Remotely-Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) Product Derived from InSAR Data Over North American Arctic Regions -- Schaefer (TE 2012) | 2013 |
Schaefer, Kevin National Snow and Ice Data Center |
The Airborne InSAR and PolSAR Permafrost Dynamics Observatory -- Schaefer (TE 2016) | 2016 |
Schroeder, Wilfrid University of Maryland |
S-NPP/VIIRS Active Fire Product Suite: Bridging EOS and JPSS -- Schroeder (TASNPP 2017) | 2017 |
Schwalm, Christopher Woodwell Climate Research Center |
Using Observations to Assess the Sensitivity of Land-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange to Climate Variability -- Schwalm (TE 2011) | 2012 |
Seablom, Michael NASA Headquarters |
An Advanced Learning Framework for High Dimensional Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data -- Seablom (AIST 2011) | 2012 |
Sedano, Fernando University of Maryland |
Forest degradation driven by charcoal production: characterization, quantification and forecasting to improve carbon monitoring systems in southern Africa -- Sedano (CMS 2016) | 2017 |
Serbin, Shawn NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Assimilation of imaging spectroscopy data to improve the representation of vegetation dynamics in ecosystem models -- Serbin (2014) | 2014 |
Serbin, Shawn NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Assimilation of imaging spectroscopy data to improve the representation of vegetation dynamics in ecosystem models -- Serbin (TE 2013) | 2014 |
Simard, Marc (Mac) Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech |
Delta-X: Enabling Deltas to Thrive in a Century of Rising Seas -- Simard (EVS-3 2017) | 2018 |
Simard, Marc (Mac) Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech |
Estimating Canopy Height using Repeat-Pass Polarimetric Interferometric (PolinSAR) Data from UAVSAR -- Simard (TE 2013) | 2014 |
Siqueira, Paul University of Massachusetts |
A Segmentation Approach for Combining RaDAR Backscater, InSAR and LiDAR Measurements to Determine Vegetation 3D Structure and Biomass from Space -- Siqueira (TE 2008) | 2009 |
Siqueira, Paul University of Massachusetts |
Modeling and Evaluation of Polarimetric SAR and InSAR for Forest Structure Estimation -- Siqueira (TE 2012) | 2013 |
Slesnick, Catherine Draper Laboratory |
Climate Extremes and Landscape Hazards: An Interdisciplinary Study of Change -- Slesnick (IDS 2009) | 2011 |
Smith, Alistair University of Idaho |
Quantifying the characteristics and investigating the biogeoscientific and societal impacts of extreme wildland fires in the United States northern Rockies region -- Smith (IDS 2009) | 2011 |
Smith, Laurence Brown University |
Sensitivity of Arctic-Boreal surface water to permafrost state -- Smith (TE 2016) | 2016 |
Smithwick, Erica Pennsylvania State University |
Influence of Disturbance and Seasonality on Regional Carbon Flux Upscaling -- Smithwick (CARBON 2010) | 2011 |
Spies, Thomas (Tom) USDA Forest Service |
Tradeoffs among carbon and other ecosystem services associated with different forest management practices -- Spies (CARBON 2010) | 2011 |
Stanimirova, Radost Boston University |
Dynamics of Global Rangelands: Modeling Vulnerabilities and Monitoring Impacts from Humans and Climate Change -- Stanimirova (NESSF 2017) | 2017 |
Stehman, Stephen (Steve) State University of New York |
Developing Statistically Rigorous Sampling Design and Analysis Methods to Reduce and Quantify Uncertainties Associated with Carbon Monitoring Systems -- Stehman (CMS 2013) | 2013 |
Stone, Thomas US Geological Survey |
Lunar Calibration for the Next Generation of Earth-Observing Satellite Sensors -- Stone (NPP 2010) | 2011 |
Storey, Emanuel San Diego State University |
Uncoupling fire and drought impacts on chaparral -- Storey (NESSF 2017) | 2017 |
Striegl, Rob USGS |
Vulnerability of inland waters and the aquatic carbon cycle to changing permafrost and climate across boreal northwestern North America -- Striegl (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Subburayalu, Sakthi Kumaran Ohio State University |
Using AVIRIS Imagery to Map Spatial Variability of Soil Carbon Across Diverse Agricultural Management Systems -- Subburayalu (AVRSNG 2016) | 2017 |
Sun, Guoqing NASA GSFC/University of Maryland |
Proposal to be a member of the Science Definition Team for Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) -- Sun (CMSSDT 2010) | 2011 |
Sun, Guoqing NASA GSFC/University of Maryland |
Data Fusion Algorithms for Forest Biomass Mapping From Lidar and SAR Data -- Sun (TE 2008) | 2009 |
Tabatabaeenejad, Alireza The Aerospace Corporation |
Estimation of Belowground Biomass and Permafrost Active Layer Properties Using Radar and Lidar Measurements -- Tabatabaeenejad (TE 2016) | 2016 |
Tadesse, Tsegaye University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Seasonal Prediction of Hydro-Climatic Extremes in the Greater Horn of Africa under Evolving Climate Conditions to Support Adaptation Strategies -- Tadesse (IDS 2012) | 2014 |
Tang, Hao National University of Singapore |
Integrating Space-Borne Lidar Observations to Characterize Vegetation Structure Dynamics Across Tropical Forests -- Tang (NIP 2017) | 2018 |
Thornton, Peter Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Surface Weather Data with Uncertainty Quantification for Terrestrial Ecosystem Process Models -- Thornton (TE 2012) | 2013 |
Townsend, Philip (Phil) University of Wisconsin |
Ecological Spectral Information System (ESIS): Integration of Spectral Data with Measurements of Vegetation Functional Traits -- Townsend (TE 2012) | 2013 |
Townshend, John University of Maryland |
Enhanced Land Cover Products from MODIS: Vegetation Continuous Fields Maintenance and Refinements -- Townshend (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Treuhaft, Robert Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech |
Data Fusion, Error Analysis, and a Global Biomass Product: Proposal for Membership on the Carbon Monitoring System Science Definition Team -- Treuhaft (CMSSDT 2010) | 2011 |
Treuhaft, Robert Jet Propulsion Laboratory / Caltech |
Tropical Moist Forest Structure and Biomass Estimation from Bistatic InSAR at X-band (TanDEM-X), Small- and Large-Spot Lidar, and Field Measurements -- Treuhaft (TE 2011) | 2012 |
Turner, David Oregon State University |
Assessing The Sensitivity Of Net Ecosystem Exchange Over North America To Climate And Disturbance With Prognostic And Diagnostic Models -- Turner (TE 2008) | 2010 |
Turner, David Oregon State University |
Time Series Analysis of Disturbance Impacts on the Pacific Northwest Regional Carbon Balance -- Turner (TE 2011) | 2012 |
Ury, Emily Duke University |
Birds-eye view on canopy stress from saltwater intrusion: integrating drone imagery and satellite remote sensing to aid coastal wetland restoration -- Ury (NESSF 2017) | 2017 |
Ustin, Susan University of California Davis |
Coastal Wetland and Near Shore Ecosystem Impacts from the Gulf of Mexico Horizon BP Oil Spill Monitored by NASA's AVIRIS and MASTER Imagers -- Ustin (TE 2011) | 2012 |
Ustin, Susan University of California Davis |
Near Real Time Science Processing Algorithm for Live Fuel Moisture Content for the MODIS Direct Readout System -- Ustin (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
van Wagtendonk, Elizabeth (Liz) University of Washington |
Determining forest resilience to drought-induced mortality with effects on carbon storage -- van Wagtendonk (NESSF 2018) | 2018 |
Vargas, Rodrigo University of Delaware |
A framework for carbon monitoring and upscaling in forests across Mexico to support implementation of REDD+ -- Vargas (CMS 2013) | 2013 |
Vargas, Rodrigo University of Delaware |
Carbon monitoring systems across Mexico to support implementation of REDD+: maximizing benefits and knowledge -- Vargas (CMS 2016) | 2017 |
Vermote, Eric NASA GSFC |
Development of the VIIRS climate quality surface reflectance product suite -- Vermote (SNPP 2013) | 2013 |
Vermote, Eric NASA GSFC |
Maintenance and refinement of the Suomi NPP VIIRS Land Surface Reflectance product suite -- Vermote (TASNPP 2017) | 2017 |
Vermote, Eric NASA GSFC |
Maintenance and refinement of the MODIS Aqua/Terra surface reflectance product suite -- Vermote (TERAQEA 2013) | 2013 |
Vierling, Lee University of Idaho |
Quantifying Thresholds in Arctic Tundra Vegetation Structure and Ecosystem Function Using LiDAR and Multispectral Remote Sensing -- Vierling (TE 2011) | 2012 |
Walker, Wayne Woodwell Climate Research Center |
Direct Measurement of Aboveground Carbon Dynamics in Support of Large-Area CMS Development -- Walker (CMS 2014) | 2014 |
Walker, Donald (Skip) University of Alaska, Fairbanks |
Recovery and Archiving of Key Arctic Alaska Vegetation Map and Plot Data for Long-Term Vegetation Analyses -- Walker (TE 2012) | 2013 |
Walter Anthony, Katey University of Alaska, Fairbanks |
Characterization of CH4 emissions from high latitude lakes in North America using multi-scale remote sensing -- Walter (CARBON 2010) | 2011 |
Wan, Zhengming Univ. CA, Santa Barbara |
Science Data Analysis Including TIR BRDF Retrieval for Improvements of the MODIS Land-Surface Temperature/Emissivity Products in Long-term Accuracy and Consistency. -- Wan (TERAQ 2009) | 2011 |
Wang, Dongdong University of Maryland |
Improved land products of incident downward shortwave radiation and photosynthetically active radiation from MODIS data -- Wang (TASNPP 2017) | 2018 |
Wang, Dongdong University of Maryland |
Producing incident shortwave radiation and photosynthetically active radiation products over land surfaces from MODIS and multiple geostationary satellite data -- Wang (TERAQ 2013) | 2013 |
Wei, Chenyang State University of New York, Buffalo |
Monitoring, Modeling, and Projecting Global Dynamics in Alpine Treeline Ecotones under Climate Change -- Wei (NESSF 2018) | 2018 |
Wennberg, Paul California Institute of Technology |
Quantifying Changes in the Distribution and Cycling of Carbon With Total Column Measurements of CO2 and CH4 -- Wennberg (CARBON 2013) | 2014 |
West, Tristram (Tris) DOE |
Estimating Global Inventory-Based Net Carbon Exchange from Agricultural Lands for Use in the NASA Flux Pilot Study -- West (CMS 2011) | 2012 |
Wetherley, Erin UCSB |
Using HyspIRI-like Data to Quantify the Effects of Urban Vegetation and Materials on Microclimate at Sub-Pixel Scales -- Wetherley (NESSF 2016) | 2016 |
Wilhelmi, Olga University Corporation for Atmospheric Research |
System for Integrated Modeling of Metropolitan Extreme Heat Risk (SIMMER) -- Wilhelmi (IDS 2009) | 2010 |
Williams, Christopher (Chris) Clark University |
Translating Forest Change to Carbon Emissions/Removals Linking Disturbance Products, Biomass Maps, and Carbon Cycle Modeling in a Comprehensive Carbon Monitoring Framework -- Williams (CMS 2014) | 2014 |
Wimberly, Michael (Mike) University Of Oklahoma, Norman |
TE: Integrating Multi-Sensor Satellite Data for Malaria Early Warning in the Amhara Region of Ethiopia -- Wimberly (NESSF 2010) | 2011 |
Wofsy, Steven (Steve) Harvard University |
Source attribution, emission monitoring and treaty verification by combining remote sensing and suborbital data -- Wofsy (CARBON 2010) | 2011 |
Wofsy, Steven (Steve) Harvard University |
Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Sources for non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases (CH4, CO, N2O) and aerosols over Amazonia -- Wofsy (TE 2008) | 2009 |
Wofsy, Steven (Steve) Harvard University |
Budgets for Carbon Cycle Gases (CO2, CH4, and CO) in the Amazon Basin from Aircraft and Remote Sensing Data -- Wofsy (TE 2009) | 2010 |
Wolfe, Robert NASA GSFC |
VIIRS Geometric Calibration and Validation for NPP Earth System and Climate -- Wolfe (NPP 2010) | 2011 |
Woodcock, Curtis Boston University |
Quantifying the accuracy and uncertainty in remote sensing products of land use change: implications for carbon monitoring -- Woodcock (CMSSDT 2010) | 2011 |
Woodcock, Curtis Boston University |
Landscape-Scale Histories and Active Monitoring of Disturbance, Seasonality and Greenness Trends for ABOVE from Landsat -- Woodcock (TE 2014) | 2015 |
Worden, John JPL |
CH4 Emissions Estimates From Tropical and Subtropical Fires Using Aura TES CH4 and Terra MOPITT CO Profiles -- Worden (CARBON 2013) | 2014 |
Xiao, Jingfeng University of New Hampshire |
Exploring the Interactions Between Carbon Cycling, Land Use and Climate Change Within Mixed Agricultural, Forested, Suburban, and Urban Landscapes -- Xiao (CARBON 2013) | 2014 |
Yu, Xueying University of Minnesota |
Constraining and Projecting Wetland Methane Emissions in the Northern United States -- Yu (NESSF 2018) | 2018 |
Zhang, Xiaoyang South Dakota State University |
Maintenance and Refinement of the Global Land Surface Phenology Product from NPP VIIRS for EOS-MODIS Continuity -- Zhang (TASNPP 2017) | 2017 |
Zhang, Qingyuan NASA GSFC / GESTAR USRA |
Retrieval and Validation of fAPARchl from the MODIS Sensors Onboard TERRA and AQUA:A New Product -- Zhang (TERAQ 2013) | 2013 |
Zhang, Qingyuan NASA GSFC / GESTAR USRA |
Carbon Monitoring and Ecosystem Feedbacks Prediction Using fAPARchl and the Community Land Model (CLM) -- Zhang-Q (TE 2011) | 2012 |
Zhang, Xuesong USDA Agricultural Research Service |
Anticipating Agroecosystem Impacts of and Feedbacks to Climate Change in the Midwest US through Integration of a Coupled Climate-Agroecosystem Model with Satellite Data -- Zhang-X (TE 2011) | 2012 |